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The Parish Magazine of Rivenhall

and Silver End

The Famous Village Bake-off

& Bluebells in Rivenhall May 2015

June 2015 50p

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Our Services this Month

June 2015 7th June 1st Sunday after Trinity

9.30 am St Francis Holy Communion 11.00 am St. Mary’s Children Friendly All Age Worship

14th June 2nd Sunday after Trinity

9.30 am St Francis Morning Prayer

11.00 am St Mary’s Holy Communion (Sunday School)

21st June 3rd Sunday after Trinity

9.30 am St Francis Holy Communion

11.00 am St Mary’s Matins

3.00 pm St Mary’s Churchyard Service

28th June Festival of St Peter and St Paul

9.30 am St Francis Morning Prayer

11.00 am Holy Communion

Church Contacts Priest-in-Charge Rev. Paul Watkin 01376 583930

[email protected]

Churchwarden Maureen Scollan 01376 517863 Churchwarden Peter Hope 01376 502605

Rivenhall Contact Carole McCarthy 01376 512781

Silver End Contact Ruth Aitken 01376 583846

Please hand articles for the magazine to Peter Hope or contact by email [email protected] by 18th of the month.

Rivenhall Website

St Francis Silver End Website

Rivenhall School

If anyone has any Suggestions for Photographs or wants to con-tribute a picture for the magazine cover please sent to my email

address above.

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Monthly musings from your parish priest. Is there anywhere in the world which you've always wanted to see but haven't ever been able to for one reason or another? Perhaps some-where, or even a few places which have caught your imagination, and which if it were ever possible you'd like visit. Maybe you dream flying half-way around the world on a trip to Aus-tralia or New Zealand; either for a particular reason, or simply be-

cause it's such a long way and therefore beckons you on a spirit of adventure. Or perhaps you've always been drawn to the Far East and have always been interested to experience cultures very different to that of the UK, and so have pondered on one-day visiting China, Thai-land, or Japan. Or is your dream destination somewhere more like a far-flung island in the Pacific Ocean; or somewhere else altogether? Well, if any of this rings even just a little true for you, then you're far

from being alone. It's far from unusual for people to have within them a spirit of adventure and curiosity, and want to discover more of the world. These thoughts came to my mind because of a gift of an olive wood cross, which I was recently given by someone, and which both came from as well as reminded me of a place where I'd very much like to visit one day if circumstances allow. Perhaps a little cliché for a vicar I know, but among other destinations, somewhere I've always felt that I'd like to visit and see for myself one day is Jerusalem, and the sur-rounding areas of the Holy Land which feature in the biblical narra-tives. It is of course true that some of the places which one would vis-it whilst there have succumb to having been over-commercialised, and as we all know from the news, it is a place where political ten-

sions can at times run-high. I do however feel that it would be wonderful to actually follow in some of the steps which Jesus walked in himself, over the course of his life on Earth. To visit the traditionally believed to be correct sites for the places of Jesus' birth, the road he walked to the cross, and the place of the resurrection, as well as to stroll along the bank of the Sea of Galilee; would I'd imagine provide a new sense of perspective and in-

sight into the Bible, bringing things into life in a new and different way. A trip to the Holy Land will of course not be possible for everyone for all sorts of reasons, and I don't know at this time, if it'll be possible for me to make a trip there myself in the future myself or not –

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though I'd like to think that I will! But seeing things in a different or new way, or visiting a place of relevant interest can really be a posi-tive catalyst to or within one's faith. From a Christian point of view, at the most basic level, I believe that this can begin by regularly, and if possible weekly going to church. Spending time around other Christians can help to stimulate our own faithfulness towards God, and in the following of our Lord Jesus. Both myself and my col-leagues endeavour to make the worship in all of the churches across

our team, to be both stimulating and uplifting, with what are thought-provoking, and at times gently challenging sermons. And with there being an assortment of different types of service, from simply and lively 'All Age' worship, to traditional BCP Matins, and straightforward Holy Communion in modern language offered on dif-ferent weeks of the month, there really is something for everyone. So if you're reading this, but haven't been to one of our services for a while, what better time to come along again?

But with the better weather upon us (and hopefully to stay for the next few months), some people will plan days out or time away. A pilgrimage to a holy site as part of a holiday, or even as a special trip in its own right, can be a wonderful and exciting thing to do. But if it feels a little 'too much' to plan to travel overseas, the UK has lots of exciting places to visit too which can stimulate one's faith. If you're planning to visit a city (be that in this country or abroad), why not make some time in what can sometimes be a busy schedule to see all the local attractions, to take some time-out by visiting the cathedral where you are? Or there may be other special places to visit where you're planning to go. Or perhaps you might even like to think about making a special journey to spend some time at a par-ticular place of pilgrimage, such as 'The Holy Island of Lindisfarne'

or 'The Shrine of our Lady of Walsignham'. The summer months can stimulate a feeling of excitement and ad-venture in many people. With long days and warmer evenings mak-ing it a delight to think about spreading your spiritual wings a little wider than usual. So I do hope that whatever you get up to over these next few months, that you have an enjoyable time. And I pray that wherever you go, that you might know God's presence with you on your journeys, find him waiting there for you when you arrive, and to greet you in love once more when you return home.

