Download - EMS Neurotoxicology Cases





35y/o male brought in by police, destroyed apartment, yelling that he was Jesus, agitated requiring multiple officers to bring him to ER in handcuffs

P=110, Temp=100F BP190/85 RR=20 No previous psych hx Ativan and Haldol for sedation


Tox neg, ETOH neg, ASA and APAP neg EKG: sinus tach, nl intervals Eval by mental health Transfer to psych facility


“Walking Rounds”

“I saw that guy a few days ago and he was normal”

Given Hycodan for cough/bronchitis Cancel psych transfer – admit ICU


Hydrocodone and homatropine cough syrup

Anticholinergic med


Inhibition of muscarinic cholinergic neurotransmission

“red as a beet, dry as a bone, blind as a bat, mad as a hatter, hot as a hare”

Tachycardia, hallucinations, delerium


Benzodiazepines Supportive care Physostigmine

Case #2 “Agitated”

37 y/o female presents agitated, confused. Family denies any med or drug use. Sick for few days, decrease po intake, nausea.

Patient unable to answer any questions, trying to get off stretcher. Fluctuating level of consciousness, confused.

P=130's BP= 140/80 RR=24 T=37c


Pupils 6-7 mm bilat Skin dry, flushed Delirium Icteric sclera


EKG: sinus tach, nl intervals Tox: neg CBC nl, chem nl, creat=2.0 T Bili=5.6 AST=1450 ALT= 5000 APAP=108


IV fluids, Ativan IV NAC VIT K (INR=2.3)

Physostigmine for delirium/agitation ICU (Transfer to Boston)

Other Anticholinergics

Military agents/Terrorist agents “Incapacitants” BZ – (3 Quinuclidinyl Benzilate) Agent 15

Jimson Weed

Anticholinergic Used by kids hallucinations agitation



Case #3 “Too much body fluids”

45 y/o male drank bottle of insecticide as overdose attempt

Vomiting, sweaty, incontinent of urine and feces SOB Restless, anxious, tremulous BP=170/80 P=120 RR=28 T=37 Hazmat suits for decon

Organophosphates Overdose

SLUDGE: salivation, lacrimation, urination, defecation, GI distress, emesis

Don't forget bronchorrhea DUMBELS: diarrhea, urination, miosis,

bronchorrhea, emesis, lacrimation, salivation Inhibits AchE Carbamates, V and G nerve gases similar

Mad as a Hatter

Where is this from Also found in Minamata Bay

Mercury Poisoning

Central and peripheral symptoms Organic/elemental/ organic mercury Infants and children have worse effects Accumulation in fish