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Welcome to the heart and soul of the Mediterranean, Malta. A sunny island offering all the perks of blissful beach life coupled with the solid authenticity of the English Language. NSTS is here to guide you through this unique sensation of what we like to call a “learning experience”. We are here to ensure that you strike the right balance between practising and improving your English language skills and enjoying the culturally rich, vibrant atmosphere this archipelago proposes.

With a population of around 400,000 people, Malta can be seen as one big family. Friendly people, hearty food and picturesque scenery are but a few examples of what you will be able to enjoy during your visit. Let us tempt you with a few more facts about this precious island:

• 300 Days of Sunshine – Malta is the smallest island nation within the European Union, blessed with having the best climate .This means that it acts as an idyllic background setting for innovative cultural activities, wine tasting, olive oil pressing, golfing, swimming, sunbathing, and exciting water sports,. The small size of the island provides you with the opportunity to have a two-in-one experience - learning English and living the Mediterranean way of life.

Malta’s warm climate extends throughout the year, offering you enjoyable outdoor life with cool bars, seafront cafes and restaurants for you to hang about and practise your English with friends.

• We speak English – You will find English widely spoken in Malta, starting from the more obvious people like teachers and hosts to the man in the corner shop and even the bus drivers! English being Malta’s official language alongside Maltese, makes Malta a natural choice for you to improve your English language fluency.

• 7 Millenia of History – Malta is described as an open air museum sharing with its guests 7000 years of history and 8 UNESCO world heritage sites. Interactive attractions allow you to travel back into the past and relive exciting moments which have shaped the Mediterranean lifestyle as we know it today.

• Smart Island – Malta may be a standalone island, but the extensive number of Wi-Fi spots and internet cafes will keep you connected to your friends and loved ones back home. You can almost say that they can be virtually sharing your learning experience with you.

• the Meeting Place – With special settings including heritage sites, village squares, luxury yachts and exclusive sea-front facilities, Malta has played host to everyone from St.Paul in 60 AD to present day celebrities and from industry meetings, EU conferences to global product launches. The Islands are not only the ideal place to meet but also the ideal location where corporates conduct their business meetings and their executives practise English.



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CONTENTSWelcome to the NSTS English Language Institute 7

The Educational Dimension 8

The NSTS Learning Philosophy 10

Our Quality Credentials 11

Intensive General English 13

English by the Sea 14

English and the Mediterranean 15

Refresh your English 16

Business English 17

Academic & Intensive English 18

Work & Study 19


Teacher Training Communicative Methodology 21

Academic Year General English, Exam Preparation 22

General English & UniversityFoundation in Business Studies 23

One-to -One English Tuition 24

Career Individual English Tuition 25

Student Residences 27

Accommodation; Homestay, Hotels & Apartments 28

Student Support and Welfare 29

Lifestyle Malta & English Social Encounters 30

Terms and Conditions 31







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DEAR LEARNERWelcome to the NSTS English Language Institute!

Our Mission statement states “NSTS fosters intercultural lifestyle, learning and travel opportunities for students and young adults to create life-time prospects for their holistic development in a multi-cultural society. NSTS is committed to affordable, quality international education, hospitality programmes of value, and the exchange of knowledge among peoples, supported by a friendly customer-centric philosophy.” We reflect this in our learning philosophy and in the wide range of courses for adults committed to study English and improve their linguistic skills, whether they are 18 or sport many more years.

The NSTS English Language Institute offers courses at all tuition levels. Whether you’re a beginner or just seeking to improve your already proficient skills we have something for you. Based on the six levels of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) for languages of the Council of Europe, our courses are guaranteed to satisfy your requirements.

The NSTS academic team is trained to offer dedicated attention to each individual learner’s needs. We use the latest teaching methods to help you achieve your full potential by the end of the Language Programme you choose.

The Language lessons are set in a typical Maltese town house with spacious sun terraces and a mature orchard for you to relax in and enjoy. The school comprises 16 air conditioned classrooms, some of which have interactive boards, Self-Access Resource Centre and Library, free Wi-Fi access, a cafeteria with food and drink dispensers.

We are committed to offering you high quality education. This commitment is recognised and appreciated by students who have been coming to the English Language Institute for over 48 years. Students have also recommended our Language School to their family members and friends because of our academic integrity, multicultural diversity and enjoyable rich after class social and cultural activities.

The English Language Institute issues certificates of attendance and of merit that are based on the tuition levels of CEFR. Our representatives and sales agents will help you choose the right study plan designed for your personal needs, whilst also taking care of your accommodation, welfare and social life in Malta.

NSTS gives the utmost importance to education through enjoyment of life. We invite you to discover more about us and see how we can offer you an unforgettable learning and living experience in Malta.

LOUIS GREcH Director of StuDieS

Director teacher training

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The NSTS English Language Institute provides you with English language programmes that holistically combine formal English tuition within the professional classroom environment with enjoyable opportunities of non-formal English practise. These take the form of three weekly three hour sessions of English Social Encounters, that exploit Malta’s cultural richness and its relaxed Mediterraean flair. This page presents you with our programme range designed to help you choose the right programme that suits your particular language needs and time schedules. If your present entry level is below the recommended level you are first to follow another programme of a lower level.

intenSive general engliSh, WorK & StuDY, refreSher engliSh

Three objectives, one general English course. Our small international classes help you increase your self-confidence in your four day-to-day English language skills whether you are setting out on your career path or you are already an established mature and motivated adult in need to refresh your English.

