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Page 1: Evaltuation Questions: 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?


Page 2: Evaltuation Questions: 2

2Brand Identity: Creating Bamford

Demographic viewers: Working class male and female 15-25 year olds. I wanted the demographic to be represented in the soap trailer but also their stereotyped class clearly spotted in seconds of seeing the poster. As all the characters are adolescent I decided the show would be aired of E4, a channel known for its controversial soaps aimed at our target audience

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To make sure both the poster and soap opera clearly showed what channel the soap opera would be on I used the E4 style guide to find out which font, colour, position and how sizing of the logo and text are used by the actual channel. This is E4’s brand identity which is widely known and easily identified by our target audience.

Brand Identity: Creating Bamford 2

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2Soap magazine conventions


Large masthead, top left hand side of page

Price in star bubble, bold font.

Very basic colour scheme for background and masthead.

Characters referred to by first name

Anchoring subheading

Barcode “England”

Large capitalised clear font- easy to read

Cover stars are looking out at reader to engage them.

Bold colourful borders around extra features.

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2Soap magazine conventions- our magazine


Large masthead, top left hand side of page

Price in clear bold font

Very basic colour scheme for background and masthead.

Characters referred to by first name

Anchoring subheading


Large capitalised clear font- easy to read

Cover stars are looking out at reader to engage them.

Bold colourful borders around extra features.


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2Brand Identity: Creating Bamford

To attract the adolescent audience we continued the idea of E4’s sticker logo onto the magazine. We did this by giving feature pictures contrasting blue borders to the red background.

We copied the pictures of the two main characters from the poster onto the magazine, so that both can be recognised from each other as well as the costume’s being the same as those worn in the trailer.

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2Representing demographic and stereotypes

Dyed Pink hair, clearly represents a stereotypical teenage ‘Scene’, usually seen with brightly dyed hair, pale skin and dark eye makeup.

Hair is styled and make-up clearly being worn. Female characters look like they have made an effort to look good. This relates to the female demographic who want to look a certain way and feel there best usually caused by media production of celebrities.

Different genders are represented. The teenager characters are around the same age as the target audience.

Storylines are based on social themes. Using other soap features appeals to a wider audience.

For the male character costumes, we kept them in the hoodies worn in the soap trailer so that they could be easily recognised from the trailer but also recognised for their stereotypes. The adolescent audience would be able to relate the hoodie wearers as being often seen as badly behaved “youths”

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We wanted to represent social themes that may effect our soap’s demographic. We also wanted to bring up issues that may not effect them directly but had a wider effect of Britain.

Social themes: Pregnancy, drugs, teenage marriage, alcohol, fights, gossip

The airing time of our soap is relevant to the target audience as it is late on a school/college night showing it is not suitable for a younger audience

The slogan ‘where everybody knows your name...’ represents both the close friendships in the soap but also the gossiping by the characters.

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2Our target audience collage and social themes

Social media websites

Music festivals



Films and Media production


Drugs Pregnancy




Page 10: Evaltuation Questions: 2

Representing a region 2

I used the name of a working class pub in Stockport for my soap opera name to create a regional representation. Audiences in the area would know it is set in Stockport/Manchester.

The Eastenders opening credits create a strong brand identity because of the easily recognisable buildings- 02 arena and the Thames river, which we relate to Eastenders.The soap also gets its name from its setting in East London, which is also immediately recognised in the opening sequence.