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    Engaged to another, Carole Mortimer

    AZUR novel


    You are very McAllister, is not it?

    At these words, Brice winced.

    Who dared to intrude into his reveries solit-

    areas? if he asked without turning im-

    mediately. Although one could hardly

    wanting to be alone in the midst of celebrating guests

    a political victory!

    Usually he was careful to attend this

    type of event, but in this case, the

    youngest of the newly elected member was

    other than the wife of his cousin Fergus.

    It was therefore natural that he had been

    Page 4

    invited to worldly hop that gave

    Paul Hamilton for the occasion. As he would

    was very rude of him to decline the invitation,

    he was armed with all his courage to it

  • to render.

    Being accosted by his surname he de-

    greatly pleased, he thought again, as they will be

    remember painful school memories.

    Especially as the voice of the man who had

    the challenge it was fundamentally unsympathetic

    She was imbued with arrogance

    bordered on condescension.

    Slowly, he ends up pivoting on his heel, and

    found himself face to face with ... a total stranger!

    In a large size, graying temples

    Nantes, the blond who stood before him was

    over fifty. Still very nice

    man, however, he wore a sneer

    more detestable - in accordance with its


    -Effectivement, I am Brice McAllister,

    Brice said hammering his first name.

    -Richard Latham, chained his interlocutor

    holding out his hand.

    Richard Latham ... The name reminded her vaguely

    ment something, but her face does






  • serra

    Page 5

    soon the hand of the unknown, without

    Mine will continue the conversation.

    Brice was not particularly a man

    sociable and he felt he had today

    participated extensively in public relations and

    family. He wanted only one thing: having


    You do not know who I am, is not it?

    insisted the man with a fun edge

    in his voice.

    Certainly, Brice was unaware of his name. However, it

    had immediately recognized the category

    belonged to this individual: that annoying!

    Well, he said to call Latham, thought Brice

    in a final effort to look good.

    Unknown side of his family ... By con-

    quently, he had to be a parent Paul

    Hamilton. Curious! It seemed that finally

    ment, it was less his identity as its function

    tion that the man wanted to highlight.

    Beard! That its someone stops terms

    giverser at the end! And why does not he told her

    not what he expected of him? It was nearly 7

  • Brice hours and was eager to go but-

    one. He intended to take leave

    claiming an appointment im- professional

    wearing only solution to do that Fergus

    not beg to stay.

    Page 6

    No, sorry, Brice finally answered ... not

    seem the least bit sorry world, but pass-

    ably annoyed!

    As recognized and appreciated artist, he does

    could escape completely to the conventions

    social conditions, and obviously, Richard Latham

    playing on that string. Raising his eyebrows, that

    latter then announced:

    -My Secretary contacted you on two occasions

    taken last week. I would like to

    order a portrait of my fiance.

    Bingo! There, he remembered now:

    it was Richard Latham, the multi-millionaire.

    His name was obviously known

    Brice: its economic success was international

    tionally recognized - as its reputation

    Playboy tion! Latham was often the

    one of the company of the tabloids

    most beautiful women on earth. Brice did not know

  • However, what creature had at this time

    the good fortune to be his "bride".

    -As You I indicated in my courri-

    er, Brice answered dryly, I do not paint


    -Faux! Latham retorted, squinting.

    I recently had the opportunity to admire the mag-

    nifique portrait done by Darcy McKenzie

    your care.

    Page 7

    -Darcy Is my cousin by marriage, it was a

    wedding gift for her husband, Logan,

    Brice is justified.

    -in My case also, it is a gift

    wedding party! argued the businessman with an air

    top of mind.





    usually be resisted ... well, too bad

    for him! says Brice. It was out of question

    he yields to the whim of a billionaire. It execution

    was no portraits and certainly would

    no exception for the rich of this world.

  • No question they then hang them in

    their living rooms and say with pride: "It is

    McAllister one "!

    Listen, Brice began, I really am

    sorry but ...

    He stopped abruptly - like the

    entire room. All eyes converged al-

    ors to the young woman who had appeared on

    the threshold Sabina!

    Like everyone else, Brice had admired

    pictures of famous model. He did

    not a day passed without Sabina

    poses for a magazine or newspaper SOMEONE

    conch. Yet none of the shots had

    Brice prepared to absolute perfection of his

    beauty, wonderful velvety skin that

    Page 8

    emphasized his lam dress, the length in-

    over his legs, his eyes a

    bright blue and the cascade of her hair

    as blond as wheat, whose points

    brushed his slender hips.

    She was not wearing any jewelry, t-watched

    it. Why gilding the lily?

    Brice's gaze focused again

  • the eyes of the young woman ... Certainly they

    were bright, azure blue iris being

    set in a darker circle that made him

    value. Yet when they swept the

    room, he saw in their depths a

    sort of apprehension. Was it fear?

    He had no time to think about

    this strange glow, for scarcely had he recognized

    lightning that betrayed the emotions of Sabina

    that it had already recovered a social relation

    Correct cially and had a smile confi-

    ant ... while heading towards him!

    -Please Excuse me, announced Richard Latham,

    a smile of superiority on his face. I will

    greet my bride.

    And, under the bemused eye of Brice, he headed effort

    tually to Sabina, passed a fam- arms

    ilier around her waist and kissed her


    Page 9

    Here, then noted Brice, he was mistaken in

    regard jewelry. Sabina was

    not totally free - on her ring finger

    Left shone a large diamond-shaped


  • Sabina she was betrothed to Richard who Lath-

    am made reference? The bride he

    wanted a portrait?

    In any case, it was the only woman

    world that he ever wanted to

    painting from the moment he saw her in the flesh

    and blood!

    Oh, not because of its beauty, as

    she was spectacular! No, because of this






    eyes and so quickly masked - a confession

    Fort intriguing weakness on the part of such a

    beautiful woman, and that was a good rank

    higher than that of the mode icon.

    This emotion, he had a terrible desire to

    explore - as an artist, at least ...

    -Dsole For the small delay, said Sabina






    Andrew was very demanding today the es-

  • sayages never ended!

    -You Are here, now, and that's the main thing, it

    assured his companion.

    Page 10

    At these words, Sabina felt a keen soulage-

    ment. As it was nice to live with

    a man who never complained of con-

    constraints and requirements of his career!

    Richard was so accommodating: all he

    wanted was that parade in his arm. The

    rest ...

    Phew, found Sabina, people had taken

    their conversation! Although she was a top model

    for seven years, she could not

    get used to the reactions triggered im-

    manquablement his arrival in a place SOMEONE

    conch. She had to forge a genuine

    shell to hide the embarrassment that the re-

    unknown y EO continued to perform on it.

    The only public place where she felt good ...

    it was fast food at the corner of the street! It it

    made in faded jeans and sweater informs a

    baseball cap on his head. Okay

    evil one who could have recognized supermodel

    Sabina, trying to swallow a hamburger

  • high caloric, with a wide

    fries which were not less!

    Some ill-intentioned journalists had

    beautiful state that, to keep the line, the

    mannequin ate only fruit and

    mineral water, Sabina was one of those

    rare and happy women who could

    Page 11

    swallow everything they wanted without taking

    any gram.

    Nevertheless, it was long it

    had not ventured into the fast-food for

    one of these impromptu visits and anonymous.

    Exactly six months ...

    Come, I want you to someone,

    Richard said mysteriously.

    Sabina gave him a puzzled look. Without him

    reveal his intentions, his companion en-

    dragged to the back of the room for him ...

    present the man he was talking to

    time of arrival.

    Although Richard was an impressive size




  • had

    a few

    inches taller than him. He was about

    thirty-five years and was clad as discon-

    Trailer - jeans, T-shirt and black jacket - in action

    cord with her hair rather long for a


    His expression contrasted with the discon-

    apparent tension and gave it a makeover

    dark. His green eyes detained par-

    larly Sabina attention; his eyes

    was so intense that it seemed to plunge directly

    ment in your soul.

    At that thought, Sabina felt again an-

    Goisse hug. She forbade anyone -

    Page 12

    especially this stranger in the eyes

    disturbing - to read in his soul.

    -Brice I would like to introduce you to my fiance,

    Sabina, decreed Richard. Sabina, here Brice


    Like every time he had a

    third, Sabina recognized in the voice of Richard

    of pride inflections. Not to mention that

    Here, it seemed to exaggerate!

  • Sabina McAllister stared in confusion. Was

    she supposed to know him?