Entry lEvEl: from A2/ Pre-Intermediate StuDEnt tyPE: Committed to EnglishClaSS lESSonS PEr WEEk: 20, 25, 30 avEragE ClaSS SIzE: 6, maximum 8


A leisurely exposure to general English conversation soaked in an idyllic summer holiday by the sea be it on your own, or with family or friends.

Entry lEvEl: from A1/ Beginner StuDEnt tyPE: Value, Fun & Opportunity SeekerClaSS lESSonS PEr WEEk: 20, 25avEragE ClaSS SIzE: 12, maximum 15

acaDemic anD intenSive engliSh

We ease your path to university lecture note taking, transcription, assignments and research as you practice your general English skills for studies at an English speaking university.

Entry lEvEl: from B1/ Intermediate StuDEnt tyPE: Committed to an English UniversityClaSS lESSonS PEr WEEk: 30avEragE ClaSS SIzE : 6, maximum 8

engliSh anD the meDiterranean

A serene fusion for a light dose to practise your general English skills immersed in Maltese heritage, culture, music, crafts, gastronomy and a pleasant lifestyle.

Entry lEvEl: from A2/ Pre-Intermediate StuDEnt tyPE: Culture Loving & Young at Heart (Club 50+)ClaSS lESSonS PEr WEEk: 20 avEragE ClaSS SIzE: 6, maximum 10

buSineSS engliSh

An essential course for the established business executive and young entrepreneur. You will specialise in the global language of Business to keep yourself one step ahead in your international business relations.

Entry lEvEl: from B1/ Intermediate StuDEnt tyPE: Business Practioner & EntrantClaSS lESSonS PEr WEEk: 20, 30 avEragE ClaSS SIzE: 4, maximum 6

international teacher training - celta

We train you to achieve the internationally recognised CELTA award of the University of Cambridge ESOL to teach English anywhere in the world.

Entry lEvEl: from C1/ AdvancedStuDEnt tyPE: Committed Teacher of EnglishClaSS lESSonS PEr WEEk: 120 contact hours and 120 hours of self-study, lesson preparation and assignmentstEaCHIng PratICE SIzE: 6, average seminar size 12

acaDemic Year engliSh & univerSitY acceSS/PreParation

Our long-term courses in general English may be combined with exam preparation for International certification to gain access to English Universities, and with Marketing, Economics, HR and Accountancy, to gain direct access to first year undergraduate Business Management studies.

Entry lEvEl: from A2/ Pre-IntermediateStuDEnt tyPE: Committed to English or to University LifeClaSS lESSonS PEr WEEk: 30, 40avEragE ClaSS SIzE: 6, maximum 10

teacher training communicative methoDologY

We equip high school teachers of English in non-native speaking countries with language awareness and communicative methodology tools to become more effective in their classroom. This course qualifies for EU Grundtvig Comenius 2.2 funding.

Entry lEvEl: from B2/ Upper-IntermediateStuDEnt tyPE: High School Teacher of EnglishClaSS lESSonS PEr WEEk: 30avEragE ClaSS SIzE: 6, maximum 10

career inDiviDual engliSh leSSonS

You are a professional and need to strengthen your command of English. This programme is designed to help you overcome any kind of linguistic difficulty.

Entry lEvEl: from A1/ Beginner StuDEnt tyPE: Professional Practioner and EntrantClaSS lESSonS PEr WEEk: 20, 25, 30, 40, 50MaxIMuM ClaSS SIzE: 1, 2 when booked together

one-to-one tuition

You prefer to develop your English language skills personally with your private teacher. One-to-One Tuition programme gives you the opportunity to focus specifically on your English learning needs. The 5 and 10 lessons are only available as add ons to any group tuition.

Entry lEvEl: from A1/ Beginner StuDEnt tyPE: Committed to Learn FasterClaSS lESSonS PEr WEEk: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40MaxIMuM ClaSS SIzE: 1, 2 when booked together

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At NSTS you will make meaningful progress towards reaching your English Language goals. Our academic team uses the latest teaching methods to help you reach your full potential at the end of your Language Programme. Our Philosophy is based on:


Our teaching team will source and use a varied range of interactive materials to bring out the best in you and also to meet your learning requirements for both your everyday life and your professional career. Be it reading, listening, speaking writing, grammar, vocabulary or pronunciation, our qualified teachers are there to develop your abilities and encourage you to practise these skills with your new friends, at school and in Malta.


Your training programme will not be complete without immersing yourself into our fantastic non-formal English Social Encounters. Learning at NSTS is not just about sitting down in a classroom but also about interactive events be they Art, Culture, Nature or Sport. We ensure that our activities provide you with the opportunities to practise your new found skills and motivate you to share and express your experiences with your new friends whatever your age, nationality and disposition, and wherever you are. This is the unique NSTS learning experience.


Your progress will be monitored by our teaching staff. During one-to-one meetings your teacher will help you identify the key areas for improvement and how you can gain more confidence in your command of the English Language. We encourage you to apply for our tailor-made one-to-one tuition programmes. Through personal attention, regular monitoring and professional advice from your teacher, you will gain that extra edge and exploit the full potential of your stay.


At the end of your programme you will be awarded the NSTS English Language Institute Certificate detailing the Training Programme experienced at our school and the level of proficiency achieved. The Certificate can be used for your academic and professional profiles and it will provide proof of your achieved language skills.


NSTS is the pioneer of English Language Training in Malta and we continue to maintain our academic leadership through research, professional development seminars and by continuously listening to your needs and requirements, and reviewing our teaching methodologies to suit them.


