Download - ESIC Medical College & PGIMSR, KK Nagar, Chennai ... · 7 Dr. Kanika Gupta Assistant Professor Radiodiagnosis 8 Dr. T. Tharikeswari Senior Resident Radiodiagnosis 9 Dr. M. Maghiben


ESIC Medical College & PGIMSR, KK Nagar, Chennai

Department of Community Medicine in association with

Medical Education Unit

Dates: 11 & 12 October 2017 Time: 9 AM to 4 PM

Venue: Charaka Hall & Conference Hall, ESIC Medical College,

KK Nagar, Chennai 600078

Report of the Workshop

Program Schedule

11.10.2017 Time Topic Facilitator Method

9 AM to 10.15 AM Codes of conduct in research writing and publication

Prof. A.V. Srinivasan Emeritus Professor – The T.N. Dr. MGR Medical University Adjunct Professor – IIT, Madras


10.15 to 10.45 IMRAD format, STROBE, CONSORT and COREQ Checklists for manuscript preparation

Dr. Madhanraj K, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, ESIC Medical College


10.45 to 11.00 Inaugural Function

11.00 to 11.15 Tea Break

11.15 – 12.30 PM How to review the literature? Effective use of PubMed & Google Scholar

Dr. Ganesh Kumar P. Scientist C, National Institute of Epidemiology, ICMR, Chennai

Lecture and Discussion

12.30 – 1.00 Mind Mapping Activity – XMind software

All Faculty Group Work

1.00 – 2.00 Lunch Break

2.00 – 3.00 Writing the methods section of the manuscript

Dr. Anuradha R Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, ESIC Medical College


3.00 – 3.15 Tea Break

3.15 PM to 4.00 Preparing graphs, tables and reporting results

Dr. Aruna B. Patil Assistant Professor and Biostatistician Department of Community Medicine ESIC Medical College

Lecture and Demonstration

12.10.2017 9.00 AM – 9.30 AM Recall of previous day’s learning

9.30 – 10.45 How to write discussion for a manuscript? How to get the manuscript ready for publication?

Dr. Aravindan V., Assistant Professor, Department of Genetics, Dr. ALM PG IBMS, University of Madras, Chennai


10.45 to 11.15 Reference Management Software – Mendeley

All Faculty Group Work

11.15 – 11.30 Tea Break

11.30 - 12.30 Editorial process, peer review, revisions and acceptance of the manuscript.

Dr. Deivasigamani Kuberan, Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine, ESIC Medical College


12.30 – 1.00 PM How to select the right journal to publish in? – Indexing, impact factor, citation metrics

Dr. Devidas Tondare Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine, ESIC Medical College


1.00 – 2.00 Lunch

2.00 – 3.00 Language, style and flow of scientific writing

Dr. Vijayaprasad G Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine ESIC Medical College

Lecture and Discussions

3.00 – 3.30 Feedback and Closing All Faculty

3.30 – 4.00 Valedictory Function

Codes of conduct in research writing and publication

Prof. Dr. A.V. Srinivasan

Professor Emeritus, The TN Dr. MGR Medical University, Neurologist

Prof. Srinivasan gave a talk on the importance of research writing and publications. He

highlighted the ethical issues related to medical research, starting from the various codes of

ethics in health research. He also highlighted the important issues of plagiarism, falsification

and fabrication. In addition, Prof. Srinivasan gave insights into the various sections of a

scientific manuscript and the dos and don’ts of writing a scientific manuscript.

Prof. A.V. Srinivasan delivering his lecture on Codes of Conduct of research writing

Following his talk, there were a few interactions from the audience on various aspects of

codes of conduct of manuscript writing.

Prof. Srinivasan was honored by the Department of Community Medicine faculty at the end

of his session.

IMRAD format and Checklists for Manuscript Writing

Dr. Madhanraj K.

Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, ESIC Medical College

Dr. Madhanraj started his session by explaining the IMRAD format for manuscript writing.

In this he explained the importance of Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion of the

manuscript. He explained in detail the various components of the Introduction, Methods,

Results and Discussion.

Following this he illustrated the various checklists available for structuring the manuscript

such as STROBE, CONSORT, COREQ, PRISMA etc. He also showed the components of

each of these checklists and explained how authors can use these checklists for writing their


Dr. Madhanraj delivering his lecture on IMRAD format and checklists

How to review the literature? – effective use of PubMed and Google Scholar

Dr. P. Ganesh Kumar

Scientist C, National Institute of Epidemiology, ICMR, Chennai

Dr. Ganesh Kumar started his lecture highlighting the importance of literature review. He

then pointed out the functionalities of PubMed and Google Scholar. He demonstrated both

these search engines with the help of some typical search terms. He also showed how to

check for valid and credible information on the internet. In addition, Dr. Ganesh also alluded

to some important techniques to access full text publications.

