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My advertisement looks like a convincing media product because it has most of the generic conventions of a media product e.g. slogan, brand name, product name and an image. I have also challenged the conventions by… My knowledge of generic conventions is also clear when looking at my advertisement because I have all the generic conventions to make it look like an actual product in the business market.

My media product has represented women as sexy and confident. This is realistic because if I was to see it on a bus I would think it is realistic and it would probably draw my attention. Representation is an important issue because if a product does not look realistic people will just think it’s just a cartoon or a joke, the representation of a product is the most important part of an advertisement because people only want things that look or make them look good. If a product doesn’t look good then it’s not going to be successful.

My target audience for my media products would be older teenagers between the age of 14-18 years with a cute and strong personality. Overall I feel my target audience will be attracted to my products because it is bold and it stands out. I have appealed to them by using a very catching slogan and a colour that appeals to my specific audience. My slogan is influenced by Maslow’s theory about the needs of specific people the need I am trying fulfil is the need for affiliation.

The feature I am most pleased with is my second finished advert I like it a lot I think that is successful because I planned it properly I took my time on the planning so when it came to the final advert I didn’t struggle because I knew I would have a back up plan .I am really proud that I was able to finish early and still have a good advert without rushing and having a rubbish one. However, if I could do this again, I would choose a more sophisticated product I am happy with my product but I found it quite easy .With more time I would like to have an TV advert made If I was to change something I would change my pictures I like them but I think it would have been better if I had my own pictures that I have taken I would also like to change the fact that I used picnic instead of Photoshop I only used Photoshop once I would like to develop my Photoshop, photography, make up and lighting skills.

This project has taught me a lot of new things. Over the last few months I have learnt different skills on Photoshop, We also learnt how to do radial and written analyses, Maslow’s theory, He discussed audience's needs which helps us to identify the purpose behind adverts, how to plan in detail, to consider camera angles and shots and also how to use TAP when analysing adverts – tap (text, audience, purpose).