
Presented by: Khan Mohammad Raoha(1204143);Shaumik Sakib Bin Masud(1204144);Sumaiya Jabin(1204145)ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION PROJECT

UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTSDepartment of Civil Engineering

Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology 

INTRODUCTION The ongoing growth of human population in the world and its associated impacts, mean that the need for environmental restoration has become increasingly clear. Environmental restoration is a term common in the citizens’ environmental movement. It is closely allied with ecological restoration and environmental rehabilitation.

APPROACHES Environmental restoration involves many different approaches and technologies depending on the requirements of the situation.

• Heavy equipments like cranes, graders, bulldozers or excavators.• Hand processes like the planting of trees and other vegetation.• High-tech processes such as those applied in the careful environmental control required in fish-hatchery procedures.• Computer-based mapping.In some situations, environmental restorative work is handled entirely by professionals working with skilled operators and technicians.

GOALS Goals of the program shall include the following:

1. The identification, research and cleanup of contamination from a hazardous substance or pollutant or contaminant.2. Correction of other environmental damage which creates an imminent and substantial endangerment to the public health or welfare or to the environment.3. Demolition and removal of unsafe buildings and structures.



The project scope includes;

• Characterizing the nature and extent of contamination in soil, groundwater, surface water/sediment, plants, and animals. • Selecting and implement cleanup actions for soil and groundwater that are protective of human health and the environment.• Maintain protection over time.• Minimize untreated waste.

CONCLUSION Whether we like it or not or can confront it or not we all need to heed the warning signs of an impending environmental 9/11. There is still time but experts give us only about a decade to reverse the tides. This is our wake up call . With the help of environmental restoration we can try to ensure a better planet for our future generations.



Hurricane Katrina, the 11th named storm and 5th Hurricane of 2005 Atlantic Hurricane season caused severe environmental degradation throughout the coastal region.

-Destruction along Gulf Coast from Central Florida to Texas.

-Failure of levee system in Orleans.

-Carbon monoxide poisoning.

-Oil and chemical spills in hazardous sites.

- Releasing toxic materials.

-Contaminating groundwater and drinking water.


The restoration planning for Hurricane Katrina based on 3 types of restoration;


NOAA Fisheries Services planned large scale multimillion dollar habitat restoration.


NOAA and its partners planned to asses the island and wetland restoration

.3.RESTORATION FROM CHEMICAL WASTES:OR&R responded to damage assessment to oil and chemical spills.


For different restoration treatments the measures taken were different.

-NOAA funded nearly 40 on ground habitat restoration in Louisiana and Mississippi.

-NOAA also assisted in natural restoration of shoreline by oyster reefs and wetland planting.

-OR&R’s mission was to minimise harm and to develop best practice of controlling oil spills in hazardous waste sites.