Download - Enhanced December 2019 by Gary Cowans for radiomuseum...Enhanced December 2019 by Gary Cowans for "CROWN" PRODUCTS-TH E UNIVERSAL CHOICE 1937 Range I.F. All l.F. Transformers

Page 1: Enhanced December 2019 by Gary Cowans for radiomuseum...Enhanced December 2019 by Gary Cowans for "CROWN" PRODUCTS-TH E UNIVERSAL CHOICE 1937 Range I.F. All l.F. Transformers

Enhanced December 2019 by Gary Cowans for

Page 2: Enhanced December 2019 by Gary Cowans for radiomuseum...Enhanced December 2019 by Gary Cowans for "CROWN" PRODUCTS-TH E UNIVERSAL CHOICE 1937 Range I.F. All l.F. Transformers

Enhanced December 2019 by Gary Cowans for



Everyone of these new dials has been built around the standard design of friction drive, one which has been evolved only after years of exper­ience ,,;ith different styles of actions.

POWER PUeS RESERYE The basic principle has proved itself b be 100 %

<!Hicient and fool proof under all working condi­tions, having loads of r~serve puwer, even when lurning the largest gang.

FIl'GERTlP CONTROL The lightest touch of the fingertips is ample fo;"

operation at any time, due to the velvety smo:lth· ness of the new improved friction drive.

EYE APPEAL Great attention has bec:1 paid to the appearance

and eye-appeal of every model. The movement of each is obviously a faultlessly

designed and beautifully engineered piece of mechanism, whilst the scales and escutcheons aTe So des igned as to enhance the value of the fiuest cabinet work.

TYPE FD7G. Price 21 / -

SCALES-"Edgeli\" Glass either D/W or B/C only . . Fully calibrated on both bands.

.\10VEMENT-This is the ever popular friction plate action which has proved itst!lf over a period of years to be 100% efficient and re­liable. In the new and improved FD7G and FD7 the drive is more velvety than before and at the same time more powerful.

ESCUTCHEON- No. 4 Bakelite, diameter of aper­ture 4-% ".

CENTRES-Knob SIJindle to needle and gang spindle: 3 -iir ".

OVERALl, DlMENSIONS----<; o/," x 7Y,". RATIO-180 degrees needle travel, and 16/ 1 knoh

to gang. TYPE FD7. Price 1.5/ 9 SCALES and ESCUTCHEON-Same as FD5 Other

details same as FD7G. .


CALIBRATIONS All scales are accurately calibrated to the O:lC

standard. being so designed to suit all Crown coils in current production. Particular attention has been paid to this point in order to overcome one of the set builders' greatc8t difficulties, that of being able to obtain ,·eadily a coil I(it and dial that WILL match.

IMPROVED ILLDIlNATlON The outs tanding feature of all Crown glass

"edgelit" dials is the vastly improved lighting sys­tem. The use of spring fitting I1mp holders in pre­ference to rubber grommets, together with th2 Crown exclusive design light boxc$I, enahles casy access at all times to dial lamps.

[n addition, all lamp holders are provided with retaining rubber bushes, which serve the dual pur­I)OSe of insulating the holder and lamp fro:n the metal parts of the dial. at the same time gripping the laml} around its base to l)revent it working loose in the holder.

COLOUR SCHE)IE All "cdgclit" D j W dials light up g reen 0::1 B/C

band and amber on S / W band, whilst th2 H/ C models light up green.

TYPE FD5. Price 15/ 9

This model has met with grcllt approval, due to its aduptubiJity 10 any chas!Oiis. It WUH designed to permit t.he gang 10· mount directly on to the chassis, without the necessity of cutting a wide hole in the chassis, or alternatively mounting the gang on brackets or spacers as is required with the FD7. FD7G and FD8G dials. SCALE-Black celluloid-D/ W, calibrated 0:1 both

bands. ESCUTCHEON-No. 4 Rakelite, diameter of aper·

ture, 4lA". CENTRES-J{nob s pindle to gang spindle: Hl".

" " "needle.. : 3% ". OVERALL DlMENSlONS-6 o/.j" x 6';.1". RATIO-tSO degrees needle travel and S/ 1 lmob

to gang. .

TYPE FD5G. Price ....... ... 21/ -SCALES Dnd ESCUTCHEON-As per FD7G. Other

details ~ame as FD5.

Page 3: Enhanced December 2019 by Gary Cowans for radiomuseum...Enhanced December 2019 by Gary Cowans for "CROWN" PRODUCTS-TH E UNIVERSAL CHOICE 1937 Range I.F. All l.F. Transformers

Enhanced December 2019 by Gary Cowans for



TYPE FD3G. Price _. 27/ 6

TYPE FD8G. Price ... _ ... 35/ ·

SCALE- 7" Square Glass available as OfW or B/ C only. Fully and accurutely calibrated on both bands.

