Download - English intro

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(Do your best all the time)

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“ABC”A good studentBe the best studentCoping student

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POLICY1. Talk ONLY in ENGLISH.2. Do not talk when the teacher is talking. Note

down the teacher is saying. 3. Pay attention to your classmate and listen

carefully for their ideas while talking in dyad, triad, group or individual recitation.

4. Exchange papers properly either clockwise or counterclockwise.

5. Check papers properly.6. Submit work as scheduled.7. Remember to work quietly or softly.8. Listen for the instructions carefully.9. Do not go out or stand during discussion

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Spelling BookletFormal Theme Workbook

Lecture / Assessment/ Vocabulary notebook –(covered in blue and plastic cover, sewn)

¼ index cardBook (by the end of June)

Art MaterialsFolder with plastic cover

Note: to be checked at the End of June, Third meeting

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Book reportVocabulary notebook

Dream Journal Activity Sheets

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English 7UNIT I – COMMUNICATING WITH GOOD ENGLISHa. Making dynamic introductionsb. Speaking Good English1. Intonation and stress2. Pausing and phrasingc. Non - Verbal communicationII. ORAL LANGUAGE AND FLUENCYa. Correct Stress and Intonationb. Appropriate Volume and Correct Enunciationc. Flexibility Toned. Pronunciation of Critical Vowels and Consonant sound

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English 7UNIT II – UNDERSTANDING FILIPINO CULTUREIV. READING COMPREHENSIONa. Riddles and Proverbsb. Punch lines and Jokesc. Cause and Effect

V. LITERATURELiterary Typesa. Folk Narratives1. Myth2. Fable3. Legend

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English 7

VIII. WRITINGa. Purpose of Writingb. Kinds of ParagraphsIX. GRAMMARa. Subject-verb agreementb. Pronoun-antecedent Agreementc. Simple and Compound SentencesX. RESEARCHa. Introduction to Research and Purposesb. Chapter I and II: Guidelines for Writing

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English 8I. LISTENING COMPREHENSIONa. Informative Listening(Legends)b. Inferences

II. LITERATUREa. Chinese Literatureb. The Great Chinese Philosophers: (Lao-Tzu & Confucius)c. The Judgment Between Two Mothers d. Japanese Literaturee. The Story of the Aged Mother

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III. WRITINGa. Journal Entriesb. Dialogsc. Experiential writingd. Book reportIV. GRAMMARNouns1. Kinds2. Cases3. FormsPronouns1. Kinds2. Cases(Pronoun – Antecedent Agreement)

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V. RESEARCHA. Definitions of ResearchB. Purposes of Research (Aims, Objectives and Goals)C. Characteristics of Good Research

(Chapter 1: Introduction to Research)

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Format of notebook

a. For the cover page, write the subject at the center and below, your own name.

b. Make sure to insert book mark every time.

c. Divide the notebook into three partitions.

d. Label the first partition as the assessmente. Label the second half as lecture.f. In the first page of the notebook, at the

first line, write your name at the top left corner of the page.

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Format of notebook

a. Consecutively, write your age, learning styles, interests and past achievements.

b. In the second page, write a simple prayer for the said subject.

c. Call your teacher for any assistance.

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Format of notebook

During the Assessment

a. Before the assessment, reserve at least three pages for Rewards and Points.

b. Label the top part of the page according to Assessment 1,2, 3 respectively.

c. Consecutively, at the top right of the page, the date and the score for the said activity.

d. Listen carefully for the teacher’s instructions.

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Format of notebook

During the Lecturea. Write at the top right of the page, the date and

topic of the lecture. Put in some of your own learning.

b. One must write also at the back of the pages.c. Listen carefully for the teacher’s instructions.

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Format of Spelling

a. Be sure to check that the logo of the spelling booklet is the school seal.b. Write at the top part of the page, the schedule of the said test with your score.c. Spell the word as the teacher pronounced. You are only allowed to spell the word after the teacher says “go!”d. Spell each word correctly with the correct numbering.e. Nobody must talk during the spelling proper. You must raise your hand to clarify.

