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ALL TUTORIALS INCLUDED ARE LISTED BELOW. Includes: Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4, Week 5, Week 6, Week 7, Week 8, Week 9

with Final Capstone and Final Project = A+++ Work!

ETH/125 Week 1

Sociology of Race & Defining Your Own Culture

CheckPoint: The Sociology Race and Ethnicity Match race and ethnicity key terms with their correct descriptions. Copy each key term from the Key Terms list below. Paste each key term into the cell to the right of its matching description.

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Key Terms: Minority group, Conflict perspective, Ethnic group, Gender group, Sociology, Racism, Class, Social construction of race, Stereotype, Racial group, Segregation, Subordinate group, Assimilation, Religious minority group, Pluralism Assignment: Define Your Own Culture Instructions: Respond to the following questions fully.

1. When some asks you, “what is your own culture” – how do you respond? Do you share characteristics associated with nationality, ethnicity, race, religion, gender, age group, or other category of cultural diversity?

2. Reflecting on the cultural group that you identify most with, what would be the five things you would want someone to know? How are these things reflected in you – as a person, your actions, values, etc?

3. Identify three cultural groups you currently interact with on a day-to-day basis. 4. List three concerns you have in interacting with these groups and identify the

values associated with these concerns. 5. Reflecting over the assignments, what are three things that helped form your

opinions? How does your culture influence your opinions?

ETH/125 Week 2

Implicit Association Test plus DQ#1,#2, #3

CheckPoint: Implicit Association Test Complete the Harvard-Hosted Implicit Association Test (IAT) using the following instructions. The test should take about 10 minutes to complete.

• Navigate to the Project Implicit® home page at and click Demonstration.

• At the IAT home page, click on the Go to the Demonstration Tests link. • At the Measure Your Attitudes page, find and click on the I wish to proceed link. • You will be prompted to select a test. Take one of the following IAT tests:

o Race IAT o Arab-Muslim IAT o Native IAT o Asian IAT

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o Skin-tone IAT

Submit as an attachment a 300- to 500-word summary that answers all of the following questions: What was the result of your IAT? Do you think that the test produced valid results in your case? In your opinion, is it difficult to accurately measure prejudice? Why or why not? Describe other measurements sociologists utilize to calculate prejudice. Week 2 Discussion Questions:

1. What is the difference between race and ethnicity? Can you have two different ethnicities but both are members of the same race? Provide an example. Do you believe the labels provided these ethnicity and/or races accurately reflect a person’s heritage? Why or Why not?

2. What differentiates the act of grouping people from the act of stereotyping? How can stereotyping affect group relations? Provide an example of a stereotype you find in your everyday life. Comment on the experiences of your classmates. Are the experiences the same or different from yours, and how?

3. Reflecting over your experiences in viewing the videos, what were your feelings, experiences, or observations? What can one learn from viewing these videos? How will you use this information as you move forward?

ETH/125 Week 3

Ethnic Groups and Discrimination

Quiz Questions 1. Which term is used to describe a group that is set apart from others primarily because

of its national origin or distinctive cultural patterns? 2. The concept of race is 3. Exaggerated generalizations about the characteristics of members of a group that

do not recognize individual differences within the group are known as 4. Assimilation tends to take longer under which of the following conditions? 5. The process by which an individual gives up his or her own cultural tradition to

become part of a different culture is known as

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6. Ethnocentrism is 7. Prejudice is 8. The president of a bank refuses to hire the most qualified candidate for a key

management position because he is Jewish. This is an example of 9. Scapegoating 10. Stereotypes are generalizations about all members of a group that 11. When people are faced with facts that contradict stereotypes they hold, they are

most likely to 12. Studies document that increased formal education, regardless of content, is

associated with: 13. Racial profiling is 14. Which of the following is an example of institutional discrimination? 15. The inability of women to move laterally within a company is known as 16. What is reverse discrimination? 17. Fear or hatred of strangers is 18. Under the provisions of the national origins system, who among the following would

find it easiest to legally enter the United States? 19. The monies that immigrants return to their country of origin are called 20. Refugee status is often granted to people fleeing from

Assignment: Ethnic Groups and Discrimination - Native American Indians Select an ethnic group in which you are interested in learning more about. Write a 700- to 1,050-word essay in which you answer the following questions: Conduct research to determine if the group colonized or if it immigrated to the United States. Did the group face prejudice, segregation, racism, or any combination of the three? If so, how and why? Include your research findings in your essay. You may search through chapters of the text as part of your research. Identify and describe two of following forms of discrimination that your chosen group experienced:

• Dual labor market • Environmental justice issues • Affirmative action • Redlining • Double jeopardy • Institutional discrimination • Reverse discrimination • Glass ceiling, glass walls, or glass escalator