Paul Watkin.

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Collects and Readings June 2015

7th June 1st Sunday After Trinity Children Friendly All Age Worship 2 Corinthians 4:13-5.1 Mark 3.20 - end Collect God of truth, help us to keep your law of love

and to walk in ways of wisdom, that we may find true life in Jesus Christ your Son. 14th June 2nd Sunday After Trinity Holy Communion With Sunday School Ezekiel 17:22 - end

2 Corinthians 5:6-17 Mark 4:26-34 Collect Faithful Creator, whose mercy never fails: deepen our faithfulness to you and to your living Word,

Jesus Christ our Lord. 21st June 3rd Sunday After Trinity Matins Job 38:1-11 2 Corinthians 6:1-13 Mark 4:35-end Collect God our saviour, look on this wounded world in pity and in power; hold us fast to your promises of peace won for us by your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ

28th June Festival of St Peter and St Paul Holy Communion Acts12:1-11 2 Timothy4;6-8, 17-18 Mathew 16:13-19 Collect

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Almighty God, whose blessed apostles Peter and Paul glorified you in their death as in their life: grant that your Church, inspired by their teaching and example, and made one by your Spirit, may ever stand firm upon the one foundation, Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.


To Book Rivenhall Village Hall in Future Please Ring the Booking Line on 07749 657 390

From the Registers April / May 2015 Baptisms: 26 April Abigail Grace Holliday

17 May Jesse Geoffrey Day, Bradley Jordan Day

Burials 28 April Beatrice Lily Keen (Peggy)

30 April Vera Ida Tinworth

Burial of Cremated Remains:

1 May Gary John Lister

3 May Barbara Ann Nash

The 50/50 Club

The March winners were:

1st D Hope, 2nd: Mr Allars, 3rd: C Wood



There were 12 parishioners present at the meeting, including all Par-ish Councillors, the Parish Clerk, BDC’s Corporate Director Andy Wright and Ruth Baugh – interim headteacher at Rivenhall School.

Parish Council Chairman’s report

As a full report had previously been circulated to residents, the Chair-man gave brief updates on the following:

Planning issues including the proposed Colemans Farm Quarry

and the Forest Road housing development.

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A12 matters relating to widening and the slip-roads at Rivenhall


BDLHP scheme delivery in the parish.

Thanks to everyone involved with the upkeep of the parish es-pecially the council’s Maintenance Contractor and thanks to the Clerk for his continuing work on behalf of the council.

A question was asked on the remaining stumps of damaged street-lights near to the Rivenhall Hotel, which will again be referred to ECC for removal.

BDC Corporate Director, Andy Wright

Andy Wright gave an outline of BDC proposals and commitments.

Public questions were asked on future residential development, em-ployment provision and local infrastructure needs in the proposed BDC Local Plan. Details were given relating to the system for the re-cycling of domestic food waste; taken to the Halstead plant. Despite assurances that BDC has a good record regarding dealing with fast food rubbish there was still a local problem and a question was raised regarding the collection of debris on local verges following the fre-quent car crashes that occur.

Presentation on behalf of Rivenhall Primary School

Interim Headteacher Ruth Baugh reported that since the last Ofsted report the school had improved with the continuing links with White Notley Primary School. Staffing had a 75% turnover previously but a new headteacher was due to be in post by September 2015. Pupil numbers were increasing and there was a good relationship between the school and Riventots Nursery. It was noted that the school was

160 years old this year.


All Members were present together with the Clerk and three members of the public. There were no apologies for absence.

Election of Chairman

Cllr. Abbott was re-elected as Chairman. Cllr. Abbott acceded, signed

the Chairman’s Acceptance of Office and took the Chair.

Election of Vice Chairman. Cllr. Wright was elected as Vice-Chairman. Cllr. Wright acceded.

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Public Forum

The following matters were brought to the attention of Members:

Rectory Lane – increase in traffic usage.

Motorcycles on John Ray Walk/Rectory Lane – the Police are


Damaged/demolished bollards at junction of Oak Road/Henry

Dixon Road – ECC have recently said they will reinstate.

To appoint Council representatives to outside bodies

The following nominations were agreed:

RPFA – Cllr. Bills BALC – Cllr. Prime EALC – Cllr. Prime

BDLHP – Cllr. Abbott Tree Warden – Cllr. Clark Emergency Contact – Cllr. Wright Footpath Liaison (including ECC P3) – Cllr. Abbott Henry Dixon Hall Charity – Cllr. Clark Essex Police Liaison – Cllrs. Anderson and Bills Passenger Transport Liaison – Cllr. Prime

Matters for Discussion

Annual Insurance renewal – change of Insurer.

Having made a comparison of the insurance schedules and premiums the Clerk/RFO recommended a change of insurer to Zurich Municipal, with a 3 year agreement. It was agreed that such an agreement be undertaken with Zurich Municipal.