ESCU'l'CHEON-7" square walnut, with 6" square opening. Two tYIJ elS availnble. No. 1: With name plate suitable for private brand chassis manufacturers, where it is de­sired to incorporate any s pecial name. This may be done by inserting a small celluloid name plate measuring 1 Yz " x If: " in t he l\'ln­dow from the back, which may alsa he iIlu· minated. No. 2: Features the plain top as illustrated.

)10VEMENT-The FD7 movement is incorporated, together with a s iml)le intermediate anti­backlash gear t. rain increas ing the needle trave l to 290 degrees.

CENTRES-Knob spindle to g ang spindle : 3 Yz". " needle .. : 41',r" .

OVEHALL DIMENSIONS-9" x So/.. " wide. RATIO- 280 degrees needle travel and 16/ 1 knob

to gang.

SCAL F'.-2 glass "Edgelit,.· Jightinl{ up Green and Amber.

F.~C (JTCBEON - Walnut Bakelit e, 9" x 4 %" aperture.

CENTRES-Knob spindle to gang and needle spindle: 1 Vz ":

OVERALL DlM E NSTONS-l2" long x: 7!/z" high.

RATI0-180 degrees needle travel and S/ 1 knob to gang.

TYPE FD3. Price ... 21/ · SCALE - Black cel1uloid. D/ W.

Showing all Australian s tations. Other details same as FD3G.

TYI'E FD1G. Price ...... 13/ 6 SC.4.LE-GlasB "Edgelit ," lighting up

Green. H/ C only. ESCUTCHEON-Black bakelite. 4" x

2%" opening. CEKTRBH--Knob spindle lo gang and

needle spindle: 1Yz". OVER.ALL DIMENSIONS-5%" wide x

6Y:" high. RATIO- 1S0 degrees needle travel and

SI1 knob to gang.

1;YPE FD1. Price _. 9/ 6 SCALE-Black celluloid, BI C only

showing all Australian stations. Other deta il~ same a s FD1'G. .


Page 4: Enhanced December 2019 by Gary Cowans for radiomuseum...Enhanced December 2019 by Gary Cowans for "CROWN" PRODUCTS-TH E UNIVERSAL CHOICE 1937 Range I.F. All l.F. Transformers

Enhanced December 2019 by Gary Cowans for


1937 Range I.F.

All l.F. Transformers are thoroughly iml)rcg­n8t~d, usi ng the same exduai"e process a s for coi ls. Tht!y may aJso be 811ecia ll y tre .. ted fOI' TKOI'ICAL COND ITIONS. A s mall extra charg4~ if) made fOl' this treat.ment, which must be speci­fied on the order.

The coils arc uni "ersaUy wound b y modern ma­chines. using only the highest grades uf wire. Only the best impregnating materials are used. nnd all moilS ture is extracted befure iml)regnating, there­fore resulting in a coil having a very high " Q" factor.

J-'requentile insulation is Llsed exclus ively for all the trllnmers, and only the best grade rub y mic:! is used for dieledric. Plates are of spring harden­ed nickel silver, accurately cuned 80 as to hold their adjustment once set. E\'ery part used in the manufacturing of the trimmer base is thoroughly cleaned in a s pecial solution to remove all dirt, grease and mois ture. No part or complete base is handled with bare hands after cleaning, and a s ~ln extra precaution each base is sealed agains t tht" poss ible effect of dirt or moisture by the U!!l t! of a high-grade e leetricaf lacquer.



N o.

Plate Green

n+ Red Grid Hlack

(thl'ough can) Eart h Blad


Solid Wire 175 k.c.­Type ISS·175 No. 1 and No. 2. Price, 5/ 9.

Litz Wire 465 k.c.­Type TSL·465 No. 1 and No. 2. Price, 7/ 6.

Iron Cored 465 k.c.­Type ISC-465 No. 1 and ~~. 2. Price 10/ 6.


No. 2

Plate Green

11+ Red

Grid Brown

Earth Black


All intermediates using square cans have a high dielectric terminal plate at t he bottom of the can to PI'event connecting leads twisting arou..nd t he coi l. Single strand wil~e is used 10 obvia ·c th e pos­s ibility of mO\'cment of the wil'e inside the cnn.

The IRON CORED transformers arc radically different from any other transformer available. These transformers have their coils wound directly on the iron core without making electrical contact with it. By doing thi s the full \'alue of the iron core is obtained, making it possi ble tu design the units with less loss and higher I'Q" fador.

Transformers are a\'ailable for 175 I,.e_ or 46, l,.c. operation, and may be used with both Ameri­can and Continental and also Australian tubes. Three atandard sizes of canlll arc available. They a re ,I" x 1 ¥S" square, 4Yz" x 2" round, and ;t" x 2 lA" round. All transformers arc made in pairs marked No. 1 and No. 2. No. 1 has the grid lead through top of can, and No, 2 has all lead3 through bottom of can.

Below are listed all standard tYI,es. S pecial types may be had on application.

ROUND CAN TYPES (3" x 2t")

SOLID WIll"; 175 k.c.-Type [RS·175, Nu. 1 :lnd No. 2. Price .... .... .... .... ... 5/9.

