Download - Eryth RopHagia

  • erythrophagia,is m/c seen in typhoid/crohns :

    o Erythrophagocytosis: seen in Typhoid ulcers

    m/c malignancy in aids kaposis/cnslymphoma:

    o Mx in HIV AIDS: MC Mx is Lymphoma, MC vascular Mx is Kaposi Sarcoma. MC site of Lymphoma

    lymphnodes (not CNS). MC brain tumor in HIV AIDS: Primary CNS malignancy

    Role of Bradykinin in process of inflammation

    a) Increased vascular permeability

    b) Pain

    o Ans.Increased vascular permeability. Please note although bradykinin causes both but since increased

    vascular permeability is Most characteristic feature of inflammation that should be the answer. Also

    pain is sequale of inflammation it has no role in inflammation

    Tumors in children:

    o MC tumor (Neoplasm): ALL, MC Mx: ALL. Mc solid organ tumors: CNS tumors (Astrocytomas). MC

    abdominal Mx: Neuroblastoma, MC soft tissue sarcoma (obviously sarcomas means malignant): Rhabdo


    histological examination of lesion in stomach lipid laden cells..likely cause? ?


    post gastrectomy

    signet cell ca stomach

    atrophic gastritis

    o post gastrectomy: these are called lpid islands seen after partial gastrectomy especially after Bilroth I

    &II surgery. Etiology: thought to be due to intestinal gastric reflux

    CLL SLL: MC pathognomonic and MC pattern in pseudofollicular pattern

    MC tumor of infancy: Hemangioma. MC malignancy of infancy will be neuroblastoma

    Chloroma or myeloid sarcoma: MC morphology (means MC cause): Myeloblast some of them show

    promyelocytes (means M2 followed by M3). Where as> 50% of AML with monoblastic differentiation

    (M5 and M4) show myeloid sarcoma. Thats why if Q is which AML is most likely to present as Myelod

    sarcoma Ans is M5, M4

    Graft rejections: Hyper Acute: Type II HS: biopsy finding: vasculitis and thrombosis

  • Acute Humoral: type II HS. Biopsy findings: vasculitits and thrombosis (same as hyper acute)

    Acute cellular rejection: type IV HS, biopsy finding: tubulitis

    Chronic rejection: Fibrotic tissue reaction (some books say it as type IV HS). Biopsy findings: interstitial

    fibrosis and tubular atrophy

    mcc complication of massive blood transfusion a. hypothermia b.non hemolytic febrile rxn

    o Hypothermia. Ref Wintrobes hypothermia is one of the most common complications of massive

    blood transfusion

    Cold hemagglutinin IgM or Donath landstiener Ab?

    o IgM. Remember that cold Ab are of two types cold agglutinins (IgM) and cold hemolysins- DL Ab

    (IgG)- DL Ab is not an agglutinin at all

    which of the following is not a criteria for making diagnosis of accelerated CML.. a. basophilia 10-19%

    b. persistant thrombocytosis > 1000 * 10 ^9/l

    o Basophils 10-19% is not criteria. The criteria is basophils >20%

    subcellular structure of macrophages responsible for the accumulation of this pigment hemosiderin

    ??a lysosome b. ER C. ribosome d. golgi apparatus

    o lysozome: iron(Hb) when is taken up by macrophages which will be converted into hemosiderin by


    Chances of having an affected baby if both parents are affected by autosomal dominant disease??

    75% or 50%

    o 75%. (dont confuse there will be one homozygous dominant baby will also live it wont die. Death will

    depend upon what gene is coding for

    cells involved in ards? In ARDS both endothelial cells and epithelial cells can be damaged however

    endothelial damage is earliest and most predominant

    Anti Tumour Cytokines : IL 2 and IL 15 (Activate NK cells) INF gamma (activates macrophages, TNF

    secreted by macrophages which will ultimately kill tumour cells

    Atheroma resulting in anginahas following characteristic except

    A.Thin fibrous cap

    B.Thick fibrous cap

    C.Lack of macrophage

  • D.Lack of smooth muscle cell

    Ans :Thick fibrous cap. Angina occurs due to rupture of plaque.

    factors increasing chance of ruture of plaque are1. large areas of foam cells and extra cellular lipid, and

    2) thin fibrous cap and less smooth muscle.3) more inflammatory cells.

    Most specific marker of gist?

    A dog 1

    B cd117.

    Most specific marker for GIST : DOG1 and Most sensitive CD117

    Most common tumour of spleen? Hemagioma query Mets

    o Ans :Hemagioma

    o Exp : MC neoplasm of spleen lymphoma (NHL) .

    o MC primary neoplasm of spleen HEMAGIOMA (Cavernous)

    o Remember mets to spleen are considered as rare neoplasm so MC neoplasm of Spleen

    MC Splenic cysts: Paracytic (Echinococcus). Followed by pseudocyst ( remember pseudocyst is MC non

    parasitic cyst of spleen)

    Hypertrophy & Hyperplasia in uterus & breast

    Endotoxic shock: initial event is cytokine release followed by endothelial injury then release of

    secondary cytokines

    MC tumor of appendix (Carcinoid- ref Robbins & WHO book)

    Biopsy from mass around knee joint, biphasic tumor Mic-2 + likely diagnosis?