Planning Matters

New Applications

15/00431/FUL: 3 canopies to existing courtyard seating areas – New Rickstones Academy, Conrad Road.

Members raised no objection to this application.

15/00434/FUL: Demolish existing lean-to shed and utility area and

build two storey extension – 9 Tusser Close.

Members raised no objection to this application.

15/00015/COUPA: Prior notification for change of use of agricultural building to dwelling house – Burghey Brook Farm, London Road, Riv-

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enhall End.

Members agreed to recommend refusal of this application for the same reason as for the previous similar planning application; namely, that the site is considered inappropriate for such a change of use due to the totally inadequate and unacceptable access off the A12.

Planning Results

15/00272/LBC: Installation of secondary glazing – Hoo Hall Cottage

223 Oak Road.

Application granted by BDC.

15/00234/FUL: Dropped kerb – Hoo Hall Lodge.

Application refused by BDC.

Ongoing Planning Matters

BDC Local Plan

The minutes of the initial meeting with Witham Town Council regard-ing possible future local boundary issues to be circulated to Members.

Rivenhall Airfield

ESS/24/14/BTE: ECC has granted this planning application.

ESS/14/15/BTE: Reply sent to ECC re Bradwell Quarry Contractors site compound for mineral Sites A3 and A4 and access/egress via Woodhouse Lane as per the Chairman’s circulated comments.

ECC Minerals Plan

Colemans Farm Quarry Application. Reply sent to ECC as per Chair-man’s circulated comments.

Braintree District Local Highways Panel:

a. 7.5T weight restriction, Oak Road – Currently being re-assessed by ECC.

b. Church Road layby at church – Scheme now completed.

c. Extended 30mph limit along Church Road – Scheme agreed.

d. Church Road/Oak Road highway signage – Scheme to be linked with (a) above.

e. Grass verge outside 51-53 Oak Road – Scheme agreed.


Bellway Homes are to hold another public exhibition re the land north

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-east of Witham (in Rivenhall Parish) on Wednesday 20th May at Riv-enhall Oaks Golf Centre. Letters will be delivered to local residents informing them of this exhibition.

Reports from PC Representatives

Cllr. Bills reported that the RPFA overhead projection equipment was nearing complete installation and that the RPFA were considering the terms for its use by hirers of the Village Hall.

To agree and sign the Internal Audited Annual Return

It was agreed that the Chairman sign the internally audited Annual Return for 2014/15.

Information exchange and items for the next agenda

Reported theft of a handbag from a car parked at the Village

Hall. The Clerk reported that the Asset Register was up to date for

the Insurers. Drink cans near Tarecroft Wood/John Ray Walk. There has been another RTA along Church Road.

Dates of future meetings

Tuesdays 2nd June at Henry Dixon Hall and 7th July at Rivenhall

Village Hall - both meetings at 8pm.

Moist Chocolate Mug Cake This is a very new kind of indulgence, and requires a microwave, but it is an almost instant treat when you’ve got the glums!!

1 large Coffee mug 50g SR Flour

2 tablespoons Cocoa powder ¼ teaspoon Baking powder 2 tablespoons sugar 50ml milk 2 tablespoons vegetable oil

In a small bowl mix together dry ingredients Whisk in milk and oil till smooth

Pour batter into a microwave safe mug Place on a plate or even kitchen towel in microwave Microwave on high (950watts) for 70 secs

Should be yummy, you can add peanut butter, chocolate spread. Just mix with a spoon. It should be gooey, and yummy.

You can also half the cocoa and add a small amount of coffee – I use

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Camp coffee, about a desert spoon ful.

Good Luck!! Ann Clark

Sky Notes June 2015

Full Moon is early in the month on the 2nd meaning that the mid-summer full Moon (nearest to the Solstice) this year will not be until

early July.

The moment of the Solstice occurs at just after 5.30 pm on the 21st when the Northern hemisphere is tilted at its maximum towards the Sun.

The long summer twilight evenings in late June will be graced by a fine and ever closer pairing of Jupiter and Venus. At the start of the month the two planets will be 20 degrees apart. The separation closes to 6 degrees on the 20th when the pair will be joined by the young crescent Moon. By the end of June the two planets are less than half a degree apart – which is less than the width of the Full Moon. The best time to look will from about 10.30 pm onward and a clear Western horizon will be needed as the planets will be low down

Saturn is at its best this month, fairly low in the South in the late even-ing. The Moon will be close by on the 28th. With a clear Southern as-pect, you will be able to see the stars of Scorpius just to the left of and below Saturn. The brightest of these is Antares, a supergiant star about 500 light years from our solar system. Antares is truly colossal – about 800 times larger than our own Sun. Most stars can only be ob-served as points of light due to their great distances but Antares is so large that using specialist methods it can be resolved as a disk.

Scorpius is one of the finest constellations in the sky but unfortunately

we cannot see all of it from our latitude. Those living further South in Europe can see the whole shape of Scorpius and it is one of the few constellations that readily fits it name – complete with a scorpions tail !

