Download - Ethics & character

Page 1: Ethics & character

ETHICS & CHARACTER Learn what ethnics and character are. What ethnical decisions are

and how to make them.By: Kaitlyn Campbell

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What are Ethics?

Ethics are a set of moral principles or values.

Ethics tell you what to do when people are looking and when no one is looking.

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What is character?

Character is a moral or ethical value. You develop your character throughout

your entire life.

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What is a Ethnical Decision?

A ethical decision is making a decision based on your ethical values.

You always should use your ethics to make any decision.

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Sometimes Its Easy To Tell What’s Right and Wrong!

Would you?o Steal from a friend?o Cheat on a final exam?o Spray graffiti on a building?o Vandalize school property?

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Sometimes The Decision Is More Complicated!

Would you? Tell a friends secret to another friend if the

first friend lies to you? Buy your favorite brand of shoes if you figured

out they use child labor? Lie to protect a friend who vandalized school


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Figuring Out Your Ethical Standards

They Could Be Based On Religion: “Not one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother what

he desires for himself” Islam “Wound not others, do no one injury by thought or deed, utter no

word to pain thy fellow creatures” Hinduism “Do not do to others what you would not like yourself”

Confucianism “If you do not wish to be mistreated by others, do not mistreat

anyone yourself” Zoroastrianism “We obtain salvation by loving our fellow man and God” Sikhism “Having made oneself the example, one should neither slay nor

cause to slay. . . . As I am, so are other beings; thus let one not strike another, nor get another struck. That is the meaning" Buddhism

“Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself" (Leviticus 19:18, Judaism “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to

you, for this sums up the Law and the Phrophets.” Christianity

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Figuring Out Your Ethical Standards Continued-

They could be based on: Whatever does the most good & least harm. Whatever treats everyone equal and fair. Whatever is best for the community. Whatever is consistent with your character.

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How To Make An Ethical Decision

Here’s some tests to choose what to do: Role-Model Test- Would your role model make

the same decision? Gut-Feeling Test- What do you feel in your gut

about it? Media Test- How would this look on the front of

a newspaper or on tv? Legal Test- Is it legal?

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Character & Ethics

Your character affects your ethical values. You can’t have good ethics without

having good character.