Dr. Ganesh Kumar P. presenting his session on PubMed and Google Scholar search

Demonstration of Mendeley – Reference Management Software

Dr. Vijayaprasad G,

Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, ESIC Medical College

The session was begun with a description of different components of citation. The elements

of citation styles were also described. This was followed by a step by step explanation of

installation of the Mendeley reference management software.

Dr. Mohanavalli and Dr. Jayanthi, participants in the workshop, volunteered to work on the

Mendeley reference management software.

Dr. Vijayaprasad demonstrating Mendeley

A typical search term was used and citations retrieved from Google Scholar as well as

PubMed. After retrieving the citations, these files were imported to Mendeley.

Then it was demonstrated how a MS Word document is written with inclusion of the citations

from Mendeley.

Based on these demonstrations, participants raised many doubts and questions and they all

actively participated in the session.

Writing the methods section of the manuscript

Dr. Anuradha R.

Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, ESIC Medical College, Chennai

Dr. Anuradha introduced the essential elements that have to be covered in the methods

section of a manuscript. She pointed out that a methods section should contain various

aspects such as sample, sampling method, study instruments, measurement procedures, bias

reduction methods, outcome measures, definition of variables etc. Her lecture was followed

by a group activity, in which she presented the methods section of her own study. The

participants were asked to use a checklist which was circulated to verify whether the methods

section contains all the important elements in it.

Dr. Anuradha delivering her talk on writing the methods section of the manuscript

Preparing Graphs, Tables and reporting results of the Manuscript

Dr. Aruna B. Patil

Assistant Professor cum Biostatistician, ESIC Medical College & PGIMSR, Chennai

Dr. Aruna started her talk by presenting various aspects of a good results section. She gave

the dos and don’ts of writing the results section. She pointed out the various statistical tests

such as chi square, t test, ANOVA etc. and mentioned how these results have to be presented

as text in the results section. She also showed the characteristic features of a good table and

good graphs and figures.

Dr. Aruna Patil presenting her talk on presenting results section of a manuscript

Recollection of events of previous day by participants

The proceedings of the second day of the workshop began by recollection by the participants

of the events of the previous day.

Volunteers recollecting the proceedings of the previous day

Editorial Process, peer review process of a manuscript

Dr. Deivasigamani Kuberan,

Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine, ESIC Medical College, Chennai

Dr. Kuberan began his lecture by illustrating the steps of editorial process of a manuscript.

He explained the various steps starting from submission, to preliminary editorial review, to

peer review and finally decision on the manuscript. He described the importance of peer

review, types of peer review and the essential aspects of peer review process. He also gave

useful tips to handle peer review comments and to respond to the peer reviewers in a polite,

non-defensive, non-offensive manner. His insights were useful for improving the chances of

publication of the manuscript.

Dr. Deivasigamani Kuberan delivering his talk on editorial process

Inaugural Function

The inaugural function was held on the morning of day 2 of the workshop between 10.45 AM

and 11.15 AM. The function was honored by the presence of the Dean, the Professor and

HoD, Department of Anatomy, the Medical Superintendent (Academic), the HoD,

Department of Community Medicine and external invited speaker Dr. Aravindhan from

University of Madras. Dr. Devidas Tondare welcomed the gathering. Dr. Usha

Kothandaraman and the Medical Superintendent felicitated the occasion. This was followed

by the inaugural address by the Dean. She shared her experience of writing manuscripts

under the supervision of her mentors. She highlighted the importance of statistics, research

and research publications. The vote of thanks was delivered by Dr. Deivasigamani Kuberan,

Associate Professor and Head, department of Community Medicine.

Inaugural Address by the Dean

How to write discussion for a manuscript? How to get the manuscript ready for


Dr. Aravindan V.

Assistant Professor, Department of Genetics, Dr. ALM PG IBMS, University of Madras,


Dr. Aravindan spoke on the methods to effectively write a manuscript in order to get it

published. He shared several experiences and anecdotes from his career and this enriched the

understanding of various aspects of manuscript writing. He also highlighted the structure of a

discussion section of the manuscript. He pointed out the importance of experience which is

an important element of successful publications.

Dr. Aravindan presenting his talk on writing discussion section

Journal indexing, impact factor and citation metrics

Dr. Devidas Tondare

Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine, ESIC Medical College, Chennai

Dr. Devidas began his talk by highlighting the importance of selecting the right journal for

publishing the manuscript. He spoke about impact factor and its computation. He clarified

various doubts about what is impact factor, how it is calculated and how useful it is. He also

pointed out the pitfalls in using the impact factor as a measure of quality of a journal. He then

presented the various citation metrics like h index, i index, Hi5 index, p index etc. He spoke

on the uses, advantages and disadvantages of these journal impact metrics. His session was

followed by very important discussions on citation metrics.