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ETH/125 Week 4

African American Groups

Quiz Questions 1. Blacks often experience inadequate schooling because of 2. Black progress in higher education has been inhibited by 3. African Americans are 4. According to __________, “class has become more important than race in determining black life- chances in the modern world.” 5. In his research, William Julius Wilson found compelling evidence that young Blacks 6. Redlining is the practice in which financial lenders designate 7. Research has established that 8. The number of Black doctors is declining due to 9. Which of the following describes a strength of the Black family, according to Robert Hill? 10. Which of the following statements is true about Arabs and Muslims? 11. The large majority of Muslims in America are 12. Orientalism refers to 13. There are large percentages of Muslim Americans who are 14. Muslim Americans form their identity by bringing together their 15. One of the challenges facing Muslims living in the U.S. is the 16. The history of Black American Islam began in the 17. Which of the following accurately describes what is remembered about Malcolm X? 18. The USA Patriot Act passed in October 2001 19. ______ was highly critical of the civil rights movement in general and of Martin Luther King Jr., in particular. 20. The first Africans in colonial America were indentured servants whose children were 21. Among the factors contributing to the loss of African cultures by the slaves in America was that 22. The legal ending of slavery was referred to as the 23. The Emancipation Proclamation 24. In Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), the Supreme Court 25. W. E. B. DuBois advocated the leadership of Blacks to be spearheaded by the 26. In the 1954 Brown case, the Supreme Court outlawed segregation 27. When Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a public bus to a White man, she 28. Martin Luther King, Jr. advocated

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29. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s approach included all of the following EXCEPT 30. All of the following are true according to the Afrocentric perspective EXCEPT Discussion Question

1. Many can agree that the Civil Rights has moved race relations forward in a positive manner but there is still a lot to go. Viewing the video, The Economic and Social Impact of “A Day Without Immigrants” what are three things the civil rights leaders of today need to address?

ETH/125 - Week 5

Orientalism and Prejudice

Quiz Questions 1. Cities and towns, usually found in non-slave states, which did not permit Blacks were called _ ________________. 2. In the politics introduced and defined by Malcolm X, _______________ refers to self-determination through group solidarity. 3. What change to the U.S. Constitution was introduced by the Thirteenth Amendment? 4. Legal provisions stipulating land use and the architectural design of housing, often used to keep racial minorities and low-income people out of suburban areas are termed ___ __ 5. According to sociologist Max Weber ___ refers to people who share similar levels of wealth. 6. In 1965, the U.S. Department of Labor released a report entitled The Negro Family: The Case for National Action, commonly referred to as the It mischaracterized the Black family as a “tangle of pathology.” 7. What is the deficit model of ethnic identity? Apply the deficit model of ethnic identity to Muslim and Arab Americans. How well does this model explain the ethnic experiences of these groups? 8. What is the concept of blended identity to describe Muslim Americans today. Share one example examples to illustrate the concept. Assignment: Characteristics of Orientalism, Prejudice, and Discrimination Essay Write a 700- to 1,050-word essay in which you answer the following questions:

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• Identify two groups that are considered of Middle Eastern descent or are found in the Middle Eastern countries.

• According to research and news reports within the past 2 years, what are some of the changes the United States has made to policies concerning the treatment of these individuals in our society?

• List two to three characteristics of Orientalism. How may Orientalism and prejudice contribute to hate crimes against these groups?

• What may individuals do to promote tolerance and reduce prejudice in their towns and cities? For ideas, visit the Teaching Tolerance Web site at, and the Southern Poverty Law Center Web site at

ETH/125 - Week 6

Quiz: Native American Indians

Quiz Questions 1. The theory that best explains the exploitation of the Native Americans and their land by European invaders is 2. The Indian Removal Act and the Trail of Tears are examples of 3. The Indian Removal Act of 1830 called for the relocation of 4. From a __________ perspective, the millenarian movement can be viewed as a means of coping with the domination of White intruders over native tribes. 5. Today there are 557 Indian reservations in the U.S., comprising __________ of the land throughout the U.S. 6. Which of the following describes pan-Indianism? 7. Fish-ins were organized to protest 8. The island seized in 1969 by Native Americans who claimed the “excess property” in exchange for $24 in glass beads and cloth was 9. The Alaska Native Settlement Act of 1971 was precipitated by 10. Principally affected by the Alaska Native Settlement were the 11. Over the last one hundred years powwows have evolved into Native American cultural gatherings. Originally the term pau wau referred to __________. 12. A millenarian movement like the Ghost Dance is founded on the belief that a cataclysmic upheaval will occur in the immediate future followed by

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13. In an effort to assimilate Native Americans into White Society, the federal government 14. The Allotment Act was based on which of the following principles? 15. The most encouraging development in the higher education of Native Americans has been in the recent growth of