    Yes, she was there! It was the painter

    Brice McAllister, one we tore

    works price of gold!

    Good morning, Mr. McAllister, she said at last

    in a tone reserved.

    -Enchant, Sabina, said Brice. Buy the way,

    do you have a last name?

    His question was asked about how iro-

    nique, as she replied coldly:

    -Smith. In banality, is not

    right? My mother chose an original first name

    to compensate ... Almost nobody knows

    my real name.

    Suddenly she was silent. Why entrust it

    this stranger? A stranger who, in addition, the

    put very ill at ease with his eyes

    piercing ...

    Page 13

    -You're Sabina, and that's enough, sliced

    Richard not without arrogance.

    Felt it, too, the abnormal intensity of re-

    gard Brice? wondered a shudder Sabina

    her anxiety had done. Instinctively

  • ment, she approached Richard.

    -I Promise not to repeat the soul

    lively, then stated Brice.

    These words, which attempted to reassure, pro-

    voqurent in it the opposite effect. The word "soul

    "She gasped. Because she was convinced that

    read in hers like a book

    now open!

    Come On! What she dreaded so there

    dcelt? In his heart, he was of the view

    warmth, and kindness. Humor aus-

    if the least she hoped. Besides the

    sense of loyalty and honor.

    And inevitably, apprehension, the

    afraid ...

    I Will Not! These emotions then, she had buried

    deep within herself. Nobody

    could guess them. They were flush only

    ment when she was alone, and as she

    avoided as much as possible to be alone with

    his own thoughts ...

    Page 14

    -Your Fianc and I were discussing a possible

    picture I would paint you, said Brice


  • At these words, Sabina sent a surprised look at

    Richard ... He had never told him of his

    intends to commission a portrait of her at

    artist. For her part, she refused to ask

    Brice McAllister. No way to go

    time with him! This man

    definitely put too uncomfortable.

    -I Wanted to surprise you, intervened al-

    Richard golds in the smoldering eyes of a protection

    tor before turning to Brice

    add, not without irony inflection: fi-

    ultimately, will you run this


    Sabina took a quick glance at Brice McAl-

    to list. So it was not immediately accepted the

    control Richard; Yet he left

    hear ... why had he changed his mind? At The

    same time, Brice met Richard


    -why No? I should make some

    sketches before making a decision dfin-

    itive. But I warn you, I do not practice

    embellishment, if you see what I mean

    to tell.

    Page 15

  • Charming character! cried inwardly

    ment Sabina. Although his franchise was entirely

    his honor ... Suddenly, she felt a pinch

    ment to the heart. She came to understand

    true meaning of his words!

    No doubt he planned to paint it

    based on what he read in his soul!

    -I Doubt it necessary to embellish

    features of my fiancee snapped

    Richard. As you can see,

    is of impeccable beauty.

    Faced with the special praise of Richard Brice con-

    attempted a small smile.

    -I Am afraid you be little purpose, in-

    tervint while Sabina, adding, eager

    to put an end to this impossible conversion

    tion: I think we have enough abused

    the kindness of Mr. McAllister ...

    Brice McAllister it was decidedly little

    nice! she concludes. Something

    in his eyes had immediately put

    ill at ease. And as soon as it moves away from

    it, the better it would be.

    Give me your phone number, de-

    then summoned Brice. If you could, I

    You call and we will agree a

    appointment to the drawings.

  • Page 16

    Please! She had no desire Brice

    McAllister knows more about it than

    he had already guessed.

    -Tenez! Richard decreed leaving a card

    visit from his pocket he brandished with pride

    under the nose of Brice. We live together.

    At this announcement, Sabina felt the eyes of

    the artist to dwell on it. Obviously he does

    although not taking this information and

    indicated the disapproving fold of her mouth.

    Determined to keep her head, she plunged to her

    turn a defiant look in his - while

    Feeling ashamed, but who cares?

    Good Lord! Who does he think he was to per-

    to the judge? She was twenty-five,

    all the same, and was quite free to

    choice! And they perfectly suit him


    Oh Really? then asked in a small voice


    In these conditions, why was the

    defensive? Aspiring a wide breath of air,

    she tried to rationalize the situation. It was

    impossible Brice McAllister has guessed on

  • what basis rested his arrangement with


    Seven months earlier, when the latter and itself

    even opted for a life, it

    Page 17

    was clear to everyone that love was not

    behind this decision. In truth, it

    they suited both Richard offered him

    protection against the perpetual fear in

    she lived in before installation

    him, and he in turn could be displayed in public

    with a beautiful woman - which seemed

    be the ultimate goal of his life!

    Yes, oddly enough, that was all Richard

    expected of her, as she had been able to con-

    stater during these seven months of cohabitation.

    No doubt that the arrangement would have seemed

    very strange to a third party, but

    for them, it was perfect. Moreover, their intim-

    ity-or more precisely, their lack of intim-

    ity - was looking than them. And certainly not this

    Inquisitor with green eyes too!

    'I'll call you, claimed by placing Brice

    the card in the pocket of his black jacket.

    Thereupon he took leave of them to go re-

  • join a couple with a young child.

    -It Logan McKenzie then told Richard

    Sabina, and his lovely wife Darcy.

    Sabina laughed to know who these

    or what relationship people had with Brice

    them. However, it was extremely

    relieved to be rid of him! It pouv-

    has again breathe easy.

    Page 18

    In fact, she had just realize that,

    throughout this conversation, his breathing

    was jerky. Anyway, she was cer-

    tain one thing: if Brice called her, she

    would say that she was missing!

    Meanwhile, it plans to implement

    all his skill and his powers of persuasion

    for Richard changes his mind and renounces



    'I'm sorry, Miss Sabina came out, re-

    replied the servant Richard Latham


    It was the fifth time in five days that he

    was the same answer, and he felt that he was

    end up losing his cool. Because it was per-

  • suaded that the beautiful Sabina wanted to dbarrass-

    er him and gave indications very

    strict to domestic.

    During the reception at Paul Hamilton, he



    got it

    that there


    Page 19

    unlike his companion did not want

    absolutely it would realize a portrait of her.

    And, of course, that this marked reluctance

    had seen her home had contributed to strengthening

    cer his own desire to paint!

    -Well, Thank you, 'said Brice gnawing his


    Well ... He would have to adopt another strategic

    gy - since obviously attempts

    to make an appointment by phone

    would lead to no.

    -I Will do it from your call, clarified the do-

    mestic before hanging up.

    Oh, no doubt that she would pass the mes-

    wise! But that did not would advance being

  • As Sabina had certainly been in-

    formed his previous four strokes

    phone ... and it was good refrained from


    If I were you, I'd keep my distance

    My uncle Richard, he had kindly con-

    David Latham mended to Paul Hamilton party,

    by driving it apart. This is a collector,

    which accumulates valuables. And con-

    Sabina amazes is his latest acquisition.

    Also, it perfectly illustrates the concept of

    black sheep of the family, if you know what I


    Page 20

    Sure ... But in this case, it was not

    Richard Latham interested Brice. Alas!

    As he had learned the hard way, that premi-

    er was the key element that led to

    the beautiful Sabina ...

    For a woman enjoying a reputation in-

    ternational, she led a reclusive life,

    he said again. In addition, it never went

    without Latham or driver thereof, or en-

    core one of his bodyguards.

    Two weeks before their meeting in Paul

  • Brice had attended a fashion show which

    Chloe had invited the wife of Fergus, by

    Besides fashion designer.

    Sabina had then made a brief appearance

    on the podium and had quickly withdrawn

    behind the scenes, followed by two guards

    body ... while Brice renounced the deal,

    as he had had originally intended.

    After the parade, she had not attended the cock-

    tail and as Brice was inquiring discreetly

    ment on the reason for his absence, he had

    indicated that it had vanished in a lim-

    ousine chauffeur, after his performance


    Decidedly, this woman embodied the mystery

    - And fanned curiosity Brice. Furthermore, it

    was convinced that Richard Latham ignored

    Page 21

    his vain attempts to phone

    make an appointment with Sabina. Yes, its in-

    stinct told him that the beautiful is not bragging

    its evasions. Richard seemed so

    determined that he realizes his portrait!

    He looked at his watch. 16 hours. The more

    easy was it not to go to Richard,

  • in Mayfair -the most exclusive

    London, by the way? It tergiversa

    not long.

    The Mercedes sports coupe, parked in front of the rich

    remains Latham, told him that there was

    someone at home. No matter that

    was a question of Richard and Sabina. He had the fer-

    I intend to get the appointment promised

    - One or the other.

