Download - Enactus Lancaster University Newsletter Winter 2013

Page 1: Enactus Lancaster University Newsletter Winter 2013

Enactus Lancaster is one of over 1,700 Enactus teams worldwide that aim to have real impact, both globally and in the local community, by transferring entre-preneurial knowledge through its proj-ects. There are many opportunities to get involved with Enactus Lancaster, from project management and volunteering, to fund-raising, and many more. This is a tremendous opportunity to develop team-working and leadership skills, to network with like-minded students and business professionals, and to be in-volved in a global student movement

sponsored by over forty top graduate recruiters!

We make a true difference to commu-nities with our innovative and exciting projects. Enactus Lancaster is a soci-ety that does.

Matt Nelmes - President

Welcome Enact-ors Dec 2013

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Page 3: Enactus Lancaster University Newsletter Winter 2013

Grantham Training Event

We arrived at Grantham at around 6pm local time. After over 4 hours of traveling we finally reached our destination. The first thing that we took part in was an introductory meeting to let us know exactly what the weekend was about. As always, Jim was very in-spirational and everybody left feeling good about themselves and good about Enactus. It was a long day of tday of travel and so everybody was tired, although some people maybe wanted to call it a night at 9pm we decided to just have a short nap before we went to the bonfire – which was the planned activity for the night.

Saturday was a great day. We learnt a lot and it gave some great ideas for taking Enactus forward this year. We each attended different events throughout the day; some attended leadership and motivation whereas others were lucky enough to be able to learn about Micro Finance. Everybody at some part of the day went to PGL which consisted of team based ac-tivities. The night tivities. The night was very formal and most people got the chance to get suited up for the occasion. ea was fantastic, made all the better by the wine which accompanied it. Just before we ate, Enterprise Rent a Car gave a speech as they were sponsoring the dinner.

Up next was Enactus Southampton, as they were run-ners up in the World Cup last year they were given a standing ovation and a chance to show off their trophy. We then had pre-drinks with other Enactus teams before heading out to the disco set up by Enac-tus. It was a great night topped off by the fact we managed to find a secret Lounge area hidden away in our accommodation which had all the Jeremy Kyle we could ever need.

Unfortunately this then led to a tough task on Sunday morning… Waking up. Although not successfully managed by all, once we did manage to leave the comfort of our beds we had a few challenges in store

What is Grantham?It is an activity centre usually used by schools

for outdoor activity holidays. For the adven-

turous students among you there are the out-

door activity sessions - team building games

such as swinging from a harness, racing up a

climbing wall, or completing an aerial assault

course. They are also a chance for you to get

to know people from other teams.

The main reason to go to the raining weekend

is so you can cover new things to push the

programme further and ultimately to make

your teams and projects better.

On top of training the sponsor companies are

running a development centre on the first day

(which serves as great practice for any upcom-

ing interviews/assessment centres.

‘Productive, Rewarding and Inspirational’

store for us. One of these challenges was abseiling, not all of us managed to take part in this due to time con-straints however those who did managed to have a go, did it with grace and elegance. After more team build-ing activities we then went for a final talk in the Sports Hall where we put our heads together to come up with targets for the year ahead and we also had a group phophoto with the whole of Enactus UK.

Page 4: Enactus Lancaster University Newsletter Winter 2013 ©Enactus, 2013. All rights reserved.

Enactus members share the ability to see opportunity everywhere. It is our objective to discover unutilized resources and shape them into business models

that stimulate local economies.

If you have a passion to take action in your community, we’d love to talk to you.

Page 5: Enactus Lancaster University Newsletter Winter 2013 ©Enactus, 2013. All rights reserved.

Enactus members share the ability to see opportunity everywhere. It is our objective to discover unutilized resources and shape them into business models

that stimulate local economies.

If you have a passion to take action in your community, we’d love to talk to you.

