Download - ENCA 2016 - Genoa - Glenda Dalton

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Children’s Chronic Arthritis Association

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Unfortunately about one in a thousand children in the UK suffer from Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis


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• Founded in 1985, the CCAA provides a support network for children with Arthritis and their families

• The executive committee has a representation of parents and professionals

More about us…

• We aim to give practical help and support through our network and area family contacts

• We provide various educational and recreational opportunities for children with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA)


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The annual Family Support Weekend


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• Our weekends are organised for the children and families that are dealing with the effects of JIA

• Over the course of the weekend there are fun activities for the kids including Archery, Raft Building, Zip lining and so much more!

• The families also have access to informative support sessions, run by medical professionals

• The weekend is the perfect opportunity to meet other families that are experiencing the demands of JIA

What’s it all about? KIDS WITH ARTHRITIS

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2013 was our 21st Weekend Anniversary

We had a barn Dance to celebrate!


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Each weekend

costs approx.

£14,000 - £16,000

• This year, for the first time ever, we will be holding 2 weekends

• One in our usual location, the New Forest, and a new one in the Peak District to help families in the North

“We first attended the CCAA weekend when my daughter was 8. At the weekend you will meet lots of other families going through exactly the same, which helps you get support from each other. The best thing to come out of the weekend is watching the children make new friends and having so much fun doing ‘normal’ kids stuff!"

Mother & Committee Member, Sue Wescott

The CCAA Family Support Weekends are pivotal to the support that the charity provides for families

dealing with the effects of JIA


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Fundraising & Donations


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• Every donation is gratefully received because without them we can't continue the work we do to support the children and families affected by JIA

• All money donated or raised is spent directly on the children who suffer from JIA

• Donations help us to fund our projects, particularly the Family Support Weekend and;

• The Small Grant Awards, which help children and young people in education, sport and leisure activities

Thank You from all at CCAA KIDS WITH ARTHRITIS

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To support children and young people in their sporting or leisure activities outside of the educational system as many children with arthritis miss out on these activities.

The Small Grant Awards To support children and young people in their education. The grant is not used to supplement failed support through the educational system, but has been designed to give support in areas that these young people may be disadvantaged in due to their Arthritis.

The Barba

ra Ansell Awar


The James Herso

n Awar


To be given to older children and young people going into further education/college/university, towards books, equipment, additional courses etc

The Vicky Cox



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How have the Awards helped…Barbara Ansell Award“Thank you so much for your help with this Award that you gave to our daughter. We have seen a very sick little girl, who is always sad and feels useless, turn into a bright spark all due to your Grant to pay for a private tutor, who has brought out so much positive feelings for our daughter”.

James Herson Award“Thank you very much for the grant for membership to 360 Play. I am going at least twice a week and I love it there! I can have lots of fun and it keeps me active, which I know is very important for my joints. The CCAA has really helped me and my family”.Vicky Cox Award“Thank you so much for this Grant which I will put towards purchasing some books and a microscope to enable me to learn more for my A Levels and then onto University in my chosen career in Pathology”.


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Kids Get Arthritis Too

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