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For my titles, a gradient was also used. I had a colour scheme of red white and gold, which is challenging the convention of only using two colours for the front cover. I used red for titles and interesting points, and gold for other related points. This allows viewers to colour associate what parts are titles and what parts are interesting. Colour association is a convention that was followed. I applied a black outline to all my text so that it would stand out from my wall/gradient background, by doing this I challenged conventions. If I did this again I would probably experiment with a solid shadow effect or a different colour scheme, as despite some of the positives of my current style, it is not conventional.

I followed a convention of a gradient for my title, using dark/light red. I also added a black outline to my title, this draws your eye to it, contrasting black and red to make it more interesting. This was also so it could stand out from any background. My font for the title is “Impact” in capital letters, this was used to gain the readers attention with a large bold font. The idea of a font with a eye drawing typeface is generally used on rock or hip hop magazines, for example in kerrang and Vibe. My title is one word, short and easy to remember. This works with the genre.

I used the word “Just” to convince the viewer of a special deal/the magazine being a smaller amount, and ensured that the viewers eyes were drawn to this offer by using opposite colours of black and white for the words “SPECIAL OFFER”. “JUST £1.20” has a shadow effect applied to it. This follows conventions and helps it stand out and seem more 3D in contrast to an outline.

I challenged conventions by using symbols such as stars or a imitation of the recovery logo design to allow viewers to recognise and associate titles. In other magazines, symbols were used but not within text, by keeping mine in the same colour scheme of red white and gold, I have followed conventions. I used the words “the inside story” to make the reader want to look inside and gain interest in the title and information below it.

The informative text that I used under the title follows conventions as other magazines have also done so, but challenges conventions by spreading across the entire length of the title, and being placed both above and below the title. This makes the entire title more interesting. The word “exclusive” is used to make the reader want to look inside, as the information in the magazine has not been seen before, and no other magazine will have it.

For the backgrounds, I originally had a simple radial gradient as the background, but I chose to make it seem more interesting by using a transparent wall background effect. If I did this again I would probably just use a gradient to make it seem more conventional, despite my liking for this effect. I could of also used a higher contrast to make the background more interesting or “street”.

It is a convention that people on the main title have their background removed, I was consistent with this convention and also kept the shadow from the photograph, similar to the magazine in the bottom right featuring EMINEM. Both images have been edited to appear more bright/clean using Photoshop, and I followed this convention with my image.

My contents title is consistent with my other titles and features a red to dark red gradient, this combined with the black outline allows it to stand out. It is consistent with current contents titles and features a convention of contrasting colours in titles.

Titles use contrasting colours as a convention, usually black/white. I used this in the form of a black outline, which challenges conventions but still follows the same concept.

I increased the contrast for my main picture, this is a convention to make the main model more interesting, and another convention that was followed regarding my model was that he takes up a large amount of the page. I challenged conventions by making my contents information take up a large part of the page.

For my headline I continued with the gradient text black outline scheme that I was using on my front cover. It is large, and with the bottom area it takes up are large part of the top of the page, which is conventional for a title. I challenged conventions by using the interviewees name as the title, and placing a quotation below it; rather than using just a quotation.

A small set of information before jumping into the article is placed here, this lets them know what the article is about and follows a convention as seen in the kerrang and the Q magazine. The word “Exclusive” is used to gain interest, and a quick summary is used instead of some separate information to what is in the article.

Smaller and contrasting colours are used for the text, I used the contrasting colours of black and white for body text, and black and red for the titles. This is also used in the article here, except instead of a title the first letter is emboldened using colour. I challenged conventions by including questions as bold and interesting rather then keeping them the same colour as other information.