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Page 7: Enactus Lancaster University Newsletter Winter 2013

Furthest Distance - Tenerife

Photo Contest - Wandernig Wallys

There were also lots of amazing blogs and vlogs taken while on thier

adventrues. Check them out on YouTube!

Minnie and Lizzy

Best Costume - Wonderland or Bust

We had such a good turn out this year, with loads of funny costumes.

Here are our winners but you can have a look at the others on the web-

site and Facebook page.

Claire and Andre managed to get to France and Heather

and Lewis came third!

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Project Spot

D:E aims to help empower autistic individuals to achieve

sustainable employment. In its simplest form, autism is a

spectrum disorder which can affect a person’s social, com-

munication and imaginative skills in any number of ways.

There are often close links to sensory conditions, be it

loud noises or a certain type of light, that makes them un-

comfortable. These issues can become even more preva-

lent in the workplace. However, someone with autism is

the same as anyone else with a certain set of weaknesses

and a certain set of strengths. D:E aims to champion the

things that someone with autism could bring to a work-

place with the aim of helping them secure sustainable em-


In its 2nd year of running, we have almost a completely

new team which has brought about a lot of new ideas and

changes which we think will help further our project. The

team received C.V and general job application training and

are waiting on autism training at the start of next year. We

have been trying to get our name heard around campus

and the local area with a shiny new website (http://www.-, posters all over the university

campus, flyers being handed out to business, market

stalls, basically anywhere we can, but it has not been easy

and we are not getting a huge response, so we are con-

tinuing with our efforts. The D:E award is something we

are offering businesses as a way of recognising their help.

The D:E award is something we are offering businesses as

a way of recognising their help. The award is for employers

who have gone the extra mile to embrace diversity,

open-mindedness and varied talent in the workplace. We

have set up this award as to identify an organization as au-

tism-friendly. The award is for employers who have gone

the mile to embrace diversity, open-mindedness and

varied talent in the workplace. We have set up this award

as to identify an organization as autism-friendly. To gain

this award, however, an organisation would have to meet

some criteria: have a good level of knowledge on

autism, display good practices, and engage directly

with autism through the offer of work experience to

autistic individuals.

D:E aD:E are also aiming to work as a liaison between the

employee and company and are offering to run free

presentations on autism within companies, increasing

management skills by providing specific knowledge

on working with people with autism in business and

also recruitment process. We have had a few positive

responses so far, although it is difficult competing

with bigwith bigger organisations and gaining that initial con-

tact within a company.

Project UpdatesSocial Media - This has been an exciting term for Enactus'

newest project! It aims to work with groups who could ben-

efit from an increased social media profile and help educate

them on how to achieve this. So far we have recruited a cor-

porate partner and begun work on finding a venue in Lan-

caster to run the surgeries. Hopefully the next term will see

the launch of the surgeries and the start of our work with


Brazil Project - After thoughtful research, we have decided

to address the issue of uncollected surplus waste in

Manaus, Brazil. So far we have four direct directions we can

take that involve the recycling and reusing of plastic bottles,

including turning bottles into lights, recycling and making

rooftops with plastic bottles! Now we are in a stage where

we are getting contacts and evaluating each of the direc-

tions in other tions in other to decide which one we will take.

Project H – After brainstorming and quick evaluations - we

decided to work with the homeless shelter to develop a veg-

etable patch to make extra money by selling the food. We

also hope to use multiple micro-businesses with the home-

less shelter as a springboard to propel them back into soci-

ety. We are developing a clear business-action plan, ready

to get our hands dirty (potentially literally) in the New Year.

Forum - We began the term by working with The Yard

Coffee. We conducted market research to determine both

what students wanted from coffee shops and what types of

promotion they responded to the best. Finally, we success-

fully arranged for the Language Society to hold their social

in the Yard Coffee and we are hoping to see more socials

next term.

Project ZED - Due to minor set backs, it has been difficult

to produce something to show. However, the team have

been busy brainstorming amazing ideas that should be up

and running next term!

Only 15% of adults

with autism are in

full-time employment