    Why had he been so surprised to learn that

    Richard and Sabina lived together?

    if he asked descending from his car.

    Probably because it came from a Sabina

    will that made her untouchable and kept

    others away ... Obviously, this does

    not apply to Richard Latham, who Part-

    ageant his life, was also to share his bed Lo

    logical, right?

    -L Do?

    Lost in thought, Brice had Mach

    inally pressed the doorbell, too

    Page 22

    he jumped when the door opened. There

    old woman who stood in the doorway staring at the

    quizzically. No doubt it was

  • the servant who had instructed him

    mean the absence of Sabina!

    -I Just see Sabina, he announced in a voice

    closed down.

    -Do You have an appointment?

    What a joke! This was precisely what he

    sought. Well, he thought, useless

    to get excited: the poor servant was not

    responsible for the whims of her boss.

    -Can You tell Sabina Mr. McAl-

    lister wants to see? he asked, swallowing

    his anger.

    -McAllister? repeated the servant disconcerting

    ed. But are not you ...

    Yes, the man who tried to join

    several times this week, interrupted

    Brice. Can you tell him I'm here?

    He had repeated its request for an impatient tone

    tient, aware of his rudeness, but

    was too upset to design yet

    scruples to the third party

    -also she was innocent - which stood

    between him and his goal.

    He was convinced now that the sport coupe

    belonged to Sabina and she was beautiful

  • Page 23

    and well at home. As was the case LOR-

    squ'il phoned just now! At vid-

    ence, she fled.

    -But ... Began the servant.

    -It's Good, Ms. Clark, suddenly intervened

    Sabina materializing the side of the

    housekeeper. Mr. McAllister, do you want

    follow me into the living room?

    Favoring silent acerbic comment

    he would have regretted later, Brice shook

    head and followed her inside. Curious as

    this woman taught her patience, her

    fiery, which prevailed at the slightest


    Today, she seemed different. Some More






    bright, clear in its jeans and T-shirt

    off white. She had raised her hair into a

    -tail horse and was absolutely not

    makeup. It would have given him eighteen years


  • -I Beg your pardon, but I at-

    person held out, she said, referring

    its casual. I come back to the moment

    My sports club.

    Adorable liar!

    Frowning mockingly, Brice


    Page 24

    -A Now, really?

    -Can I offer you some tea? she asked

    so airily.

    'No thank you,' he said, adding,

    coldly, I called you several times

    this week.

    -really? she said with a detached tone.

    -You Well know, he replied

    without hiding his annoyance.

    -I Have been busy this week, argued-t

    it. I had to go to Paris, I parade

    several designers. Besides a session

    Pictures with ...

    -I Do not care about your time!

    sliced he cavalierly. What I want

    to know is why you do not have me


  • -I Just told you exactly that ...

    Listen, make a phone call, this

    objectively takes little time and even

    if you were actually absent, I am cer-

    tain that the diligent Clark has told you

    all my calls and provided users

    All phone numbers that I he

    left: the number of my home, my

    workshop, as well as that of my two laptops,

    private and professional.

    Page 25

    -maybe So,





    she said

    quickly. Are you quite sure you do not

    want tea?

    -Absolutely Certain, he said, clenching


    A double whiskey, that's what he would have BE-

    care, even in the middle of the afternoon! There

    coldness of the woman would have pushed not important

    door any man to rush the drink!

  • 'Well,' he continued, about our appointment

    you ...

    Sit down, Mr. McAllister, I will


    Thanks, I'll stand, he replied,

    nerves white-hot by the casualness


    Astonished by his refusal, she sank to

    its share in a comfortable chair and the re-

    keeping in the eye, struck him:

    -It's Curious, yet I thought you

    were a deemed artist.

    -I'm! he replied, immediately on the


    -Oh Really? she said in a tone of derision.

    Always and hunt your patrons poten-

    tial that way?

    An angry breath washed over him.

    Page 26

    She deliberately trying to offend him! And y

    had arrived! But why provoquait-

    it, instead of simply confess

    she did not realize that his portrait?



  • deep





    -Finally, I would willingly take tea.

    Thereupon he sat in a chair in front

    ... and she was pleased to see the disarray

    which is then painted on the face of the beautiful Sa-

    bina. It was clear that despite his invitation

    initial, she expected one thing: it

    go away!

    What is she afraid? Certainly the arrival of

    Richard would not fail in convincing

    cre agreeing to pose for him.

    -I Have all my time, he clarified in a tone


    Very well said Sabina, rising abruptly

    ment. I will instruct Ms.


    And take the opportunity to recover from his emotions

    tions! Brice added in petto. Why Sabina

    she feared that as the comb? Who is it

    disliked him so much in him? Although it

    was not sure he actually it'sa hos-

    tility towards it. He thought back then the flash of

  • Page 27

    fear he had seen in his eyes, to re-

    Paul Hamilton exception ...

    What mystery thus hiding the sublime man-

    nequin? In what murky water swimming

    his soul?

    Sabina did not go directly to the

    food, but rushed to the bathroom

    to spray the face of cold water because its

    the cheeks were burning.

    She would never have imagined that McAllister

    would have the audacity to come to her while she

    had consistently refused to talk to him


    Poor idiot! It should have been the in

    doubt! Brice McAllister acted with

    relentless determination. Ah, as it

    was wrong to dismiss him! Result: he

    stalking her home.

    Good, evil being done, why whine?

    We had to react!

    In an hour, Richard would return to the but-

    one. By then, she had to arrange for

    Brice McAllister drank his tea, and above all in-

    Gnier find all kinds of impediments

    to push the famous appointment as

  • far as possible in the time - go

    it would continue to recover thereafter to


    Page 28

    This second meeting came from consolidating

    in his opinion: she did not want

    McAllister makes his portrait. Not that she

    doubted his talent, quite the contrary! From elsewhere

    their, she knew why he was so good: all

    just because he went to the heart of

    things and beings.

    Her eyes with a piercing green blew

    Social varnishes and plunged straight into the soul,

    exposing emotions deeply en-

    sevelies. Inevitably discover the painter

    protective wall she had erected around

    of it to keep others at a distance. And,

    just as inexorably, he asked

    why she was not a young woman in-

    souciante and happy, enjoying serene

    his fame ...

    -The Tea will be served in a few minutes,

    she announced, returning to the living room. According To

    Richard, you've painted a remarkable Por-

    Darcy McKenzie respect your cousin.

  • -A It seems, he replied in a sharp tone,

    insensitive to his vanity efforts.

    -It Certainly hope that you will make a

    also wonderful to me.

    And you, Sabina, what expectations do you? rtorqua-

    he out of the blue.

    Page 29

    Why this question? if she marveled. Was

    he bounded? Had he not understood that

    he did not want the comb, but that he would

    go, and most importantly, it leaves intact the shell

    in which she had buried his being?

    Uh ... The same as him, of course. Oh,

    but here's the tea.

    Relieved, she turned to him and Clark

    grinned. The housekeeper had

    instructed to use only tea,

    without biscuits that went with.

    Nothing, in short, that was likely to re-

    delay the departure of Brice McAllister!

    -Without Sugar for me, please, mar-

    Monna Brice while leaving home

    the room and Sabina filled the cups.

    That matched the personality

    this man, she thought. Bitter and strong!

  • Brice sipped hot tea and then,

    pointing his gaze to her, he said very

    stage fright:

    -You Are at home here!

    -Why Would not I be? she retorted

    striving not to appear disconcerted

    by this statement that sounded like a

    charge. I live here, this is my home.

    Really, the cohabitation with Richard

    disturbed, she thought. Curious all the

    Page 30

    Similarly, for a man of thirty-five.

    Was he old game? Unless it was the

    age difference between Richard and who


    -When Will be free to sessions

    pose? he asked, suddenly.

    You know, during the next two months,

    my schedule is completely filled, and ...

    Come, there must you remain a small

    free time somewhere, he objected not without


    -Effectivement, But then I took the opportunity to

    I rest, she said.

    -Stay Seat while I make es-

  • quisses will not be particularly grueling,

    he insisted.

    Sitting, no. But keep a re-

    gard expressionless for an hour

    to protect his own, though! Terribly

    tiring, even!

    -Navre, But I forgot my agenda in a

    client, I'll call you when I can

    check my schedule.

    To-morrow we are Saturday. And Saturday

    you do not have a business meeting,

    Is not it?