Late June is often the peak time to see noctilucent clouds (NLCs). The best time to look is from 10.30 pm looking towards the North West. The science of these clouds at the edge of space is still incomplete and their appearances are thought to be increasing in frequency. The NASA

AIM satellite is currently in orbit with the specific task of gathering data on NLCs.

Sky Watcher

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What do you think of our Sunday Talks?

Last week in a well known daily newspaper I read the follow-


“Is this the reason why East Anglia is so godless?

By John Bingham and Hazel Southam

It has been nicknamed the most God-less place in Britain and now

perhaps we know why.

When the last UK census singled out parts of East Anglia as having some of the lowest levels of religious affiliation in the UK, social com-mentators were unable to explain the reasons why.

But new polling of a panel of 1,800 regular churchgoers across the UK could provide a clue: po-faced clergy.

Christians in the region are less likely than those anywhere else in the

country to recall hearing a sermon or talk which contained a joke that made them laugh.

Congregations in Yorkshire and the Humber have the most entertain-ing services, with 80 per cent able to recall laughing at a clerical quip - just ahead of London, where 77 per cent had heard a decent joke in church. In the East of England barely half (53 per cent) could recall laughing in church.

The survey, by the polling group Christian Research, was commis-sioned by the Christian Resources Exhibition, a trade-fair for the cler-gy taking place in London this week.

This year the event will include a professional stand-up comedy train-ing session to help clergy liven up their sermons.

This made me consider our own situation and I have to say that we are very lucky to have a priest who can present a sermon on Sunday which is understandable, thought provoking and interesting. He can usually find something amusing to add, of course as we know laugh-ter is a very important aspect of general health and wellbeing.

So a big thank you to Paul for presenting an interesting Sermon

From a regular churchgoer

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End to End Nature Care. Regular readers will often have heard mention in these columns of the concept of phenology, the study of the absolute and relative tim-ing of natural events during the course of a year; for example, hear-ing the first cuckoo, seeing certain plants in flower or trees in leaf. Inevitably spring, a season of great change in our country, is a prime time for such phenological events to be studied and recorded, for the purpose of comparison year on year and also to monitor how syn-

chronised, or otherwise, various phenomena may be, a classic exam-ple being the emergence of certain flying insects and the arrival of migratory insectivorous bird species. One tends to think of entire years or seasons being “early” or “late” but last year and this year (so far) have proved very interesting. The last two winters have both been very mild, certainly by comparison with that of 2012/13, meaning that spring has been able to get away early. As a result, for example, our cowslip count on the penultimate Wednesday of April has caught the flowers in their prime or even, as last year, almost over already. During 2014 it was interesting to see how nature caught up with itself so that by mid-summer one wouldn’t really have known that spring had started much earlier than usual, despite the weather (temperature, rainfall) being really rather aver-age. This year spring again got a head start after a mild winter but,

unlike 2014, there has been a cool spell over the early part of May which has held nature back. Many plants have put on plenty of green growth but flowering has been held back. It has also been noticed that some birds which had started nesting either abandoned those nests or simply held back from egg-laying. There are dedicated people who record daily meteorological infor-mation and others who record phenological data year on year in a very quantitative fashion. We are continually building our cowslip count data but on the whole our experience of phenology is more qualitative, built on being outdoors every year and becoming more and more familiar with the natural sequence and timing of events. The lushness of wild vegetation was particularly evident during the recent visit to Whetmead nature reserve in Witham. Accessed via Blackwater Lane, this very interesting site can hardly be labelled as a little oasis of calm as the noise from the adjacent A12 is ever-present, but the other two sides of the reserve are formed by the riv-ers Blackwater and Brain, which actually meet at the far end of the reserve, the Blackwater in particular flowing wide, languid and lazy and providing a marked contrast to the roaring, busy road to the west.

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A couple of random observations occurred during the ambling on Whetmead. The evening marked almost exactly a month since the cowslip count, when there is just enough light to enable a quick out-ing of less than an hour before it is dark and, notwithstanding the move to BST, the speed at which day length changes over the month of May is really incredible. Secondly, why are tree guards (the covers placed around young saplings to protect against nibbling by herbi-

vores) not biodegradable? Those around some of the now maturing trees at Whetmead looked as good as new but were clearly constrict-ing some of the larger trees and were allowing damp and rot to set in around the trunks. Even those which had fallen away from the grow-ing trees were now woodland litter of the unwanted kind. If non-biodegradable guards are used then shouldn’t an arrangement be made to return to a plantation at some point to remove all the now-redundant guards? Anyway, June sees a mixture of largely botanical and entomological activity (see below) although if you are reading this early enough then the meeting on the evening of 3rd June should be worthwhile attend-ing as we join Sue Manning on the River Walk in Witham. Sue is part of the management group of the River Walk and is well-known for her infra-red films of otters active there, right in the middle of Witham, and has very kindly offered to show us around. For more details of

this and other activities visit our website or contact Simon on 01621 810141 or 07947 388180.

