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  • 8/7/2019 energy crisis, alternate technology, how it affects india


  • 8/7/2019 energy crisis, alternate technology, how it affects india


  • 8/7/2019 energy crisis, alternate technology, how it affects india



    As Indias oil consumption is increasing,world oil supply will soon stabilize and thenstart dwindling while oil prices are bound to

    rise further For economic as well as environmental

    reasons we need to shift to alternative non-polluting sources of energy.

    The aim of this presentation is to raisequestions and provoke discussion regardingthe future of Indias energy policy and toconsider various possible solutions

    Objective of this Presentation

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    Our civilization has evolved based on anabundant supply of cheap oil

    The transportation industry and agriculturalfertilizers heavily depend on oil

    The current world oil production andconsumption rates are almost equal

    Our Oil ObsessionOur Oil Obsession

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    Peak Oil

    ASPO (Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas) predictsworld oil production will peak around 2007, as shown above.


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    Contradicting Optimistic Views

    The Energy Crisis is often overlooked based on thefollowing misconceptions:1. Higher prices will bring in larger investments, which

    will lead to more production

    2. Rise in prices will lower consumption3. Oil shale and tar sands will replace conventional oil4. Fudging of reported reserves by oil companies andcountries for political/economic reasons5. Many previous crisis predictions proved wrong thisone will too

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    Oil Economy The world market can be said to depend on OPEC almost

    entirely since it has 77% of the current world oil reserves The day-to-day market prices of oil reflect many factors like the

    current stocks, shipments, economic situation, speculativeinvestment, etc. and not so much the size of reserves of oil

    We have now reached a stage in the exploitation of the earth

    where trying harder to produce more oil can have only limitedresults

    Oil consumption on a short-term basis does not depend on theprice of oil, as is the case for other goods. There is a large timelag before consumers shift to alternatives or reduce demand

    In fact, some experts believe that a rise in oil pricesincreases

    demand on a short term basis. E.g Oil and natural gas demandgrowth rates in China have been in the range of 7-15% per yearsince 1999, despite the tripling of oil prices since then

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    Future Exploration

    The major oil fields in the world have already beendiscovered the largest fields are always found first

    Except for some parts of the China Sea and of thewestern desert in Iraq, major regions in the worldhave been fully explored.

    Advances in geological technology allow us to predictpromising areas for oil we now know reasonably well

    where new oil will be found

    Oil in the Caspian Sea has high sulfur content whichcorrodes the pipes and is expensive to extract andrefine. Caspian Sea oil is not likely to become asignificant factor in the world oil scenario.

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    The best known extraction techniques are already in use inmany of the giant fields in the Middle East

    Increase in the fraction of Oil-in-Place which is actuallyrecovered will require diligent field management,technical knowhow, motivation and discipline, as well ascapital investment, which may not always be feasible

    Oil which can be recovered using these techniques couldgive us only a breathing break, e.g. advanced recoveryfrom Indian fields could amount to 4 MMM bbl more(Narayanan, 1999). At current Indian consumption rates,

    this would give us about 4 years more supply, though atworld consumption rates, this will last for less than 2months

    Future Extraction

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    Fossil fuel

    Fossil fuels are non-renewable resourcesbecause they take millions of years to form, andreserves are being depleted much faster thannew ones are being made.

    Fossil fuels are fuels formed by natural resourcessuch as anaerobic decomposition of buried dead


    The age of the organisms and their resultingfossil fuels is typically millions of years, and

    sometimes exceeds 650 million years.

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    The fossil fuels, which contain high percentagesof carbon, include coal, petroleum, and naturalgas.

    Fossil fuels range from volatile materials with

    low carbon:hydrogen ratios like methane, toliquid petroleum to non-volatile materialscomposed of almost pure carbon, like anthracitecoal.

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    Environmental effects

    on fossil fuels

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    Almost all fossil fuel use is by burning (or

    "combustion"). Burning produces waste products due toimpurities in the fuel, especially particulates and

    various gases such as sulphur dioxide, nitrogen

    oxides, and volatile organic compounds.

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    There are serious disagreements over whethersome effects of fossil fuel use are harmful at all.

    In some cases the amount of waste is so smallthat the effect, if any, is difficult to detect.

    Mercury from coal burning is an example.

    In the United States, more than 90%of greenhouse gas emissions come from thecombustion of fossil fuels.

