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Ethiopian Food and Drug Authority

Guideline for Registration and Import Permit of

Medical Device Accessories and Spare Parts

First Edition

July 2021

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................................... i

ACRONYMS ................................................................................................................................................... ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................................................................. iii

OVERALL SUMMARY OF THIS GUIDELINE .................................................................................................... iv

1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 1

2 SCOPE .................................................................................................................................................... 2

3 PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................................... 2

4 DEFINITIONS .......................................................................................................................................... 2

5 GENERAL PRINCIPLES ............................................................................................................................ 2



7.1 Application for Marketing Authorization Certificate .................................................................... 5

7.1.1 Administrative requirements ................................................................................................ 5

7.1.2 Technical requirements of Accessories and Spare parts ...................................................... 6

7.2 Application for Import Permit of unregistered Accessories and Spare Parts ............................... 8


DO NOT NEED EFDA’S APPROVAL ................................................................................................................. 9

9 REFERENCE .......................................................................................................................................... 10

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EFDA Ethiopian Food and Drugs Administration

ISO International Standards Organization

USB Universal Serial Bus

eRIS Electronic Regulatory Information System

NGO Non-governmental Organization

MA Market Authorization

GMP Good Manufacturing Practice

CE European Conformity

USFDA U.S. Food and Drug Administration

CAPA Corrective Action and Preventive Action

EU European Union

NB Notified Body

SUD Single Use Device

TGA Therapeutic Goods Administration – Australia

IRB Institutional Review Board

IMDRF International Medical Device Regulators Forum

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Ethiopian Food and Drug Authority is very grateful to those who have participated directly or

indirectly in preparing this Guideline.

The Authority would like to express its special thanks and appreciation to the following experts

who have dedicated their time, energy and resource to contribute to develop this Guideline from

its drafting until its approval.

Keneni Benti (MSc in Biomedical Engineering), Medical Device Registration Dossier

Assessor at EFDA

Selamawit Asfaw (Chief Biomedical Engineer), Medical Device Registration Dossier

Assessor at EFDA

Solomon Shiferaw (Senior Pharmacist), Technical Advisor, EFDA

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Items type: Accessories and Spare parts

Regulation scope: Marketing Authorization certificate issuance and Import permit

Establishments to be given permission: Importers of parent devices, importers of these items,

maintenance centers, manufacturers, healthcare facilities, NGOs, etc.

Importation of unregistered Accessories and Components by:

Medical device importer of the same parent device from the manufacturer other than parent

device manufacturer.

Accessories and components importer from the manufacturer other than parent device


Healthcare facilities importation permit from the manufacturer other than parent device


Medical Equipment Maintenance center importation permits from the manufacturer other

than parent device manufacturer.

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The Food and Medicine Administration Proclamation (Proclamation No. 1112/2019) states that

medical devices shall be registered and granted marketing authorization before being made

available for public use. The registration process requires assessment of quality, safety and

performance of the medical device. Furthermore, the rigor of regulatory assessment of medical

device shall be commensurate with the device type, nature, and potential risk to human health.

Medical device refers to an instrument, apparatus, implement, medical equipment, machine,

contrivance, implant, in vitro reagent, or other similar or related article, including any component,

part or accessory, that is:-

a) recognized in a pharmacopoeia or any supplement to it;

b) intended for use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions, or in the cure, mitigation,

treatment, or prevention of disease, in human being or;

c) intended to affect the structure or any function of the body of a human being and which

does not achieve any of its principal intended purposes through chemical action within the

body of a human being and is not dependent upon being metabolized for the achievement

of any of its principal intended purposes.

All articles, including accessories, that meet the definition of “medical device” above are regulated

under article 2(22) of the Authority’s Proclamation No: 1112/2019.

Through this guideline, EFDA would like to give clear guidance for applicants to submit relevant

supporting documents for registration and importation permit of medical device accessories and

spare parts. In addition, this guideline explains the type of devices that are considered as an

“accessory” and “spare part” and describes the processes to allow requests and pathways for

issuance of marketing authorization certificate and one time import permit of these accessories and

spare parts as per the requirements set in this guideline.

This information is expected to provide a greater level of transparency with regards to the

regulatory requirements of accessories and spare parts and will aid the Authority’s staff and

industry in assuring that the medical devices are subject to the appropriate level of regulatory

oversight by EFDA.

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This guideline is applicable for marketing authorization and one time importation permit of

medical device accessories and spare parts which are to be imported or locally manufactured.

This guideline is not applicable for accessories that are registered as a part of the parent medical



The purpose of this guideline is to provide guidance for applicant on marketing authorization

registration and import permit medical devices accessories and spare parts.


