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Environment and Security, UNDP E&E Community of Practice Meeting, Bratislava, Slovakia 13th October 2008 1

Environment and Security Initiative

Environment and Security, UNDP E&E Community of Practice Meeting, Bratislava, Slovakia 13th October 2008 2

Environment and security links

• Environmental challenges may contribute to drivers of risks to human security and national stability and insecurity can lead to environmental problems

• Environmental degradation and resource scarcity have not been sole causes of violent conflicts

• Environmental issues can provide opportunity to foster dialogue and cooperation

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Climate change related security risks in selected hotspots

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Evolution of understanding

1970’s - Ecological impacts of military activities- Oil crisis: disputes over scarce resources?- UN Conference on Human Environment

1980’s - Brundtland Commission: sustainable development

1990’s - Earth Summit- “The coming anarchy”: intra-state conflicts- UNDP: Human security

2000’s - Ban Ki-Moon: “A Climate Culprit In Darfur”- UN SC debate on impact of climate change

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ENVSEC: how it works

• Partnership of six agencies with complementing mandates and expertise

• Aims to contribute to reduction of environment and security risks, and strengthened cooperation between and within countries by– Providing a multi-stakeholder based analysis of environment and

security risks; and – Supporting the process to address identified risks systematically.

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ENVSEC: how it works (cont’d)

• Active in South-Eastern Europe, Eastern Europe, Southern Caucasus and Central Asia

• Management Board, Secretariat (Coordination, Admin, Regional Desk Officers) and NFP in countries

• Total portfolio (since 2004 including completed, ongoing and planned) is 101 projects with around 25 mln US$

• Not a funding mechanism; on the contrary has to do its own fund-raising and charges 6% fee for mgt

• Project proposals submitted to RDO (CA doesn’t have “core” ENVSEC programming resources)

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ENVSEC-UNDP ongoing and pipeline portfolio

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ENVSEC achievements

• Visualized analysis of environmental-security issues with participation of stakeholders in EE, SEE, SC, and CA

• Coordinated approach to the issues of several partners

• Facilitation of the discussion of the issues (ENVSEC conferences) and testing of some practical steps to address issues

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ENVSEC challenges

• Defining the scope and focus of Initiative

• Buy-in and support of governments

• Stable funding basis

• Strengthened cooperation and coordination within the UN system and with other relevant entities (EC, WB)

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How can cooperation with CO be improved?

• Keeping CO informed about pertinent ENVSEC developments

• Identify matching interests between CO pipeline, ENVSEC priority and donor interest and support CO develop proposals to be implemented by CO

• Encourage COs to actively contact ENVSEC RDO and explore possibilities of joint project development and fund-raising

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