Download - Essai OS 2006 - Alti sites - outil de création de site non resectable 3 4 7* 2 Risk group defined at randomisation


Etude Intergroupe (SFCE-GSF-GETO) OS 2006 Zolédronate-Ostéosarcome. Protocole de traitement des ostéosarcomes de l’enfant, de l’adolescent et de l’adulte comportant : un essai randomisé et des études biologiques

Essai OS 2006 SARCOME 09


Médecins coordonnateurs :

Dr Laurence BRUGIERES – IGR – Villejuif - / Pédiatrie

Dr Sophie PIPERNO-NEUMANN – Institut Curie – Paris / Adultes

Statisticien : Dr Marie-Cécile LE DELEY – IGR - Villejuif


1.   Essai randomisé

–  Phase III, randomisée, ouverte, multicentrique, comparant l’effet de Zometa® ajouté ou non au traitement standard de l’ostéosarcome de haut grade de l’enfant, de l’adolescent et de l’adulte.

–  Nombre de centres déclarés : 50 –  Nombre de patients à randomiser : 470 (235 par bras) –  Durée des inclusions : 6 ans

–  Durée du suivi : 3 ans

2.   Enregistrement de tous les patients incluables ou non dans l’essai randomisé.

3.   Etudes biologiques optionnelles


* : BR = Bon Répondeur (-10 % de cellules tumorales résiduelles) MR = Mauvais Répondeur (+ 10 % de cellules tumorales résiduelles ou patient non opérable ou métastatique)


Sans Zometa®

< 18 ans

MTX ou API – AI Au choix du centre

MTX-VP-IFO 13 semaines

Avec Zometa®

18 - 25 ans > 25 ans < 18 ans 18 - 25 ans > 25 ans

MTX ou API – AI Au choix du centre

API-AI 13 semaines

BR BR MR/méta MTX VP-IFO 6 mois

MTX -AP 6 mois

AI-IP 3 mois

VP-IFO 4 mois

MTX-VP-IFO Zometa®

13 semaines

BR BR MR/méta MR/méta MTX VP-IFO Zometa®

6 mois

MTX -AP Zometa®

6 mois

AI-IP Zometa®

3 mois

VP-IFO Zometa®

4 mois

API-AI Zometa®

13 semaines

Chirurgie Chirurgie Chirurgie Chirurgie


SARCOME 09: Objectifs

•  Objectif principal Survie sans évènement à 3 ans (55 % avec le traitement de référence) Pour différence absolue d’EFS de 13 %: 235 patients/groupe soit 470 patients

•  Objectifs secondaires Survie globale Réponse histologique à la chimiothérapie Toxicité à court et long terme, Qualité de vie Constituer une base de données commune adulte-enfant

•  3 analyses intermédiaires d’efficacité programmées à 25, 50 et 75% d’évènements

•  Etudes biologiques associées

Facteurs de pronostic et prédictifs de réponse: allélotypage, CGH array, transcriptome et TMA Facteurs angiogéniques (bFGF et VEGF) Impact du Zometa® sur lymphocytes T δγ, expression des antigènes tumoraux Pharmacocinétique du Zometa® chez l’enfant Paramètres biologiques de la résorption osseuse Pharmacogénétique du MTX

Accrual by MARCH 2014: 318  randomised    pa/ents,  158  Z-­‐  160  Z+  

Stop < 15 years old

Suspension Random°

Accrual < Expected

Some other collaborative groups are considering joining the trial

Participant flow

Did not meet eligibility criteriaN=70*

Without zoledronateN=158

With zoledronateN=160

Suspension of randomisationN=17

Not included in the randomised trial- Because of refusal

N=69- For miscellaneous reasons

N=5**- Unknown reason


Assessed for eligibilityN=521

Included in the randomised trialN=318

Potentially eligibleN=434

Did not meet eligibility criteriaN=70*

Without zoledronateN=158

With zoledronateN=160

Suspension of randomisationN=17

Not included in the randomised trial- Because of refusal

N=69- For miscellaneous reasons

N=5**- Unknown reason


Assessed for eligibilityN=521

Included in the randomised trialN=318

Potentially eligibleN=434

* Contra-indication (n=35), osteosarcoma of the maxillary (n=7), initial surgery (n=6), non resectable metastases even after chemotherapy (n=5), pre-treatment (n=5), low grade osteosarcoma (n=4) …



