Download - Europe on the Internet A selection of useful websites for information on the European Union and the wider Europe Ian Thomson Director, Cardiff EDC Cardiff.

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Europe on the Internet A selection of useful websites for information on the European Union and the wider Europe Ian Thomson Director, Cardiff EDC Cardiff University College of Europe: Natolin Library Information Seminar 24 September 2011 Slide 2 College of Europe Natolin Library Information Seminar, 24 September 2011 Contents Searching for European information Legislative, judicial and policy-making information Keeping up to date Information on EU policies and countries Grants and loans Statistics Contact information Terminological and linguistic information Useful websites and other sources for European information Slide 3 College of Europe Natolin Library Information Seminar, 24 September 2011 Searching for European information Searching for European information The EUs own search engine to find information from EU Institutions & Agencies published on EUROPA, the EUs portal [EUROPA Search does not find information in EUR-Lex] The European Journalism Centre set up this Search Europa service, which uses the superior power of Google to search the EUROPA portal [Includes results from EUR-Lex] ECLAS is a major bibliographic index to help you find EU publications, academics books, journal articles, etc, on topics of interest to the EU [Hyperlinks to full text of sources if freely available] You can search on EU Bookshop to buy printed copies or freely download electronic copies of EU publications [Not all older publications are available electronically. Does not include EU documents] EUR-Lex is the official source of EU legislative information Search for EU documents Slide 4 College of Europe Natolin Library Information Seminar, 24 September 2011 Searching for European information Searching for European information The Registers of Documents from the European Parliament, Council of the European Union and the European Commission + the Comitology Register can be used to find much unpublished EU information not accessible via EUROPAEuropean Parliament Council of the European UnionEuropean CommissionComitology Register Much older EU documentation is still not available electronically from the EU itself. Try these electronic repositories from external organisations as an alternative source of older material: 1.ArchiDokArchiDok 2.Archive of European IntegrationArchive of European Integration 3. European NavigatorEuropean Navigator Google is obviously a further tool to use to find information from and about the EU and European information generally. However, do not assume that ALL such information can be found via Google. NB: Google Scholar restricts search to more academic materialGoogle Scholar Archive Repositories Search ESO for EU documentation, websites, academic books & journal articles, stakeholder information sources, news sources etc [Subscription service; Emphasis on English sources + a unique set of 100 Information guides to policies, institutions & countries] Slide 5 College of Europe Natolin Library Information Seminar, 24 September 2011 Legislative Acts Primary legislation The Treaties Secondary legislation Regulations [European law] Directives [European framework law] Non-Legislative Acts European regulations European decisions Recommendations Opinions The European Union Legislative acts Further information Slide 6 College of Europe Natolin Library Information Seminar, 24 September 2011 The European Union: Judicial Decisions The Courts European Court of Justice (C cases) General Court [formerly ECFI] (T cases) Civil Service Tribunal (F cases) Judicial acts Judgments Opinions Orders The European Union Judicial Decisions Slide 7 College of Europe Natolin Library Information Seminar, 24 September 2011 Official Journal [1952-] Official Journal COM Docs [1989-] COM Docs SEC Docs [1999-] SEC Docs Directory of Community Legislation Directory of Community Legislation Directory of Community Legislation in preparation Directory of Community Legislation in preparation Simple search Simple search LexAlert LexAlert Eurovoc Eurovoc Consolidated Legislation Consolidated Legislation Legislative information Citizens Summaries: The Commission has started issuing Citizens Summaries of major legislative proposals [for example: DG SANCO]DG SANCO EUR-Lex is the official source of EU legislative information Electronic versions of older documents gradually being added Summaries of EU Legislation can also be useful Slide 8 College of Europe Natolin Library Information Seminar, 24 September 2011 European Court of Justice: Case law CURIA: Search page Numerical Access CURIASearch pageNumerical Access ECJ Press Releases ECJ Press Releases Diary Diary EUR-LEX: Search and BrowseSearchBrowse Summaries of important judgements Summaries of important judgements Judicial information ECJ caselaw can be found via EUR-Lex or the ECJ website CURIA Slide 9 College of Europe Natolin Library Information Seminar, 24 September 2011 Offers links to related pages in IPEX and PreLex [example] and Summaries of key stagesexample Offers visual timeline + multiple hyperlinks to further key sources of information Two databases to help you follow the progress of EU legislative proposals and other initiatives [PreLex and OEIL offer some similar features but also some differences] Policy-tracking: Monitoring EU legislative proposals and other initiatives Slide 10 College of Europe Natolin Library Information Seminar, 24 September 2011 Council of the European Union [Example] Council of the European UnionExample European Parliament European Commission Comitology Committees [Old Register] / [List of Committees]Old RegisterList of Committees Policy-tracking: Registers of Documents Despite failings, the various EU Registers of Documents can help you find EU documents not accessible elsewhere, especially draft documents and working party / committee papers Slide 11 College of Europe Natolin Library Information Seminar, 24 September 2011 Policy-tracking : European Commission Slide 12 College of Europe Natolin Library Information Seminar, 24 September 2011 Policy-tracking : European Commission Use this website to follow the key activities of the European Commission Five year Strategic Programme [not issued for the 2009-2014 period but see Pres. Barrosos Political Guidelines + Update 2011]Political GuidelinesUpdate 2011 Annual Policy Strategy [seems to be discontinued: last issued in 2009 for 2010] Legislative and Work Programme [2011]2011 Weekly Commission Meeting [Agenda & Minutes]AgendaMinutes Detailed day-by-day planning of Commission activities [2011]2011 Websites of Commission Directorates General & ServicesWebsites Management plans of DGs [Annual Management Plans /Annual Management Plans Annual Activity Reports / Synthesis Report]Annual Activity ReportsSynthesis Report HearingsHearings of Commissioners 2010 Slide 13 College of Europe Natolin Library Information Seminar, 24 September 2011 Policy-tracking: The EU Budget Use this website to find information on the EU Budget The Budget Explained Multiannual Financial Framework [2007-13 / 2014-20]Multiannual Financial Framework2007-132014-20 Information on the 2011 Budget [ Summary ]Information on the 2011 BudgetSummary Information on the 2012 Budget Texts of proposed and adopted EU Budget are also available on ECA carries out the audit of the EUs Finances Annual Reports Special Reports Slide 14 College of Europe Natolin Library Information Seminar, 24 September 2011 Homepage Homepage of the President of the European Council Homepage of the President of the European Council Press Releases Policy-tracking: European Council Slide 15 College of Europe Natolin Library Information Seminar, 24 September 2011 Trio Presidency Programmes 18 month Programme of the Polish, Danish and Cypriot Presidencies, July 2011 December 2012 18 month Programme of the Polish, Danish and Cypriot Presidencies, July 2011 December 2012 [Trio concept / Trio of Presidencies]Trio conceptTrio of Presidencies Presidency Programmes and Websites Poland: EU Presidency, July-December 2011 Poland: EU Presidency, July-December 2011 Work Programme Work Programme Previous EU Presidency websites Presidency Conclusions Presidency Conclusions Conclusions of all previous EU Presidencies, 1975- Policy-tracking: EU Presidency Slide 16 College of Europe Natolin Library Information Seminar, 24 September 2011 Council operates at two levels Ministerial / National Officials meeting at Working Party level Ministerial Meetings of the Council at Ministerial level Meetings of the Council at Ministerial level Web-streaming of Council events and meetings Web-streaming of Council events and meetings Agenda of future Council meetings: July-December 2011 Agenda of future Council meetings: July-December 2011 National Officials meeting at Working Party level List of Council preparatory bodies List of Council preparatory bodies Agendas / Reports to meetings AgendasReports to meetings Policy-tracking: Council of the European Union Slide 17 College of Europe Natolin Library Information Seminar, 24 September 2011 High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy European External Action Service (EEAS) Policy-tracking: High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Slide 18 College of Europe Natolin Library Information Seminar, 24 September 2011 Activities of the European Parliament Activities of the European Parliament Latest information Latest information Debates Debates Listen to debates, April 2006- EP Live EuroparlTV Minutes Minutes Texts adopted Texts adopted Committees Committees Policy-tracking: European Parliament Slide 19 College of Europe Natolin Library Information Seminar, 24 September 2011 Keeping up-to-date: Official EU sources: Web sources The entry point for the European Commissions news and media services EU News website gathers the key news from the European Union Institutions, with links to the original sources. You can search by topic for the latest or archive information The main database for EU Press Releases, Speeches & other news type sources Midday ExpressMidday Express / Top News / LatestTop NewsLatest Use this website to search for details of future and past events in all the EU Institutions Find all EU RSS feeds Slide 20 College of Europe Natolin Library Information Seminar, 24 September 2011 Europe by satellite (EbS) Europarl tv EP Live Council Live TV Newsroom European Central Bank Keeping up-to-date: Official EU sources: TV / Webstreaming Slide 21 College of Europe Natolin Library Information Seminar, 24 September 2011 General Report on the Activities of