03 June 2015

19:30 River Walk Wildlife with Sue Manning. Botany, river animals and bats. Meet at Mill Lane car park, Witham.

Bring hand lens and bat detector.

10 June 2015

19:30 Silver End botany. Surveying local hedgerows, particularly to monitor the sulphur clover population.

Meet at the Western Arms.

17 June 2015

19:00 for


National Plant Monitoring Scheme at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough CO5 7RZ. Meet at Stovern's

Hall Farm at 19:00 to car share or at Abbotts Hall at 19:30. Bring hand lens and plant ID guides.

24 June 2015

19:30 Moths and other invertebrates at Rivenhall Thicks. Meet at the sugarbeet stand by the sharp bend in the

Rivenhall/Silver End road (TL822187. Bring hand lens.

01 July 2015

19:30 Glowworm surveying. Meet at Cressing Railway Station on Bulford Mill Lane (TL777202). We will

amble in the local area before completing the survey after dark. Bring a torch.

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Scottish Country Dancing

Rivenhall Village Hall 2nd & 4th Monday of the month, 7.30 -10pm

Great for fitness and a good laugh too!

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Rivenhall Carpet Bowls Rivenhall Village Hall Every Thursday 7.30pm – 10pm

Come along for an evening of fun with this friendly club.

The Ark

It's Open House at Rivenhall Village Hall

Meets most Saturdays 2pm - 4pm (see calendar for exceptions) Come along with friends for Tea, Coffee & Cake

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Tel: 07538 599584 or email [email protected]

Coffee Morning Rivenhall Village Hall Every Friday 9am – 12 noon

Tea, coffee, cake and a chat with friends

Table Tennis Rivenhall Village Hall 2nd &4th Monday of the Month 2pm – 4.30pm, Entry £3 Membership of Witham and Braintree U3A required £15 pa visit the Witham and Braintree U3A website or for

further information please call Gerry Gunton 01621 819682 or email [email protected] or visit the table tennis page on the village hallwebsite


Saturdays 7.30pm - 9.30pm Rivenhall Village Hall, Entry 50p

Bring a friend for an evening of


Everyone Welcome Call Jack on 01376 514255

Riventots Pre-school Rivenhall Village Hall

Monday – Thursday 8.30am – 3.30 p.m (Mon 9.15–1.30) Lunch if required 12 noon – 1pm Call Ruth on 078 111 04813 or email [email protected]

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Loving homes always needed for Ex-racing greyhounds.

All our greyhounds are neutered. Vaccinated & micro-chipped

Plus we provide 6 weeks free pet Insurance and leather collar lead.

To find out more have a look at our website : Or give Sandra a call on

01621 788315

Wash Lane, Little Totham, Maldon CM9 8LX Registered Charity No. 1113924

Is your PC feeling poorly? Has it caught a virus? Suffering from memory loss exhaustion

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Call the PC Doctor

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Email: [email protected]

Surgery Times: 7 am to 7 pm, 7days a week

Just Mowing

Horticultural and

Garden Machinery

As used by Rivenhall Church




14 Perry Road

Witham Essex CM8 3YZ

Telephone 01376 510557


For all Carpentry, Joinery & Cabinet Making


CSCS Registered 30 Years Experience

4 Years Apprenticeship City & Guilds and

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Free estimates – No obligation All building work considered Can also make items to order

also 'curtain poles, tiling, flatpacks,

kitchens, doors, sheds etc, no jobs too small'

Contact 01376 515987 or 07889 110962 (9am – 5.30pm) Answer phone at other times

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Jeremy Larke



Telephone: 01376 513645

Mobile: 07947 601619

Email: [email protected]

All Televison Systems Catered for Freesat, Freeview, Sky

Installations & Repairs To all makes and models

Full Plasma & LCD Fitting Service

Wall Mount Brackets Supplied and Fitted

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Freeview, Freesat & European Channels

View and Control Your Sky in Oth-er Rooms

Aerial and Telephone Extension Points Installed

Don’t Delay Call Today

Janet C Davies Dip. F.D. M.B.I.F.D


Offering a full and Comprehensive Funeral Service

Telephone 01376 339300

For a Personal and Caring 24 hour service Local Chapel of Rest at Fern House 72 Coggeshall Road Braintree and

Victoria House, Trews Gardens, Kelvedon Funerals are arranged and carried out in the Traditional Manner but

With ‘The Gentle Touch’

Pre payment Plans available—Floral Tributes arranges—Woodland Burials Bereavement Care—Low Cost Simplicity Funerals - Memorials—Printing

Catering—DWP Funerals

Part of the Hunnaball Family Group Members of the National Association of Funeral Directors

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Feering Flower Club

Do you love flowers? Why not come along and join us for one of our meetings held

on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at Feering Community Centre 7pm for 7.30pm

Entry non-members £7 members £4.50

Watch a demonstrator Friendly chat and exchange ideas Sale Table Refreshments

For more information contact

Sue Banting 01376 571050 Pat Clark 01376 512418

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Taps, Radiators,

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A friendly caring practice for all your pets.

