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Episerver ascend – 2016 conference

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The Met Police's latest digital projects

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Aims• Police officers and staff are empowered and

informed via their digital workspace

• Reduce large quantities of paperwork

• Accessible anywhere, from any device

• Police officers and staff can focus on what matters most, playing their part in making London the safest global city

The Met Police's latest digital projectsSpeakers: Martin Fewell, Director of Media & Communications at Metropolitan PolicePeter Mann, Client Services Director, CDS

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If a force as large as the met police can undertake such large digital transformation then it is a

possibility for any other police force to do the same

The Met Police's latest digital projects

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How• Engage with customers via forums etc – get to

know their customers

• Get to know the staff too – empower and engage them so they feel part of the project

• Make work and procedure as seamless as possible so police officers and staff can focus on what matters most

• Options to roll out to other areas where forces can try our different aspects of the new system

The Met Police's latest digital projectsSpeakers: Martin Fewell, Director of Media & Communications at Metropolitan PolicePeter Mann, Client Services Director, CDS

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Migrating to the Episerver cloud (DXC)

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Benefits• Cloud located on Microsoft Azure - a strong,

reliable service. Azure were the first to conform to ISO 27018 Cloud Privacy Standard

• Scale on demand, unlimited capacity & pay for only what you need

• Extensive monitoring 365/24/7 and issue resolution – plus can triage other issues to the other suppliers

• Simple pricing on content items & page views, so pricing will grow with your site

Migrating to the cloud

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Migrating to the cloudSolving client challenges

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Keynote: Acceleration in the era of chaos and change

Talk by: Igor Beuker

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We are in the age of the forth industrial revolution• Currently in a chaotic changing time – but chaos is opportunity

• Adapt to survive

• Our way of building businesses is often based on the assumption that the future is going to be like the past

• Don’t be scared of this new industrial revolution – all the past ones created more jobs and wealth, why should this one be any different

Acceleration in the era of chaos and change

It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most

adaptable to change.Charles Darwin

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The new generation• The new generation lives through an interface, it

changes their behaviour – other generations find it hard to understand

• They will swipe brands to one side like they do Tinder profiles

• They start out their careers as CEO and Founder – a social status

• They are ‘always on’ hyperconnected tech ninjas

Acceleration in the era of chaos and change

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Math Men• Don’t think of the ROI, the real question is:

What is the risk if I don’t do this?

• They look at the world differently, innovatively, 10 steps ahead (and the gap is widening all the time)

• Most brands have embraced mobile first, well that’s old news, Math Men are now embracing AI first – Google have just made the switch

• “I skate where the puck is going to be, not where it has been” (Wayne Gretzy)

Acceleration in the era of chaos and changeMad Men• Most dangerous statement: “We have

always done it this way”

• Boardroom with head in the sand – “we don’t think it’ll last”, “we don’t believe in ….”

• “But in my industry it’s different” - it’s not, all industries are evolving

• It’s just a gimmick, it’s just hype

• I need to see a business case, what is the ROI? I need to know what will happen

• …leads to “we didn’t see this coming!”


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Acceleration in the era of chaos and change

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73% of inaction is high risk, company profits decline by 40% in 3-5 years

27% of inaction is radical, company profits decline by 30% in 1-3 years

Acceleration in the era of chaos and changeInnovation

86% of innovation is low risk, it generates 30% of company profits

14% of innovation is radical, it generates 70% of company profits


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Engaging with the audience“Brands are becoming media outlets”

• Today you can still buy media, but you can no longer buy attention. You have to earn it

• It’s not about buying ‘likes’ - that is just an ego boost, it’s not a true reflection of loyal customers

• Beyond one-size-fits all TV campaigns, it’s about personalised experiences and content

• Facebook & Google – good examples of media owners masquerading as technology companies

Acceleration in the era of chaos and change

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Slides by: Anna BravingtonAccount Director, - @[email protected] @annabravington