The NSTS school knows its origins through a joint initiative between the academic staff of the Faculty of English and the Student Council at the University of Malta. Today these two organisations are represented on the autonomous governing body of NSTS English Language Institute. It is a fact that the school you choose to study at shapes your life and experience. If you are looking for a reliable school with a proven track record that believes in providing you with an invaluable lifetime experience, then we are right for you. Besides the excellent student programmes we have on offer, our English Language Institute also hosts Malta’s first established International Teacher Training Centre (ITTC). It prepares prospective teachers for local qualifications, for the renowned international teaching certificate of the University of Cambridge (CELTA), and also runs refresher courses for experienced teachers of English in high schools who are also eligible for EU Grundtvig /Comenius 2.2 funding.


NSTS prides itself in its formidable, loyal, highly qualified staff most of whom possess the University of Cambridge ESOL CELTA or DELTA, University ELT degrees as well as long years of experience backed by annual refresher courses and continuous professional development in ELT methodology.


One of our teaching staff’s many strengths is their ability to encourage you to communicate in English giving you the opportunity to develop and improve your skills. You will readily participate in dynamic teaching activities that are enhanced by the national diversity of your class group and the rich cultural backdrop of our Mediterranean island.


We provide you with stimulating teaching materials for each lesson. Our teaching staff select the resource materials from internationally renowned and tested course books. These are aided by authentic in-house materials on current topics that also feature the exicting local Maltese touch. For our Business and Professional learners we present extracts from periodicals, reviews and quality newspapers while we resort to set text-books of international repute for our long-term and examination programmes.

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The Intensive General English Programme is our most popular programmes as it is the fastest way to improve your English language skills. You will refresh and develop language and communication skills that go beyond the practical day-to-day communication level.

The Mediterranean pace of teaching adopted in the classroom appeals to young and mature adult learners who are motivated to reap the benefits of high quality tuition and expertise of our trained teachers. You are invited to be an active member of a small international group of learners in our lifelike classroom situations, experiencing an interactive learning environment.

Each lesson includes an accuracy focus on useful grammar, clear pronunciation, quick development of your fluency, and vocabulary relevant to your daily needs. We offer you the opportunity to supplement your group lessons with one-to-one lessons to strengthen your linguistic skills.

In addition our English Social Encounters programme opens up to a range of entertainment opportunities in afternoon and evening activities at various bars, clubs, pizza places, bowling alleys, open air cafes and countrywalks in autumn and winter, swimming and sunbathing in summer. We will also give you the opportunity to interact socially, making you feel more confident to communicate fluently and accurately in English.

For improved results we recommend you book 5 or 10 additional one-to-one lessons.

Entry lEvEl: A2/ Pre-Intermediate

StuDEnt tyPE: Committed to Master English

PrograMME DuratIon: Minimum 1, maximum 7 weeks commencing Monday

ClaSS lESSonS PEr WEEk: 20, 25, 30

lESSon DuratIon: 45 minutes, morning/afternoon

avEragE ClaSS SIzE: 6, maximum 8

EnglISH SoCIal EnCountErS : NSTS unique value added English conversation practice among school friends in diverse suggestive places of culture, art, music, leisure, sport, nature, on 3 afternoons/evenings per week equivalent to 12 non-formal lessons. These English Social Encounters are optional and complimentary.


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Entry lEvEl: from A2/ Pre-Intermediate

StuDEnt tyPE: Culture Loving & Young at Heart (Club 50+)

PrograMME DuratIon: Minimum 1, maximum 4 weeks on fixed start dates

ClaSS lESSonS PEr WEEk: 20

lESSon DuratIon: 45 minutes, morning/afternoon

avEragE ClaSS SIzE: 6, maximum 10

EnglISH SoCIal EnCountErS: NSTS unique value added English conversation practice among school friends in diverse suggestive places of a Mediterranean and Maltese socio-cultural context on four half day afternoon or evening interactive experiences a week.


You can now easily learn English in the morning and soak in a sundrenched summer holiday relaxing by the sea. The aim is to make you an effective communicator in English by developing fluency. Our dynamic teachers will help you build the confidence in speaking and understanding the language.

Set within a casual summer environment you will have the opportunity to practise grammar and new vocabulary in real-life type situations. Your teachers will get to know you and adapt the content of the lessons to suit your interests and thus promote a more pleasant learning experience.

Your afternoons and evenings are free for you to indulge in long hours of swimming, sailing, scubadiving, or sunbathing with class friends or family, and to savouring delicious fresh fish, partying, clubbing and international networking at the two great events of English Social Encounters of the week.

If you desire improved results we recommend that you book 5 or 10 additional one-to-one lessons.

Entry lEvEl: from A1/ Beginner

StuDEnt tyPE: Value, Fun & Opportunity Seeker

PrograMME DuratIon: Minimum 1, maximum 7 weeks commencing Monday from mid-June to mid-September

ClaSS lESSonS PEr WEEk: 20, 25

lESSon DuratIon: 45 minutes, morning

avEragE ClaSS SIzE: 12, maximum 15

EnglISH SoCIal EnCountErS: Great opportunities to speak English on the beach and at cafes with 2 evening party and festa activities included for great networking, more English and more fun.


We are blessed with two worlds, English and the Mediterranean and we combine these to strike the perfect balance between lifelike classroom situations and action-packed social encounters with Malta’s vibrant cultural atmosphere as the ideal background.

The programme is ideal for lovers of heritage and easy living, be they still in active life or pleased to have retired:


Your lesson topics will include Mediterranean themes and authentic materials to bring out the character, customs and traditions of the Maltese islands. These themes provide engaging discussions and shed light on the interactive events you will enjoy after lesson hours:

•Maltese Crafts: A hands-on learning experience of Maltese traditional craft. You will be invited to knead clay, blow glass, intertwine ganutel, curl filgree, weave lace, carve wood, sculpture stone and take your self-made souvenirs home with you.