L1TZ WIllE 175 k.,.-l'yve lRL- 175, No. 1 nn1 No. 2. Price 7/ 6.

LITZ WIRE 465 k,e.-Typ. lHL-465, 1\0. 1 and No. 2. P1'ice 7/ 6.

:SOLID WIRE 465 k.c.-Type lRS-4 65, No. I, No. 2 and No_ 3. Price 5 / 9.


IRON CORED 465 k.c.­Type IRC· 4G5, No. 1 and

No. 2. Price 10/6.

NOl'F.: lron C:nre~1 I.P. Trans form ers !ire ont ava il­able for 17 .. ') k .c.

If des ired, an y of the above tntn8fo rrn e r~ are

available fOT use with battery t ype tubes. When ordering, ADD "0" TO TYPE NUMBER, i.e .. ISC-465D ~o. I, etc.

Page 5: Enhanced December 2019 by Gary Cowans for radiomuseum...Enhanced December 2019 by Gary Cowans for "CROWN" PRODUCTS-TH E UNIVERSAL CHOICE 1937 Range I.F. All l.F. Transformers

Enhanced December 2019 by Gary Cowans for



Timing coils Ilrc available in three different typC3- lr on Core d type "Cl", PYfl Wound type "CP", and Solenoid Wound type "CS" .

Crown coils are thorourh 1y impro.'l'nated, using the hi gh e.t grade wax available. Immediately the coils are wound they are p laced In a s pecial low-tempera ture. "air_conditlonin,.· > DRYINC OVEN specially <.:ons tructed to remOve all moisture from the c:oib. When the drying procU,s 15 complete, the coi l. are immersed in wa" sufficie ntly hot to cover the coil without detrime nt. When the (:oils are cold they are "flash­dipped" so as to ~dve th em a ,protective coverin,..

Where coils >l,-., required for use under tropical conditions or in very humid climates, a ,pedal imprel"nation ; ~ avail­able at a small extra chau:e. However, unles, otherwise s pecified , ' standard finish will be supplied.

Every coil i. made for use with a St ... ombe ..... -Carlson "F" type conden~e r (9 tG 400 mmf. ) under which cl.lnditiGns the,. will match any CROWN STANDARD DIAL. Trimmers wHl be required fGr each s ectiGn (3 to 30 mmf. ) .

StrGmherg-CarlsGn type " C" CGndens er (18 tG 385 mmf.) may be us ed satisfactorily, but will not ex,," c tly match all Crown dials.

AIi CGII. a r e ma.tched to Gne sh,ndard, so that they are inte rchangea ble, a lthough it is r ecGmmended that all Gf one

PYE WOUND COILS Pye wound coils are wound with

7 / 41 Litz, wire Gn Ipedal l " ground fG r m ers. They are fitted with 10!'

del' III!:'s on the end Gf the former for eonnec: tiGn and are fu lly co lo ur cGded.

High impedence-capacity coup· ling i); used, adjusted to give hi"h s ignal to nGlse ratio, so euential in modern receivers. They are moun· ted in 2 i" :0: 2" round cans and are luilable for the majority of m"dium p~iced receivcrs.

TYPES A V AILABLE The os cillator coils are intended for use with A .C, Penta·

g rid c onverter tubel .

DETA1LS ,­Pye Wound Coils

Type No, CP/ Aer. CP / R.F. CP/~65 osc. CP/1750sc.


IHagnetic Band Pass Aer. P / BP ';) / 9 ea. 7/ 6 ea.

SHORT WAVE TUNING COILS All lihort waYe tuning coils are

wound on .. round i " dia. former s . fin e ly grGoved tG oermlt accura t e, spacin g of tu,'ns-both primar y and lecGnd/lry.

T h e former material is the be . t Gb ­tainable. and only heavy a-auQ'e enamel is uled for &11 secGnd­arial and dGuble s ilk cGated wire for all primaries. The CGi ls are supplied without cans , a " StrOllgba ck" or tap_ pcd mountin", plate be ing fitted in

" the former at the LOW potentia.l end of the coil for mountin g .

All leads are brought out DIRECT. therefGre eliminatin g s olde r lugs and

loue s pertaining to them. When u s ed in dUill ... ave rel:eivers with Stromber .. -Carlson

" F " type cGndenser, the coil I will track with any Standil.~ CrGwn dial . The Osc illator CGiI requirel a paddinr capacity Jlf .005 mrd. (Fixed Mica CGndenser). They are fGr use with an I.F. Gr 465 k .c. and trimming eGlldensen Gf approx. 3 tG 30 mmf. capadty. Under these conditions the band cov­ered is frGm 16 lo 52 metres.

Type No. CX ! Aer. CX/R.F. CX / 465 OSC.



