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Some people think that teenagers should do unpaid work to help society because this will help them to be better individuals and also improve society as a whole. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this?

There are various different perspectives on the issue should teenagers do unpaid work or not. Some people think that unpaid work is good not only for the society but also for individuals, however, others disagree with this view. According to me, doing voluntary work is beneficial for everyone. In this essay I will reveal what are the benefits for all parties.

First of all, students doing work on voluntary basis are more time responsible. They learn how to manage their time and organize themselves in the way that all school activities do not suffer. For instance, if someone knows that after school has activities in the “Salvation Army”, then he/she organizes time in better way in order to finish their homework. Equally importantly, society gets help and responsible individuals. Therefore, it can be seen that these activities are beneficial for all shareholders.

Secondly, in this way teenagers learn what the system of values of one society is and that in reality there is no “easy money”. For instance, helping senior citizens and having sort of internship programs provide information to youngsters how should they respond to real life problems. By doing so, they prepare themselves for the years that come.

To conclude with, unpaid work provides great experience for students and tremendous benefits for the society. From my point of view, these activities are important and should be integral part of educational curriculum. In this way, youth becomes more aware of real life and society gets responsible individuals.