Download - European Structural Funds 2014-2020 Social Enterprise Workshop 24 th June 2013.

Page 1: European Structural Funds 2014-2020 Social Enterprise Workshop 24 th June 2013.

European Structural Funds 2014-2020

Social Enterprise Workshop

24th June 2013

Page 2: European Structural Funds 2014-2020 Social Enterprise Workshop 24 th June 2013.

The North East LEP

• Private-led Board (incl business, councils, HE and FE but wider partnership)

• Northumberland, Tyneside, Wearside and County Durham

• Recently completed Adonis Review providing baseline and aspirations

• Key activities – Enterprise Zone, North East Investment Fund, City Skills Action Plan/City Deals

Page 3: European Structural Funds 2014-2020 Social Enterprise Workshop 24 th June 2013.

The North East LEP economy

• 2m population• £32bn GVA• Strong mix of sectors –

advanced manufacturing/automotive, offshore, energy, biomedical and pharma, creative/digital and some and professional services

• Significant catch-up to 2008• Challenge of more and

better jobs, productivity and inclusion

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What have we been asked to do?

• To prepare European Structural and Investment Fund Strategy for 2014-2020 – 1st version due Sept 2013

• Emphasis on alignment of funds to achieve jobs creation and poverty reduction across partnership

• Respond to Europe 2020 agenda and UK Govt. Industrial Strategy

• One element of wider LEP Growth Plan work• Wider remit for LEPs/Seen as a test case for localism

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NELEP approach

Page 6: European Structural Funds 2014-2020 Social Enterprise Workshop 24 th June 2013.

NELEP & EU2020 priorities

• Europe 2020 sets out 11 objectives with 7 emphasised for UK

• NELEP – initial work suggests focus on:– Innovation, R&D– Access to Finance/SME

support– Low Carbon growth– Skills and education – Poverty reduction and


Page 7: European Structural Funds 2014-2020 Social Enterprise Workshop 24 th June 2013.

Getting involved

• Strategy in development and seeking input • Use of different mechanisms – Finance, CLLD, Social

Innovation. • Social Enterprise key in these but challenges?

• Today – do priorities sound appropriate? Your view of potential role of social enterprise?

• Development - NESEP on vision and objective task and finish group – direct joint influence

• Ongoing engagement - to Sept and beyond• Contact – [email protected]• More information -