2/ 6 2/ 6 2/ ;;



Tuning Coils

type be ' used . A standard dial ealibntiGn is ayailable. IIpedally suitable to any s tandard type of CGil. HGwe ver, if swito;hinJ' is incorporated for dual wave operation, cil r e s hould be taken to make all leads as short as pGsl ible, and that all unnecessary capacities are eliminated, othe rwise the dial Cillihr...tion s may vary.

NOTE : All Crown calibrationl h a ve becn made u l ing a Stromberg -CarlsGn type "F" CGndens er (9 t G 400 mmf.). a trimmin g capacity of 3 to 30 mmf., and a n inJ~rmediat.e frequency of 465 k.c. or 175 k.c. All types of tubes may he used satisfactorily, either battery O Y A.C., Pentagrid or Oe­tGde. Spedal coils are available On applica.tiGn.

IMPORTANT:-When orderu,. .. c olt. fGr Oc t od. valvel , .dd "0 " to tY(:Ie

number tbus: 465 k.&.. Osc. c oil to suit Iro n cored A erial 'andl or R.F .--CI/ 0465 OIlC.

F o r battery tuhe s .dd "0" thus : .. 6G k .e. osc . coil to IIUIt PYe wound aerial aJtd/or R .F . coll.-cP/ B466 OIC.

For battery O c t o d e add "OS" thua : 465 k.e . OIlC. eoll to l ui t Pye wound aerial a nd / or R.F. coil.--CP/ 0B465 osc.

UnlellS dellnltely s JHu:lfted otherwile, Oleillato r c oils will he a upplied to s uit Pent •• rld converter.

Aaria) and R.F. coila Gf all t ypes are Ita ndard for e ither 465 k . e. or 175 k .c., whetbe r A.C. o r Battery.

IRON CORED COILS Ire n cored c o'l s arc wound

with 7 / 41 Litz wire on F erro. cart iron CGl'es. Thcy are fitled with il hil'h d ielectr ic terminal bas e with sGlder lu gs and are c omplete ly c Glour c oded. High impe danc e-capa city coupling Is ulled, adjulted to !:,Ive the hiJ'h signal to noise ratio 110 e lSen· tial in modern radio receivers. They are mounted in 2:~" '"' I '~" square cans, making an

idea l CGiI for dUill wave receivers, mid .. et uls, and autG radio l! .

TYPES AVAILABLE The oscillator coils are Intended for U51! with A.C, Pcnta ­

,.rid converter tubes.

DETA1LS ,-Iron Cored Coils ....

Type No. Cl / Aer. CI/R.F. CI/ 465 ose. Cl / L75 osc.


7 / 6 ea.


Solenuid wound cuils are wound Gn I .... d ia . J'round fol'lJl­ers with ' enamel wi r e. Sta o­dard primaries are uiled.

. adjuste d for the b es t all-round performance. The y are fitted with solder lu,!l's Gn the end loll the form e r for c oone l:tiol'll, and a re fully colGur coded. They are m.oun t ed in 2 i " ,. 2" rGund o;anl a nd are suitab le for the lower price d receive ....

TYPES AVA1LABL,E The Glicillatol" <;oils are intended for use with A.C. Penta ­

II'rid con ve.'te r t\.be (l. .

DBTAILS ,-Solenoid Wound Coils .

Preseleetor Coil

Type No. CS/A~r. CS/ R.l' . CS/ '65 osc. eS / 175 osc. CS/ PS


4/· ca. 4/ - C3.


Page 6: Enhanced December 2019 by Gary Cowans for radiomuseum...Enhanced December 2019 by Gary Cowans for "CROWN" PRODUCTS-TH E UNIVERSAL CHOICE 1937 Range I.F. All l.F. Transformers

Enhanced December 2019 by Gary Cowans for


1937 Range

The following combination of standard coils and I.F. Trans. are available, complete with padder and full circuit diagrams.

All kits are matched to suit the Crown dials listed in this Catalogue. All Crown Kits (B/ C and D/ W) and dial scales are co·ordinated to track accurately, subject to ordinary care being taken in wirin~ in re· Sllect to length oC leads, etc.

Model Number. .. ' CKI/ 54 (465 k.c.)

(Iron Cored)

CKI/ 64 (465 k.c.) (Iron Cored)

CKp/ 5'1 (465 k.c.) (pye Wound)

CKP/ 64 (465 1,.c.) (Pye Wound)

CKp/ 67 (175 kc_) (Pye Wound)


Comprising. Price.

l-CI/ Aer. l-CI/ 465 osc_ 2-ISC-465 I.F.

Transformers (No. 1 & No. 2)

1-P-7 padder 37/ 6

l-CI/ Aer. l-CI/ I<.F_ 1-CI/ 465 osc. 2-ISc-465 I.F.

Transtormers (No. 1 & No. 2)

1-1'-7 padder 45/ -

1-CP/ Aer. 1-CP/ 46;; O"c. 2-ISL-46;; U'.