Visit our website for more details and to register your pet online


Thursday Mornings

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Philip Little

Property Maintenance Magician

Local service at local prices

Knowledgeable and friendly

07973 129808 or 01376 515257

Based in Rivenhall End, nr. Witham

Karen’s Foot Practice Your Feet In Safe Hands

Nail Trimming and File

Fungal Nails

Corns and Callus

Ingrowing Toe Nails

Verruca etc.(Diabetics Welcome)

Home Visiting Service

Foot Health Professional MAFHP MCFHP BSc Tissue Viability

30 Years Nursing Experience CRB Checked Fully Insured

01376 521134 07712 611022

Registered Member of the British Association of Foot Health Professionals

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Silver End

Gad Abouts We don’t have any memberships, these are

DAY TRIPS FOR ALL! Wednesday 3rd June – Norwich, Norfolk - £23

Wednesday 8th July - Southend on Sea, Essex £14 Wednesday 5th August— Aldeburgh & Thorpeness £22

To book your seat:

Please call Denise on 01376 583055 AFTER 7:00PM

(If no reply please leave your name & telephone number)

Please enquire about pick up points.

Trip dependant on a driver being available. Program may be subject to change depending on numbers and costs.

Your Village Agent will be at the

Rivenhall Coffee Morning on the last

Friday of each Month

*Benefits/welfare advice *Support in the

home *Support for carers *Volunteering opportunities *Housing *Social & Leisure information *Transport *Loneliness & isolation *Supporting Local Groups *Bereavement *Home adaptations *Form filling support * Free confidential advice when you’re not sure where to turn

Please feel free to pop along have a chat & find out more about our service or perhaps tell me about a group or event in Rivenhall. If you would prefer a visit at home please just give me a call on either of the

numbers shown. I hope to meet you soon. Lydia Howat

([email protected]) Freephone: 0800 9775858

Mobile: 07540 720606

Village Agents are employed by: Rural Community Council of Essex Registered Charity No. 1097009 Company Limited by Guarantee No. 4609624

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Heritage Watch is launched

Influential figures in Essex’s heritage industry came together on 23rd of April at Stow Maries First World War Aerodrome to launch a new police initiative aimed at protecting the past.

Heritage Watch is an Essex Police led partnership between agencies that are committed to protecting our heritage, as well as members of the public who want to help preserve our heritage.

The watch scheme looks to maintain and preserve important places of interest, encouraging vigilance and reporting of suspicious activity around sites. This is to prevent any theft or crime that may damage assets beyond recovery, which may lead to the loss of a piece of

history for this and future generations.

Heritage Watch locations would include ancient earth works and archeological sites, listed buildings, museums, galleries, religious buildings, historic visitor attractions and others.

Dominic Petre of the Historic Houses Association said he was ‘very pleased’ about the initiative, adding: “When heritage is lost, it is lost forever.

“Crimes against heritage are not just crimes against the owner. They are crimes against future generations and culture in general”.

Chief Superintendent Carl O’Malley said: “In Essex we have some really significant sites, from the Roman remains in Colchester to Audley End House in Saffron Walden.

“The key element for any watch scheme is to involve a broad range of different partners and bring them together. Through expert advice

and assistance, we can all help one another. It is about communication, sharing, understanding and reporting”.

For further information contact your local Essex Watch Liaison Officer using the Police 101 non –emergency telephone number.

Rivenhall School The Early Years

I was reading some historical archives sent to me by the former Rector of Rivenhall David Nash and felt that some of the stories about the formation and early years of the School were worth repeating here. Over the page is a sketch of the School building as it appeared around the time of it’s inception.

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Rivenhall School Water colour by George Buckler 1855 Showing the recently completed separate buildings

RIVENHALL SCHOOL LOG BOOK from its beginning in 1868. Wed. Apr 1st I commenced my duties as mistress of this school

today; I did not pursue any particular course of study today, but simply examined the children on different subjects before arranging them into classes.Louisa H.Waters(Non certified)

Fri. 3rd The Rev'd J.Barton visited the school today and gave

the first class children a lesson in cyphering.

Mon. 6th I gave the first class children their first lesson in compound multiplication and the second class their first lesson in simple multiplication today.

Tues.7th The Rev'd J.Barton visited the school today and gave a dictation lesson to the first class children; he also

asked them a few questions on geography.

Wed. 8th The Rev'd B.D.Hawkins visited the school today and gave a very long lesson on the collect and gospel for the week to the children of the first and second classes.

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Thur.9th The children broke up school today (Maundy Thursday) for the Easter Holiday (Holiday Good Friday-Easter Monday inc).

Tues.l4th I re-opened the school today after the Easter Holidays; some of the children were unable to attend as they were still at work in the fields, as they had been for some weeks.

Wed. 15th The Rev'd B.D.Hawkins visited the school today and gave the first class children their usual weekly lesson on the collect and gospel. He also examined them in spelling - a subject in which they are very deficient.

Thur.l6th Mrs Barton visited the school this afternoon but did not give any lesson or examine any class or classes.


