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My 50th birthday was approaching ...

Like an express train.

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My personality is like that of an Eastern Grey Kangaroo.

I stress first, get agitated and feel totally overwhelmed, panic and attempt to flee.

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Educational Applications of Educational Technology

• Assessment 1: Learning Contract or Action Plan

• (I knew a little about these)

• Assessment 2: e-portfolio• ( I knew NOTHING about these)

Giving up on the course was a real option, at the time.

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PebblePad Login Page

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PebblePad Asset Choices

I thought that PebblePad was the webfolio, in fact, it is only one potential asset within it

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A few mature age students felt like they were drowning for the 3rd time.

We supported each other away from the subject forum.

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Why was it so difficult?

Initially I was overwhelmed by the task and the new ideas that were being presented to me.

Through later reflection on my study and how I work I have discovered that I am a slow learner. I don’t ‘catch on’ quickly at the start of a subject but as I progress through the work there is usually a ‘lights on’ moment where things click into place for me.

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What pieces of the puzzle had been missing?

•What an e-portfolio was

•How to construct it

•How to choose what to place in an e-portfolio

•How to reflect on learning

•Specific guidance for the tool I was using

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The opening page of my first e-portfolioEven at this early stage the ‘telling a story’ component of an e-portfolio had resonated with me.

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I should have made a portfolio within the e-portfolio.I only had a very basic grasp on the organisation of an e-portfolio.

There are too many links on this page , perhaps a sub-portfolio, a blog or an activity asset may have been a better way to show this work.

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PebblePad became a learning goal

As I progressed with the assessment the time taken to complete tasks and set up the e-portfolio had impacted on my ability to spend time on my other learning goals.

I was starting to see a use for PebblePad and changed a learning goal to reflect this.

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Never Again!

I was relieved to have finished the semester and thought that my journey with e-portfolios was over.

The end of the semester

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I decided to return and complete my Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing

Trying to find completed work was like a treasure hunt ...

it was hidden, (or lost) in so many different places.

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Opening page of my Vet Nursing e-portfolio.A learning e-portfolio for me.

I include ‘my story’ again as I started to put together the work that had been completed in previous years.

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Assessments, results and a story

Finally, in one place, I had completed work and a list of the tasks that were still to be completed and where the evidence could be placed later.

This was sent to my teacher and aided in the process of RPL.

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Vet Nursing blog contained within the e-portfolio

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Certificates and Wildlife Courses

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What was the difference?• I was comfortable with the concept and

ideas of e-portfolios

• Familiarity with the tool. I had already used it and knew the basics

• I was the driving force behind the e-portfolio

• It was my story

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An e-portfolio for a new subject: story telling through photos

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Part of the portfolio

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Planning an e-portfolio using e-portfolio tools and good old pencil and paper.

Plans are included in my ‘working’ e-portfolios. They are also placed in the assessment portfolio If this planning adds value to the work.

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Reflecting on the work and the processbecomes part of my learning.

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Furthering my skills, assessment portfolio: 2010

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Reflection is naturally a part of learning now.

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A blog as a story e-portfolio just for me.This was not necessary for assessment but my own choice.

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Where am I at now?•My weekly updates still aren’t happening (but I will keep trying)

•I continue to ‘butterfly’ with my work (although I am a little more organised than I once was)

• I regularly use PebblePad for subject and non-subject related planning and thoughts.

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My experience asset for this talk

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•Academic and critical reflection•University of South Australia. Critical Reflective Practice. University of South Australia learn online, 2010.

• Establishing criteria for selecting work to include or retain in my e-portfolio

•I include too many links for the reader

•Use multi-media more

•Be more consistent

Where I need more work and learning:

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I have included a video in one e-portfolio.

For me, that giving a little of ‘self’ is important, it is part of who I am (and wombats are always a crowd pleaser).

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How could my first encounter have been improved?

• Background information on e-portfolios (brief, simple and clear)

• Guidance with the reflection process

• Viewing examples of e-portfolios

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•Demonstration of the tool being used early in the semester (preferably live)

• A template for early guidance

• Student mentoring

• Ongoing feedback throughout the e-portfolio process rather than just for assessment.

How could my first encounter have been improved?

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All photographs or video recordings were taken by Sandra Stewart or Jeremy Nunn copyright Rocky Creek Creations. 2010