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© 2004 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.The information contained herein is subject to change without notice

Energising through change – An opportunity for HR

Mike TaylorDirector, UK and Ireland Human Resources

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• Change management strategy• The HP/Compaq Merger – a change story• HP’s People Strategy

• Stabilize: Building the new HP foundation

• Mobilize: Creating a high performance workplace

• Energize: Creating the Best Place to Work

• Discussion

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“By any objective measure, the amount of significant, often traumatic, change in

organizations has grown tremendously in the last 2 decades. Although some people

predict that most of the reengineering, restrategising, mergers, downsizing, quality efforts and cultural renewal

projects will soon disappear, I think that is highly unlikely."

John Kotter – Leading Change

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Reasons why change initiatives fail1. “Allowing too much complacency” – Not creating

a burning platform for change

2. “Failing to create a sufficiently powerful guiding coalition – not driving the change from the top”

3. “Underestimating the power of vision”

4. “Failing to create short term wins”

5. “Under communicating the vision”

6. “Neglecting to anchor changes firmly in the corporate culture”

7. “Permitting obstacles to block the new vision”

8. “Declaring victory too soon”

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Group discussion• What in the merger story needs


• What evidence is there of the change initiative avoiding Kotter’s pitfalls – or falling into them?

• What lessons can you learn for your own change initiatives?

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Merger proposed September 2001

Merger approved May 2002

Merger Finalised in the UK&I Feb 2003

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Change is an opportunity that you can influenceand if then managed correctly, it will energizean organization.

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Planning for change

• A “clean room” was established in September 2001 to plan for the merger

• This consisted of a team of dedicated employees from both pre merger companies

• Legal training to comply with competition law

• Over 500 people producing over 1 million hours of work to prepare for the merger

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the new hp

• On day one of the new company 30,000 employees of the new HP were trained and ready to serve customers

• The new website was available in 21 languages in 72 countries

• Over 2 million hits in the first two weeks

• Clear product roadmaps and transition plans were delivered

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IT infrastructure • 150,000 employees could log on to their respective networks and accounts from either pre-merger Compaq/HP sites and send e-mail to all pre-merger employees

• All employees could traverse pre-merger cross-company networks to view each company’s pre-merger employee portal

• The hp portal became our primary means of communicating merger related information receiving over 2 million hits on day one

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Organization culture • Research was done in the clean room to establish current organizational culture in the pre-merger companies

• A cultural framework for the new company was created

• Mechanisms to communicate the new framework included:

o The HP portal

o Poster campaigns

o E - learning

o Face to face briefings

o Fast start workshops

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It began in a garage and a pie shop

We have a long standing culture that makes HP a great place to work. We aim to be the most trusted partner in the industry.

HP valuesWe act with speed and agility

• We are passionate about customers

• We deliver meaningful innovation

• We have trust and respect for individuals

• We achieve our results through teamwork

• We conduct our business with uncompromising integrity

• We perform at a high level of achievement and contribution

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Fast start workshops • Fast start sessions were one to two day business meetings for newly appointed intact teams.

• They took place within 30 days of the team’s appointment

• They were a communication vehicle for transmitting, interpreting, and incorporating information about the New HP strategy, organization model, brand, culture, and transition plan.

• Fast start sessions are intended to accelerate leadership readiness.

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The need for a change management strategy

• Managing the cultural change after the merger between HP and Compaq was essential for the success of the merger

• The challenge for HR was to develop a strategy to maintain and surpass the pre-merger standards of both companies and to manage this cultural change process

• HP’s People Strategy enabled us:• To speed up and smooth the process of change• To move through the initial change period• To set a culture of high performance right from the


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The HP People Strategy is aligned to our corporate objectives and values, aiming to maintain employee commitment, especially in this time of change.

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HP’s People Strategy

Best Place

to Work


High Performance Workplace


New HP Foundation


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Building the new HP foundation

Build New HP FoundationStabilize

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Building the New HP Foundation



org design& selection


Fast Startculture



totalrewards &


– job titles

– job levels

– pay/bonusmix

– structures


– retirement

– time-off

– health

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Developing a High Performance Workplace

High Performance


New HP FoundationStabilize

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Developing a High Performance Workplace

The high performance culture accelerates future

growth by:• Maximizing organizational/individual productivity

and capability• Aligning individual performance with company and

business objectives • Using rewards as the motivator • Develop people through effective coaching,

performance feedback and development planning

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Accelerating a High-Performance Workplace: Integrating the “WHAT” and “HOW”

balanced scorecard, HP values and supporting behaviorsbalanced scorecard, HP values and supporting behaviors

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Creating the Best Place to Work

Best Place to Work


High Performance WorkplaceMobilize

New HP FoundationStabilize

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Creating the Best Place to Work

HP’s new culture is guided by a core set of ethics

that:• Drives progressive work-life programs• Listens to its employees and acts on what we hear• Provides all employees with tools, resources and a

supportive environment that values diversity and inclusion

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Creating the Best Place to Work

Work/life balance at HPHP’s flexible work arrangements provideemployees with alternatives to:• Working the traditional five day a week work

schedule (Monday-Friday) and/or

• Working solely from an HP facility or office location

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Creating the Best Place to WorkHP listens to its employees and act on what we hear:• The annual “Voice of the Workforce” survey evaluates

employee commitment, identifies areas for improvement and issues that employees consider important.

• Based on the results of this survey, managers will develop action plans to address areas of improvement.

• HP’s Open Door Policy is based on the value of trust and respect for the individual

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Progress report: Revenue and EPS

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Group discussion• What in the merger story needs


• What evidence is there of the change initiative avoiding Kotter’s pitfalls – or falling into them?

• What lessons can you learn for your own change initiatives?

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Lessons learned • Prepare for the change as well as you possibly can• Communicate concisely and frequently• Listen to your employees• Implement as quickly as you can• Don’t over complicate• Focus on your customers• Accept that it won’t be perfect