Download - End of the American Empire

  • 8/7/2019 End of the American Empire


    End of the American Empire

    Financially collapsing America is the prelude to the collapse of the Jewish

    owned USA world military empire.

    Graveyard for the American Empire

    Why Afghanistan?

    (Note: right click on charts to find source)
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    As you can see Iran is surrounded by USA military bases, note where

    the Georgia Republic is located:

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    Iran is central to the OIL corridor, the Gulf War was first named

    Operation Iraqi Liberation

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    Iran has the 2nd biggest Middle East oil reserves.

    Israel wants to strike Iran. Why? Oil and regional control, he who

    controls the oil controls the world, that is why oil is only traded in

    dollars (until recently Iran started trading oil in other currencies).

    The military empire exists because the USD is the reserve currency

    because oil is traded in dollars, if the chain is broken the empire willimplode. How can Israel be the new Middle East superpower if

    Iran is militarily strong? Israel is using the USA to stomp on and

    genocide Muslims nations, Iraq was fractured and annihilated by

    design. The US wants the oil, the Jews want Arabs dead and Iraq

    smashed into pieces like Palestine, the two goals are one in the same

    because the Jews own the USA.

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    If Iran gets nuclear weapons on missile delivery systems, Israel will

    be vulnerable to a counter strike if USA attacks Iran. If Iran gets

    the bomb then "greater Israel" is doomed, anyone with the A-bomb

    are in a special club, aggressive invasion is assured of mutual

    destruction. If Iran wants to exist then Iran must get the bomb or

    make a deal with a nation that can protect it with its A-bombs.

    Russia should extend its nuclear umbrella over Iran, a viable trading


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    Iran is big country compared to Israel, Israel won't attack Iran

    because they will lose. All war game scenarios show US forces losing

    as well. All this belly aching of a unilateral strike by Israel on Iran

    is cheap talk, this is why the Jews are planning another black op on

    America to push this war. Israel is planning to attack America

    again, kill more people and blame it on Iran. Israel can only exist as

    an aggressor so long as it commits false flag terrorism against its

    host nations, that is why the bombs are going off in America,

    London, and Germany. Think about it, Israel did 911 against the

    very nation that feeds her. Without American funding, Israel would

    cease to exist, but with the Jews controlling the USA Israel gets more

    and more even as America sinks into another depression.

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    Iran is surrounded, the noose is tightening,

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    The beast is leveling village after village in Afghanistan.

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    The Afghan village Tarok Kolachie in Arghandab RiverValley

    before it was liberated by the U.S. military.

    Israel is lobbying to get America to strike Iran. The Jews own the USA

    because the Jews own the central bank. American foreign policy is Israel

    policy. Everyone is starting to admit this. Why are all of the

    Neoconservatives policies are continuing under the Obama? Which group
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    controls the media and the money in the USA? Jews, 96% of the media is

    owned by Jews, google it. Obama is a puppet, an installed whore of Jewish

    money and political power. Obama promised change, an empty campaign

    slogan - the real Obama does what he is told, he is an empty suit that reads

    from the teleprompter. Obama does nothing, because he is nothing, he reads

    his lines, that's it.

    If Obama doesn't attack Iran as ordered by Tel Aviv, then he'll be replaced,Sarah Palin already the probable 2012 winner. She's a winner 'cause she's a

    stupid Jew whore (see George

    Bush was a moron and the President, he attacked Iraq: the Jews want a

    dumber bush in the White House, someone that doesn't think, someone who

    waves the flag and will drop bombs on Iran. The worst choice for America

    is the best choice for the Jews. Obama may not make it till the next election,

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    his inner cabal of Jew handlers have left, be careful Mr. President.

    The American people are waking up to the Jew run police state USA. TSA

    harasses Americans, there are no fly lists and no buy lists, everyone under

    surveillance, Jews want America in lockdown because the Jews are trying to

    stop America from waking up, arming themselves, and doing something

    about the takeover of their country by a foreign power, which is worldwideJewry. Welcome to the Amerikkka, Jewish controlled police state, exactly as

    described in the Protocols. America is a living nightmare, the evil parasitic

    Jews are strangling her and all Americans can do is go to church and "praise

    the lord", read the Jew Bible, believe in the Jews as gods chosen. It's a black

    magic spell on the mass mind, Americans are dupes, idiots, dumb Christian

    believers being led to the slaughter. Even as America is being destroyed by

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    Jews the incredibly idiotic 80 million Evangelicals sing praises to Israel and

    really, really believe the big lie that Jews are holy and good and represent

    god. What a laugh it all is, Americans deserve exactly what they are going

    to get: bow down before the one you serve - you are going to get exactly

    what you deserve!

    As the dollar collapses as the international reserve currency, the viability of

    the American empire of over 1,000 foreign military bases is endangered:

    Thus all stops are being pulled, in a last act of desperation the USA must

    take Afghanistan in order to save the empire and the banking system and the

    dollar as the reserve currency but Afghanistan is nicknamed the "graveyard

    of empires", every nation that has invaded had their empire collapse shortly

    thereafter. The Jew beast Amerikkka has been in Afghanistan longer than

    Russia ... when Russia fled she collapsed in a matter of days.

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    Russian tank graveyard in Afghanistan

    America's last stand could be in Afghanistan, the empire will be stopped in

    its tracks if anything happens to the gigantic funding needs of an empire in

    over reach condition, a critical situation happening right now. Confidence is

    waning, do you really think the USA has the ability to pay off its debts with

    the deficit going exponential? The FED buys Treasury bonds and has

    lowered interest rates to zero, banks are borrowing and speculating in the

    financial markets, another bubble that could burst anytime. Afghanistan is a

    big gamble because if we don't win then confidence will be further

    undermined. After all, money is a big confidence game, see

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    Iran, Pakistan, China and Russia want America gone, even a minor amount

    of military support will push America out, the New American Century of

    empire expansion probably ends soon. Pakistan is now being bombed daily

    by "antiwar", "change" Obama. The Jews controllers do not want the

    Muslims to unite from Iran to Pakistan, meaning that Afghanistan is the

    center of the fight. But the Muslims will unite or they will die.

    Why would China allow US-Israel to grab all of the oil and use it as


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    The ultimate goal is to seize all of the oil reserves, then the USA could re-

    blackmail the entire world in maintaining the oil-dollar standard and thus

    saving the Jew owned banking system,

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    Look which nations the US controls in relation to who has the oil:

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    who uses the oil?

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    The new Amerikkka: the Ford Apocalypse coming to a police department

    near you

    The main prize is Iran, right in the center of the world's largest oil reserve,

    with a monopoly on oil the US dollar would remain the world's reserve

    currency and the Jews power would be maintained for the next century. The

    Neoconservative Project for the New American Century is really full

    spectrum dominance of Jew run Amerikkka on the rest of the world. It's the

    Jews who are destroying every American value of goodness that we holddear, since when have Americans been for torture, illegal foreign

    entanglements, debased currency, genocide, bribery, treachery, false flag

    bombings, and perverted religious teaching that Christianity is about

    killing? Ever since the Jews took control of America and tranceformed her

    into a war mongering police state. The Jews are the enemy, not the

    Muslims, in fact no Muslim was involved in 9112001, it was a 100% Jew

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    Manly man Putin the new hero of revived Russia pride, stopped the Jew

    attack on Iran (and saved the world from WW3)

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    US deficit spending is not creating growth, the end of Keynsian economy,

    time for fascist economy

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    Deficits quadruple overnight