Accessory: - A finished device that is intended to support, supplement, and/or augment the

performance of one or more parent devices. Accessories are designed specifically for a device, and

may include consumables, parts, add-ons, and other components for use in conjunction with, or

for upgrade, replacement and repair of parts of a medical device.

Component: - Any raw material, substance, piece, part, software, firmware, labeling, or assembly

which is intended to be included as part of the finished, packaged, and labeled device.

Spare part:- Is a part for replacement of existing components of a device, the conformity of which

has already been established.

Finished Device: - Any device or accessory to any device that is suitable for use or capable of

functioning, whether or not it is packaged, labeled, or sterilized.

Parent Device: - A finished device whose performance is supported, supplemented, and/or

augmented by one or more accessories.


Accessories or Components (parts) which are together with the parent devices during the device’s

premarket registration application can be applied as a “system” together with the parent devices.

EFDA has a guideline on ‘how to group medical device and its accessories and components for

registration application purpose as a “system” so as to make one application’.

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EFDA intends to determine the risk of accessories and spare parts and the regulatory controls

necessary to provide a reasonable assurance of their safety and effectiveness according to their

intended use.

Because accessories are intended to be used with and to support, supplement, and/or augment one

or more parent devices and spare parts intended to replace component(s) of a parent device, EFDA

intends to determine the risks of accessories and spare parts when used, as intended, with the parent

device type.

Determining the risks of accessories and spare parts according to their use with parent devices

does not mean that all risks of a parent device are imputed to the accessory or spare part; the risk

profile of an accessory or spare part can differ significantly from that of the parent device,

warranting differences in regulatory classification. In determining the classification of an

accessory or spare part, EFDA intends to evaluate the risks imposed by the accessory’s or spare

part’s impact on the parent device and any unique risks of the accessory independent of its parent


As with the classification of any other device, the types of regulatory controls necessary to control

these risks of the use of the accessory and spare part with the parent device will determine the

regulatory control for accessories and spare parts.

Accessories and spare parts need to be given independent risk- and regulatory control-based

classification to that of the parent devices. These accessories and spare parts class can be the

same or lower than that of the device(s) with which they are intended to be used.



The accessory and spare parts classification process begins with the analysis of whether the article

under consideration is an accessory or spare part or not. Following identification of the item as

accessory or spare part or neither of them, this particular item’s impact on the parent device’s

safety and performance should be assessed. This is because the registration (marketing

authorization) and importation permit requirements depend on the significance of the effects that

can be caused by the requested accessory or spare part on the parent device’s safety and

performance. Hence, the manufacturers of the accessories and spare parts are responsible to

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determine the risk level of their accessories and spare parts depending on the items impact on the

parent medical device’s intended use.

The Item type



Spare part Accessory Does not fulfil the definition of

accessory or spare part

Registration certificate



permit request Follow section 7.1

of this guideline

Follow section 7.2

of this guideline

Figure 1: Flowchart for accessory and spare part identification and dossier requirements

Does not need EFDA’s Approval

(Refer to section 8).

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There are a number of scenarios to submit and get approval for the request of importation permit

or issuance of market authorization certificate for medical device accessories and spare parts.

These approaches are divided based on the following concepts:-

Application submission for issuance of marketing authorization certificate of Medical

device accessories or spare parts by an establishment (importer or registrant) who is

engaged in the business of medical device and/or medical device accessories and spare

parts importation and/or registration.

Application submission of request for importation permit of unregistered Medical device

accessories and spare parts by healthcare facilities, NGOs, Government agencies, licensed

medical device installation and maintenance centers.

7.1 Application for Marketing Authorization Certificate

Establishments licensed by EFDA and engaged in Registration and/or importation of medical

devices and/or their accessories and spare parts are expected to submit all required applicable

documents described under section 7 of this guideline for registering their products. The applicants

should get the login details of the Authority’s online registration platform from an authorized

person to request for issuance of marketing authorization certificate. No person or company can

apply for the marketing authorization certificate before being licensed by the Authority to register

and/or import such products.

7.1.1 Administrative requirements

The applicant shall fill the application form online in the eRIS information system

Cover letter: The license holder/marketing authorization holder should provide an original

cover letter (with the company’s original stamp and an authorized person’s signature from

the company) describing that the applicant (local agent) mentioned on the letter is the one

authorized to submit the application for registration of the medical device accessories or

spare parts described on the letter. The content and format should be as per the template

in Annex III of General Guidelines for Medical device Marketing Authorization by only

replacing device’s name by accessory’s or spare part’s name.

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An agency agreement made between the manufacturer of the medical device accessories

or spare parts and the agent responsible for the registration and/or import, distribution, and

sale of the product in Ethiopia.