    Ans: Synovial sarcoma

    Exp: Mic-2 positive tumors are: Synovial Sarcoma, Ewings sarcoma, Granulosa cell tumor and

    lymphoblastic lymphoma. In these mass around knee joint can be either synivial or ewings. Next hint is

    to see (if given) whether a bone tumor or soft tissue tumor: if bone tumor then Ewings if Soft tissue then

    Synovial. Or other hint will be histology: Ewings will show rosette while synovial is biphasic tumor.

    MC malignancy in small bowel: carcinoid

    MC sensitive and specific marker for RS cells: Most sensitive is Cd30: 100% sensitive. CD 15 is more


  • Hypersensitivity pneumonitis: type IV HS

    o Exp:earlier it was thought to be a type III HS but since atleast 2/3 of all HS show granulomas type IV HS

    occurs (New hypothesis). If Q is asked mark type IV

    Best prognostic lung carcinoma: squamous or BAC

    o Exp: squamous better prognostic than adenocarcinoma. But bronchioloalveolar carcinoma (BAC) has

    excellent prognosis (with 100% 5 yr survival if resectable growth). No studies compare BAC with

    squamous but if they ask then go with BAC


    Worst to best are: collecting duct ca (or Ca of duct of belini>clear cell>papillary>chromophobe

    Chromophobe is clearly the best prognostic RCC of common types

    Papillary and clear cell arise from proximal tubule while chromophobe arises from distal tubules and

    carcinoma of duct of belini arises from collecting ducts

    Gullian Barrie syndrome: Cell mediated hypersensitivity (type IV) however recent studies also show

    antibody mediated. Single best ans type IV hS

    LE cell phenomena: MC seen in neutrophils (polymorphs) can also be seen in monocytes and


    DS associated AML: DS associated leukemias are AML

    o in children under 4 yrs ratio of ALL to AML in DS is =1:1.2 in DS ( as compared to 4:1 in non-DS

    children) this means obviously incidence of AML increases in DS while ALL remains stagnant thats why

    they become almost equal incidene. MC AML type is M7 (70% of AML are M7)

    o So if Q is which leukemia is associated with DS :Ans will be AML (ALL is not associated with DS) MC in

    DS AML or ALL answer should be AML (1.2 cases for every case of ALL)

    o IF q is which is associated with DS? AML M7 or ALL.Ans will be AML M7

    o But if the Q is which is more common in DS AML M7 or ALL , then answer better answer will be ALL (

    because only 70% of AML are AML M7) and ration ALL: AML is almost same thus ALL will be more than

    AML M7 ( dont confuse this )

    Myeloid sarcoma markers: frequency of positivity in decreasing order CD68>MPO>CD117>others

    Soft Tissue Tumors

    MC Soft tissue tumor in adults: Lipoma

    MC soft tissue tumor in children: Hemangioma

  • MC soft tissue sarcoma (Adults): Liposarcoma (earlier MFH- malignant fibrous histiocytoma)

    MC soft tissu sarcoma in children : Rhabdomyosarcoma(RMS)

    MC site of lipoma: Nape of neck

    MC site of liposarcoma: retroperitoneum

    MC site of RMS:periorbital

    MC type of RMS: Embryonal

    Marker for RMS: Desmin, Myogenin, MyoD1


    Ewing's/ PNET & Desmoplastic small round tumor: t(11;22)

    RMS: t(2;13) & t(1;13)

    Synovial sarcoma: t(x;18)

    clear cell sarcoma: t(12;22)

    Extra skeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma: t(9;22)

    Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberance: t (17;22)

    Well diff liposarcoma: 12q ring

    NASH / NAFLD ( NON Alcoholic steato hepatitis/ non alcoholic fatty liver disease)

    Incidence M=F

    Biopsy: micro & macro vesicular steatosis (triglycerides accumalate), mallory hyaline, balooning

    degeneration & apoptosis.

    Diagnosis is of exclusion (negative history of excessive alcohol intake)

    Autoimmune hepatitis

    Female prepondrance (78%)

    Young and perimenopausal women

    Elevated ANA, SMA and Anti LKM-1 antibodies

    Negative AMA (antimitochondrial antibodies)

  • Biopsy: chronic inflammatory infiltrate consisting of lymphocytes and plasma cells ( plasma cells are

    characetristic of autoimmune hepatitis)

    Pediatric tumors

    MC neoplasm of infancy: hemangioma

    MC malignancy of infancy : neuroblastoma

    MC malignancy of childhood: 1.Leukemias (ALL) 2. CNS tumors 3.neuroblastoma in order

