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Number of journal : 3

Practicum’s week : third

Date of event : 15th - 18th February 2015

Journal’s title : Pupil's motivation towards English Language

1. Problem / Event :

I found out that my year 5 Bestari Pupils having a difficulty in learning English

Language whenever I used full English Language to communicate. They will become

less motivated and could not stay focus during teaching and learning session. They

seem to lose their interest especially when I need them to response in English during

question and answer session.

2. Analysis:

From my point of view, this problem occurred due to their lack of English vocabulary.

They find it hard to understand English because they only master minimal amount of English

vocabulary. Due to this problem, it cause them to feel demotivate and lose interest in

learning English. Apart from that, their lack mastery on English vocabulary cause them to

feel limited to response in English.

3. Suggestion of Action:

There are a few actions that I can and should take to solve the problems. It can be

solved by:

1. Drill on basic vocabulary. For instances, common verb used, greetings and common

language instruction.

2. Use pictures in teaching and learning session. This gives them concrete view on that

particular vocabulary and enhance their understanding.

3. Introduce vocabulary on certain topic/unit before learning. If they were to learn

Superhero topic, they should have been exposed to vocabulary related to that topic.

(Shield, protect, cape) to give prior knowledge.

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4. Period of Action:

I tend to implement all the suggestion of action in within one week to see how it goes.

if it goes well, then I shall proceed the procedure for a long term learning. If it does not suit

my pupils, I will take action in improving it.

5. Assessment

The assessment is done by measuring their understanding during learning session.

If they were able to understand my English instruction and learning content, then they

have master the basic language instruction. Apart from that, if they respond me well

during the lesson, means they show interest and motivation.

6. Actions

Provide them vocabulary book/mini book. Check on their mastery at the end of the

lesson. Recap on previous vocabulary taught during current lesson to keep them update.

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