Copy of market authorization certificate of the parent medical device or if the parent

medical device is not registered, evidence that the parent device are available for use in

health facility(ies) of Ethiopia.

Free sale certificate (as applicable). The free sale certificate issued by the competent

national regulatory authority, which indicates the name(s) of the medical device

accessories (with model if applicable) and explains whether the accessories are freely sold

in the country of origin should be provided; if not, the reasons thereof should be clearly

stated with appropriate justification.

Declaration of conformity

Quality management system confirmatory statement such as CE or ISO certificate

(applicable if the manufacture of accessary is not registered previously)

Evidence of payment for registration as indicated in the fee service regulation of the


Applicants who need to import medical device accessories and spare parts shall be

consistent with the recent Medicine and Medical device import, export and wholesale

directive of the Authority

7.1.2 Technical requirements of Accessories and Spare parts

In order to streamline the submission and evaluation of the safety and effectiveness of accessory

or spare part, applicant should provide the following technical information:

a) Clear and detail description of the accessory or spare part and its intended use when used

with the parent device(s).

b) Device Information and Summary:

A description of the relevant parent device(s);

Identification of parent product(s) to which the accessory or spare part is compatible,

including model number of parent device, connector type, etc.;

A description of the ability for the spare part or accessory to be compatible with a

specific parent device, multiple parent devices, or a class of devices;

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A description of the technical characteristics of the accessory or spare part, which

ensure compatibility with a specific parent device, multiple parent devices, or a class

of devices;

A description of how the accessory supports, supplements and/or augments the

performance of the parent device.

c) Classification summary and recommendation:

The accessory should be classified as per the guidelines for medical device

classification of the Authority.

The classification summary should include a rationale for why the accessory or spare

part does not fit within any identified classification for the parent device(s);

d) An identification of the risks to health presented by the accessory or spare part and

proposed mitigation measures;

e) Summary of the safety and performance data supporting the registration of the accessory

or spare part:

Reference to all reasonably known relevant data and information, including new

information, about the accessory or spare part in combination with the parent


f) Labeling for the accessory and spare part with adequate instructions for use with the parent

device(s): The labeling information should include

Name of the accessory or spare part, model/serial number, name and address of

manufacturer and manufacturing site,

Include labeling instructions to address compatibility of the new accessory device

and the parent device(s), including any relevant performance data to support


Include relevant technical characteristics of the accessory,

If the accessory is sterile, such information should be reflected in the labeling


If the accessory is single use only, such information should be reflected in the labeling


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7.2 Application for Import Permit of unregistered Accessories and Spare


Establishments such as healthcare facilities, NGOs, government agencies, licensed medical device

installation and maintenance centers can request the Authority for importation permit of medical

device accessories or spare parts.

Import permit application requirements:-

Filling all necessary and applicable product’s information (of the accessory and spare part)

required on eRIS.

Dated and signed cover letter by the requesting establishment.

Appropriate Proforma Invoice

Marketing Authorization certificate or Import permit approval certificate issued for the

parent device by EFDA. (Other means of verifying the parent device’s approval by EFDA

is also acceptable).

Marketing Authorization certificate or free sale certificate or relevant ISO standard

conformance certificate for the requested accessories and spare parts. (Optional).

Declaration of conformity by the manufacturer of the accessory or spare part under



No medical device accessories or spare parts shall enter in to the country without prior

permission of the Authority.

If the medical device accessories and spare parts are to be supplied by donation, applicant

shall follow the recent relevant document(s) of the Authority to understand the applicable


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An article meets one or more of the following criteria’s may not be considered as a medical device

accessory or spare part. Applicants of such products should not make any request to the authority

for their registration or importation.

1. An Item that does not fulfil the definition of medical device accessory or spare part.

2. If a replacement part or component which can be purchased off-the shelf. Example:

Batteries, USB cables and printers, which can be purchased from off-the shelf and not

fall in medical device definition.

A mobile phone that is used as a general platform for applications that include mobile

medical applications that are medical devices, or an off-the-shelf computer monitor

used to display medical data would not be considered accessories unless they are

intended for use with such devices by the labeling and promotional materials.

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1. Definition of Medical Device, Medical Device Guidance Document, Ref. No.

MDA/GD/0006, 1stEdition, Medical Device Authority, Ministry of Health, Malaysia,

March 2014.

2. Medical Device Accessories-Describing Accessories and Classification Pathways,

Guidance for Industry, USFDA, December 2017.

3. Guideline for Registration of Medical devices, 3rd Edition, Food and Drug Authority of

Ethiopia, September 2014.