•Scenic and Heritage Country Walks: Wear your comfortable walking shoes for these four pleasant expeditions off the beaten country tracks to legendary, ecological, and heritage spots. An energy pack will be included and we will conclude our activity with a well-deserved tea and tasty refreshments.

•Mediterranean Cooking: Immerse yourself into a Maltese kitchen, prepare a traditional dinner and enjoy eating it over fine Maltese wines. You will learn about Maltese agricultural produce, olive pressing, wine tasting, apiaries and honey production, and the vegetable and fish markets.

•Christianity and the knights Crusaders: We will narrate legends about St. Paul and the conversion of the Maltese to Christianity some 2000 years ago, as we visit Christian catacombs, St. Paul’s cave, preaching spots and churches. We then explore the invaluable legacy, passed on only 200 years ago, of the chivalrous Knights Crusaders who initially fought to defend Christianity but ultimately enriched Malta with untold treasures of the World Heritage City of Valletta.

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English is the global language and therefore when conducting international business, a good command of the language is critical. Our Business English Programme guides you to improve your Executive English language skills so as to communicate effectively and confidently in meetings, at presentations, during conference calls, negotiations, cultural situations, email exchanges and social networking communications. This programme is also an excellent preparation for MBA studies.

This programme offers 20 or 30 lessons a week in Business English. It may also be a combination of 20 Intensive General English lessons and 10 Business English lessons.

Apart from positioning you on the right track for your career, this language programme will help you socialise and network with greater conviction during English socio-corporate events involving other Business Executive learners. Communicating better will also lead you to work successfully in an English-speaking, cross-cultural business environment.

NSTS proposes English social encounters giving you unique value added English conversation practice among school friends in diverse suggestive places of culture, art, music, leisure, sport and nature, on 3 afternoons/evenings per week equivalent to 12 non-formal lessons. These English Social Encounters are optional and complimentary.

For improved results we recommend that you complement your Business group course with five or ten additional One-to-One lessons.

Entry lEvEl: from B1/ Intermediate

StuDEnt tyPE: Business Practioner and Entrant

PrograMME DuratIon: Minimum 1 week, maximum 4 weeks commencing every Monday

ClaSS lESSonS PEr WEEk: 20, 30 lESSon DuratIon: 45 minutes, morning/afternoon

avEragE ClaSS SIzE: Business 4, maximum 6, Intensive 6, Maximum 8

EnglISH SoCIal EnCountErS: Yes


If you are a mature and motivated adult who had a good command of English a good number of years ago, but due to lack of use you feel the need of a refresher, then this course in General English is just what you need. We promise hard work but at a comfortable pace for you to enjoy each lesson.

Our teachers will present a unique training approach to help you revive the language skills you hold in your memory and you soon start actively using them during the classroom and social activities. You will quickly regain your confidence in speaking English and enhancing your vocabulary.

For improved results we recommend you book five or ten additional One-to-One Tuition classes in addition to the Refresh your English Programme.

Entry lEvEl: from A2/ Pre-Intermediate

StuDEnt tyPE: Committed to refresh your English

PrograMME DuratIon: Minimum 1, maximum 7 weeks commencing every Monday ClaSS lESSonS PEr WEEk: 20, 25, 30

lESSon DuratIon: 45 minutes, morning/afternoon

avEragE ClaSS SIzE: 6, maximum 8

EnglISH SoCIal EnCountErS: NSTS unique value added English conversation practice among school friends in diverse suggestive places of culture, art, music, leisure, sport, nature, on 3 afternoons/evenings per week equivalent to 12 non-formal lessons. These English Social Encounters are optional and complimentary.


When you book 30 lessons or more on this course, you are automatically subscribed to a free 3-month subscription of The Economist. NSTS offers you an additional discount of up to 66% if you extend your subscription to 1 year before your course ends. The subscription includes:

•FreeaccesstoThe Economist in audio, with digital recordings of all print articles available as a subscribers-only weekly podcast

•UnrestrictedaccesstoThe Economist online, including news, analysis, rankings, blogs, multimedia, online debates and a fully searchable archive dating back to 1997

•FullaccesstoThe Economist on iPhone, iPad and Android


an nStS gIFtIn PartnErSHIP WItH

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This programme is specifically designed for non-native English language students who wish to strengthen their general English skills and prepare themselves for an English speaking academic career. During the ten lesson a week academic component you will learn how to:

•TakeeffectivenotesinEnglishduringlecturesandtutorialsby listening to actual academic lectures•Readacademictextsandmakepropersynthesis•ExpressideasclearlyandaccuratelyforUniversityassignments•Deliveroralpresentationswithclarityandconfidence•Conductresearchanddrawupacademicreports

In addition to the 20 lesson a week General English course, we will invite you to individually review your progress and discuss any concerns you might have with the Assistant Director or your teacher. You will be invited to network and socialise with other international students during the English Social Encounters sessions after lesson hours.

Entry lEvEl: from B1/ Intermediate

StuDEnt tyPE: Committed to an English University

PrograMME DuratIon: Minimum 2, maxiumu 4 weeks commencing every Monday

ClaSS lESSonS PEr WEEk: 30

lESSon DuratIon: 45 minutes, morning/afternoon

avEragE ClaSS SIzE: Academic 4, maximum 6, Intensive 6, maximum 8

EnglISH SoCIal EnCountErS: NSTS unique value added English conversation practice among school friends in diverse suggestive places of culture, art, music, leisure, sport, nature, on 3 afternoons/evenings per week equivalent to 12 non-formal lessons. These English Social Encounters are optional and complimentary.


