
Page 1 of 2 Calleguas MWD Engineering & Construction Committee Agenda July 21, 2015


July 21, 2015


An Engineering & Construction Committee Meeting of Calleguas Municipal Water District is hereby called and notice of said meeting is hereby given for 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday July 21, 2015 at Calleguas Municipal Water District, 2100 Olsen Road, Thousand Oaks, California. The Calleguas Municipal Water District’s Engineering & Construction Committee meeting is noticed as a meeting of the Board of Directors for the purpose of compliance with the Brown Act. Members of the Board who are not assigned to the Engineering & Construction Committee may attend only as observers and cannot participate as members of the Board, whether or not a quorum of the Board is present. In order to preserve the function of the committee as advisory to the Board, members of the Board who are not assigned to the Engineering & Construction Committee will not vote on matters before the Engineering & Construction Committee.

A G E N D A A. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Steve Blois, Chair Andres Santamaria, Committee Member B. PUBLIC COMMENTS

Opportunity for members of the public to address the committee on matters within the committee’s jurisdiction (as required by Government Code Section 54954.3(a)). Please limit comments to three minutes.


1. Discussion regarding Salinity Management Pipeline, Phase 3 Preliminary Design Report


 Page 2 of 2         Calleguas MWD Engineering & Construction Committee Agenda        July 21, 2015 

NOTE:  At the discretion of the committee, all items appearing on this agenda, whether or not expressly listed for action, may be deliberated and may be subject to action by the committee.  This committee reviews items and makes a recommendation for final action to the full Board of Directors.  Final action will be taken by the Board of Directors.  Agendas for the meeting of the Board of Directors may be obtained from the Clerk of the Board.  This committee will not take any action that is binding on the Board, even when a quorum of the Board is present.  Writings relating to open session agenda items distributed to Directors less than 72 hours prior to a meeting are available for public inspection at Calleguas’ Administrative Office Building.  Requests for a disability related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, in order to attend or participate in a meeting should be made to the Clerk of the Board in advance of the meeting to ensure availability of the requested service or accommodation.   

Engineering & Construction MeetingJuly 21, 2015

• Camrosa and Thousand Oaks requested that Calleguas consider taking the SMP alignment through the Santa Rosa Valley in September 2014.

• E&C Committee and Board approved Santa Rosa Alignment alternative (and budget for preliminary design for SMP3) shortly thereafter.

• P&I has been working on preliminary design for SMP3 and has identified a recommended alignment, along with options for a few segments.

Alternative Alignments

Facility Yield (AFY)

Brine (AFY)

Anticipated Year of Operation

Camrosa Conejo Desalter 2,800 350 2018

Santa Rosa Ag Desalter(s) 3,360 125 2022

Conejo Valley Desalter(s) 2,800 350 2023

Hill Canyon WWTP Potable Reuse 7,900 1,580 2030

Note: Does not include anticipated dischargers in SMP Phase 4 upstream.

Hill C

anyon Road

Bridge vs. Tunnel

Two Tunnels vs. Santa Rosa Rd.

North Side vs. South Side

• Bridge Option:• City approval required• No tunneling required, reducing risk and cost• Less ROW acquisition required• No risk to pipeline from future scour of channel• Less expensive (~$2M)

• Tunnel Option:• City approval not required• Tunneling required, increasing risk and cost• More ROW acquisition required• Some risk to pipeline from future high stream flows• More expensive (~$3M)

• Status: Request made to City of Camarillo to install pipeline on the bridge, but decision has not yet been rendered. If City approves bridge installation, then it will be done. If not, then tunneling is the only option.

Camrosa Office

Santa Rosa Rd.

• Santa Rosa Rd. Option:• No tunneling required, reducing risk and cost• Shorter alignment• No ROW acquisition required• No risk to pipeline from future scour of channel• Feasibility uncertain due to significant utility congestion where road

narrows• Traffic control would be significant• Less expensive ($1.5M)

• Two Tunnels Option:• Two tunnels required, increasing risk and cost• Longer alignment• Significant ROW acquisition required• Future risk to pipeline from potential scour of channel• More certainty about feasibility• Significantly less traffic control impacts• More expensive ($2.3M)

• Status: After additional field utility investigation, it was determined that the Santa Rosa Rd. option is feasible (requires one lane traffic control at times) and is therefore recommended.

Hilltop Lane

South Side

• North Side Option:• Slightly longer alignment• More significant traffic control• Feasibility more certain• More expensive ($1.2M)

• South Side Option:• Slightly shorter alignment• Less significant traffic control (completely within shoulder)• Feasibility uncertain due to existing high pressure gas line and Calleguas

water pipeline• Less expensive (~$0.9M)

• Status: After additional field utility investigation, it was determined that the South Side option is feasible and is therefore recommended.

• 26,000 LF of 24” PVC pipe from Upland/Lewis Rds. to Santa Rosa/Hill Canyon Rds.

• Enables production of 2,800 AFY for M&I use in the near-term, with additional future agricultural and M&I production anticipated over the long-term.

• Estimated total cost of $15.9M to $16.7M (depending on bridge vs. tunnel outcome).

1. Finalize preliminary design on SMP3, once City of Camarillo renders a decision on installing the pipe on the bridge.

2. Authorize interim design to develop conceptual traffic control plans.

3. Discuss conceptual traffic control with County of Ventura Transportation Department.

(In parallel with Camrosa’s desalter preliminary design)

4. Jointly with Camrosa, present the desalter concept and SMP alignment to the Santa Rosa Municipal Advisory Committee (MAC).

5. Consider any feedback from the MAC and make adjustments to design concepts as appropriate.

6. Authorize design and CEQA engineering support services.

7. Perform CEQA on entire Santa Rosa alignment (project level for Phase 3, program level for Phase 4).

8. Proceed with design, permitting, and construction.

Page 2 of 2 Calleguas MWD Engineering & Construction Committee Agenda July 21, 2015

NOTE: At the discretion of the committee, all items appearing on this agenda, whether or not expressly listed for action, may be deliberated and may be subject to action by the committee. This committee reviews items and makes a recommendation for final action to the full Board of Directors. Final action will be taken by the Board of Directors. Agendas for the meeting of the Board of Directors may be obtained from the Clerk of the Board. This committee will not take any action that is binding on the Board, even when a quorum of the Board is present. Writings relating to open session agenda items distributed to Directors less than 72 hours prior to a meeting are available for public inspection at Calleguas’ Administrative Office Building. Requests for a disability related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, in order to attend or participate in a meeting should be made to the Clerk of the Board in advance of the meeting to ensure availability of the requested service or accommodation.