Transformers (No_ 1 & No. 2)

1-P-7 padder 28/ 6

1-CP/ Ae,·. I-Cl' /H.~'. 1-CP/ 465 osc. 2-ISL-465 I.F_

Transformers (No. 1 .& No. 2)

1-1'-7 padder 35/ -

I-Cl' / Aer. l-CP/ R .F. 1-CP / 175 oSc. 2-ISS-175 I.F.

Transformers (No. 1 & No. 2)

1-1'-11 padder 30/ -

Coil Kits

Model Number_ Compdsing_ Price.

CKP / 57Bp (Magnetic Band Pass Coil Kit, 175 k.c.)

(pyc Wound)

CKS/ 54 (465 k.e.) (Solenoid Wound )

CKS/ 64 (46;; k.c_) (Solenoid Wound)

l-CP/ BP A.r. 1-CP/ 175 ose. 2-ISS-175 I.F.

Transformers (No. I & No. 2)

I-P-ll padder

l-CS/ Aer. 1-CS/ 465 ose. 2-ffiL-465 I.F.

Transformers (No_ 1 & No. 2)

27/ 6

1-1'-7 padder 25/ -

I-CS/ Aer. I-CS/ R.F_ 1-CS/ 465 ose. 2-ffiL-465 I.F.

Transformers (No. 1 & No. 2)

1-1'-7 padder 30/ -

CKS/ 67 (175 k.c.) I -CS/ Aer. (Solenoid Wound) I-CS/ R.F.

l-CS/ 175 osc. 2-IRS-17;; I.F.

Transformers (No. 1 & No. 2)

I-P-ll )ladder 25 / -

CKS/ 57PS Pre Selector Coil I<it (175 k.c.) (Solenoid Wound) 1-CS/ Aer.

I-CS/ PS. 1-CS/ 175 osc_ 2-IRS-175 I.F.

Transformers (No. 1 & No_ 2)

1-1'-11 padder 25 / ·

NOTE :-All the above kits are for use with a Pentagrid converter. If it is de­sired to use the Oe1ode, add "0" to the type number, thus CKS/ 640. If for battery Pentagrld use, add "B", and if for battery o.:tode add HOB".

Page 7: Enhanced December 2019 by Gary Cowans for radiomuseum...Enhanced December 2019 by Gary Cowans for "CROWN" PRODUCTS-TH E UNIVERSAL CHOICE 1937 Range I.F. All l.F. Transformers

Enhanced December 2019 by Gary Cowans for


1937 Range Coil Kits

DUAL WAVE COIL KITS :-'lodel Number. Comprising. Price.

CKS/ 64 DW. I·CKS/ H4 Coil ful. l-eX/ .o\er.

:\lodel N um ber. ComJlri~ing. P ri ce.

CKI/54 DW. 1·CK r/54 Coil f{it. I·CX / R.F.

CKI / 64 nw.

CKP / 5t DW.

CKP/ 61 DW.

CKS/54 nw.

I·CX / Aec. l-CX / 465 usc. 2-BS -i5 double tl'iQlmers

I·CKl / 64 (;uil Kit. I·CX / Aer. ' ·CX/ R.F. ,·CX / 465 osc. 3-BS-15 double trimmers.

'·CRP/54 Coil Kit. l-CX-Aer. ,·eX / 4G5 ose. 2-B8-15 double trimmers.

I ·CKP/ 64 Coil Kit. I·CX / Aer. I·CX / IU'. l-CX/ 'lG5 osc. S-BS -l5 doubl e tri ;IIII\Cr 8

I ·CKS/ 5.] Coil Kit. I ·CX/ Aer. ]·eX/165 osc. 2·BS·15 doubl e trimmero.


60 / ·

38 / 6


35 / ·

I·CX/ 4G5 ose. 3-BS-15 double trimmers. ,(5 / -


AERIAL CO IL TOil Sec. Grid. BoI:Sec. A.V.C. Top Pry. Aerial Bot. Pry. Earth

R.F. CO IL Top Sec. Grid. Bot. Sec. A.V.C. Top Pry. Plate Bot. Pry. B+

OS('. CO IL Top Scc. Os<:. Grid Dot. Scc. Padder Top Pry. B+ Bot. Pry Ose. Plate

"BOTIOl\1" of coil is the cnd nearcst the " S trong back."

1937 Range Dual & Triple Wave Coil Assemblies



,~ _, MO DEL 10 ·2 is a complete sclf-cont<lincd dual wave coil assembly, thoroug hl y t ested U1\ the air and r eady for ins tant installation in any suitable receiver. It may be used in new receive rs or 8S 8 conversion unit for cunvert­ing present S IC receivers to Dual Wave operation. Complete colour code and recommended circuit is s upplied.



T he HI e coils use Ferrocart iron corea and are wound in 3 narro,,' pye~, us ing mul ti -st rand Lib. wire. They are accurately matched to track wi,th any STAN DARD CROWN di al when used with a Stromberg-Carhwm TYPE "F" 2 gang cundense r (9-400 mmf.). The band coverage under thelle con­ditions is weH over the 200 to 550 metre band required. Only the best material obtainable is used, resulting in maximum efficiency.