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Criteria for Formal ThemeYou will be judged according to the following criteria.a. How well you write in cursive form.b. How good when presenting your essay

(Introduction)c. How well you are to capture and maintain the

interests of the readers.d. How well you lengthen or expound on your ideas

(Content)e. How well you are in organizing your thoughtsf. How well you put closure to your work (ending)g. How good you are in constructing basic sentence

patterns. How good you use words by contexts.

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Format for Activity Sheeta. Write at the top left, your own complete name

and beside it, your own year and section.b. Write the criteria at the top right.c. Write the name of the activity at the middle after

a and b with the date in the parenthesis.d. Do what is instructed.e. After checking the activity, put the activity to the


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Format for Dream Journala. Write at the top left, your own complete name

and beside it, your own year and section.b. Write the criteria at the top right.c. Write “Dream Entry #” at the middle with the the

certain date in the parenthesis.d. Write the name of the book below the Dream

Entry #.e. Do what is instructed.f. After checking the activity, put the activity to the


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Format for Book Reporta. Be creative as much as possible when making the

book report, in any form.b. The pages of the book report must be at least 5

pages and must not appear bulky. c. Write the following parts.

Name of the author, short paragraph about the author, setting (time and place of the events – at least two with short descriptive paragraph), characters (at least five people – with short descriptive paragraphs about their role in the story)

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Format for Book Report

a. Following parts:Short summary (at least 3 paragraphs)Introduction, how the story beganMiddle, what part is the point of interestEnding, how the story ended

Lesson (Enumerate at least five things to remember about the said – book – bullet form)

Message to the Author (Talk to the author)

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Format for Book Report

b. For the cover page, at the middle, write the title of the book and your own name below.c. Below it, write the rubrics and score. Make sure that the cover of your notebook can be written using a ball pen or a pentel pen.d. Make sure that the cover page is smooth and not dark.

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Criteria for Grading Book Report (50 pts)

a. How well the design represented the book itselfb. How elaborate is the design madec. How well the whole structure of book report isd. How detailed / complete the book report ise. How coherent / aligned the book report to the

book isf. How organized the book report is

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Format for Vocabulary Notebook

a. Write all the words given / posted by the teacher in the teacher. No required arrangement.

b. Number each word. At least collect 20 words posted by the teacher in the board for the each whole quarter.

c. For each word, write a short one – line definition, in complete sentence.

d. After reaching at he maximum of 20 words. Get ten words for the said – vocabulary. Use each word to create ten sentences.

e. Let your teacher check afterwards.

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Format for Grading Vocabulary Notebook (30pts)

You will ONLY be graded based from the TEN sentences.a. How well the vocabulary is used in each sentence(appropriateness)b. How well the sentence is arranged accordingly(Organization)c. How important / related the sentence to the student’s life (Originality)

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Dyad, Triad and Group Discussion

a. Know the kind of the discussion. Dyad – by two, Triad – by three, Group by readiness – arranged by the adviserGroup by interest – chosen by the studentsb. Talk softly during the discussion or else the time for discussion will be shortened by the teacher.c. Listen for the goal and objective of the discussion.d. Know the proper hand signal to stop the discussion. Raise your hand so students may take notice.

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Criteria for Grading Dyad, Triad and Group Discussion(20 points)

The teacher looks around and judge the following:a. How well each contribute and participate in the

discussion (Cooperativeness)b. How well each group follow instruction while

doing the activity. (Procedure)c. How well the end – product is (Content)d. How well they prepare their work and how it is

clear for the audience (Clarity)

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Criteria for Grading Recitation (25 points)

a. How well the sentence is structuredb. How complete the answer isc. How important / related the answer isd. How participative during the recitatione. How the answer is executed confidently, with

proper posing and expression

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Criteria for Writing activity (15 points)

a. How well the activity is contributive (appropriateness)b. How well the activity is arranged accordingly(Organization)c. How important / related the activity to the student’s life (Trans fixation)

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Criteria for Drawing activity (15 points)

a. How well drawing is contributive to the lesson (appropriateness)b. How well the activity is arranged and designed accordingly – use of colors and lines(Organization)c. How important / related the activity to the student’s life (Trans fixation)

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Introduce yourself