the European Union General Report on the Activities of the European Union EUROPA: Whats New Keeping up-to-date: Official EU sources Slide 22 College of Europe Natolin Library Information Seminar, 24 September 2011 Keeping up-to-date: EU sources Keeping up-to-date: Europe Media Monitor Slide 23 College of Europe Natolin Library Information Seminar, 24 September 2011 Web-based news sources EUObserver EUObserver EurActiv EurActiv The Parliament.COM / EUBusiness The Parliament.COMEUBusiness Newspapers PressEurop PressEurop EUFeeds EUFeeds Financial Times: European stories Financial Times: European stories European broadcasters (EBU) European broadcasters Euronews Euronews European News from: BBC / DW / France24BBCDWFrance24 European radio network: EuranetEuranet EUX.TV EUX.TV Keeping up-to-date Non-Official Sources Slide 24 College of Europe Natolin Library Information Seminar, 24 September 2011 Keeping up-to-date: Selection of news sources All offering European news in English Slide 25 College of Europe Natolin Library Information Seminar, 24 September 2011 Keeping up-to-date: Social media: Blogs Blog Aggregators bring together a selection of Europe focused blogs A sample of blogs offering a range of insights on Europe Slide 26 College of Europe Natolin Library Information Seminar, 24 September 2011 The increasing role of new media Web 2.0: Twitter Who are the key players in the EU-twittersphere? TweetLevelTweetLevel evaluates tweets Many EU Institutions, officials, MEPs, Stakeholders and news sources are using Twitter although some question its valuevalue Keeping up-to-date: Social media: Twitter Tweet Aggregators: attempts to bring together EU tweets Slide 27 College of Europe Natolin Library Information Seminar, 24 September 2011 The increasing role of new media Web 2.0: Facebook Facebook is also being used by the European Union Institutions (and by other European stakeholders) Keeping up-to-date: Social media: Facebook Slide 28 College of Europe Natolin Library Information Seminar, 24 September 2011 The increasing role of new media Web 2.0: Facebook Flickr is also being used by the European Union Institutions (and by other European stakeholders) Keeping up-to-date: Social media: Flickr Slide 29 College of Europe Natolin Library Information Seminar, 24 September 2011 EUROPA: European Union: Policies European Parliament: FactsheetsFactsheets EUROPA: European countries European Commission: Directorates-General A-Z Index of European Union websites Your Europe Citizens European Sources Online: Information guides Policies Policies Countries Countries Information on European Union policies and countries Slide 30 College of Europe Natolin Library Information Seminar, 24 September 2011 Information on European Statistics Eurostat Useful statistical information at a European level can also be found from DG Energy and Transport, Eurobarometer, ECHO, UN:ECE, OECD, WHO Global Health Observatory and the UNs InfoNation websiteEnergyTransport EurobarometerECHOUN:ECEOECDWHO Global Health Observatory InfoNation Information on European Statistics Slide 31 College of Europe Natolin Library Information Seminar, 24 September 2011 Information on EU grants and loans ESO Information Guide Funding Slide 32 College of Europe Natolin Library Information Seminar, 24 September 2011 Beneficiaries of EU funds EU grants & loans managed by the EU Institutions EU grants & loans managed by the Member States Information on beneficiaries of EU grants and loans Slide 33 College of Europe Natolin Library Information Seminar, 24 September 2011 Contacting the EU EU Institutions EU Agencies Contact the European Union Contact the European Union EU: WhoisWho Commission Directory Contacting the EU Slide 34 College of Europe Natolin Library Information Seminar, 24 September 2011 Contacting the EU Contact MEPs Contacting the EU Slide 35 College of Europe Natolin Library Information Seminar, 24 September 2011 Contacting the EU Information sources: Whom to contact Information sources: Whom to contact Europe Direct The EU in your country The EU in your country Contacting the EU Slide 36 College of Europe Natolin Library Information Seminar, 24 September 2011 Contacting the EU Details of the people / representatives appointed to Expert Groups to advise the European Commission Find details of organisations that seek to influence (lobby) the EU Currently, the Register is a voluntary requirement. Transparency Register is new in 2011 and will combine the functions of the old European Commission Register of Interest Representatives and European Parliament Register of Lobbyists Slide 37 College of Europe Natolin Library Information Seminar, 24 September 2011 Terminological information Aids for translators IATE: Interinstitutional terminology database IATE: Interinstitutional terminology database Glossary of terms Eurojargon Acronyms and abbreviations Google Translate Altavista Translation with SYSTRANS Terminological information Slide 38 College of Europe Natolin Library Information Seminar, 24 September 2011 For further information and help Visit the library of the College of Europe at Natolin and ask the staff Contact Ian Thomson Cardiff EDC, Information Services, Cardiff University, PO Box 430, Cardiff, CF24 ODE, Wales Tel: +44 (0)29 2087 4262 Email: [email protected] Thank you for your attention For further information and help