Download - EPA Air Policy Perspectives Presentation to 2 nd Workshop on Intercontinental Transport and Climatic Effects of Air Pollutants (ICAP) Chapel Hill, NC 21.


EPA Air Policy Perspectives

Presentation to 2nd Workshop onIntercontinental Transport and Climatic Effects of Air

Pollutants (ICAP)

Chapel Hill, NC

21 November 2003John Bachmann

Associate Director for Science/Policy and New ProgramsOAQPS/Office of Air and Radiation

EPA Policy Priorities• Domestic traditional air pollution agenda

– Implementing ozone and PM2.5 national ambient air quality standards– Reviewing and potential revisions of ozone and PM NAAQS

• Background• Regional and local effects on weather and climate

– Reducing risk of air toxics – local, persistent– Integrated programs for major source categories– Issue: how does international transport affect these programs?

• International Policy Issues – International Agreements– US/Canada/Mexico– Transport from Asia, transport to Europe

• Understanding climate interactions– Integrating climate and international/regional air pollution issues– Effects of air pollution on global/regional scale climate– Effects of global climate change on air pollution

PM Regulatory Schedules

8-hr Ozone Standards2004 EPA makes nonattainment

designations2005-09 New NOx Rule/NAAQS Review2007-08 States develop/submit SIPs 2007-08 EPA approves SIPs2007-19 Attainment deadlines vary

PM2.5 Standards (fine particles)2004 EPA makes nonattainment

designations, complete NAAQS review2004 EPA Issues CAIR SOx/NOx

transport2004-08 States develop/submit SIPs,

complete current NAAQS review2008-09 EPA approves SIPs2010-14 Attainment deadlines, new NAAQS

reviewRegional Haze Program

2007-08 States submit regional haze SIPs

2008-09 EPA approves SIPs

2013-18 Plants must install BART or comply with backstop

trading program

Mobile Source Program2004 Non-road diesel proposal

2003-- Other non-road categories

2004 Tier 2 becomes effective

2007 HD diesel rules effective

International transport/climate interactions Scale: global/regional

* in 106 kg/year/1ox1o grid (David Streets & Tami Bond, 2002)

Global Black Carbon Emissions

Asia a Priority: Air Quality/Health Improvements have climate benefits

CO2 (1.4) Black Carbon PM (1.4)


Air Pollution (PM and O3) significant Climate Forcers

Modeling intercontinental ozone transport – significant component of background

Climate change is not always global•INDOEX, other preliminary work suggest significant potential of BC aerosol for affecting hydrologic cycle on a regional basis

•Significant effects of Asian pollution on health, crops

•Short-life of conventional pollutants suggests rapid response to reductions

• Intercontinental Transport - impact to US & others?

– Need improved global/regional emission inventories for O3 and PM precursors partitioned by

source sectors

– Need nested global and regional models

– Need policy-relevant future emission projections

• Climatic Effects of AP - direct and indirect effects?

– Need global climate/chemistry model to estimate climate response for selected policy-relevant

emission projections,

– Develop approaches for quantifying direct and indirect climate responses on the perturbation of

climate-forcing pollutants

• U.S. & other developed countries’ emissions – impact to air quality in other


Issue: air pollution effects on climate – prospects for integration