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    Acid Rain

    Combustion of fossil fuels generates sulphuric,

    carbonic, and nitric acids, which fall to Earthas acid rain, impacting both natural areas andthe built environment.

    Monuments and sculptures made

    from marble and limestone are particularlyvulnerable, as the acids dissolve calciumcarbonate.

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    Fossil fuels also contain radioactive materials,mainly uranium and thorium, which are releasedinto the atmosphere.

    In 2000, about 12,000 tonnes of thorium and5,000 tonnes of uranium were released

    worldwide from burning coal. However, this radioactivity from coal burning isminuscule at each source and has not shown tohave any adverse effect on human physiology.

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    Burning coal also generates large

    amounts of bottom ash and fly ash. These materials are used in a widevariety of applications, utilizing, for

    example, about 40% of the USproduction.

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    Harvesting, processing, and distributing fossil

    fuels can also create environmental concerns. Coal mining methods, particularly mountaintopremoval and strip mining, have negativeenvironmental impacts, and offshore oil drilling

    poses a hazard to aquatic organisms

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    Oil refineries also have negative environmental

    impacts, including air and water pollution.

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    Transportation of coal requires the use of diesel-powered locomotives, while crude oil is typicallytransported by tanker ships, each of whichrequires the combustion of additional fossil fuels

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    Environmental regulation uses a variety ofapproaches to limit these emissions,

    Command-and-control (which mandates theamount of pollution or the technology used),

    Economic incentives, orVoluntary programs.

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    An example of such regulation in the USA is the"EPA is implementing policies to reduceairborne mercury emissions. Under regulationsissued in 2005, coal-fired power plants will needto reduce their emissions by 70 percent by


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    Economic Terms

    Pollution from fossil fuels is regarded as anegative externality.

    Taxation is considered one way to make societalcosts explicit, in order to 'internalize' the cost ofpollution.

    This aims to make fossil fuels more expensive,

    thereby reducing their use and the amount ofpollution associated with them, along withraising the funds necessary to counteract thesefactors

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    Impact upon INDIA(5.5 %) &CHINA(7.5%) Oil contributes to 40% of world energy and 96% of

    transportation energy.

    875 billion barrels consumed already and approx.1000 barrels in reserve. From now to 2020, world oil consumption will rise

    by about 60%. By 2025, the number of cars will increase to well

    over 1.25 billion from approximately 700 milliontoday. Global consumption of gasoline coulddouble.

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    Oil reserves are the quantities of crude oilestimated to be commercially recoverable byapplication of development projects to knownaccumulations from a given date forward underdefined conditions.[1] To qualify as a reserve,

    they must be discovered, commerciallyrecoverable, and still remaining.

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    Cumulative Oil Use + RemainingReserves (excluding US)

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    India has got just 0.42% of the world oil shareand stands 22nd in rank.(5,625,000,000 bbl)

    Indias oil reserves sufficient for 78 days.

    Saudi Arabia stands 1stwith 19.78% of worlds oilreserves. (264,100,000,000 bbl)

    Bbl=Oil Barrel (ie, 42 US Gallons or 158,987litres)

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    The US fears that Saudi Arabia, the world'slargest crude oil exporter, may not have enoughreserves to prevent an oil price spike, Americandiplomatic cables published by WikiLeaks said.

    Estimated to have inflated oil reserves by40%.

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    Smith School of Enterprise and the

    Environment at Oxford University.

    Downgrade current oil reserves all over theworld from 1150-1350 billion to 850-900 billion.

    Biofuels to mitigate oil shortages?

    Hydrogen Economy- A middle to long termdream.

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    Worlds Oil

    Reserves to last

    till 2060 only!

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    Projecting 2001 production levels,by2020, 83% of global oilreserves will be controlled by Middle Easternregimes.

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    The U.S. will need to keep increasing American militarypresence in the region to ensure our access to theremaining oil. This will mean further U.S. embroilmentin Middle East conflicts, more anti-American sentiment,and a deepening rift between the West and the Islamic


    Tension between the U.S. and Chinadue to growing Chinese intervention in the Middle Eastto ensure its own access to oil and Chinese arming ofMiddle Eastern countries hostile to the U.S. and itsallies.

    Further drain on economic resources caused by importsof expensive oil.

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    Transportation and Fertilizers are going to beaffectedAgriculture to be affected.

