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Executive Summary

Imagine a time, when you know that there is a printed circuit board invented which when implanted in your body can work as a second brain and can store terabytes of information relating to all the courses in the semester and suddenly you realize that you do not need your neighbour anymore but can sit in the exam alone to write your paper or a pair of smart spectacleswith a brain scannerincorporated in it which when wore by any jealous wife can read the brain of her husband,and gets to knowwhat is going on inside the mind of that person. Will these inventions not make life simpler and easier, with no complications?

The above inventions may sound a figment of imagination or part of a sci-fi movie, but these things are soon turning into reality with the starting of the Internet of things age.Internet of things is not another of a nerdy person’s phrase but it is a virtual world in which everyone and everything is a human , yes , by human means a man ,a machine, a mobile , device or a system communicating with each other ,with an intelligence of itsown , provided by either a god or a man-god. This internet of things is like a fifth wave in IT, which is rapidly turning into a huge storm of data, affecting every dimension of the human life personally and professionally.

The staggering effect of this wave is getting felt in fields of communication in almost every sector such as healthcare, education, manufacturing, construction, operations, retail, utilities, etc.The internet of things has not just made the work in these sectors easier but has also increased the level of productivity. Technically, the science behind this is , the objects are personified or rather identified by giving an IP address. They can “think “ ,“talk” and “feel” each other .They are communicated amongst each other using protocols and various wireless frequencies such as RFID, GSM ,NFC Wi-Fi , ZigBee ,etc. Infact, the gap between this man-made and the real world is not bridged by a single technology but a set of different devices,hardware, communication models and wireless technological developments,etc.

Today the internet of things has extended to every house, office,and building or device, whether it is the electronic meter in your homes or the security alarm circuits in your office. A smart watch on your wrist or kitchen appliances at your home .Google glass, water monitors, near field communication are some of the examples of IOT .IOT can be metaphorised as sugar, which when dissolved in water cannot be seen though it can be tasted. Similarly, the devices connected through IOT is participating in most of the activities in our life, though it is not visible significantly to the common man. Most of them are not even aware of this concept.

Though this concept is rapidly revolutionizing the society, still it is facing challenges and resistance from the society .Resistance is felt mainly on the grounds of trespassing the privacy . How it will feel when you go inside your room and you have no knowledge if your innocuous looking coffee maker or the blow dryer is having hidden spambots in it . Apart

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from privacy issues, the next major thing of concern is security. Its like data data everywhere and anyone can drink or rather use it. Data written on hardcopies can be destroyed, but once if it is injected in the virtual world a person can retrieve it even after a century. So it can pose security threats to the companies who wish to keep their work confidential.

In India, internet of things is growing at a fast pace. Companies such as LG and Samsung are working to produce many smart accessories and wearable devices. Gear-2 a smart match by Samsung has a mega-pixel camera, a heart rate sensor and also a remote control for the devices that can be controlled for example the Television. But still in India the internet of things is not as prominent as in other developed countries. We still lag behind, but with the maturity of the information technologies we are covering up at a remarkable rate. Soon India will also enter fully in this ubiquitous electronic era.


“In a few decades time, computers will be interwoven into almost every industrial product.”

This statement was delivered by Mr Karl Steinbuch, German Computer Science pioneer. It was given in the year 1966, even before the age of internet or mobile networking came into inception, At that time it could have been taken as crazy words of a geek ,but this is what that is embracing day to day objects in the form of Internet of Things and turning them into “Smart” objects .

The concept of Internet Of things was first put forward by Mr Mark Weiser in the year 1990. Later on it was zealously realized by Auto ID Centre at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The baptism of this concept was done by Mr Kevin Aston, who was the co-founder & former head of MIT in the year 2002. He named this ubiquitous phenomenon as The Internet of Things. This is not an entirely new concept , its forefathers such as the electronic meter, washing machines , gym exercising equipment have been haunting the society since the 19th century .

The basic principle behind the paradigm of The Internet of Things is emb=bedding of wide array of devices or objects with printed circuit boards , sensors, electronic components . Then with the use of communication modules,wireless technologies such as Zigbee, Wi-Fi , Bluetooth, RFID , etc they are networked with the neighbouring devices and can made to “think”,”feel” and “talk” to each other , thus producing an ubiquitous network of individuals , which can be humans, machines , mobiles or any object . The Internet of things can be Man to Machine or Machine to Mobile. Previously in the field of electronics and telecommunications the connectivity was only with respect to anytime connectivity and

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anyplace connectivity . Now a third axis has also been appended in the networking era ,i.e., anything connectivity.

This concept can be viewed from three dimensions . They are- Things, Semantics and Internet. If we look from the perspective of things – The IOT is a group of objects which have a unique indentity and can be interwoven into a common fabric . This perspective is mainly drawn because of the underlying Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology used .