Fri. 19th Mar The school was somewhat interrupted on Tuesday by the police coming to make enquiries respecting two boys of this school who had broken the church window; Reuben Youngs' name was taken off the book.

Thur.25th The rector is ill and consequently did not attend this

week. Tomorrow, being Good Friday, there will be no school.

Fri. 2nd Apr There was no school on Monday, it being Easter Monday. The Rev'd E.S.Corrie of Gt.Maplestead, took the upper section on Wednesday, instead of the Rector who is still ill Stone-picking materially lowered the average (attendance).

Fri. 9th The Rev'd E.S.Corrie visited the school again on Wednesday in the place of the Rector who is still ill. The field work has caused some to be absent this week and sickness others.

Fri. 16th The Rev'd B.R.J.Hawkins paid his first visit to the school in the capacity of curate last Tuesday (13th

April). Many children that are eligible for the coming inspection are absent from their parents on their own ill health (sic). (Friday 16th April was Mrs Ruth Jane Rayner's funeral).

26th Nov. Confirmation at Witham; scholars and parents were candidates. Bertie Butler was reported to the Rector for repeatedly playing truant, and telling falsehoods.

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Copy of Frances Jane Bridge's Medical Certificate (7 Con Page 141) at her 3rd year's examination as Pupil Teacher. "This is to certify that Frances Jane Bridge is at this time in perfect health, and I consider her strong enough to perform the duties of Pupil Teacher."

A.G.Procter MRCS, Witham Apr.22 1876. 1877

Fri. 26th Oct. The measles having reached Silver End, there were 9 fresh children absent in consequence; average for the week 44.

(11th Nov. School now used for 16 Sundays for Sunday worship incl.)

Fri. 21st Dec. The average has been low again this week, the pea?-being wanted home before Christmas, we broke up for a week's holiday this afternoon.


The monthly meeting was held on Tuesday 12th May 2015, in the Henry Dixon Hall at Rivenhall End. The Chairman, Mrs Pat Clark, welcomed members and reminded them of the Plant Sale the

following Saturday. Our expected speaker, Ian Gowling, was unable to attend and at very short notice we were pleased to welcome Brian Wickenden from St. Osyth. Mr. Wickenden moved to St. Osyth from Billericay in 2005 and over the following three years transformed what was no more than a rough piece of ground into a garden worthy of joining the National Gardens Scheme ( NGS ). In a back breaking venture he added many tons of sand and composted bark to the half-acre back garden together with a few dozen fence panels and posts. A stream, pond and alpine trough were added together with hundreds of plants in the various herbaceous borders and beds. The front garden was re-designed and 60 sq.m of turf laid. Plants are replaced or re-positioned as required and although Brian no

longer wishes to be an NGS member his garden is still open by appointment. It was amazing to see what can be achieved in such a short space of time.

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Horticultural 1st Cyril Philpott 2nd Don Scott 3rd Paul Scott

Domestic (chocolate sponge) 1st Daphne Burton ( one entry )

Flower of the Month 1st Pat Clark 2nd Maurice Bacon 3rd Sue North

The next Club meeting will be on Tuesday 9th June at 7.30pm in Rivenhall village hall. Spencer Christie will be talking to us about `Sowing and Planting by the Moon'.. Competitions will be: Horticultural — any vegetable. Domestic — 3 Honey biscuits to given recipe. Flower of the Month. Entrance is £1 to include refreshments and new members and visitors are always welcome. For further details please contact the Club secretary on 01376 512781.

A disappointing number of people visited the Plant Sale held on Saturday 16th May, in the village hall where good quality plants and homemade cakes were on sale. £184 was raised for Club funds. Thank you to those people who grew the plants and baked the cakes and who supported the Club by attending the Sale.

Car key burglaries

In some cases burglars are breaking into houses while you sleep

with the intention of finding your car keys and stealing your car and

any other small items they find on the way, what can I do?

Firstly before you turn in for the night check that all doors, ground

floor windows and easily accessible windows are closed and locked.

PVCu doors – don't forget that the door is not fully locked until you

have lifted the inside handle and turned the key. If you have an

intruder alarm and can do so activate the downstairs zone. To stop

the burglar getting to the vulnerable windows and doors to the rear

ensure that side gates are closed and locked.

Please also ensure that you put your car keys somewhere safe and

out of sight, when you return home. Put your car keys in a drawer

(preferably one that is noisy to open) or some other secure place,

but don't take them up to the bedroom with you.

If you have cars of different values, please park the higher value car

in your garage. If you can't do this, please park the lower value car

in front of the higher value car, as the thieves are more likely to

target high value cars and will be deterred if they can't easily drive

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such a car away from the scene. With high value cars consider the

fitting of a tracking system.

For further crime prevention advice contact your local Crime

Prevention Officer using the police non emergency number

101.Stephen Armson-Smith

We can help people to stop smoking -

for good

It is well known that giving up smoking is good for your physical

health but new research suggests that, far from being a stress-reliever,

smoking increases the risk of anxiety and depression*.

