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Essiac Tea Miracle cure of Cancer

On a lucky day in 1922 Canadian nurse Rene Caisse in northern Ontario, Canada saw an elderly lady taking bath; she had some scar tissue on one of her entire breast. This lady told her that 30 years before she developed cancer and an Ojibway Indian herbalist told her to make a tea out of certain herbs and drink it to heal her cancer. She had no reoccurrence of cancer to that day. Rene noted down this miracle formula.

In the ensuing years Nurse Caisse refined and perfected the original formula. She tested various herbal combinations on laboratory mice and on human cancer patients. Some versions of Essiac have eight ingredients. The added ingredients are supposed to enhance the product’s effectiveness and improve its taste. But she eventually reduced the tea to four herbs: burdock root, sheep sorrel (whole herb including the roots), slippery elm and Turkey rhubarb. She called the formula Essiac, which is her surname spelled backwards.

In 1924 she decided to test the tea on her aunt who had stomach cancer and was given about six months to live. Her aunt lived for another 21 years, without any cancer.

Rene Caisse later gave the tea to her 72-year old mother who was diagnosed with inoperable cancer of the liver, with only days to live. Her mother recovered and lived cancer free for another 18 years.

Eventually, she became so involved with her research that she focused all her time on the treatment of patients. Doctors all over Canada were sending her patients for the treatment of cancer. From 1934 to 1942 she successfully treated thousands of terminally ill cancer patients in her clinic in Bracebridge Ontario. During this time many, many doctors, surgeons, and scientist visited the clinic, read case histories, and examined patients.

Dr. O.P.VermaM.B.B.S., M.R.S.H.(London) http://flaxindia.blogspot.inEmail- [email protected]+919460816360

Background image - leaf of Burdoc

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Essiac Formula

Herb Weight Form Recipe % Burdock root 24 oz. (1.5 lb.) 680g pea-size cut 53% Sheep sorrel with roots 16 oz. (1 lb.) 453g powdered 36% Slippery Elm bark 4 oz. 113g powdered 9% Turkey rhubarb root 1 oz. 28.35g powdered 2%

The Recipe The preparation of Essiac is as important as the formula itself. Essiac is a decoction. A decoction is used to extract nutrients, minerals, etc. from roots, bark or seeds by boiling for ten minutes and then allowing the herbs to steep for several hours. Entrepreneurs often sell Essiac imitations in tincture form or in gelatin capsules; but neither form is true Essiac. Prepare the decoction as follows.

1. Using a stainless steel pot and lid, boil 15 g of herb mix in 1.5 liters of pure, unchlorinatedwater for ten minutes. 2. Turn off heat and allow herbs to steep for 12 hours.3. Heat up tea to steaming, but not boiling. Allow herbs to settle a couple minutes.

4. Strain off hot liquid into sterilized canning jars. The remaining pulp can be used forhealing poultices. 5. Refrigerate tea. For long-term storage use the boiling water bath canning method andstore in a cool, dark, dry place.

Make sure that the sheep sorrel you use is the small, wild variety of sheep sorrel and not a substitute like yellow dock or garden sorrel. Don't use imported turkey rhubarb root. Many Essiac merchants are unaware of the quality of their herbs. The best way to insure that you're getting true Essiac is to grow the herbs yourself; you can have control of product quality. Burdock root is harvested in the fall of the first year. Slippery elm bark is wild crafted and is easy to buy, but should also be homegrown so it doesn't become endangered. Turkey Rhubarb is the only herb in Essiac that cannot be wild crafted. It is an attractive ornamental plant that can be grown in a flower bed or garden. Purple Flowers of Burdoc

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Dosage suggestions

Aggressive Treatment Dose: Recommended essiac tea dosage is 9 oz. of tea per day, taken in three separate 3 oz. doses on an empty stomach. Mix the tea with 1 or 2 oz. of warm water. Do not eat or drink anything (except water) one hour before to one hour after taking Essiac. The taste of the tea is somewhat bitter and bothers some people. Most people get used to the taste over time. You should stay on this dosage for at least 5 months. After that, you can switch to a maintenance dosage of 3 oz. per day. If the original condition persists, continue on the aggressive treatment dosage until your condition improves and you are satisfied with the results. Be aware that chemo and radio can lessen the effects of essiac tea. In this case you can take up to 18 oz. per day.