Developments in RFID has led to the manufacturing of low cost electronic componenets, chips and sensors making it the most desirable technology to be used in IOT . Providing indentity is just a part of the whole process . In this the devices can communicate and interact with each other without external human help and work in convergence with other deivces to fulfil common goals which are usually in the welfare of the human society . This perspective of things has led to the European Commision to give the following definition –

“Things having identities and virtual personalities operating in smart spaces using intelligent interfaces to connect and communicate within social, environmental and user contexts.”

IOT from the dimension of things concentrate only on the objects woven in a common infrastructure, if looked upon from the perspective of internet , then the main focus of networking through IP which serves all the need for setting up a proper communication between the devices . It is networked approach only through IP .

Internet of things from the semantics point of view is “ a worldwide network of interconnected objects uniquely addressable based on standard communication protocols“. This definition is made by keeping in mind that in future billions of deivces and objects will be using internet ,the number of deivces and objects involved will be more than humans

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who will be in small quzntities and will be mainly only at the receiving end of the network using the traffic of data which will be circulating in the whole circuit all the time . So if the number of users will increase , whether deivces or humans , the size of the network will increase in future .

This means lots of deivces will be connecting to the network . The escalation in the IOT scenario will increase the demand of data storage devices and other external resources. Under such situations semantic approach will provide a qualitatively better technologies than the traditional based approaches .

Technologies that make IOT

How this wonderful paradigm works? How can passive objects become individuals and start communicating like real ? These must be the obvious questions that comes in the mind of the reader after sincerely reading the whole paper.

But this is not a work of a single device or technology. Internet of things uses a variety of wireless technologies, communication modules and electronic devices to bridge this gap between the real and the electronic world . The technology at the forefront is the RFID also called as Radio Frequency Identification. RFID is a very simple technology which uses radio waves to find or trace the location of an object, which has a chip , also called RFID tag incorporated in it . This tag gives an address to the device or the object , it also gives a unique identity to the object , also called UID, Unique Identification . The objects can be anything, yes, persons and animals too. These intelligent bar codes (chips) can communicate

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with any network with the help of protocols. This does not mean that IOT is RFID centric. This is a part of it , to give the object individuality . the second thing of importance is to give sensibility to our devices , that is done through sensors. Sensors accumulate information from the surroundings, record and read it . Then use it as per the instructions.

RFID ,Near field Communication technology (NFC), Wireless Sensor Actuator Network (WSAN) (network of autonomous sensors which provide information according to requirement )provides are the atoms which are required in the network . But it is not necessary to use all the technologies simultaneously, it is according to the demand the subset of these capabilities can be are used .Through communication models basically of four layers , the devices are communicated .

The communication can also take place via smartphones.

Applications of Internet of Things –



Cross traffic assist –This is BAS Plus technology . This aims at reducing rear-end collisions and major accidents due to it .The system installed in it keeps checking of any dangerous situations , if it detects any , it prompts the driver to apply brakes immediately .

ECO Display –This technology by which is used by Mercedes- Benz , analyses the driving style of the person behind the wheels and then by a bar chart provides feedback , in addition give tips on ways to reduce fuel consumption and increase the efficiency .

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Steering assistance – This feature in Mercedes ensures that the car is at a safe distance away from the front car on road . It also monitors the longitudinal and lateral movements of the car .


IDrive – This feature of BMW controls different functions in the car such as navigation , communication , information , etc. It is having a screen display and a controller which controls through biometrics and voice commands .

Integrated Navigation System –This system has sensors which monitors driving wheels and steering angle .this system can navigate even when the GPS signals are weak .Thus, is a very reliable system . In car the function works in synch with one another ,e.g , if you are listening to music , the volume automatically lowers if a navigation signal has to be announced . It is a combination of navigation , office and multimedia functions .


Advance machine learning – This technology in car senses charging locations , such as home or office and while driving when the car is near these locations , it automatically maximises the us of electric-driving mode in the car , thus saving fuel .

Rapid data authentication- This is the technology which may be expected in the next ford car. It is under research, this technology provides vehicle to vehicle conversation, not of the drivers but of the cars, using advanced Wi-Fi to exchange information quickly, thus helps in avoiding accidents .

Toyota Lexus

Smart-phone integration-This feature connects with a smartphone device and the mobile applications can be accessed in-vehicle. Theapplications , most of it , can be voice controlled .

Driver attention monitor- This feature in the car detects automatically when the driver is asleep or is looking somewhere else . And warns the driver when any object comes in front of the car .

Tyre pressure monitors –These continuously monitors the pressure of the tyres and if the pressure falls below the safety level or the recommended, it warns the driver .

Advanced safety research vehicle –It is a technology which will come in future Lexus cars . This uses radar sensors and laser scanners to collect 3-D data in all directions. The onboardcomputers will access this data and also collect data from the car’s engines and wheels .then with it , it will make sense of the surroundings of the car and operate the controls of the car . This feature will provide autonomous drive to the car , but still the driver will be needed .