    MC neoplasm of childhood : ALL

    MC abdominal tumor in infancy :neuroblastoma ( remember if Q says Infancy & childhood then also the

    same answer)

    MC abdominal tumor in an older child: wilms tumor

    MC CNS tumor : astrocytoma (pilocytic) followed by medulloblastoma

    MC malignancy of CNS in children: Medulloblastoma (remember that astrocytoma is benign- WHO grade


    MC benign soft tissue tumor: hemangioma

    MC malignant soft tissue tumor: rhabdomyosarcoma

    1. Cause of abdominal aortic aneurysms: Atherosclerosis

    2. Cause of thoracic aneurysms: hypertension

    3. Site of AAA: below renal arteries

    4. Tumor of BV: hemangioma, capillary

    5. Primary Tx of heart in children: rhabdomyoma

    6. Primary Tx of heart in adults: myxoma

    7. Mx of heart: secondaries (bronchial)

    8. Primary Mx of heart: Angiosarcoma

    9. Lymphoma: Non Hodgkin

    10. Type of HL: Nodular sclerosis> mixed cellularity

    11. Site of HL: cervical

    12. Age group of HL: 32 years (4th decade)

  • 13. Type of NHL: DLBCL

    14. AML: M2

    15. AML with DIC: M3

    16. Site of Myeloid sarcoma in CML: Skin

    17. Inherited Bleeding disorder: vWD

    18. Inherited disorder assoc with life threatning bleeding : Hemophelia A

    19. Lung ca in men / smokers: SCC

    20. Lung ca in Women/ non smokers: Adeno

    21. Most aggressive lung tumor: small cell

    22. Pleaural tumor: mets

    23. Primary pleural Mx: Malignant mesothelioma

    24. Tx of Salivary gland: PA

    25. Mx of Salivary gland: MECa

    26. Site of Meca: parotid

    27. Esophageal Ca: SCC

    28. Site of esophageal Ca: mid third

    29. Site of biopsy in H pylori: antrum

    30. Site of biopsy in celiac: D2

    31. Type of gastric polyp: hyperplastic

    32. Mx of stomach: adenocarcinoma

    33. Lymphoma of stomach: MALToma>DLBCL

    34. Mesenchymal Tx of abdomen: GIST

    35. Site of polyps in GIT: colon

    36. Mx of GIT: colon Ad Ca

    37. Tx of appendix: carcinoid

  • 38. Benign Tx of liver: cavernous hemangioma

    39. Mx of liver: Mets

    40. Primary Mx of liver: HCC>cholangio Ca

    41. Primary MX of liver in children: Hepatoblastoma

    42. Primary in hepatic mets: colon> breast>lung

    43. Cyst of pancreas: pseudocyst

    44. Cause of NS in children : MCD

    45. Cause of NS in adults : FSGS

    46. Cause of papillary necrosis : DM

    47. Benign Tx of kidney : papillary adenoma

    48. Mx of kidney : RCC (adenocarcinomas of kidney)

    49. Type of RCC : clear cell

    50. Site of RCC mets : lungs>bones

    51. Cause of melacoplakia : E.coli>Proteus

    52. Mx of bladder : TCC(urothelial carcinoma

    53. CA of penis : SCC

    54. Benign paratesticular Tx : adenomatoid

    55. Mx of paratesticular : RMS

    56. Testicular tumour : seminoma

    57. Mx of prostrate : adenocarcinoma

    58. Secondary in prostrate : urothelial carcinoma

    59. Site of Mets in CA prostrate : lumbar spine>femur

    60. Site of pituitary adenoma : anterior lobe

    61. Type of pituitary adenoma : prolactinoma>GH

    62. Type of PA secreting dual hormone : GH & prolactin

  • 63. Thyroid Mx: PTC

    64. Variant of PTC: Follicular variant

    65. Cause of primary hyper parathyroidism: Adenoma

    66. Cause of sec. Hyper parathyroidism: renal failure

    67. Pancreatic endocrine neoplasms: insulinoma

    68. Cause ACTH independent Cushings: Adrenal adenoma> carcinoma

    69. Cause of cushings: glucocorticoids (exogenous)

    70. Endogenous Cause of cushings: ACTH pit adenoma

    71. Adrenal neoplasm in children: ACC

    72. Adrenal neoplasm in adults: Adenoma=carcinoma

    73. Common muscular dystrophy: Duchenne (DMD)

    74. Most severe muscular dystrophy: DMD

    75. Type of intracranial aneurysms: saccular (Berry)

    76. Site of berry aneurysms: Ant cerebral A

    77. Mx of brain: Mets

    78. Primary for mets in brain: Lungs>breast

    79. Primary tumor of CNS: Meningioma

    80. Primary tumor of brain: Glioblastoma

    81. Primary Mx of CNS: Glioblastoma

    82. Primary Tx of CNS in childhood: pilocytic astrocytoma

    83. Primary Mx of CNS in childhood: medulloblastoma

    84. Midline Post fossa tumor in children: medulloblastoma