Maintenance Dose: Maintenance dose is 3 oz. of tea per day mixed with 1 or 2 oz. of warm water, and can be taken all at once. Administer the maintenance dosage for at least 6 months after your test results have returned to normal.

Benefits of Essiac

Ms. Caisse claims that Essiac strengthens the immune system, improves appetite, relieves pain and improves overall quality of life. It also shrinks tumors and prolongs the lives of people with cancer. Essiac activates the body's own natural defense. Most patients experience less pain and overall improvement with the consistent use of Essiac and some patients continue to live for many years in good health. Essiac is anti-tumor, anti-mutagenic and immune system enhancing. The real benefits of Essiac are that it is a wonderful detoxifier and regenerates the liver and pancreas.

Helps to cleanse the blood Normalize the enzymes Promotes cellular repair, and aids

effective assimilation and elimination Regulates cholesterol levels by transforming sugar into energy Makes bones and joints, ligaments, lungs strong and less vulnerable Nourishes and stimulates the brain and nervous system Expels mucus clearing the lungs Helps eliminate heavy metal toxins in tissues (aluminum, mercury poisoning) Purifies the blood

Sheep Sorrel

Background image - leaf of Slippery Elm

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Increases red blood cell production Protects the body against radiation damage

Helps destroy parasites in the digestive tract Prevents the buildup of fatty deposits in heart kidney and liver Assists the liver in producing lecithin, which forms the myelin sheath that

encapsulates the nerve fibers.

Essiac Tea for Diabetes

Rene also noticed that one of her patients on Essiac with both colon cancer and diabetes not only healed her cancer, but also claimed that her diabetes disappeared. This result was so astounding that even Dr. Frederick Banting (Insulin Fame) became interested in researching Essiac further with Ms. Rene Caisse. He believed that Essiac’s detoxifying property was the main mechanism that makes it helpful in diabetes. Secondly it is well known that Burdock root has been used to reduce blood sugar for centuries. Dr. Banting proposed that Essiac probably regenerate the pancreas’ ability to produce insulin and thus treat diabetes, but the research never happened because Caisse was not ready to close her cancer clinic. Even today people are using Essiac to improve their blood sugar and many have gone off insulin entirely.

Testimonial March 2013 my wife was told she had cancer of the colon that had spread to her liver which showed 8 tumors. Her tumor marker for cancer was over 2200. She started chemo immediately and I started her on Essiac Tea. The PET scan taken in October 2013 showed the cancer in the colon was not showing up on the scan any more. Doctor said it was a miracle!!! Only one tumor was found on the liver, 7 are gone. Her cancer marker went from 2200 to 2.5 which is in the normal range. Doctor said in the beginning they can’t cure her cancer, just may be prolong her life. Her doctor was amazed at her progress, so we are going to continue the Essiac.

Submitted by opn4bzns via Youtube - Nov. 17th 2013.

Turkish Rhubarb

Serrated Leaf of Slippery Elm

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Essiac Tea - Decoction of Four Herbs

Burdock (Arctium lappa) Sheep Sorrel (Rumex acetosella)

Slippery Elm (Ulmus rubra)

Turkish Rhubarb (Rheum palmatum)




Burdock is a biennial plant from thistle family, which grows up to 1-2 meter, best recognized as a stout, common weed with annoying burrs that stick to animal fur and clothing. It has no stem in its first year and grows only as a basal rosette of leaves that stays close to the ground in the first year and the beginning of the second. It prefers damp soil.

It is a biennial plant which has a slender and reddish upright stem that is branched at the top, reaching a height of 18 inches. It belongs to the buckwheat family. It is widely considered to be a hard-to-control noxious weed due to its spreading rhizome. Comman names are field sorrel, red top sorrel, sour grass, and dog cared sorrel. It should not be confused with Garden Sorrel (Rumex acetosa). Roots may be harvested in the fall when energy of plant is concentrated in roots. Never collect more than a year’s supply of Sorrel.