Page 8: Enhanced December 2019 by Gary Cowans for radiomuseum...Enhanced December 2019 by Gary Cowans for "CROWN" PRODUCTS-TH E UNIVERSAL CHOICE 1937 Range I.F. All l.F. Transformers

Enhanced December 2019 by Gary Cowans for


1937 Range Dual & Tt·iple Wave ~oil Assemblies--Continned


. 'l'he 8/W coil:,~ are wound with special large size enamel immlated wire .on grooved former .of high "Q". _ material, __ which. _ _ combined with high-grade wOi"KInanship, ' produces n coil of t'C1T13rkable ef­ficiency. D~~ to the accurate spacing of turns and a special impre",natioil material, it is possible tu .obtain a larger band coverage than has heen pos­sible tu date. When used with a Stl'omberg­Cariscm 2 gang Type F. Cu-ndenser, a band -cover­age of horn 16 TO 52 METRES is ohtained and correct tracking with ariy STANDAN.D- CROWN BrA,J ,is possibl~.


Th~ - Qs~mbly is made complete with Frequentite trimming and paddingcondenser!l for botil bands. As, is , well Imown, Fl'equentite is the 1II08t efficient. i;tlS~llation material obtainable, ef:ipecially for High Fremui:llcJ' Wse, an'd its use is exclusive to Crown Radio. ' The Lrimmel'sand padder arc treated with an exclusive material tu exclude .111 dirt and mois­ture withont in nny way aJfecting the properties of the .f':f'~q.uC1,ltitc. A special low capacity t rimmer is usc~J()r Short -Wave. All tdmmers are easily .u:ces:::.ibJc from under the chassis.


Dia'l light switC!hi,n.g is iucorpor~tei1 in t!'very Ihod~l. ,making it unnecessary to purchase and fit ('xtdt switches.

SlZR : 2%" high, 4~/2/' wide, lYl" deep overall. Fits under sta:udard 3" ch<,t~sis_


Mudel ID-2 may be used with Americall or Con­tincntaJ tubes, either' B;attery 01' A.C_, separate model", bcfng available Ior each type of converter t~be" (~ce b~lQw). ,16·5k.c. Intermediate Tram:­fot:m~rs must he,ll!'led. .Recommended I.F. Trans­formers .'lre the 'Cra~'Il iron ,Cored t:n)~ fitted ill squate, cans., Model,No. lSC-465 NI). 1 and No. 2 (or , A-.<";' -tubes. and TSC-46riR N·o. 1 and ..'jo.' 2 for Battery ' tubes. (Further details, -see under "Inter­mediate Frequency Tran!:lformers;"). It is impor­tant that all leads be kept a~ short as possible, otherwise diAl calibrations may vary.


For Pelltag'rid



A.C. Datt. A,C, Batt .

Each £2 / 9/ 6 '-Wit1t2 iron Cored I.1<~'.'s ... _ £3/10 / 6

With , UF" ;~ "SIC gang _... . ._.. £3/3/­With HF" ~ g;uIg _cond. and 2·

iron cored I.F.'s £4-/4/-


MODEL 1D-3 DUAL WAVE (5/ 6 type )

General Des,ccilJtion :-

I\f ode) IU-3 is r adica lly differ­ent from any coil assemhly at present available. Each section is individually co_n­:structed and 'as­:sembled, and may be simply removed for set­vi c in g. It i 8

strongly ·made of cadmium plated

steel and iK comllietely shielded. All trimming and padding condensers use Frequcntite bases, and are contained in the unit. All connections are made to coloured leads, a code for which is supplied.

Model 10-3 is extremely small in size (5 ~/l" long (including ~witch), 4 ~/2" wide, ilnd 2 Yl" high overall), and may be u1;f:\d as a CnmI)lete D/ W coil assembly in any suitable receiver or it may he used for converting present B/ C receivers to dual wave operation.

Dia1 light switching is incorporated, and the A.V.C. by-pass tondense rs are \'fired INSIDE the case. The same coils are used as in MAde! ID·Z, but each coil has a separa te trimmer base. The ~ame recommcndatiolls as Model ID-2 hold for I\l ode1 ID-3.

MODEL NUl\1H.ERS. IDP-3 FOr Pentagrid A.C. Batt.


IDP-all mo-s TOO-3R "


" Each

With 2 iron cored I ._F.T. With "F" '3 gang S/C. cont!. With " F" 3 gang cOJld. and 2

iron cored I.F.T.


£3/19/ 6 £5/- / ­£4/19/6

£6/- / -

MODEL IT-3 TRIPLE WAVE (5/ 6 type)

Model IT-3 is the same ali Model 10 ..... 3 except that the short "'aye band cove.rag.! is extended. l\lodel 11'-3 cover8 from 10 to 80 metres in 2 band~_

Tt is recommended that, where possible, Ameri­can metal type tuhes be used. Other tubes can be used., hut difficulty may b~ c]{p.crienc_ed in ob­taining steady oscillation below 11 or 12 metres.