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Others –

SmartGlass Golden-I –It a smart wearable computer,which is a headset computer . It performs all the functions of a computer, through voice commands and head movements .Its very similar to google glass . This smart device can understand more then 38 languages .And is useful in the field of medical,firefighting,construction,etc.This is an alternative to google glass.

SmartDust- This is not actual dust,which acts smart. But this is based on the concept that if RFID particles are reduced to nanoparticles , they will be of the size of dust . This dust can be spread anywhere and from that location can collect real-time data from the surroundings. This data can be of any type even track a person or record his movements. These type of dust forms an atom of a genius system or a smart grid .

SpeedPass- It is a 1.5 inches long deivce which can be tagged on your key chain , which is used in gas- stations and stores. The principle behind this a radio frequency reader is located in gasoline station transponders and convenience store terminals ,every time you fill gasoline or purchase something from the stores the amount get deducted from the debit or credit card which is in synch with the speed pass .

You do not have to wait at the petrol punp for bills . Just tag this speed pass on your car or hang it on your key ring . The time you pass the transponder , amount gets deducted. This works on radio frequencies .Mobil, Exxon and Mcdonalds use Speedpass.

NutriSmart-It is a very smart way of knowing the nutritional value of your food , how many kilometres it had travelled before it reached you . How many days stale the food is , so that no vegetable vendor can fool you with his talks about fresh stock available . This also gives report of allergies that can be caused due to the food . Also how many calories intake will be there .The entire story of the supply chain can be traced behind the food.

Contactless Transaction – This type of payments are done with smartcards and keyfobs , also by smartphones. In this a radio frequency identification tag is connected to the smart card and that is directly linked to the credit or debit card . If the smart card or keyfob is waved in front of the point of contact , it deducts the purchase amount . Thus, the payment is contactless .

Apple Medical device – This device is being researched by the Apple company . The device has sensors in it , which checks the flow of blood in the veins and arteries . If any type of clogging is there or any disturbance that can lead to heart attack is there , it warns the wearer immediately .

Smart watch –The companies such as Sony, Samsung, Apple and Pebble have invented smart watches. Pebble is made by Pebble technology, Apple IWatch by Apple , Gear-2 by Samsung and Sony Smart Watch . The smart watch is not just about time-keeping but also

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performs a other functions such as camera, GPS navigation , gaming . They can also act as measuring devices such as thermometer, altimeter and barometer . In short this is equivalent to a PDA (personal digital assistance).

Google Glass–This is a wearable computer , which has Android functions in it . This uses voice command and touch pads . They look like eye-glasses . These glasses have a lot of functions such as recording videos and taking snaps . They also show videos . Text messages and e-mails can be checked via voice command .Live video sharing can show on the spot events or scenes to any one you wish to show . Through voice command a person can google up any information .

Retail – In retail industry, for demand forcasting , radio frequency tags are incorporated in the products . Every time a user lifts the product to see, the information is recorded. This way marketers can find the most checked products by the customers.

Smart Gardens, Bitponics – This system is a smart gardening system, which measures the water level , light . humidity ,ph level of soil in the garden . The sensors automatically turn on and off the hose pipes , if the garden needs water. It uses Wi-Fi network , combination of sensors , RFID technology to monitor and maintain the garden .

Objectives And Methodology of Empirical Research-


The objective of the research is –

To know the awareness of internet of things amongst the people of India. The penetration of internet of things and smart technologies in India. To study the gap between the present IOT devices and the devices which would be

used in future in the country.

Methodology of empirical Research –

First of all an exploratory research was done in secondary data, by studying various papers, journals and articles publishes in magazines and on websites. This was followed by the primary research. The primary research was based on a survey , in which a questionnaire was used as an instrument . The questionnaire was designed such as to find the awareness of internet of things amongst people . The level of the popularity of smart technologies in the country .Finally the future prospects that the internet of things has in India. This questionnaire was send through e-mails and on social media websites . It was also floated amongst the students of the IMT, college. In all 60 responses were collected.

The questions collected in the questionnaire were –

1. Are you aware with the concept of internet of things?2. Do you use a smart devices ?

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3. How has your usage of smart devices changed over the last 5 yrs ?4. Have you used or come across the below devices in your personal or professional life

GPS devices in car Security alarms circuit Water monitors (monitor usage of water in homes) Biometrics technology in daily life Dishwashers in houses Automated Washing machines IBeacon NFC (Near field communication) Google glass

5.What is your perception about the following technologies?

Driverless cars Smart refrigerators A smart home

6. You interact more with your friends , relatives and family members living far off places through?

7. How much of your time in a day you spend on mobile applications?

8.How often you communicate through technologies? e.g voice command, Bluetooth, GSM,GPRS etc

With the help of the following graphs the answers were evaluated in the questionnaire.