Dr. Devidas delivering his talk on impact factor and citation metrics

Mind Mapping – use of XMind software

Dr. Vijayaprasad G

Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, ESIC Medical College, Chennai

Dr. Vijayaprasad spoke about mind mapping and the usefulness of mind maps for though

organization and effective thinking. He demonstrated the XMind software and its use for

developing mind maps. The session was very participative and all the participants were

encouraged to utilize the mind maps.

Dr. Vijayaprasad delivering his talk on language, style and flow of writing

Language, Style and Flow of Manuscript Writing

Dr. Vijayaprasad G

Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, ESIC Medical College, Chennai

In this session, various aspects of structure of writing, sentence formation, syntax of

sentences, grammar, flow of paragraphs, style of writing, spellings etc. were illustrated with

adequate examples. The participants were given various examples to interactively look out

for common mistakes in manuscript writing.

The sessions were closed with a vibrant discussion of the idea of conducting journal clubs to

enhance understanding of research methods and research designs.

List of Participants

S.No Name Designation Department

1 Dr. Aswini L. Assistant Professor Anaethesia

2 Dr. Jayanthi Mohan Professor Obstetrics and Gynecology

3 Dr. Maya Menon Associate Professor Obstetrics and Gynecology

4 Dr. Veeraraghavan Assistant Professor Obstetrics and Gynecology

5 Dr. S. Vanithamani Assistant Professor Obstetrics and Gynecology

6 Dr. Veeredra Kumar Arumalla Assistant Professor Biochemistry

7 Dr. Kanika Gupta Assistant Professor Radiodiagnosis

8 Dr. T. Tharikeswari Senior Resident Radiodiagnosis

9 Dr. M. Maghiben Senior Resident Radiodiagnosis

10 Dr. Manisha Subrao Mane Associate Professor Microbiology

11 Dr. Shirishkumar Chavan Professor Anaethesia

12 Dr. Uday Shamrao Kumbhar Professor Surgery

13 Dr. Bhanumati Giridharan Associate Professor Surgery

14 Dr. Malathi V.K. Assistant Professor Opthalmology

15 Dr. Mohanavalli Professor Dentistry

16 Dr. G. Sree Vijayabala Assistant Professor Dentistry

17 Dr. Mallikarjun Adibatti Assistant Professor Anatomy

18 Dr. Asha K. Associate Professor Anatomy

19 Dr. Dinesh Kumar S. Assistant Professor Pathology

20 Dr. K. Sankar Associate Professor General Medicine

21 Dr. Ilango Ganesan Associate Professor Anaethesia

22 Dr. Sugapriya Assistant Professor Physiology

23 Dr. Anandhi Lakshmanan Assistant Professor Microbiology

24 Dr. V. Madhubala Associate Professor Biochemistry

25 Dr. A. R. Malathy Professor General Medicine

26 Dr. Abarna Devi Assistant Professor General Medicine

27 Dr. Saraswathy M.P. Assistant Professor Microbiology

28 Dr. Subhashini Assistant Professor Dermatology

29 Dr. K. Umamaheswari Associate Professor Physiology

30 Dr. Senthamarai Assistant Professor Opthalmology

31 Dr. Vijayaraghavan Associate Professor General Medicine

32 Dr. S. Snekalatha Assistant Professor Physiology

33 Dr. Prithikaa G.R.C. Tutor Community Medicine

34 Dr. Praveena P. Tutor Community Medicine

35 Dr. S. Abdul Khader Tutor Community Medicine

36 Dr. Priavadhana Assistant Professor Pathology

37 Dr. Hanumantha Assistant Professor Forensic Medicine

38 Dr. T. Rajeswari Assistant Professor Pathology

39 Dr. N. Srinivasa Ragavan Professor Forensic Medicine

40 Dr. S. Hariprasad Senior Resident General Medicine

41 Dr. Thuthi Mohan Professor Biochemistry

List of Speakers

S.No Name Designation Department

1 Dr. Ganeshkumar P. Scientist C NIE, ICMR

2 Dr. Aravindhan V Assistant Professor ALM PG IBMS, Chennai

3 Dr. A.V. Srinivasan Emeritus Professor TN Dr. MGR Medical University

4 Dr. Deivasigamani Kuberan Associate Professor Community Medicine

5 Dr. Devidas Tondare Associate Professor Community Medicine

6 Dr. Anuradha R. Assistant Professor Community Medicine

7 Dr. Aruna B. Patil Assistant Professor Community Medicine

8 Dr. Madhanraj K. Assistant Professor Community Medicine

9 Dr. Vijayaprasad G. Assistant Professor Community Medicine