Why not choose Malta to stay ahead of your career and study English whilst working? At the start of our Work & Study Programme you undergo 2 or more weeks of Intensive General English training for 30 lessons per week in small groups. This training will prepare you for your upcoming work experience. If you are an EU citizen you may opt to follow a paid work programme, or a monitored internship programme where you improve your personal work performance without remuneration. You can also join a Volunteer Programme that fulfills your personal aspirations.

If you are not an EU citizen, you may only follow an intership or volunteer programme without remuneration. You will practise your English skills at your place of work and employ vocabulary relative to the job that you fulfil. NSTS will help you find suitable employment and is equipped to make all necessary arrangements even before you arrive in Malta.


EducationHospitality & TourismInformation TechnologyMarketing, Media, Public Relations & SalesHuman ResourcesAdministrationAccountancyNursing & para-medical positionsVoluntary Organisations

In order to participate in our Placement programmes you need to be 18 years of age, and possess a Higher Intermediate level of English (CEFR Level B1). To register you must present via email your Curriculum Vitae, photo and covering letter explaining your set objectives for the prospective placement. This information is essential as it will help us find the most suitable match between your skills and objectives and the organisation.

We will conduct a Skype interview prior to accepting your application so as to guide you on the language training you will need to undergo to reach the job’s required standard. All Language training is conducted at the well-equipped NSTS English Language Institute.

Entry lEvEl: from A2/ Pre-intermediate

PrograMME DuratIon: Minimum 13, maxiumum 52 weeks commencing every Monday

ClaSS lESSonS PEr WEEk:30

Work HourS PEr WEEk: 40 or part-time

lESSon DuratIon: 45 minutes, morning/afternoon

avEragE ClaSS SIzE: 6, maximum 8


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The classroom demands on high school teachers of English in non-native English speaking countries to keep their students motivated and engaged in learning English are very challenging. This course equips the teacher with dynamic, fresh and inspiring language awareness and communicative methodology tools to be readily used in any challenging classroom situation. It also serves to reinforce the nuances of the language and build confidence in the use of English in the classroom. The course is recognised for grants of the European Union Commission’s framework under Comenius/Grundtvig 2.2.

Applications are to be submitted to the national EU agency of the teacher’s country.

Entry lEvEl: from B2/ Upper Intermediate

StuDEnt tyPE: High School Teachers of English and Grundtvig Scholarship Teachers.

PrograMME DuratIon: 1 or 2 weeks on fixed start dates

ClaSS lESSonS PEr WEEk: 30

lESSon DuratIon: 45 minutes, morning/afternoon

avEragE ClaSS SIzE: 6, maximum 10

EnglISH SoCIal EnCountErS: NSTS unique value added English conversation practice among school friends in diverse suggestive places of culture, art, music, leisure, sport, nature, on 3 afternoons/evenings per week equivalent to 12 non-formal lessons. These English Social Encounters are optional and complimentary.


NSTS English Language Institute prides itself in being the leader in course development and teacher training in Malta. We offer tailor-made training courses for individuals who are eager to teach English to non-native English speakers in Malta and abroad. We are inspired by the Communicative Language Teaching Methodology and thus focus on the development of learners’ language skills through continuous interaction and learner-centred communication.

The English Language Institute offers you two Teacher Training Programmes.

This is a full time four-week highly intensive course in teaching methodology with observed teaching practice, assignments, self-study and continuous assessment which certifies you to EFL teaching in reputable schools all over the world. To join this programme you must have a high level of competence in English and undertake a challenging Skype or face-to-face interview.

The NSTS Programme is accredited to the University of Cambridge ESOL. Following the successful completion of your training you will receive the Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA). This certificate is the most widely recognised TEFL qualification within the English Language teaching community.

Entry lEvEl: from C1/ Advanced

StuDEnt tyPE: Committed Teacher of English.

PrograMME DuratIon: 4 weeks on fixed start dates

ClaSS lESSonS PEr WEEk: 120 contact hours and 120 hours of self-study, lesson preparation and assignments

lESSon DuratIon: 60 minutes, morning/afternoon

tEaCHIng PraCtICE SIzE: 6, average seminar class size 12


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Entry lEvEl: fromA2/ Pre-Intermediate (Extensive Course), from B1/ Intermediate (Intensive Course)

StuDEnt tyPE: Committed to English University Life

PrograMME DuratIon: Extensive Course - 2 semesters, 20 tuition weeks (22 weeks of stay) Intensive Course - 15 tuition weeks (16 weeks of stay)

ClaSS lESSonS PEr WEEk: 40 including self-study

lESSon DuratIon: 45 minutes, morning/afternoon

avEragE ClaSS SIzE: 6, maximum 10

EnglISH SoCIal EnCountErS: NSTS unique value added English conversation practice among school friends in diverse suggestive places of culture, art, music, leisure, sport, nature, on 3 afternoons/evenings per week equivalent to 12 non-formal lessons. These English Social Encounters are optional and complimentary.

This programme is a direct pathway to first year undergraduate studies in Business Management subjects. Its great value lies in saving you one full year of studies. You do both your English qualifying exams and your foundation exams concurrently by studying hard for only a few weeks.

The extended (22 week) two semester programme is intended for students with A2/ Pre-Intermediate knowledge of English, while the intensive (16 week) one semester programme requires you to have a B1/ Intermediate entry level. Both programmes help you improve your reading, writing, listening and speaking skills to lead you to the IELTS 6.0 minimum score level, your first university access examination.

