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KYTHE – an organization that provides psychological support to pediatric cancer patients

HUMANE – showing sympathy, kindness and understanding

COALITION - union of political parties

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AUTISTIC – affected with or caused by autism

IQ ( Intelligence Quotient )

ASSUAGE – to ease or lessen

HOSTILE – unfriendly ; disrespect

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ASTAXANTIN – substance in bleu-green algae

SPECIES – breed; race or type

ALGAE – photosynthetic organism

CRUSTACEAN – ocean animal with hard shell

DELVE – search intensively

THERAPY – treatment to cure

AGITATE – arouse , excite

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The past tense is used to express an action or situation in the past. Examples of time expressions used are: last year, a while ago

The past continuous tense suggests a past action going on at some specific past time. It is formed by using the past form of

be + -ing form of the verbexamples: was helping were cheering

Past Habitual : used to patternexample: Father used to skate when he

was young.

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By the use of will or shall plus simple form of the verb.

He will give a lecture on aquaculture tomorrow.

By the use of the appropriate form of “be” followed by going to plus simple form f the verb.

He is going to give a lecture on aquaculture tomorrow.

By the use of the present continuous tense form.

He is giving a lecture on aquaculture tomorrow.

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By the use of the future continuous tense form

He will be giving a lecture on aquaculture tomorrow.

By the use of appropriate form of “ be” plus “ about” plus simple form

He is about to give a lecture n aquaculture.

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Both the simple future and future continuous tense express an action that will take place in the future.

In questions shall is normally used with the first person singular and plural; will is used with the other persons

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