    A surge of fury crossed it. It was no longer

    determination, but the fury!

    Page 31

    The more he felt his reticence, the more he insisted.


    -Dsole, Richard and I are not in

    London this weekend.

    Suddenly she heard an engine noise under

    its windows. Richard! Pity ... She who

    General was pleased to hear back

    then felt his heart sink! Because she knew

    the latter, despite his reluctance,

    was determined to get that damn picture.

  • -Damage Replied without guessing its Brice

    torment, I was wondering if ...

    -Sabina? Are you ...

    Richard stopped abruptly when he

    realized that his fiancee was not alone.

    -Richard! exclaimed the latter by le-

    Vant to hug tenderly before adding

    on carelessly: Mr. McAllister came


    Take tea, really? Brice thought, annoyed.

    He had come to get him to grant him a

    appointment, yes!

    At this time, Sabina put on him a look

    worried ...

    Brice would he reveal the real Richard

    because of its presence here? if she asked.

    And return with the specified number of times it

    had called to make an appointment and

    Page 32



    to answer




  • governess "Miss Sabina came out"?

    My God! Richard if he informed his

    evasions, it would develop into a bright mcon-

    tentement. And would require explanations from

    they would be alone. How to tell her so

    she dreaded the look on his McAllister


    -I Personally come to ask you to

    excuse me, suddenly said Brice. I have

    not call to make an appointment, and

    I had promised. In my defense, I have to

    say I have been very busy lately


    She looked at him in amazement ... It was he who

    apologizing? , Who invoked a

    busy schedule?

    -I Beg you, no need to justify yourself, re-

    Richard replied. Well, are you finally

    agreed on a date?

    At these words, Sabina threw a glance

    desperate to Brice ...

    Would he still be saved? if she asked,

    heart pounding. True, he had lied

    time for her, but she wondered well

    Therefore, to the extent that his own attitude

    to him could in no case incite

  • Page 33

    complicity! For its part, Brice had given

    no sign of gallantry before.

    -I Think so, replied the latter in a


    Okay, she came to understand! He had

    lied for the purpose of placing the foot of

    wall and force it to grant him a


    -I Was saying that Mr. McAllister ...

    -Brice, Corrected it.

    -I Said to Brice, she repeated vaguely ir-

    rite, I am free on Tuesday afternoon.

    And I, I congratulated Sabina to have such a

    good memory because it has not even had BE-

    care to consult his agenda. For my part,

    without him, I am lost, Brice clarified in re-

    keeping an openly mocking.

    The knave! she thought. How dared

    so brazenly mock her, knowing she

    could not defend himself?

    -A 3 hours, then? he added.

    A bright smile lit up his face when

    Sabina held out his business card. Obviously,

    he was satisfied with himself, she said,

    suddenly grasp the card that he

  • presented.

    -I Will not be able to accompany you, announced

    Richard, but I will pray Clive to come with you.

    Page 34

    -A Honest, I have little love

    spectators when I work, Brice clarified.

    Oh, Clive is a very discreet man! it as-

    Richard sura. However, if his presence you

    importunate, I will ask him to wait in

    the car outside.

    Thanks, I prefer Brice said.

    And she thought she bitterly, no

    Asked if this does not bothering to

    spend one hour with him in his

    machine shop?


    - What do you know exactly supermodel Sabina


    - Well, well ... said Chloe resting her

    range, not without throwing a look amused

    Brice, sitting in front of it. I told to

    Fergus there was something fishy, when

    last show. Do not you have not invited me

    for my beautiful eyes in the absence of Fergus,

    but in order to learn more about the one you

  • covet!

    Page 35

    Brice loved Chloe he considered his

    little sister, but sometimes ... she was sim-

    ply impossible!

    - No, there is nothing between us and I con-

    voite absolutely not, he strongly defended.

    It happens that I have to paint the portrait of

    Sabina. That's why I'm finding out about it. TO

    As an inspiration.

    - Oh ...! Chloe was visibly disappointed.

    - You know, my little Chloe, it's not because

    Fergus you and you love passionately

    everyone is in love around


    - Still, admit it would wonder-

    lous, no, if that was the case between Sabina and you?

    replied the wife of his cousin, returning to the


    - Sorry to play spoilsport, but I'm

    recalls that Sabina's engaged, he said.

    - Yeah ... They have no great hurry air

    marry those two. And Richard Latham

    is much older than Sabina. It could widely

    ment to be his father.

  • It was exactly what Brice thought, why

    As he took care to admit. As for fall

    lover Sabina ... he doubted that the term

    wonderful was an appropriate qualifier

    describe this scenario.

    Page 36

    Oh, the beauty of the young woman was unknown

    testable! Moreover, since their meeting in

    Last Friday, he knew she was natural

    and sincere ... as is intriguing and reserved

    ! Furthermore, the fact that she lives in a

    older man and never so

    without mentor helped to strengthen its


    What relationship did it have actually with

    Richard Latham? Brice kept rethink

    that David had told him about his

    uncle. Sabina she meant to him just

    a new piece collection - a room

    choices - or were they together

    other reasons?

    So many questions he would like to ask

    Chlo because, as a fashion designer, she

    was necessarily aware of any possible

    rumors of top models - and

  • more specifically Sabina! Just Only,

    Chloe being able to draw conclusions

    hasty, he refrained from questioning her.

    - Fergus's book is selling well? asked,

    he changed the subject.

    - It tops the box office, announced

    Chloe proudly. I hope at least you did


    Page 37

    - No, he confessed, the sheepish mine ...

    the plot unfolds in the world of fashion,

    Is not it?

    Chloe then began to talk with a pleasure

    evident in the work of her husband. Definitively

    ment forgotten the beautiful Sabina! he thought with


    To be honest with himself, he was bi

    recognizing that all matters to him

    burning lips were about Sabina

    purely personal order!

    He wanted to solve the mystery of his coldness and

    its distance and find out why Richard

    Latham was an exception to the rule. That the

    disturbed above all, it was vulnrabil-

    ity emanating despite herself of her being. In

  • Despite all the efforts she lavished for

    seem out of reach.

    Sabina was rich, beautiful, famous, she had

    world at his feet and fees at least

    equal to the highest paid actresses Holly-

    wood and yet ...

    It was precisely this "yet" that would

    end up obsessed! He sighed, annoyed. This

    afternoon, he hoped to solve the riddle Sa-

    bina Smith.

    On returning home, he thought back to his conversation

    tion with Chloe. He just made a brief

    Page 38

    referring to Sabina and yet he was certain

    that by this evening, the whole family would know that

    had questioned her cousin about

    famous model!

    He reached well before the time of their workshop

    appointment. 3:00 sounded without Sa-

    bina appear ... Was she playing him

    trick? After four days of waiting and

    anticipation, she could not not come

    ! Gradually, as the minutes pas-

    saient, Brice felt his growing fury,

    doubting for a moment that Sabina had

  • deliberately "forgotten" the appointment. It ...

    The bell rang sharply.

    3 h 25! No phone call to warn

    for his delay, and yet he knew it was

    it. He tried to take an open air

    to remove all trace of annoyance on his vis-

    year old. If it was expected that he was furious, eh

    Well, she was going to be disappointed!

    - I'm sorry for the delay, she said, by entering

    in the workshop. I come from a photo shoot. We

    I was promised that I would be free at 2 hours,

    but ...

    - Anyway, you're here now,

    he interrupted, not knowing if she played her

    comedy or telling the truth. Have lunch


    Page 39

    - No but ...

    - I'll ask that prepares a


    - No need, I'll eat later.

    - A tea then? Or coffee?




  • It




    stunning in her blouse Lycra

    molding of the same color as her eyes, and

    who married his black trousers also

    closely its forms. Today, its

    loose hair was a thick curtain

    gold fringed with fluttering at the

    small of her back ...

    Relax, Brice! he is ordered by putting

    in search of his sketchbook and its


    - I would drink coffee willingly, she replied.

    As he headed for the phone to

    pray her maid to prepare coffee and

    mount the workshop, he could not help

    to ask:

    - How is Clive? Should I make him serve

    a cup of coffee too?

    - Not! she said in a tone wrinkled before

    adding dryly: where should I sit?

    - On the couch.

    He still did not know how to paint ... Was he

    really do justice to its beauty?

  • Page 40

    Moreover, it was not only her beauty

    he wanted to capture, but he will au

    Beyond that, within his being. He was determined

    all costs to break down barriers and its

    Sabina achieve this one ...