The concurrent business studies in management, human resources, marketing and accounting prepare you for your second British qualification that is recognised by various UK and other universities for direct entry into the first year undergraduate business degree courses.


These are our three long-term courses the first in General English, the second in General English combined with Exam Preparation that leads to international certification to gain access to English speaking Universities and the third in General English and Business Studies to gain direct access to first year undergraduate Business Management degree course.

aCaDEMIC yEar EnglISH is a life time opportunity to study English in a sound systematic way so as to master the language. Your continued duration of study strengthens your confidence and command till when thinking and speaking English become second nature to you. You can choose from either 20 or 30 Group lessons a week plus 5 or 10 individual lessons for any number of weeks.

tHE gEnEral EnglISH anD ExaM PrEParatIon course builds upon the 20 lesson a week Academic Year English course by adding a 10 lesson a week component in examination techniques. You are prepared how to answer examination questions and are given examination excercises to complete.

The Exam Preparation component will follow on a set text book to best prepare you for IELTS or Cambridge FCE, CAE, CPE depending upon your entry level, progress and length of course. For you to progress faster you may enol for a few weeks of 5 or 10 additional one-to-one lessons.

Entry lEvEl: from A2/ Pre-Intermediate

StuDEnt tyPE: Committed to English Studies

PrograMME DuratIon: Minimum 8, maximum 39 weeks starting every first Monday of the month.

ClaSS lESSonS PEr WEEk: Academic Year English 20, 30 General English & Exam Preparation 30

lESSon DuratIon: 45 minutes, morning/afternoon

avEragE ClaSS SIzE: 6, maximum 10

EnglISH SoCIal EnCountErS: NSTS unique value added English conversation practice among school friends in diverse suggestive places of culture, art, music, leisure, sport, nature, on 3 afternoons/evenings per week equivalent to 12 non-formal lessons. These English Social Encounters are optional and complimentary.



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If you are short of time due to a busy schedule then this could be the ideal course that meets your lifestyle requirements. The One-to-One Tuition programme gives you the opportunity to concentrate specifically on your English learning needs.

One of our academic team members will become your personal language trainer and create a tailor made programme specific to your language abilities. We guarantee that every One-to-One Tuition programme includes a Student Needs Analysis to help us meet your training requirements and expectations. PERSONAL ATTENTION

Your personal trainer will provide you with the necessary feedback and motivation throughout the course. You do not need to worry about what questions to ask or when it is best to ask them. There is the possibility that you can invite up to 1 other student of similar level of English to share in your one-to-one tuition class and reduce your personal fees.


During the Student Needs Analysis process you can identify any language training requirements you require ranging from particular grammar issues to specific vocabulary, sentence construction, phrasal verbs, prepositions and more.


You have the opportunity to combine One-to-One tuition with any group language course featured in this brochure. We offer combinations of 5 and 10 lessons per week.

Entry lEvEl: from A1/ Beginner

PrograMME DuratIon: Minimum 1 week commencing Monday or any day of the week

ClaSS lESSonS PEr WEEk: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40

lESSon DuratIon: 45 minutes, morning/afternoon

MaxIMuM ClaSS SIzE: 1, 2 when booked together

We are able to help you overcome any kind of linguistic difficulty in your professional career. That is why we have designed this course to suit individual and corporate group needs. Our vast experience in designing tailor-made courses is extensive and includes English language training for:


On your first day, your personal teacher discusses with you your core objectives. The course content will be personalised and will be based on professional topics that take your needs and work-related interests into account. We invite you to bring your own English professional materials with you in order to particularly address your concerns and achieve your goals.

You would generally follow individual lessons. However, corporate customers may request their learners to follow lessons for Specific Purposes with one or more learners of a similar level to follow a group course in the same discipline.

Entry lEvEl: from A1/ Beginner

PrograMME DuratIon: Minimum one week-end Friday to Sunday, generally 1 or more weeks

ClaSS lESSonS PEr WEEk: 15, 20, 25 30, 40, 50

lESSon DuratIon: 45 minutes morning/afternoon

MaxIMuM ClaSS SIzE: 1

When you book 20 lessons or more on this course you are automatically subscribed to a free 3-month subscription of The Economist. NSTS offers you an additional discount of up to 66% if you extend your subscription to 1 year before your course ends. The subscription includes:

•FreeaccesstoThe Economist in audio, with digital recordings of all print articles available as a subscribers-only weekly podcast

•UnrestrictedaccesstoThe Economist online, including news, analysis, rankings, blogs, multimedia, online debates and a fully searchable archive dating back to 1997

•FullaccesstoThe Economist on iPhone, iPad and Android

When you book 20 lessons or more on this course you are automatically subscribed to a free 3-month subscription of The Economist. NSTS offers you an additional discount of up to 66% if you extend your subscription to 1 year before your course ends. The subscription includes:

•FreeaccesstoThe Economist in audio, with digital recordings of all print articles available as a subscribers-only weekly podcast

•UnrestrictedaccesstoThe Economist online, including news, analysis, rankings, blogs, multimedia, online debates and a fully searchable archive dating back to 1997

•FullaccesstoThe Economist on iPhone, iPad and Android




an nStS gIFtIn PartnErSHIP WItH

an nStS gIFtIn PartnErSHIP WItH

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We invite you to live in one of NSTS student residences that are designed for young travellers under 35 years of age. These conveniently located residences are your ideal choice and offer you plenty of opportunity to practise your English skills with fellow students even after school hours, meet new friends and explore their cultures and participate in evening get togethers and social events. NSTS residences are registered locally as hostels.