    Oil Shortage shall lead to long term social,cultural, political and economic impacts.

    Oil shortage shall force nations to go for

    alternate energy sources but the transitionperiod shall be very PAINFUL if adequate stepsare not taken NOW.

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    Reserves in non-Middle East countries are beingdepleted more rapidly than those of Middle Eastproducers, their overall reserves-to-productionratio is much lower (about 15 years for non-Middle East and 80 years for Middle Eastproducers).

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    World Power Consumption Increasefrom 1965-2005

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    Future of Oil

    Significant oil supply challenges will becompounded in the near future by risingdemand and strengthening environmentalpolicy.

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    Renewable technologies

    Today we are grappling with power cuts due tothe massive disparity between demand andsupply. Looking for alternatives sources ofpower is not merely a necessity, but the need ofthe hour.

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    Solar panel

    Asolar panel (photovoltaic module orphotovoltaic panel) is a packagedinterconnected assembly of solar cells, alsoknown as photovoltaic cells.

    The majority of modules use wafer-basedcrystalline silicon cells or thin-film cells basedon cadmium telluride or silicon. Crystallinesilicon is a commonly used semiconductor.

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    constructed in 1999 by the SouthAustralian Solar Car Consortium, can

    speed up to 120km/h.

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    Awind turbine is a device that converts kineticenergy from the wind into mechanical energy. Ifthe mechanical energy is used to produceelectricity, the device may be called a windgenerator or wind charger.

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    Offshore wind farmusing 5MW turbinesREpower M5 in theNorth Sea off Belgium

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    Afuel cell is an electrochemical cell thatconverts energy from a fuel into electricalenergy.

    Electricity is generated from the reactionbetween a fuel supply and an oxidizing agent.

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    A hydrogen fuel cell uses hydrogen as its fuel

    and oxygen (usually from air) as its oxidant.

    Other fuels include hydrocarbons and alcohols.

    Other oxidants include chlorine and chlorinedioxide.

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    A typical cell running at 0.7 V has an efficiency

    of about 50%, meaning that 50% of the energycontent of the hydrogen is converted intoelectrical energy; the remaining 50% will beconverted into heat.

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    ENERGY Tidal power, also called tidal energy, is aform of hydropower that converts the energy oftides into electricity or other useful forms of


    The world's first commercial-

    scale and grid-connectedtidal stream generator SeaGen in StrangfordLough.The strong wakeshows the power in the tidalcurrent.

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    Generating methods Tidal stream generator

    Tidal stream generators (or TSGs) make use ofthe kinetic energy of moving water to power turbines, in asimilar way to wind turbines that use moving air. Thismethod is gaining in popularity because of the lower cost

    and lower ecological impact compared to tidal barrages.

    Tidal barrageTidal barrages make use of the potential energy

    in the difference in height (or head) between high and lowtides. Barrages are essentially dams across the full width ofa tidal estuary, and suffer from very high civil infrastructurecosts, a worldwide shortage of viable sites andenvironmental issues.

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    Dynamic tidal power

    Dynamic tidal power (or DTP) isa theoretical generation technology that wouldexploit an interaction between potential andkinetic energies in tidal flows.

    It proposes that very long dams(for example: 3050 km length) be built fromcoasts straight out into the sea or ocean, without

    enclosing an area.

    Each dam would generate powerat a scale of6 - 15 GW.

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    Geothermal electricity

    Geothermal electricityis electricitygenerated from geothermal energy. Technologiesin use include dry steam power plants, flashsteam power plants and binary cycle powerplants.

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    Dry steam plant Flash steam plant

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    Dry steam power plants Dry steam plants are the simplest and oldest design. They

    directly use geothermal steam of 150C or more to turn turbines.Flash steam power plants

    Flash steam plants pull deep, high-pressure hot water intolower-pressure

    tanks and use the resulting flashed steam to drive turbines. They

    require fluid temperatures of at least 180C, usually more. Thisis the most common type of plant in operation today. Binary cycle power plants Binary cycle power plants are the most recent development, and

    can accept fluid temperatures as low as 57C The moderately hot

    geothermal water is passed by a secondary fluid with a muchlower boiling point than water. This causes the secondary fluidto flash to vapour, which then drives the turbines. This is themost common type of geothermal electricity plant being builttoday both Organic Rankine and Kalina cycles are used. The

    thermal efficiency is typically about 10%.