    The May sun streaming through the huge

    bay window of the workshop and projected its rays

    on the couch. Outside, the garden flamboy-

    has colors and flowers proliferation

    Sabina multicolored subsided.

    - Is that you maintain your garden? him

    she asked suddenly.

    - What?

    Turning his attention to her, she realized

    he had started working.

    - Oh, sorry! she said, not without experiencing

    some irritation at the idea that he had bitten

    unbeknownst to her, as she admired her flowers.

    So you started?

    - Some features, he replied by dipping

    his green eyes into hers. And to answer

    to your question, yes, it was me who interviews

    my garden. It relaxes me when I

    remained trapped for hours in my studio. And

    you, do you like gardening?

  • - In the past, yes ..., she said, a hint of our-

    talgie in his voice.

    Page 41

    - Before the work grabs you all en-

    Tiere, is not it? he said, smiling.

    - Yes, that's about it, she replied while

    a cloud passing in his eyes.

    The fact that she stopped gardening was not

    to do with his business. I Do Not,

    it was simply because she no longer lived

    its charming cottage ... Come! It

    should not give in to sentimentality!

    And then, it was still not to

    Brice McAllister she was going to spill.

    - At about that? replied softly.

    Sabina changed position and declared in a


    - I doubt that I make a very good model.

    I can not sit still very

    long time.

    - You can get up and walk, if you

    prefer. Besides, I'm not sure

    the sitting position is one that I adopt for


    Really? And what position he considered adequate

  • for her? if she asked, rising.

    While pacing in the workshop, she

    inspected the room the look: paintings were

    piled against the walls and on the shelves,

    paint cans and brushes to dispu-

    were space. In short, there was the joyful

    Page 42

    disorder of an artist's studio, with minim-

    um furniture - in this case, the chair

    which Brice sat smudged table

    painting and the couch on which she had


    - That coffee, announced jovially Ms. Pot-

    ter entering the workshop.

    As Brice had expected, she had prepared

    small snacks, and cut the fruit cake

    crafted by him in the morning.

    - Thank you, Sabina said, delighted.

    Mmm, she thought, savoring these

    toasts were simply delicious.

    Finally, she was starving!

    - Do you skip meals often? it de-

    Brice suddenly summoned.

    - This happens to me when I do not have time to

    to eat. Do not think that I deprive myself of

  • food! I am fortunate not to grow,

    What I swallow.

    At this time, Brice's eyes slid over

    Sabina's body and she regretted his re-

    brand name. His look was so inquisitive if ...

    - When is the wedding?

    She jumped. Had course?

    - What?

    - If I understand correctly, the portrait that I will

    Richard will make a wedding gift.

    Page 43

    Also I was wondering how long

    I had to realize it.

    - I'm afraid you have misinterpreted


    from a


    she objected



    He had never discussed their arrangement

    ment leads to a wedding ...

    - Richard nevertheless gave me the impression

    the date of the wedding was imminent.

    - Oh Really? she said, convinced that Brice

  • wrong.

    - Of course! You have a big difference

    age, is not it?

    She blushed violently. What

    could it do to him? if she rebelled in

    silence. This looked at him absolutely not!

    - It's like the union of spring and

    fall, Brice insisted, not without derision.

    - Twenty-five years, it is difficult to me

    compare the spring, she retorted dryer

    ment. The analogy with the summer would be more suitable.


    from a



    the age

    n / a



    - Nowadays? he replied sarcastically. You

    therefore believe it is a matter of fashion?

    This man was decidedly hellish! Richard

    and were only friends, and had

    Page 44

    certainly misunderstood what his "

  • fiance '.

    - Listen, she began visibly agit-

    ed, I came here for you to make

    sketch of me, and not to undergo your questions

    tions about my personal life, okay, amount

    Mr. McAllister?

    - Mr. Brice McAllister called, he said


    - For me, you are Mr. McAllister, rpliqua-

    she haughtily.

    - Such As



    he said,


    Can you

    to take


    up close

    from a



    Here now it was as if the con-

    very personal versation never had

    location! Furious, she stood where he had him


    - The clothes you wear user-

  • ennent not. Understand me! They will

    go to steal, but they are not suitable for

    how I intend to paint you.

    - And how do you paint me,


    Without answering, he continued his sketch,

    air very concentrated. She remained motionless administration

    opting his famous frozen look, one for le-

    what it opted during photo shoots. A

    Page 45

    master was at work and she was the object

    used his art. As a person, she

    did not exist, and it suited him perfectly

    ment. She was here against his will and the

    last thing she wanted was to establish

    any intimacy with McAllister.

    - Will you do a lot? asked,

    Does it after a good half hour, com-

    menant seriously tiring.

    - Much of what? he said, raising his head,

    apparently absorbed in his work.

    - From sketch! These sessions renouvelleront-

    they often?

    Reserving his reply, he continued to draw.

    This was

  • for real





    she admitted against his will. His

    hair, long and black, gave him a fake

    Air Gypsy. As for her eyes, as green

    troubling that they were worthy of a star

    movie theater.

    - Why? he finally asked.

    - As I have said, I am ...

    - Very busy, yes, I know. You me

    said several times, I think I understand.

    The question is: why are you so taken?

    He gave her a mocking look before adding


    Page 46

    - Do not tell me you work for

    to live. For seven years, you had accu-

    emulate a nice little nest egg. What you

    pushes to work tirelessly, Sabina?

    A simple reason: when it plunged to

    headlong into the job, she no longer thought

    nothing and slept soundly at night without

  • rehashing the past!

    - To remain one of the most top models

    asked she replied calmly.

    - Is that important?

    His question made her blush. Nevertheless, it rt-

    Orqua on caustically:

    - And for you, Mr. McAllister, is it

    not important to stay on top of the market

    of art?

    Okay, the dummy trades and artist

    painter did not require the same talents,

    the fact remains that she felt an ar- soul

    tist. She showed off the genius of the great

    fashion designers, inspired the best photographers

    ; she had a gift to exalt talent


    - Touch! he conceded grudgingly.

    Only I can not think make you want to

    do your business on forever.

    Page 47

    - What are you trying to do? Hurt me, me

    cause - or is that the boorishness

    is second nature to you?

    - Maybe a little of both, who knows?

    They jaugrent hard.

  • - You laugh at all, is not it?

    she said in a whisper, disconcerted by ar-

    rogance Brice.

    Oh, how she wanted to be as insouci-

    ante than before!

    Then she would have laughed, yes, she would have laughed

    herself and him. But the person she

    was once had definitely gone. And

    Sabina doubted that it would return one day.

    - It's time I left, she decreed

    wearily looking at his watch.

    He watched intently, trying to guess

    which waved his big blue eyes,

    thoughts disorders that formed behind her

    beautiful smooth forehead ...

    - Already? he said.

    - I have another appointment.

    - At home, with Richard? he said, is relev-

    ant, spreading his huge silhouette

    then seemed to fill the entire workshop.

    She stepped back, suddenly taking claustro-

    phobia. The eyes still chained to his,

    Brice approached her, slowly,

    Page 48

    a feline flexibility ... He was so close

  • her now that she felt his breath on

    her cheek, the fragrance of his aftershave.

    - I really have to go, she said in a voice


    with no




    every gesture in this direction.

    - Well, what's holding you back? him

    he breathed in the face.

    Her legs! They were made of cotton and refuse

    saient obey him! Sabina felt

    it would collapse from one moment to the next.

    It was the impression of a crazed rabbit,

    surprised by the headlights of a car and who,

    Instead of jumping into the ditch, remained on the

    floor, dazed.

    Brice was decidedly a dangerous man,

    she had felt from the start! If moistening

    lips with the tip of her tongue, she replied:

    - I expect you to let me go ...

    At these words, he moved away.

    - Please, he said with a courtesy


    In a final effort, she walked to the


  • - I'll call you, 'he added.

    A trembling hand on the handle, it

    turned slowly.

    - What?

    Page 49

    - To make an appointment for a

    next meeting, he clarified with amusement.

    What did he just happened? if she asked.

    He had just approached a little too

    her, so what?


    She knew perfectly well that there had

    something between them, curious waves on

    which she preferred not to dwell ...

    - Will you do me the honor of answering me,

    this time? he continued.

    - If I'm at home, of course!

    - If it does not, I'm sure

    Richard can arrange an appointment for


    - Contrary to what you insinuate, amount

    Mr. McAllister, I manage my own job


    - Curious, that's not the impression I

    had at our first meeting.