Baseline characteristics

Patient characteristics

Treatment group All Z- Z+

N=158 N=160 N=318 % Gender

93 88 181 57 Male Female 65 72 137 43 Age and planned chemotherapy

109 110 219 69 Less than 18y - HDMTX 18-25 years - HDMTX 18 19 37 12 18-25 years - API-AI 12 11 23 7 > 25 years - API-AI 19 20 39 12 Initial staging (as reported at the time of randomisation)

119 120 239 75 Localised Osteosarcoma Doubtful lesion 14 12 26 8 Metastases, a priori resectable 25 28 53 17 Primary non resectable 3 4 7* 2 Risk group defined at randomisation

132 129 261 82 Non metastatic and resectable Metastatic or primary non resectable 26 31 57 18 Consent for biological studies 152 155 307 97


Patient characteristics

Treatment group

All Z+ Z+

N=143 N=14

1 N=284 % Site of the primary tumour (33 MD) Femur diaphysa 11 13 24 8 Femur lower extremity 67 65 132 42 Femur upper extremity 6 1 7 2 Tibia upper extremity 23 24 47 15 Humerus upper extremity 8 15 23 7 Other 28 24 52 16 Initial staging (according to the detailed data) (MD=34) Localised Osteosarcoma 96 99 195 61 Doubtful lesion 22 21 43 14 Metastases, a priori resectable 25 21 46 14 Lung scan (MD=34) No metastasis 101 103 204 64 Doubtful lesion(s) 18 20 38 12 Metastasis(ses) 24 18 42 13

Patient characteristics (1)


Patient characteristics (2)

Patient characteristics

Allocated treatment by


All Z- Z+

N=143 N=141 N=284 % Bone lesion on the technecium bone scan (MD=53) No bone fixation 124 124 248 78 Single lesion doubtful 8 4 12 4 Single meta confirmed 1 3 4 1 > 5 metastases . 1 1 0 Alkaline phosphatases (MD=13) Normal level 80 73 153 48 Above the upper limit (> 1xULN) 59 65 124 39 LDH (MD=58) Normal level 78 79 157 49 Above the upper limit (> 1xULN)

54 49 103 32

Pre-operative treatment

 HDMTX  protocol        API-­‐AI  protocol  

! Median  interval  7me  between  biopsy  and  start  of  treatment:  15  days  

!   Time  interval  between  courses:    Delay  >  5  days  in  138/1971  courses  (7%),  mainly  due  to  toxicity  

!   No  significant  difference  between  Z+  and  Z-­‐  arms,  in  terms  of  dura7on  of  preopera7ve  chemo,  or  dose-­‐intensity    


Toxicity during pre-operative treatment

"  Hypocalcemia grade 2-4 is significantly more frequent in Z+ arm

•  per course: OR = 10.8, 95%CI, 6.9 – 16.9, p<0.001

•  per patient: RR = 4.7, 74% Z+ vs 16% Z- pts, p<0.0001

•  9 patients experienced grade 4 hypocalcemia, 7 Z+ & 2 Z-

"  No significant increase of toxicity regarding the other toxicity items


Toxicity reported after zoledronate Zoledronate dose per injection equal to the protocol dose (+/-10%) for 408/474 injections (86%)

•  Hypocalcemia grade 4 (n=6), grade 3 (n=17), grade 2 (n=144) •  Hyposphophoremia grade 4 (n=1), grade 3 (n=17) and grade 2 (n=49) •  Fever grade 3 (n=4), grade 2 (n=29), grade 1 (n=57)

Histologic analysis of the resection of the primary tumour

Z- Z+ Total N=134 N=129 N=263

Margins (5 MD)

Radical/wide 119 104 223 (83%) Marginal 11 17 28 (11%) Intralesional 4 3 7 (3%)

Histologic response (2 MD ) Good response (<10% viable cells) 88 (66%) 84 (65%) 172 (65%) Poor response 45 44 89 (33%)

Proportion of good histologic response similar in Z+ and Z- pts Good histologic response significantly more frequent in the HDMTX group than in the API-AI group: 151/210 = 73% versus 20/50 = 40%, p<0.0001 Conservative surgery: 240 / Amputation: 22 / No surgery: 14