The slippery Elm is favorite shade and ornamental tree. It is also called Red Elm. Moose Elm. Indian Elm. It is known as a survival food. The inner bark of the Slippery Elm tree has a long h history of use a history of use as herbal remedy.

It is a rapidly growing plant that has been known to reach heights of up to 10 feet. It is also called Chinese rhubarb, Indian rhubarb, Russian rhubarb or rhubarb root. The preparations used in medicine are: the powdered root, a fluid extract, a tincture, syrup, infusion and solution. The roots are harvested when the plants are at least 6 years old.


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Large, wavy, heart-shaped green leaves, which are whitish on the bottom. Leaves can grow up to 50 cm. The roots are about an inch wide and up to 3 feet long which are brownish green, or black.

It has green arrowhead-shaped, small, slightly longer than 1 inch leaves with smooth with a pair of horizontal lobes at the base and red-tinted deeply ridged stems, and it sprouts from an aggressive and spreading rhizome.

Leaves are long, unequally toothed, and rough with hairs on both sides, the leaf-buds covered with a dense yellow Wool.

The stem is erect, round, hollow, jointed, branched towards the top, from 6 to 10 feet high. Leaves The leaves of the Turkey Rhubarb are palmate and somewhat rough. Many of its leaves were 5 feet long.



It has purple flowers that bloom between June and October. Flower heads are 1 to 3 cm across, composed of purple disc florets.

It blooms during March to November, when yellowish-green (male) or reddish (female) tiny, clustered on slender stalk up to 20 inches long flowers develop on separate plants at the apex of the stem, which develop into the red fruits.

The flowers are stalkless, small, light green, in tight clusters of 3 to 5, appearing in early spring before leaves open.

Flowers It flowers early to mid summer. Flowers mature red in color from their often yellow or white blooms.


tat Burdock thrives along river banks,

roadsides, vacant lots, and fields. It grows wild throughout the world. It thrives in open pastures, rocky areas and along country roads. It needs little water and is a good indicator

Canada and America. Native to China and Tibet. It now grows throughout Europe and North America in the wild.




s The roots, young stems, and seeds

are eaten in China, Japan, Hawaii, and Native America. Raw stems and young leaves are eaten in salads. It can also be cooked like asparagus.

The leaves of young Sheep Sorrel were popular as a cooking dressing and as an addition to salads in France long back.

The powdered bark is rich in vitamins and minerals and used as food additive and food extender.

It is commonly used for pies, jams and as stewed rhubarb.


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Rich in potassium, iron, manganese, magnesium, zinc, calcium, selenium and phosphorus. Vitamins folic acid, riboflavin, pyridoxine, niacin, vita-E and vit-C Non-starch polysaccharides such as Inulin (is Prebiotic and helps reduce blood-sugar level, body-weight, and cholesterol levels in the blood), glucoside-lappin, mucilage Diuretic, diaphoretic and a blood purifying agent. Cancer – stops metastasis Used in measles, arthritis, tonsillitis, throat pain, gout, rheumatism, snake bites, rabies, ulcers, dandruff, hair loss, acne, eczema, psoriasis and viruses like the common cold.

Sheep sorrel is Rich in Vitamin A, B complex, C, D, E, and K Anti-cancer, Anti-inflammatory & Antioxidant, Diuretic and Antibacterial agent and immune booster. Sheep sorrel has been used for cancer, fever, sinusitis, generalized inflammation and scurvy

Mucilage- sore throats andsuppresses coughs, laxative, and binds toxins. Fatty acids, tannins, and sterols - antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Used in Cancer, Skin wounds and burns, Sore throat, Cough, Gastroesophageal Reflux/Heartburn, ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Diarrhea, Psoriasis and other skin conditions

Tannins and Anthraquinones (Emodin & Rhein) - Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory, Induce Apoptosis, Prevent Metastasis and Reduce radiation-induced lung damage. Cancer, Menopausal symptoms, Gastrointestinal Disturbances, Hypertension, High cholesterol, Peptic ulcers, Burns and Fever.