ETH/125 - Week 7

Hispanics, Cubans and Puerto Ricans

Quiz Questions: 1. The development of solidarity among ethnic groups, as reflected in the term Hispanic, is 2. The term ________ is more common in the West, and ________ is more common in the East. 3. Foreign-owned companies on the Mexican side of the border with the United States are known as 4. Cuban immigration increased tremendously 5. From 1978, war and economic chaos in ________ prompted many to seek refuge in the U.S. 6. Texas, California, and parts of Arizona and New Mexico were acquired by the United States as a result of the 7. Braceros are 8. The program of deporting Mexicans during the 1930s was called 9. The term La Raza is used to connote pride in 10. The best known Hispanic leader for economic empowerment was __________. 11. An ideology emphasizing pride and positive identity among Mexican Americans is 12. The United States acquired Puerto Rico as the result of 13. The Jones Act of 1917 granted Puerto Ricans 14. What is the present status of the island of Puerto Rico? 15. The term borderlands refers to Assignment: Hispanic American Diversity

• Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word research paper in which you identify the linguistic,

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political, social, economic, religious, and familial conventions or statuses of two Hispanic groups living in the United States. Identify both similarity and differences between your two chosen groups.

• Dedicate an equal portion of your paper to each Hispanic group. • Conclude your essay by summarizing major differences and commonalties apparent

among the groups. Identify whether these groups, for the most part, have assimilated or acculturated into American society and how this affected their success in American society.

• Make sure you substantiate your position, observation, or comments with research.

ETH/125 - Week 8

Asian and Chinese

• Quiz Questions:

1. When a group experiences prejudice and discrimination, yet seems to have succeeded economically, socially, and educationally without resorting to political or violent confrontations with Whites, they are said to be a 2. Asian Americans include all of the following groups EXCEPT 3. The model minority stereotype of Asian Americans contains an implicit critique of Blacks, Hispanics, and others for failing to succeed as well as the model minority has. This could be viewed as yet another instance of 4. A generalized prejudice toward Asian people is captured in the term 5. Asian Indians see __________ work as most likely to help them make the transition to the U.S. and to give them the money they need to become more self-reliant. 6. The term boat people was used to describe a stage of immigration from 7. The Hmong immigrated to the United States from: 8. Asian Indian immigrants are most likely to immigrate from 9. __________ comprise the largest Asian American group. 10. In 1882, Congress enacted legislation prohibiting the immigration of 11. Diversity within the Chinese American group is found in 12. One paradox of Chinatowns is that 13. The hui kuans help members adjust to life in a new society by 14. California’s 1913 Alien Land Act 15. Which President is responsible for the order to place Japanese Americans in evacuation camps during WWII?

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16. The public reason given for the placement of Japanese Americans in evacuation camps was 17. In 1944, after hearing Endo v. U.S., the Supreme Court ruled the detainment of Japanese Americans 18. The Japanese Americans were finally released from the evacuation camps as a result of 19. The internment camps of WWII were established in seven states, including 20. Compared to Whites, Japanese Americans as a group have Discussion Questions:

1. Hispanics are believed to be the fastest growing minority in the United States. What challenges, if any, does this present for the Hispanic population as well as the United States? What are some possible solutions to these challenges.

2. 2. Reflecting over your experiences in viewing the videos, what were your feelings, experiences, or observations? What can one learn from viewing these videos? How will you use this information as you move forward?

ETH/125 - Week 9

Capstone DQ and Final Project Capstone CheckPoint

Write a 200- to 300-word summary that answers all of the following questions:

• What information about race and ethnicity in the United States has helped you better understand or relate to specific minority groups?

• Have you learned something new about your own cultural history? • What will this face look like in the year 2050? • How might the country best prepare for the changing race and ethnicity of its

current and future citizens?

Final Project: Race and Your Community

Resources: Appendix A. Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word research paper that analyzes the influences of race as it relates to your community. In your paper, describe how human interactions in your community

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have been racialized. For the community, you may consider relations within your neighborhood, local government, service groups, clubs, schools, workplace, or any environment of which you are a part. Consider the following questions and provide examples when compiling your research:

• Identify the ethnic/racial composition of your community. If you have challenges gathering this information, please contact me as soon possible for a solution. Is the community integrated or do the groups tend to live/function within groups that reflect their own image.

• How do leaders within your community treat the groups you identified? • How do other members of your community treat each other—those who are similar in

image and those who do not reflect their physical image? • What some of the challenges that occur when interacting with each other? • How does the media portray/treat the groups you identified? • What are some similarities and differences between the identified group and the

people who are in leadership positions in the community? Are minority group interests are represented within the community?

• Provide recommendations to resolve any inequities within the community, what would you change? How and why?

• Make sure you include/apply concepts from the text, discussion, and course itself.

Include the following elements in your paper:

• The thesis addresses racial issues in your local community. • The content is comprehensive and accurate. • The paper itself draws on your personal experiences with and opinions about cultural

diversity in your community. • Three sources are used, and one source is a community member, leader, or

representative from a local community organization. • The paper is written in first-person point of view, with an autobiographical approach. • Text concepts are applied to your observations. • Assignment questions are answered. • The paper includes perspectives from supporting sources. • The conclusion is logical, flows from the body of the paper, and reviews the major

points. • Paragraph transitions are present. • The tone is appropriate. • Sentences are well-constructed. • The paper, title page, and references follow APA standards. • Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed. • Spelling is correct.

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