  • She stared at him a moment in silence before him

    give Klitschko a toneless voice:

    - I do not give a damn what

    that was - or was not - your print

    when we first met. And for any

    you say, nothing you do in the present

    less interest to me.

    - Nothing at all?

    Page 50

    - I Will Not! she said in an angry tone. Goodbye,

    Mr. McAllister.

    - Soon, Sabina.

    She did not raise her ultimate provocation

    carefully closed the door behind her.

    Free at last ...

    Once installed at the rear of the comfortable

    limousine, she allowed herself to rethink

    sitting idly by watching the landscape

    Urban scroll behind the smoked glass.

    She did not like the way the McAllister

    staring. Nor does it appreciated the tone

    very personal which he spoke to her.

    Or the way he had come

    her, just now, before she left,

    as if they were intimate.

  • In short, she did not like him!

    How was she going to be able to do it

    never to return in his studio?


    Brice spent the next week to Mau-

    said for the way he had behaved

    Page 51

    Sabina when drawing session

    she kindly granted him.

    From their first meeting, he recognized

    in it the lightning shines in the eyes of

    hunted deer. Why, then, did he have

    it systematically seeks to provoke

    ? What inner demon had therefore leads to

    making fun of her? He had just been

    blinded by his willingness to go beyond the im-

    year old





    Result: he had managed to get


    Oh, this time, she had agreed to answer

    his phone calls! She had taken her

  • four calls, but each time she had

    found an excuse for more legitimate

    decline all dates he proposed in

    for a second working session.

    At their last conversation telephone

    nique, Sabina, however, had a concession

    sion. She could give him an hour,

    this morning, but ... home! And vraisemblable-

    ment under the watchful eye of Richard, he had al-

    ors thought.

    Suffice to say that this proposal does enchant-

    has not. However, as it were

    at the stage sketches, he could, it is true,

    Page 52

    go home. And, anyway, it

    had no choice.

    After all, he said, revealing a Sabina

    fort relaxed at his home in Mayfair,

    Perhaps this solution was she not so

    bad as that? Especially nice was that the

    on its own. No trace of Richard on the horizon ...

    This morning, she embodied the quintessence of

    the charming hostess. In addition, she was dressed

    with great distinction: a corsage

    beige and black skirt, which just happened to him

  • above the knees. Her hair was

    collected in a wise and low bun.

    Obvious then imposed on him, it was

    not that Sabina then he wanted to paint!

    - We train to play its future role

    hostess? he quipped shortly after it

    saying hello.

    It had been stronger than him!

    Yet it was arrived full of good intentions

    tions and determined to stick to an exchange

    professional to put her at ease. Alas!

    This image so smooth that it applied to Don-

    dinner itself was enough to revive the demon

    that lay dormant within him. Obviously, by

    this outfit, she had outbid in the pro-

    protection which it is usually surrounded him.

    Page 53

    No doubt that the meeting at the workshop had sense-

    iblement shaken!

    - You were right, Brice, when you dis-

    firmiez the last time was boorishness

    second nature to you, replied she al-

    ors calmly.

    Okay, he should have apologized ... but there

    not succeed.

  • Something in his being, his personality,

    made him want to take her by the shoulders

    and shake. He would listen and laugh ...

    cry, brief snatch of emotions that

    the devil! However, if he passed the act, it

    was likely to be forever banished from her home!

    It was necessary to operate in a more subtle way.

    - You have a good memory, he contented

    observed before adding dryly: sorry,

    but we will have to close out your hair.

    Thereupon he sat on a chair, book

    sketches and pencil in hand.

    - It is impossible, she decreed. I have a

    lunch right after our meeting, and I will have

    no time to redo my bun.

    Plague! Brice thought, strong upset. She had

    decided to give him a hard time!

    - With whom? he said. Your confessor?

    Page 54

    She stared at him for a few moments without blinking

    and in the depths of her eyes

    blue, he saw shining a brief flash of anger.

    - I have an appointment with my mother! clarified-t

    she coldly.

    He gave her a puzzled look and then said:

  • - You are supermodel ... and your mother loves

    see you in such an outfit?

    Finally, it was not because of him that

    was decked in this way, but for its

    mother. That's where the vanity led McAllister! himself

    he said, stung.

    - What is wrong so my outfit?

    she asked,




    from a


    Objectively, it was difficult to criticize his

    clothes. She was an elegant irrproch-

    able, but her hair and put masked

    its personality! Impossible to detect

    in it this morning provocative beauty

    model Sabina.

    Driven by the need to defend it en-

    Chana without waiting for an answer:

    - My mother lives in Scotland since the death of

    my father, and I rarely see. This is a

    woman who hates eccentricity.

    - That is to say?

  • Page 55

    She sighed deeply, then began a

    voice full of sadness:

    - My parents taught history at the Uni-

    versity of Edinburgh, and spent en-

    pletely to their careers. I believe that in reality

    they did not want children, but an accident

    happens so quickly ...

    She gave a little ridiculous laugh before

    He continued:

    - They were relatively old when I

    born; my mother was forty-one years

    my father forty-six. Today, of course

    ment, we see things differently, but

    then ... Still, my father, me

    Does it seem better accepted paternity my

    mother motherhood. Naturally, it is not

    had to stop teaching for five years

    take care of me!

    It was the first time that Sabina equipment consists

    would much. This spoke volumes about his


    - Your birth was an upheaval

    Total ment for them, he said.

    And not just his birth, he thought.

    How were accommodated to its

  • striking beauty? For no doubt a child,

    she was already looking like an angel out any

    Right of paradise.

    Page 56

    - I actually had a strange childhood,

    she said in a melancholy tone.

    And certainly very lonely, Brice realized.

    A childhood the opposite of hers, who

    had been raised by parents and young people

    joyful and spent summers in Scotland

    in the castle of his grandfather, with its

    Fergus Logan and cousins. It actually had

    sense of belonging to a sibling. Clan


    - Who do you look like? he asked

    softly, not wanting to break the

    charm, for he had the feeling that Sabina

    rarely spoke of his childhood.

    - To my father, she said, sketching a wave

    smile - smile disappeared completely LOR-

    squ'elle stated: he died five years ago.

    - I'm sorry, he said with a sincere tone, while

    wondering if he did not hold the key to

    her relationship with Richard.

    Did not she was looking for a father figure

  • with this older man?

    - He had cancer for years,

    his death was a deliverance for him,

    she confided. My greatest regret is that

    was not there when I was handed my license

    History ...

    Page 57

    She stopped and before its expression

    surprised, she gave him a beautiful smile

    before adding a tone ridiculous:

    - Yes, Brice, I have not always been top

    model full time; I went to the universe

    versity, you know.

    Direct allusion to his remarks dsobli-

    giant on the modeling career, the

    last time, he said, almost ashamed.

    As he regretted his arrogance! He had

    judged without knowing. No wonder she

    wants to keep it off!

    Suddenly, he heard her add:

    - As a strong supporter of the cause

    feminist, my mother disapproves of the way

    I have chosen.

    - And what does she think of your life concu-

    hoeing with Richard Latham?

  • Hardly had he finished his sentence, he re-

    grettait already. Damn it! He had com-

    putting an odd seriously. In fact, it was only

    not really Ms. Smith's opinion that the

    concerned. The question expressed more

    outrage at it, the idea that the beautiful Sa-

    bina should share life - and the bed - Richard


    Page 58

    - You are too indiscreet, Mr.

    McAllister! she retorted angrily in the fu-

    sillant look.

    Certainly, the issue of Brice had annoyed!

    Nevertheless, she was mostly angry against

    herself to the confidences she had

    to get him.

    - Speaking of Richard ... Your fianc is

    not at home today?

    - It is in New York until tomorrow.

    On impulse, he asked:

    - In these conditions, you agree to

    dinner with me tonight?

    His question stunned himself ... How

    dare he ask a woman already betrothed to re-

    taurant? And what is more, a woman who does it

  • gave no sign encouraging! Okay

    on the contrary!

    Sabina also appeared that suffocated him.

    Her cheeks had become all pale, too

    pale as alabaster, and his eyes fathomless

    stared in amazement.

    At that moment, as if to reproach Brice

    his audacity, a ray of sunshine came to play on

    Diamond Sabina who began to flicker in

    brightly. The gift of Richard Latham ...