It’s hard to give up on your own but the free NHS stop smoking

service which covers mid Essex has the knowledge and tools to

help people living in this area to quit the smoking habit – for

good. It is run by Provide, a social enterprise, and its Stop Smoking

Team has helped loads of people to quit over the years

Contact the Provide Stop Smoking Team by:

Calling for free on 0800 085 2113 (confidential line)

Emailing us on [email protected]

Or visiting our website

quit/ - which includes the top 12 excuses people give for not


It isn’t easy to quit, but we can help you every step of the way and

you are far more likely to be successful with our help. Just give us a ring, we look forward to hearing from you. *About the research

The research, carried out by world leading smoking cessation expert Professor

Robert West of UCL (University College London), is the first of its kind to

compare the prevalence of anxiety and depression in smokers, non-smokers,

and long-term ex-smokers (smokers who have quit for over a year) at a

population level. The study of nearly 6,500 people over the age of 40 found that

18.3% of smokers reported suffering depression and anxiety compared to 10%

of non-smokers and 11.3% of ex-smokers. This counters the perception of

more than a third (36%) of UK smokers who believe the habit is a stress


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Saturday 25th July 1pm –5pm

“Conker Park” (behind the Co-op) Silver End

Traditional Summer Fete

SEUFC are proud to host the annual

This year we are raising money for Silver End Amateur Dramatic Society

Teddy Tumble Bouncy Castle Craft Activities Bean Bag Game Nail Painting

Cross Bar Challenge Tombola Golf Coconut Shy Lolly Stick Game

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Probably the best Tradditional Jazz Band the country!

Performing in the Pavilion at the stunning location of Braxted Park, Braxted Park

Road, Essex, CM8 3EN The band performs frequently at local jazz clubs by popular demand. It will be a very

entertaining evening held in the most glorious surroundings.

Tickets: £15.00 each and may be purchased from:

Sue Copsey 01621 892697 Mike Puttick 01621 816830

and Maldon Tourist Information Centre

01621 856503 [email protected]

Cash licensed bar Bring your own nibbles Round tables of 10, why not make up a party?

Ample car parking

Jazz in the Park with The Pete Allen Jazz Band

7th July 2015 @ 7.30 pm - doors open 7 pm

Celebrating the 900th Anniversary of

All Saints’ Church, Great Braxted.

All Saints’ is situated within the four

and a half mile brick wall of Braxted

Park. All profits are for church funds

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Organisations in Rivenhall

Clerk to Parish Council Keith Taylor 516975 Email [email protected] meets every first Tuesday Age Concern (Witham area) Margaret Prime 514255 End to End Nature Care Simon Taylor 01621 810141 Gardening Club Carole McCarthy 512781 Meets on 2nd Tuesday at 7.30pm in Village Hall Carpet Bowls Mick Marshall 512836 Meets every Thursday at 7.30pm in Village Hall

Playing Fields Association Mick Marshall 07749 657390 Spread Your Wings Dance Acam Laura Pearson 01376 741317 Facilities Hire of Village Hall Pauline Marshall 07749 657390 Or email [email protected] Hire of Henry Dixon Hall Dot Taylor 571551 Mobile Library 10th 24th June Beech Road 4.10 to 4.30. p.m.

Oak Stores is open Mon to Fri 6.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sat & 7.30 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. Sun The proprietors are Sam and Kirsty Norman 618659

Organisations in Silver End

Clerk to Parish Council Mrs B. M. Temple 618464 Email [email protected] Bowls Club Roy Howard 583222 Children’s Centre Sarah Mason 587960 Neighbourhood Police Chris Abbott 07791398227 Congregational Church Sharon Gray 583913 First Responders Mel Gymer 585535 Friendship Club Ruth Aitkin 583846 Silver End Gad Abouts Denise Sullens Smith 583055 Gardening Club Julia Bushnell 584337 Guiding Group Carol Hutchings 07857 663959 Neighbourhood Watch Judy Hill 07896 975839 Scouting Group Denise Sullens Smith 583055 St Mary’s Church (R.C.) Vivian Phillips 583598 Tennis Club Jason Cairns 584581 Workers Educational Assoc. Brian Gillion 583706 Luncheon Club Helen Thomson 583255 Doctors Surgery 583387 Silver End Heritage Society Jackie Nesbitt 585702 Silver End United Football Club Mark Edgell 07906554210 Web Site

Post Office in Co-op - please note that it closes at Lunchtime Library: Tues & Thurs - 2pm to 6pm Saturday 9am to 1pm

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28th June 2015 Service of

Commemoration at St Mary’s Church

Rivenhall 11.00 a.m.

The Feast of St Peter & St Paul Come and Enjoy a special service to

Celebrate two of the most important Apostles of

the Christian Church

After the Service Tea with Rock Cakes and other good things will be served

The Judges consider the merits of the various cakes on offer at the Village Bake-off see also Picture on the Front cover

Community Singing

Club for Children

To be Held every Thur at St Mary’s Church

Rivenhall From 4.00—5.00 pm

Learn how to Sing and Perform in Public

Further Information from:-


07940 512407