NSTS CAmPUS RESIDENCE NSTS hIBERNIA RESIDENCETastefully upgraded to the highest standards to incorporate all the facilities expected by today’s travellers, the newly refurbished Campus Residence has been long established as a favourite B & B. It promises good value for money especially to the long-term student with its compact and comprehensive studios. It is situated along the Campus boundary of the University of Malta, just by the National Sports Complex and a stone’s throw away from the NSTS English Language Institute, public transport and other amenities.

IN ROOm fACILITIES: •Single,Twin,Triplerooms•Ensuitebathroom•Studioapartmentswithkitchenetteanddiningfacilities•Dedicatedstudyarea•Safetydepositbox•Attractivemodernfurnishingswithamplestoragespace•Bedlinenandtowels•Keycardsecurityaccess•Twiceweeklycleaning

COmmUNICATIONS: •InternetcafeandWi-Fi•Faxservice•Telephoneinroom•SecurityCCTVinallpublicareas

SPORT & LEISURE: •Breakfastroom•CasualmeetingloungesandTV&DVDRoom•Conferenceroom•Commonstudy/readingroom•Games&Poolroom•SwimmingPool&SunDeck

gENERAL: •Morningreceptionservice•Coinoperatedlaundry•Culturalexcursions&events•AirportTransfers

NSTS Hibernia Residence & Hostel is the “in-place” in Malta for young people who seek friendships, hospitality, intercultural relations, fun and night entertainment. Its warm welcoming and caring environment blends with the freshness, colour, and comfort of its rooms to provide a truly memorable stay. NSTS Hibernia Residence & Hostel is centrally located in Malta - in the heart of Sliema, within short walking distance from the promenade, seashore, public transport, fantastic nightlife of St. Julian’s and Sliema city centre with its numerous shopping opportunities.

IN ROOm fACILITIES: •Single,Twin,Triplerooms•Ensuitebathroom•Studioapartmentswithkitchenetteanddiningfacilities•Dedicatedstudyarea•Safetydepositbox•Simplepinewoodfurniturewithamplestoragespace•Bedlinenandtowels•Keycardsecurityaccess•Twiceweeklycleaning

COmmUNICATIONS: •InternetcafeandWi-Fi•Faxservice•Telephoneinroom•SecurityCCTVinallpublicareas

SPORT & LEISURE: •BreakfastRoom•TV&DVDLounge•Food&DrinkDispensers•SunRoofTerrace

gENERAL: •Morningreceptionservice•Coinoperatedlaundry•MiniMarket•ButcherShop•PostBox•Culturalexcursions&events•AirportTransfers


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An invaluable opportunity to absorb the Maltese way of life and culture while enjoying English social contact. The Homestay programme is open to all persons who prefer to share their daily life experiences in the warmth of a Maltese home.

Host families are carefully interviewed and selected by NSTS personnel for their reliability, security and values and are generally chosen in close proximity to the school, only up to a short bus ride away.

They love to extend their hospitality to all students and develop lasting friendships. The NSTS offer covers single or twin room occupancy and half-board accommodation.

Learn hands-on about Malta’s culture, customs and traditions. Grab the opportunity to enhance your English by speaking the language on a day-to-day basis with your host family.

Students would be required to respect the family life in all they do, so that their stay is an enjoyable experience even for our host families


We offer a superior type of host family hospitality with greater social interaction by the family to attain a closer integration between guest and host. Amenities would normally include a private bathroom and single bedroom.


Family apartments are the best and more economical solution for families or friends of 3 or more persons to live freely under one roof when in Malta. This accommodation is ideal for families who accompany students so as to combine English with a holiday. The apartments are modernly furnished with all amenities included such as bed linen, towels, utilities and weekly cleaning. Villas are more luxuriously laid out and may sport a swimming pool and airconditioning.


We have teamed up with leading 3, 4 or 5 star properties to provide you with a wider range of accommodation opportunities. Rooms in general are well appointed, offer WiFi internet, TV, heating, air-conditioning and other facilities. Our partner hotels are featured on our price list that accompanies this brochure. We also reserve 2 and 3 bedroom apartments for families and groups.


At NSTS we are one big family and therefore offer your the best guidance and support during your stay. Our dedicated international team is always available to help you at every stage of your visit in Malta. We invite you to make use of our support, social activity and welfare services.


NSTS offers its own Travel Services, whereby we can help you book your flight or ferry tickets to Malta. In case you require any flight changes before or even after your trip, give us a call and we will be happy to help you. You will receive your transportation tickets via email.


Our team at NSTS will be there for you through every step of the application process to our English language school. You will be given full details of your chosen study programme and accommodation so that you are well prepared for your time in Malta. We give you invaluable assistance so as to make your planning period as worry-free as possible.


NSTS offers a Meet and Greet service together with an airport transfer to your chosen residence, homestay, hotel or self-catering apartment. You must book this service separately from your course and accommodation and must provide your arrival date and flight number to NSTS at least 7 days before arrival . Our representative will welcome you at the Airport Arrivals hall. They will wear our NSTS polo shirts and carry well signed boards with the NSTS Logo so you will not be able to miss them. In the event that you miss your flight or your flight is delayed it is recommended that you inform us immediately so that our Customer Relations team will take care of alternative transfer arrangements. We recommend you also pre-book your departure/return airport transfer.


We provide a 24 hour emergency contact number for our students. This means that in case you encounter any problems out of office hours, you can contact a staff member for guidance and assistance at any time during your stay. We will not leave you on your own. Upon arrival we will provide you with a personalised identity card with important information for your well being. You are to carry this card on you wherever you go instead of your passport or national identity card.