    - It was not a good idea, sorry,

    he muttered then, confused. Finally, it was

    Page 59

    an invitation to dinner, Sabina without back-


    She was still staring wildly ...

    At that moment there was a knock at the door.

    - Come in, she said hoarsely.

    - You had asked me to bring you

    mail when it would happen, clarified Clark

    handing him a wad of envelopes.

    - Thank you, replied Sabina in her administration

    esting a beautiful smile.

    What an incredible ability to recover a con-

    tenance! then thought Brice. As re-

  • grettait his words! It does not already had an

    high opinion of him, but he had just struck

    the death knell for their relationship!

    True, he did not expect that all women

    fell at his feet, but he was not used

    this being mistaken for flu in the first

    look, as was the case with Sa-

    bina. And against all odds, she was more in-

    friendly, the more interested!

    - Listen, said he was suddenly in le-

    Vant, I think it's better that we

    stood there today. Obviously ...

    He stopped suddenly. Sabina had

    drop his packet of letters and parais-

    knows completely paralyzed. It was right

    even he who ...

    Page 60

    - Sabina, what's happening? he asked,


    At that moment, she bent down to pick up his

    mail ... and reeled. Rushing to her,

    he firmly took her arm and helped her as-

    seoir on a chair.

    Then, with a firm step, he walked to the bar,

    served him a double whiskey and handed it to her.

  • - No, thank you, 'she said breathlessly. I

    doubt that my mother likes the smell of


    - My proposal loath you to this

    the point? he then asked, hesitating himself

    empty glass.

    - What? she said, obviously surprised by her


    So it was not his invitation had

    up in this state. Under these conditions,

    why had she almost fainted?

    It was then that he noticed she held a

    pale green envelope between her clenched fingers.

    She held her so tightly that the letter

    was crumpled and his knuckles whitened ...

    - Sabina ... he began.

    Suddenly she stood up and announced:

    - Your proposal irks me absolutely

    ment not, on the contrary, I find that

    it's a great idea.

    Page 61

    Curious! If Clark had not come to

    pause, he doubted she would have replied

    favorably to his invitation. Non The Less,

    for reasons unknown to him, the only view

  • this mysterious green letter - it

    had not even read - had disrupted the

    point that she had accepted his invitation to

    have lunch.

    The mystery thickened ...

    - Perfect, he replied before she changes

    mind. I will take you 30 to 19 h.

    Would you agree?

    - All right, she said, visibly pressed to

    see him go.

    Was it in order to read the contents of the set

    pale green envelope? Brice wondered.

    - Do I have to

    to book





    Does he will wait in the car?

    - I'm sure we will be able

    without him, she replied, tense, throwing

    a glance at his watch. Sorry, we

    have not advanced this morning, but now,

    i have to go.

    - I understand, you do not need to at-

    loving your mother, he said, smiling at her


  • Contrary to what she believed they had

    great progress this morning he had

    Page 62

    learned a lot about it - its en-

    childhood, his relationship with his parents.

    Yet it off again frustrated! For what he

    would really like to know was what

    contained the letter that was strangely


    The interrogate it tonight on this? Maybe

    be ... He had all afternoon to meditate La-

    on it.

    - A call for you, Miss Sabina informed

    Clark in the late afternoon, when the young

    woman picked up the phone to his room.

    Mr Latham.

    - Pass it to me


    if she exclaimed


    After the strange day she had

    live, she wanted to hear the sound rassur-

    ant of his voice.

    - Richard! How are you? Oh, do not tell me

    not that you have to push your return?

  • - Well, well, one question at a time! Yes I Am,

    I'm fine, and no, my return is not re-

    pushed, I'll be home tomorrow, as

    expected. I just wanted to know how

    you were going.

    That was four days he was gone and

    until then, she did not see the time passing,

    because it was busy. And it

    Page 63

    morning, everything had shifted! And since it

    wanted one thing: it returns the most

    quickly as possible in London.

    - I'm fine, she lied. Very taken by the

    work, as always.

    - And what have you planned to beautiful tonight?

    - Oh ... Well, I see McAllister.

    - Pitch Perfect! How sessions are held

    ? The great man is he finally got out of his

    ivory tower and was it realized that you're

    the most beautiful creature he had ever painted?

    - Hmm ... Not really, she said, realizing

    Richard had misunderstood the meaning of its

    about and believed she met Brice

    McAllister for a working session.

    Not that she was never out for dinner

  • with another man since she lived

    as Richard roof! His work con-

    often duisait to accept such invitations

    tions. But dinner with Brice did not fall

    search. Swallowing a large breath

    air, she began:

    - Actually, Richard, I ...

    - One moment, Sabina, we try to join

    on my other line. Do not quit ...

    The more she waited, and lack the courage it

    cated. Richard would appreciate it she dines with

    Page 64

    a man for reasons not directly


    Now she feared that dinner now. Oh,

    why did it have to be there precisely Brice

    ment when she had received the letter?

    It was then found in such a state of

    confusion, wanting him to leave at the

    Soon, she had accepted his invitation.

    - Sorry, Sabina finally replied Richard. My

    appointment arrived, I must leave you. Thrown out

    back later in the evening, right?

    - Uh ... To be honest, I was planning to sleep

    Earlier tonight she lied for the second time.

  • I will come and wait for you at the airport tomorrow.

    And she could finally explain quietly

    ment Brice McAllister had invited to dinner


    - No need to move around to Heathrow, en-

    Clive way, this will suffice.

    No, she would greet him. It would be more fa-

    cult to make confessions at the back of the

    seat of the limo ...

    - I have nothing to do tomorrow, and I would be

    really happy to pick you.

    - As you wish. Until tomorrow.

    So Awesome! she thought with derision in con-

    metal clips grip. Not only she would dine

    alone with a man she had

    Page 65

    contrived to escape so far, but more

    she had lied to her boyfriend about it.

    Was it that make her nervous to Brice

    to act against his will! All this was

    the fault of his green eyes. Eyes that you

    pierced to the very depths of your

    being and that nothing escaped.

    No doubt he was aware of his reluctance

    to ask for it. Reluctance that had

  • Driving to talk too much. She usually so tank

    vated could not explain his confid-

    ences about his childhood, this morning.

    In addition, she was convinced that Brice had

    understood that it was the green envelope that had

    immersed in an intense state of agitation.

    The last she had received dated back to

    three weeks. During this long period,

    she was almost nurtured the hope that the ordeal

    was over. That is why this morning, at the re-

    receipt of the letter, she had been so


    And lunch with her mother had absolutely

    ment not help matters!

    - Are you agreed on a wedding date,

    Richard and you? had asked the

    while they last tasted their salad


    Sabina had missed strangle.

    Page 66





    this ...

  • but

    So what did they all want to push the

    wedding party?

    - No, she replied. We do

    are in no hurry.

    Like everyone else, his mother was unaware of the ar-

    storage that bound to Richard. A mother

    was the embodiment of perfection, she thought

    then. While Leonora Smith was tidy,

    her nails to his dress, in

    through its syntax. Oh, Sabina loved his

    mother, just ... she was unable to com-

    communicate with it! And every time she

    met, it was like being on the

    hot seat.

    - I ask you this question, clarified

    Leonora is that I plan to do a little

    trip in the fall. I do not want

    your marriage takes place during this period.

    - Great idea! Sabina said without

    pay attention to the last sentence. And where

    are you going to go?

    - We have not chosen our

    destination, she said, swallowing a Gor-

    Gee wine. I ... I leave with a knowledge

    growth. It may be that we went to

    Paris is a city where you can have fun ...

  • Page 67

    Entertainment? Was that his mother had just

    pronounce this word?

    - And this friend, I know her?

    At these words, Leonora blushed slightly and de-

    turned his eyes. My God! This knowledge

    growth, it was a man! Sabina realized,


    Why this new upset that the

    point mystery! After all, his mother was en-

    core a very beautiful woman for her sixty

    six years. She was still as thin and

    Blonde at thirty. But to which she did

    a romantic getaway in Paris ...

    Certainly, she said, looking a

    Last time his reflection in the mirror before

    join Brice, she had to live a

    bad day!

    Alas, it was not over yet. That al

    Milk book her party?


    Page 68

    No need to be clairvoyant to understand

    Sabina had no desire to go

  • the evening with him!

    Even now they were comfortable

    installed in the elegant London restaurant

    he reserved the best table, the young

    woman could not relax.