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    Anaerobic digestion Anaerobic digestion is a series of processes inwhich microorganisms break downbiodegradable material in the absence of oxygen,used for industrial or domestic purposes tomanage waste and/or to release energy.

    Anaerobic digestion andregenerative thermal oxidisercomponent of Lbeckmechanical biologicaltreatment plant in Germany,2007

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    Matter %

    Methane, CH4 5075

    Carbon dioxide, CO2 2550

    Nitrogen, N2 010

    Hydrogen, H2 01

    Hydrogen sulfide, H2S 03

    Oxygen, O2 02

    Typical composition of biogas

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    Praveen Krishnan-

    3 simple yet innovative technology

    1) OWEC (ocean wave energy synthesis)

    The energy content of waves is utilizedto lift water to an overhead tank. From here it is

    flushed over the impeller of the dynamo togenerate electricity.

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    2) OMT (oscillating magnet technique-1)

    Here a magnetic pendulum is made tooscillate inside the coil. The energy lost is gainedthrough fixed opposite poled magnets.

    OMT2(oscillating magnet technique-2)

    Another way of generating powerunder this technique is by using a freelysuspended spring magnet.

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    Self Electricity Generating Technique


    Here, the fly wheel of the dynamo isrotated using a long effort arm. Only part of theenergy generated is utilized to oscillate the effortarm.

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    Oppurtunities and challenges

    Renewable energy in india

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    Renewable Energy in India AnOverview Total installed capacity in the country is 141,500 MW as on

    February 29, 2008

    % As of June 2007, in India, Generation capacities based onrenewable resources are

    around 10.7 GW showing a growth rate of 30%

    % This represents ~7% of the total installed capacity, below

    global average Including large hydro capacity, renewablecapacity is ~46 GW

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    Key drivers for renewable energy in India

    % Ample number of sites for Wind, Hydro and Solar


    % Government incentives

    % Increasing sources of finance

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    ttractive RenewableEnergy Market The Indian subcontinent has a large potential for power

    generation by the effective utilization of renewable energy

    % The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE),Govt. of India has planned a target of producing more in

    renewable energy.

    10,000 MW renewable energy during the 11th five year plan(i.e. 2007 to 2012).

    India ranked among the most attractive countries worldwidebased environment, feasibility for renewable energy

    generation and other incentives for development

    % Overall score of 64/100 for all Renewable energys.

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    Solar Power

    Sector Overview

    Large Potential Exists..

    Among top 5 destinations worldwide for Solar Energy

    development as per Ernst &Youngs renewable energyattractiveness index

    Daytime production peak coincides with peak electricity

    demand making solar ideal supplement to grid



    Limited growth

    till now.. Cost of solar electricity versus conventional electricity has

    restricted past growth

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    Government encouragingSolarenergy investments

    To help in running of solar projects, there is a subsidy of Rs


    Capital subsidy available in case of semiconductor based unitsProvisions for Accelerated depreciation available for solar


    NIL excise duty for manufacturers

    Low import tariff for several raw materials and components Soft loans to users, intermediaries and manufacturers

    State governments such as Punjab, Haryana are also pursuing

    solar energy

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    Indian Wind Energy


    Current Scenario

    % 4th largest producer of wind energy in the world

    with a capacity of 7 GW

    Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra & Karnataka are the

    leaders in wind capacity.

    76% of total wind energy is given by these threestates.

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    WInd Energy powers 2% of global electricityconsumption- Near to 100000 megawatts.

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    Future in energy industry

    Collaboration and the sharing of ideas are key for the futureenergy industry, and with the right partnerships, innovation

    will bloom Today, the world uses 15 billion BTUs (British Thermal Units)

    of energy every second. That is the equivalent of 40 light

    bulbs running continuously for every person on earth. And that

    includes the 1.2 billion people on earth who do not have any

    access to electricity.

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    Most estimates of global energy demand predict that we willuse about 25% more energy in 2030 than we did in 2005.

    In the year 2030, about 60% of our energy will still come fromoil and gas.

    Global Transfer of Renewable Energy Technology is neededfor efficient and speedy redressal of energy crisis in a global


    Global energy prices will rise by about 2% annually. Energyconservation and efficiency, the rapid penetration of the most

    efficient technologies and use, are paramount to achieving

    100% renewables.

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