}IODEL NU)1BERS, 11:P-3 For Pent.grid A;C.


fTP-3E " Batt. ITO-3 Oct~de A.C. ITO-3H ,~ " Batt .

~ach .£11 UI;' (j With 2 iron cored l.F.T. £6/ -/- . With "F" 3 gang SIC com!-. £5 / 19/­With " F" 3 gang cond. and 2

iron cored I.F.T. £7/-/-

Page 9: Enhanced December 2019 by Gary Cowans for radiomuseum...Enhanced December 2019 by Gary Cowans for "CROWN" PRODUCTS-TH E UNIVERSAL CHOICE 1937 Range I.F. All l.F. Transformers

Enhanced December 2019 by Gary Cowans for

t, .' . ~ .' .

"CROWN " · ' P :RODUCTS - TH E U N IVER S A L C HOI C F, ) .'.

1937 Range Padding & Trimming Condensel·s

Featuring FREQUENTITE insulation and high-grade RUBY MICA dieledric_

(See LF. Transformers)

'For many years Crown Radio have been supplying the bulk of trimming and padding condensers to Australian Manufacturers. During this time no expense has been spared in the perfection of their condensers. Crown Radio are now in the happy position of be­ing able to supply an unlimited quantity of any size or type of condenser, ranging in capacity from 3 to 1,500 mmt.

All operations incidental to the manufac­ture of these condensers are carried out by highly skilled operatives. No component i" touched by bare hands, and all components are thoroughly cleaned in 100% alcohol. As


Min. Max. Type. Plates. Cap. Cap. Pdce.

P·7 7 300 mmf. 600 mmf. 2/ 6 P-ll 11 600 1.500 3/-P-2 2 10 100 2/ 6 P-2S 2 , 25 2/ 6


Min. Max. Type. Plates. Cap. Cap. Price.

DS-15 11/2/ 1% 5 mmf. 60 mmf. 2/ 6 BS·2 2/2 12 " 110 2/ 6 BS-3 3/ 3 a a 220 .. " 2/ 6 8S·215 2/1 ~/2 for D/ W. t.rimming. 2/ 6


eMh base is completed, it is tested rigidly for breakdown and "Q" facto!", thus ensue· ing th e reiection of any faulty component. After testing, the condenser is wrapped and sealed against further handling, making absolutely certain that the condenser when received is the same high quality as when it left the final test.

As an exh'a precaution we would suggest that when the condensers are unwrapped, the unwrapping be done by the operative concerned, and that the tissue paper be used to hold the base until secured in p03;· tion. Then, and then only, will you have a condenser absolutely identical with that which left the factory.


ROUND BASES (Dual Trimmers)

Min. '\1ax. Type. Plates . Ca p. Cap. Pric~.

BR·2 2 / 2 10 nu nC. 100 mmf. 2/ 6 BR· :! '1/ " tiO 220 3/ · HR·15 l % /l lh 2SM-Pret uned Sets. 2/ 6 HR-2 2/2 2CH, 2 UW 2I( Y.

Pretullc'd ' Sets. 2/ 6 DR·3 3/ 3 2UE- Pretuned Sets. 3/ -DR·35 3Yz / 3Yz 2GB, 2BL .. 3/ -DR-4 '1/ 4 . 2Fe 3/ -


Min. !\fax. Type. Cap. Cap. Price. MEB. 3 30 1/ .

Also available in 2-3·4 to 6 gang if required.

Page 10: Enhanced December 2019 by Gary Cowans for radiomuseum...Enhanced December 2019 by Gary Cowans for "CROWN" PRODUCTS-TH E UNIVERSAL CHOICE 1937 Range I.F. All l.F. Transformers

Enhanced December 2019 by Gary Cowans for

, I


1937 Range Resistors & Dividers

,..., Type. Resis tance.

Crown wire wound resistors are guaranteed accurate, both as regards resistance and current capacity. The former is Rpecially treated against moisture and heat. Each resistor is fitted with 2 end clips and heavy gauge pigtails. Below is a list of standaI'd sizes. Other sizes may be had on application. All resistors are finished with green insulating ~acquer.

Current Max. Current Max. Cap. S ize!:!. Price. Type. Resi3tance. Cap. Sizes. Price.

RA. Up to 500 ohms. lOO m/ a 2"' x %>I 9d. RD. 2100 to 5000 ohms. 1;) m/ a 1" x¥8 " 1/. RB. 5'50 to 1000 50 " l %"x Y8 " 9d. RE. '5100 to 10,000 .. 10 ., 2" x*" I / G RC. l1()O t o 2000 25 1" xYs " 9d. RG. Air Cell Battery. Si 7.e to ·order. 2"' x ¥S " 1/ ·


Type. lles istance.

RT. 20 20 ohms.