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When joining one of our programmes you are welcomed as a treasured member of our extended NSTS family and are invited with open arms to our social, cultural, entertainment and sports events organised by our Customer Relations team who are responsible for your English Social Encounters weekly programme.


Culture in Malta can be found nationwide. The island overflows with popular and historical culture, interactive attractions and shows that bring to life stunning moments of history for you to discover. Immerse yourself in Maltese culture and make your experience inspirational. Getting to know about the island’s past challenges and achievements is not only good fun but also enriching. Walk through the silent narrow winding streets of Mdina, peep into the grotto of Rabat where legend claims St Paul lived 2000 years ago, delve underground into the war shelters and experience life under siege in Vittoriosa or spend some quality time at the Great Siege Bell and gardens, perched on the fortifications of Valletta, taking in the view.


You will be an active learner in the centre of a dynamic enjoyable class of international students. Through the use of communicative teaching methodology, you will role-play, do research, interviews, fieldwork and projects. You will be practising your English both in class as well as in many English-speaking situations outside the four walls of your classroom to show you the fun side of the language.


The Mediterranean Sea is undoubtedly Malta’s best natural asset. NSTS has its own beach club offering you various exciting water sports to choose from. It is the perfect place for you to relax, enjoy a refreshing swim, laze under the glorious sun and eat a tasty snack or sip a cool drink from one of the bars.

At sea you can ride the waves and show off your best tricks on wake boards, water-skis, towable tubes, water-sledges and speedboats. If on the other hand you would rather kick back and relax a little while soaking up some rays then why not hire a paddleboat or canoe?!

The beach club spells FUN and is considered to be home to animation, beach games, tournaments, parties, music, cool drinks, tasty food, sunshades, showers, facilities and an enviable international chill-out atmosphere ideal for chatting to new friends from across the globe.


There is a wide variety of land and sea sport facilities available on the Island. Malta’s largest sports centre (The Marsa Sports Club) is about 4 km (2.5 miles) south of Valletta and lists among its numerous features an 18-hole golf course, miniature golf, 18 tennis courts, 5 squash courts, cricket grounds and a swimming pool. Students can join the club on a weekly basis while golf non-members are welcome and golf clubs can be rented at the facility.

Many of the hotel facilities often include tennis courts, squash courts, weight rooms and saunas. Most hotels also offer water sport facilities, including scuba diving, water skiing, windsurfing and sailing.


It has often been said that children of today will inherit the Earth of tomorrow. Learn more about your greener surroundings with fun, environmental projects and activities. You will explore the natural world, understand and satisfy your curiosity. This will enhance your ethic of caring for the Earth and each other whilst having fun doing it!


How is beer made? How does reverse osmosis work? What story lies behind the Malta Freeport? Our activity animateurs will take you on an unparalleled educational experience around the Maltese islands. Fuel your curiosity regarding the subject and its application, learn more from the places visited, expose yourself to the culture of local institutions and industries and get accustomed to the changing trends in today’s dynamic lifestyle. You will get the chance to interact with experts in their respective specialisations and pack up a lot of stories to share with your friends and family back home.


Explore your creative side and capture the essence of a culture. The Arts give you the opportunity to hone your improvisation skills. Life is improvisation after all. We respond in new ways when spontaneous and unexpected things occur to us. It helps with building self-confidence, speaking in public, and developing interpersonal skills to become more aware of how your physical presentation can affect the way people see you. So make sure to exploit Malta’s arts scene which has an array of events ready for you to experience and enjoy!


• Enrolmentsaccompaniedbycreditcardfullpaymentdetailswillbereceived by electronic means at [email protected] or by fax on +356 255 88 200 up to 2 weeks before arrival (4 weeks for stays in July and August)

• PaymentbybanktransfertoAPSBankLtd,VallettaMalta(IBANMT38 APSB 7709 1000 6515 10 6515 400 10) must be effected 3 full weeks before arrival.

• Enrolmentswillonlybeacceptedandconfirmedsubjecttoreceiptoffull payment, space availability and NSTS being exonorated for any and all liability

•Changesnotifiedoreffectedwithin10dayspriortoarrivalaresubjectto EUR50 late amendment fee. No refunds are permitted for failure to utilise part or all of the services.

•Cancellationsorcurtailmentsnotifiedoreffectedwithinthelast10days prior to arrival are subject to EUR250 fee.

• Feesincludeallthatspecifiedasincorporatedintheselectedservice described in this brochure and NSTS is not liable for that not contained herein.

•NSTSreservestherighttoalteranyservice,descriptionandfeewithout prior notice and to provide substitute of at least comparable standard and contents as originally.

•NSTSmay,withoutbeingliableinanymannerwhatsoever,exclude any person from a service applied for, and demand his/her repatriation, if, in the opinion of Management, s/he appears likely to endanger or impair the health, safety or comfort of other persons using the same services, or the reputation of NSTS by his/her acts or omissions.

• InenrollingwithNSTStheapplicantconsentsandauthorisesNSTStoprocess any personal data in accordance with the Data Protection Act of Malta and to transfer/disclose such data to other companies within the NSTS group of companies as deemed necessary for the provision of the services enrolled for and for the purposes associated thereto. Applicant consents to be being photographerd for promotional purposes and to receiving marketing materials from NSTS and shall be given the opportunity to opt out from this consent according to law.

• Thisbrochureandallcommercialrelationsarisingherefromaredeemed to be executed through the brand NSTS of company registration C4425 of 220 St. Paul Street, Valletta, VLT 1217, Malta.

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NSTS English Language Institute, 220 St. Paul Street, Valletta VLT1217 Malta

T : (+356) 2558 8000 F: (+356) 2558 8200 E: [email protected]