Post-operative treatment

 HDMTX  protocol        API-­‐AI  protocol  



-­‐  10  injec7ons  planned  in  the  Z+  arm:  4  pre-­‐op+  6  post-­‐op  -­‐    End  of  treatment  form  completed  for  124  /  160  Z+  pts:    55  pts  received  <  10  injec7ons  (including  22  pts  <  5  injec7ons)  -­‐    Z  dose  per  injec7on  equal  to  the  protocol  dose  (+/-­‐10%)    for  443/539  post-­‐op  injec7ons  (82%)  -­‐  Hypocalcemia  (gr  2  -­‐  4)  significantly  more  frequent  in  the  Z+  arm  per  cycle  and  per  pa7ent:    RR  =  2.6,  50%  Z+  pts  versus  20%  Z-­‐  pts,  p<0.00001  -­‐    No  significant  increase  of    other  toxici7es    

MTX 12 g/m² I: Ifosfamide (Ifo) 3g/m² x 4d V: VP16 75mg/m² x 4d A: Adriamycin (Adria) 37.5 mg/m² x 2d

P: Cis-platinum (Cis-plat) 120 mg/m² x 1d

Surgery GR*


A: Adria 60 mg/m² D1

P: Cis-plat 100 mg/m² D1 I: Ifo 3 g/m² D2-D3

Surgery GR*


A: Adria 60 mg/m² D1 I: Ifo 3 g/m² D2-D3

P: Cis-plat 100 mg/m² D1 I: Ifo 3 g/m² D2-D3 I: Ifo 4g/m² x 3d

V: VP16 100 mg/m² x 3d

* : GR = Good histological response (<10% viable cells) **: PR = Poor histological response (≥10% viable cells) and patients with not resectable tumour or metastatic disease

Statistical analysis

"   Primary  endpoint:  Event-­‐free  survival    (7me  to  progression,  relapse,  2nd  cancer,  and  death  whatever  the  cause  )    "   169  events  expected  for  the  final  analysis  "   64  events  at  the  7me  of  the  1st  interim  analysis  performed  in  2012  

" 111  events  reported  to  the  data  base  including  22  early  progression  

"   A_er  adjudica7on  by  the  Endpoint  Commiaee,    14  “early  progressions”  were  reclassified  as  non-­‐events  (10  Z-­‐  /  4  Z+)  "   106  events  currently  considered  in  the  main  analysis  (63%  of  the  total  expected  number  )  

⇒   Second  interim  analysis    

•   Nominal  alpha  =  0.0113  •   Early  stopping  rule  for  rejec7on  of  H0  •   No  fu7lity  analysis  planned  

Outcome of the whole population 3 endpoints


Type of events by randomised group

*  Toxic  death  (#84,),  Cancer-­‐related  death  (#188  and  #224)    


Treatment effect on Event-Free Survival after review (106 events)

HR  Z+  vs.  Z-­‐  in  a  Cox  stra/fied  model:  1.31  [0.79  –  2.18],  p=0.17  



Treatment effect on Overall Survival (58 deaths)

HR  Z+  vs.  Z-­‐  in  a  Cox  stra/fied  model:  1.42  [0.70  –  2.88],  p=0.21  



Outcome  in  localized  pa/ents    by    chemotherapy  group  and  histological  response  

Figure  1.  EFS  MTX  GR  versus  PR  

Figure  2.  OS  MTX  GR  versus  PR  

Figure  3.  EFS  API-­‐AI  GR  versus  PR  

Figure  4.  OS  API-­‐AI  GR  versus  PR  


Conclusion of the second interim analysis

"   Trend  for  a  harmful  effect  of  Zoledronate  

"   On  the  three  efficacy  endpoints  

"   With  stable  results  a_er  exclusion  of  the  8  pa7ents  allocated  to  Z+      who  received  no  zoledronate  or  only  1  injec7on  

"   With  no  heterogeneity  across  the  different  strata        considered  at  the  7me  of  randomisa7on  

"   Boundaries  defining  a  significant  harm  not  crossed  

"   Recommenda/on  of  early  stopping  for  fu/lity?    

"   Probability  of  demonstra7ng  a  benefit  <0.0001  (even  under  H1)  


Stop for futility

Stop for efficacy

Stop for harm

Current Test Statistic


Conclusion "  Accrual rate remains lower than expected

"  Very few patients "lost to follow-up" Quality and completeness of the data base rather good

"  No safety concern apart from the expected higher incidence of hypocalcemia

"  Overall results (EFS, OS) consistent with previous studies both in children and adults patients

"  Futility analysis, performed on DSMB request, showed that the probability of demonstrating a benefit was <0.0001. Following DSMB recommendation, the trial steering committee decided to stop accrual in the trial on APR 4, 2014.

"  Conclusion: With current follow-up, the addition of zoledronate to chemotherapy did not reduce the risk of failure in osteosarcoma patients.
