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Page 1: Environment project - Book 1 (2A)


Environnement: Diversified Landscapes

Around the world, there are many different kinds of


First, there are mountains and green landscapes as in the

first picture in Alsace, in France.

Then, there are coastal landscapes as in the second picture

in Berck sur Mer in France.

And there are urban landscapes as in the third picture in

Montréal in Canada.

There are many diversified landscapes that must be


How can you preserve them?

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- Don’t throw your rubbish in the countryside.

- Use dustbins available.

- Don’t waste water.

- Recycle.

- Use cars as little as possible. Use public transports

whenever possible.

- And many others little things …..

Why must be preserve them?

- To ensure a healthy Earth for the future generations.

- To protect the Earth so that it should remain as it is


Justine & Justine


How to preserve nature?

There are simple steps to keep our nature as beautiful as it

is on this photo. For instance, we try and save energy.

We can stop and wasting energy. We are fortunate to have a

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beautiful nature but we spoil it because people do not pay

attention. That is why we should raise the awareness for

sustainable development.

We must take care of our planet. Look at this beautiful

place that can be found close to home, do you believe it will

always remain the same?

We think we should all make an effort to protect the

beautiful nature that surrounds us.

Cléa and Louna


Photos taken close to a highway in Saint-Martin-Boulogne

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The Earth: a global dustbin

Nowadays, more and more people pollute our planet by

throwing waste everywhere. As you can see on these photos,

people don’t respect the environment any more: they spoil

the nature of their own free will.

How can we make people aware of that horror?

According to statistics, there will be terrible consequences

such as: climate warming, some animals’ extinction, many

health problems.

Do you want this? No, you don’t? So, YOU have to care

about our environment, YOU must save the planet and YOU

must be careful about what you do !



Article by Delaforge Désirée and Lenel Marie


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Visible or not visible, that is the question.

What is the similarity between these two pictures?

These pictures show the beauty of nature.

On the first photo, a beautiful sky with many clouds, and on

the second one, a little flower surrounded by grass. But we

can’t think pollution hides behind the beautiful sky, and

nature is polluted.

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Pollution is not always visible. That’s not because you don’t

see a thing that this thing doesn’t exist. If we want to save

this nature, we have to stop polluting.

Eva and Alice.


The Environment and Pollution

Pollution is one of the biggest and most topical issues of our

time. Our environment is damaged by us. Too many people

throw a lot of waste nywhere, they don't care about the

environment so it spoils nature for our future. If we

continue to damage our nature, it is going to disappear. And

if we don't change things, the issue will not be settled.

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Now, we can recycle waste! So we don’t need to throw waste

in nature because waste can be recycled. Recycling means

that we can reuse our waste in a different way with a new

use. If everybody used this solution, there would be less

waste in the environment. The environment would not be

polluted any more.

We have the power to change things, the power to solve

environmental issues. We must care about the environment

because our future is at stake, our children's future is in

danger, the Earth is in danger!

It's not just about vegetation or animals, it's also about us,

about the future of our species!

So don't forget: WE are the future! If we want to, we can

change things!

Audrey and Delphine


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Wind Power

In this picture, we can see two wind turbines in the middle

of one field. Thanks to the wind, the helixes turn to

transform the kinetic energy into mechanic energy in order

to produce electricity. This source of energy is renewable

and sustainable. Thanks to this system, the environment is

respected. A natural element, the wind, is used for human

needs, for us to have light, to ensure that we have the

electricity we need.

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Learn to really look at nature!

In this second picture you can see a field surrounded by

greenery, that is what I see every day when I look out my

window. I like to contemplate nature’s different colours. But

I know that this could be destroyed by the building of new

places to live, to work. To save nature, not to spoil it, we

must respect it, we should not degrade or pollute it. I would

love to make people learn to look differently at nature.

Respect nature, if you do not want it to die!

Marianne & Laure ****************************

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On the first photo, we can see « Le Cap Gris Nez ». On this

PHOTO, there is a beautiful cliff situated on the beach. But

it isn’t the reality because now, most of the sea is polluted,

as we can see on the second photo. In the sea there are

tires, plastic, bottles, etc.



Pauline & Louise D.