    For his part, he was far from sharing feelings

    ments of the beautiful Sabina and head-to-head on


    It intrigued him so much! Starting with its

    breathtaking beauty, enhanced by the

    black dress with plunging neckline that arbovirus

    would tonight. All heads were re-

    tours on its way when the master

    hotel led them to their table. And

    however, it was the woman who was

    behind this beauty that interested Brice, in-

    gence that reflected her beautiful eyes


    Certainly wonderful ... but indubita- Eye

    ably wary! That's why it was de-

    cided not to question the famous

    green letter. Not that he had the intention to forget

    the incident, but he felt as if the question

    tionnait about it, she would refuse to see him.

    Page 69

  • - How was your lunch? him

    he asked absently while they stu-

    have the card.

    - Well, she replied laconically.

    Oh, oh ... The cloud that darkens at this time

    Sabina front put his flea in his ear. And,

    since she had mentioned her childhood

    that morning, he allowed himself to insist:

    - Oh Really?

    - Yes, she said, defensively. Since

    I ...

    She stopped suddenly let out a long

    sigh and continued:

    - No, actually, it does not go well.

    It was not as usual.

    - Why?

    - Well ...

    She hesitated, then raised his head and said:

    - My mother has a boyfriend. Finally, I do not know whether

    this is actually the correct term! In all

    If she is planning a trip to Paris in com-

    pany of a man, this fall.

    - Should I conclude that this is not a

    good news for you? Come on, your mother

    has also the right to live!

    - You think I'm selfish, is not

    right? But I never thought that my

  • mother to start a new life, as they say.

    Page 70

    - She so obviously!

    Before scowling Sabina, he re-

    gretta its franchise and added:

    - Sabina, I'm sorry, just ...

    - I know, I know, I'm dramatizing, they say

    swallowing it in one gulp delicious wine

    White Brice had chosen for them. Sorry

    bored with my little problems, I

    doubt that this is much exciting for you


    As she was wrong! All that con-

    encircled interested. In fact, he did not remember

    not have been so captivated by a woman since

    years ...

    - But if it is! he stated.

    - Come on, forget what I said and talk

    something else.

    - What disturbs you so much in

    this story? he insisted. The fact that your

    mother has found a companion with whom she has

    want to have a good time? Or the fact

    she wants to take advantage of company life

    another man your father?

  • - I told you, I react so

    selfish, it's stupid of me.

    - It's not the least bit stupid world! him

    Brice assured before asking so

    Page 71

    impromptu: Do you know my cousin

    Logan and his wife Darcy?

    - I have not been presented to them, but I know

    they were at the Hamilton party.

    - They fell in love with the other al-

    gold they tried to prevent the father

    Darcy to marry the mother of Logan.

    - And how things have they resulted

    for parents? she asked, clearly

    very interested.

    - They were married a month before the

    children, he said, while wondering if he

    really had reason to mention this


    - Oh ...

    The arrival of the server put a temporary end to

    the conversation.

    So she had told him, Sabina did

    not deprived in regard to nour-

    riture! Brice noted. Appetizer, it

  • had ordered asparagus accompanied

    a mousseline sauce, followed by a steak

    barnaise sauce and a potato gratin.

    - Do not be shocked: I believe that after

    this, I will still have room for a flux

    chocolate, she said with a half-amused, half


    Page 72

    He certainly was not complaining, who

    for years dating women

    chose the least-calorie dishes

    they then contented peck of

    end of their fork!

    - You can even take two desserts

    if you feel like it! he answered. You are the

    kind of guest that Daniel is thrilled Welcome note

    read more in the restaurant!

    - You know the chef?

    - This is my uncle by marriage, the father of

    Darcy, he said, smiling. You know, the happy

    married I just talk to you.

    In turn, Sabina gave him a smile and

    said, thoughtfully:

    - I wonder what may look like

    the friend of my mother ...

  • - Why not ask her directly

    question, the next time you see her?

    I think she would love you to him tele-

    Moigniez interest.

    - Perhaps, Sabina was evasively,

    not sure I want to address the issue of

    forehead with his mother. Tell me about your

    next show! Where and when will it be





    some more


    to discuss his private life. What a pity! There is

    Page 73

    still had dozens of things he would

    enjoyed learning about Sabina Smith.

    - Richard went to one of your shows, he

    Two years ago, she continued. It has many ap-

    prci your work and obviously it was not

    the only one.

    Brice did not doubt for a moment of praise

    Richard. He also knew that Sabina had men-

    tioned her fianc not incidentally, but

  • to remind her that she was not free at

    If he would have forgotten ...

    As if he could forget the cursed diamond

    shining on her left ring! And for-

    As ... more he learned to know her, the more

    would have liked her fianc evaporates in


    Come the evening did not go too badly

    ! Sabina thought. Finally, it was not

    unpleasant to talk to Brice McAllister,

    although from time to time, he tended to

    be too curious.

    - Mmm, that which looks delicious, declared-t

    her in his plate of asparagus while

    were served snails Brice.

    - Do you ... he began before

    exclaim, oh no!

    Surprised, she followed his gaze.

    Page 74

    He fixed a couple who had just entered the

    restaurant. If Sabina immediately recognized

    creative Chloe Fox fashion, she had

    met several times during shows,

    However she did not know who was the man who

    accompanied ... In a large size and

  • an arrogant beauty, it was not without

    have a certain resemblance


    - My cousin Fergus and his wife Chloe, an-

    nona it a tone annoyed by


    Thereupon he hailed the couple and bowed. The

    leading to the table where the young woman

    was sitting quietly, he said:

    - Can I introduce Sabina?

    - Of course, said Fergus approaching

    strongly her to shake her hand. Even

    if we both recognized. We do

    not disturbing you, I hope?

    The little defiantly she read in

    Fergus hazel eyes rained much

    Sabina. Obviously, unfailing

    affection bound the two cousins. In addition, the at-

    mocking study of Fergus made less Brice

    arrogant. Less dangerous too.

    Page 75

    - Join us! suggested she spon-

    ously, aware of the irritated look Brice

    then launched his cousin.

    - We do not want to disturb you. I am

  • sure Brice and you prefer to stay

    alone, Chloe objected.

    - Absolutely not! exclaimed Sabina. The more we are

    crazy merrier! Brice was so nice

    invite me to the restaurant while I am lan-

    mistletoes my fiance is away on business

    in New York.

    - Brice is well known for his kindness,

    Fergus said, not without irony.

    The couple eventually be convinced and took

    up to their table. Fergus then tried to com-

    think the silence of his cousin by plais-

    anteries supported. As for Sabina, she was

    glad to escape the expected head-to-head. It

    had somehow neutralized Brice.

    - Continue to eat, please insisted

    Chloe. Fergus and I'll look at the map,

    during that time.

    A Stealth, Sabina being watched Brice

    eat his snails: you would think that

    settled their account each as

    his gestures were abrupt and nervous! To

    the first time since they met, she

    Page 76

    felt he was not at his advanced

  • age ... and she rejoiced greatly!

    Although Brice PARTICIPAT little to the conversation,

    the meal went so very pleasant.

    Chloe and Fergus were former partners

    tremely pleasant, with a sense of human

    mour stripper. In addition, they were overflowing

    love for one another and the looks they



    it all



    - We will soon be in the same family,

    Sabina told Chloe with the dessert.

    At these words, Brice gave him a worried look

    which did not escape Sabina.

    - What? said latter.

    - One of my cousins married the

    nephew of your fiance explained Chloe. As Like

    I'm not good for genealogy, I

    know exactly what relationship this

    creates us, but it is always this

    establishes a.

    She, too, thought Sabina, she did not know the nature

    This relationship - particularly as ever

    she would marry Richard! She replied


  • - Indeed, this seems complicated ...

    Sorry to interrupt this evening, but I

    Page 77

    am a little tired and I think it's time

    for me to go.

    A expression Brice, she understood that it ap-

    prciait not at all what she had just said.

    More reason to go! She was wrong

    to accept his invitation, and many

    chance Fergus and Chloe save without the

    namely, from the clutches of their cousin.

    - Perhaps will we have the opportunity to trav-

    ailler together soon, said Chloe RIDING

    ant leave Sabina while the two

    Men fought to settle the bill.

    - Perhaps, Sabina was evasive while

    thinking that it would matter less to fa-

    mile Brice, the better.

    - I was sorry that we can not col-

    laborer as planned last year,

    November. You were sick then. I hope

    it was nothing serious.

    Certainly, today it was not his

    day! First this letter this morning, and then

    Now this allusion to the famous mon