RT. 50 ri O

RT.100 100 "

R.-Code Letter. S ize. Price. A.B.C.-Currcnt Capacity.

l "x % "




Therefore, a resistor 9;;0 uhms to carry 50 m / a would be RB950, or a rC!:Ii !:l tor .1),1 ohm to carry .5 Amp, would be RG.64..

l"x ¥s " 9d. When ordering non-standard resis tors, be sure to

state current capacity required.


Voltage dividers are available in two sizes--15,OOO ohms and 25,000 ohms. They are fitted with 2 fixed clips, 3 adjustable clips, ' and 2 strong mounting brackets. Like the resistors, all dividers are finished with green insulating lacquer. Careful selection of metal and a patent clip makes adjustment and soldering a quick and simple matter.

Current Type. Resistance. Capacity. Size.

YD.15 15,000 ohms. 25 m/ft. 3%" x 'Vs " VD.25 2a,OOO o!tms. 2() m/ a. 3%" x Vs "


Two des ign!:! are ~"8i1able, a 1,000 turn Honey­-comb wound and a 5 section s lot wound type. The H.C. choke uses double «:.o11on covered wire, whereas the 5 section slot wound choke h~ wound with enamel wire. Both chokes a re designed to give the bes t possible filterin g and arc well impregnated.

Type HF.-2. 1,00J turn He ch~kes Price, 1/ -_

HF.-3. a section slot wound choke Price, 1/-.

Price. 2 / G 3/ 6


Page 11: Enhanced December 2019 by Gary Cowans for radiomuseum...Enhanced December 2019 by Gary Cowans for "CROWN" PRODUCTS-TH E UNIVERSAL CHOICE 1937 Range I.F. All l.F. Transformers

Enhanced December 2019 by Gary Cowans for

• , • • • , • ~ • • •


Maitnfaeturers~ Sundries TO MANUFACTURERS

Our Marhine Shop is now equipped with the most modern repetition brass turning and aut~matic screw R\ukirig machinery, Your enquiry for machined parts to your own re­quirements will receive special .attention.

GRID CLIPS BAKELlTE RESISTOR PANELS As illustrated, made from tin­

ned steel to ensure good solder· ­ing surface and spring grip.

Type SGC. Price. 6/ - per gross.


Type SL-l, S L-2, S L-3. ST.....J. Price, f"! - per 1.000.

BOLE SIZES: SLl. l1.- " di:t. S L2. -1~ " dia. SL3. J,.S" dia., also ~'/ ' drat SL,I. %" dia.

Type RP-S with 8 prs.lug::; Price ... _ 1 /~

.. RP.l2" 12 pr.s.lug ~ Price . __ . 1/ 6

" RP-IS ., 18 pr~.lug3 Price .... 2/ ­

" RP 24 ., 2·1 pfa. lug~ Price 3/-

Special sizes ou " application.

EYE BOLTS Price ·t / 6 grs.

Indispensahle for mounting coil cans and cuih;, or as terminal lKJsts;. Mnchjn~ cut thl'eads %" Whit.

SHAFT EXTENSIONS l\lOUNTING BRACKETS AvailabJe for %" or 7'" shafts, with I;';" diameter

extension 1 % 11 long. Type 31H!. Price. 7/6 per gros!;.

A right angle brack@t for mount­ing ~I)Hs tl) · ehassis, provided with a !la" dia. hole for 'eyelettin g to fur mer and -a -i's- " x ~" slot for mountin-g on the cha:~is.

FLEXIBLE COUPLINGS For coupling ~'4" dia. shafts and insulating them

from each other. Invaluable for experimenb and test equipment.


G. P. Embeltun & Co. A .. E. Harrold. A. M. Ralph. J . G. Pritcllard Ltd. NEW ZEALAl\D:

Arnold & Wright. Levy's Buildings, Manncrs St .. WeUington. AlSo 183 Cashel St., <;:hri.stdtureh.

N.S.W.: Bluch & Gerber Pty. Ltd. ji'ox & MacGillycuddy Ltd. Martin de Launay Ltd. United Radio Distributors Ltd. John Martin Ltd. Lawrence & Hanson Ltd.



A. C. He.Hng Ltd. MELBOURNE:

A. J. VeaU Pty. Ltd.

TASMANIA: W. & G. Genders Ltd.


PERTH: J·o W. It. Gardam & Co. A,k;n. (W.A.) Lld.

BRISBANE, Trackson Bros. Pty. Ltd. J. B. Chandler ~ Co.

CHRlSTCHl:RCH: D. J. Reid. F. J. W. Fear & Co. A. & ,,'. ),leCarthy Ltd. Tcicity House.

All prices subject to alteration, of which due notice will be given. Deliveries will be made as qukkly as cirrumstances permit, but no responsibility­

will be accepted for any delay due to rauses beyond our control. All previous price list" are cancelled.


'Phone MW 2628. Cables and Telegrams: "Crownrudio, Sydney,'>

Wholl\ stt up arid printed in A, ,,, tr~li< 1 11:0 Th~ RriJ go:: P!;IlfC'~·' Pt}· ., Limited . 21+ GW'1:~ St., Sydney.