Download - EPA NARMPA History of Superfund Data Management "EDD" in Region 2

  • 1. 23rd Annual NARPM Training Program History of Superfund Data Management EDD in Region 2 Robert M. Alvey Geologist ERRD/PSB- Technical Support Section

2. 23rd Annual NARPM Training Program 1 Introduction Hello from Region 2! Region 2 Basics Superfund and RPMs Data Management Adapting to: Employee turnover Budget reductions IT developments History of Region 2 EDD (Case Study) 3. 23rd Annual NARPM Training Program 2 EPA Region 2 Basics Region 2 basics: Serving New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and eight tribal nations Region 2 Headquarters in lower Manhattan Regional Administrator: Judith Enck The Program Support Branch in Region 2 includes a Technical Support Section of Geologists and Risk Assessors assigned to support all Region 2 Superfund sites 4. 23rd Annual NARPM Training Program 3 EPA Region 2 Basics Region 2 and Superfund: Currently 217 NPL Superfund Sites in Region 2 NY 114, NJ 86, PR- 16, VI -1 Region 2 is the home of Love Canal in Niagara Falls an initial site that lead to Superfund There are also hundreds of State Superfund non- NPL sites in Region 2 5. 23rd Annual NARPM Training Program 4 Superfund and RPMs The RPM maintains responsibility for all aspects of a Superfund site Hydrogeologists and Risk Assessors are assigned for technical support Superfund site activities can last for decades RPMs and Tech Support staff dont last forever 6. 23rd Annual NARPM Training Program 5 Data Management A problem: Technical, Administrative, Financial and Legal data Storage Accessibility Use Paper, paper, paper, disc, disc, disc 7. 23rd Annual NARPM Training Program 6 Data Management Having an electronic Superfund site database of technical data increases efficiency, communications, planning, and accuracy The EDD technical data can be stored and doesnt take up much space The EDD data can be accessed easily The EDD data can be readily used NOTE: A PDF FILE IS NOT Electronic data! 8. 23rd Annual NARPM Training Program 7 Technical Data Management Planning Field Investigation Post Field Investigation Database Population Validation Laboratory Analysis Chain of Custody Data Packages/ EDD Field Notes/ Log Books Geoanalysis/ EDD EDD Data Analysis and Reporting/ Region 2 EDD Data Usability Data Flow Chart QC External Data QC Internal Data Complying with the Region 2 EDD 9. 23rd Annual NARPM Training Program 8 Typical Data Flow 10. 23rd Annual NARPM Training Program 9 Region 2 Superfund EDD History Technical Support Team 1999-2000 Recognized data management problems Researched IT systems Pilot program EQuIS through EarthSoft May 2002 EPAs National Risk Management Research Laboratory published Innovative Technology Evaluation Report (EPA/540/R- 02/503), EarthSoft, Inc. Environmental Quality Information System EquIS. 2003-2004 License and Pilot Test Sherwin Williams Superfund Site 11. 23rd Annual NARPM Training Program 10 Region 2 Superfund EDD History 2007-2008 EDD Expansion GET THE DATA: EDD submittal formats, instructions, comprehensive manuals, and software links were incorporated to an EPA web site for easy access: The requirements for providing data to EPA in Region 2 Superfund EDD format were incorporated into the new EPA RACS contracts for all Federal Lead Superfund sites. 12. 23rd Annual NARPM Training Program 11 Region 2 Superfund EDD History The requirements for EDD data submittal were added to Interagency Agreements between EPA, USACE, and USGS. The EDD requirements for submitting data were incorporated as standard language to all PRP lead Superfund orders and agreements. Free training courses, both on line and at Region 2 facilities, were provided to consultants, contractors and other agencies on preparation and submittal of EDD data. All Superfund site contractors and consultants required to submit all data collected as of 2008 in the EDD format. 13. 23rd Annual NARPM Training Program 12 Region 2 Superfund EDD History 2009-2010: Expand and refine CLP data automatic EDD set-up EPA National Notable Achievement Award for Superfund Cleanup Innovation of the Year Multi-Regional EDD work group NYSDEC selects EQuIS for their overall EDD 2011 Groundwater Forum EDD Fact Sheet and Appendix published 2012 Region 2 USGS Pilot EDD and GIS Nassau County well data 14. 23rd Annual NARPM Training Program 13 Region 2 Superfund EDD History 2013-2014 EarthSoft continues to update their system CDMSmith contract with NYSDEC on their EDD Valid Values coordination EPA EDD database as of June 2014: 97 EPA Sites with data submitted Total number of monitoring wells: 7,341 Total number of water samples analyzed: Groundwater: 38,958, Surface Water: 3,437 Total number of soils samples analyzed: 22,812 Total number of sediment samples analyzed: 16,301 Total number of water level measurements: 292,382 15. 23rd Annual NARPM Training Program 14 Region 2 EDD EPA Region 2 updates and shares both the Valid Values and EDD format