Download - EMR21: Lecture 9 After critical GIS and cartography New mapping industries EMR211#digimap.


EMR21: Lecture 9

After critical GIS and cartographyNew mapping industries

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Chrisman, N.R., 1987. Design of geographic information systems based on social and cultural goals. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 53 (10), 1367-1370.

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Harley, J.B., 1989. Deconstructing the map. Cartographica 26, 1-20.

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critical cartography


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Taylor, P.J., 1990. GKS. Political Geography Quarterly 9, 211-212.

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Openshaw, S., 1991. A view on the GIS crisis in geography, or, using GIS to put Humpty-Dumpty back together again. Environment and Planning A 23 (5), 621-628.

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Taylor, P.J., Overton, M., 1991. Further thoughts on geography and GIS. Environment and Planning A 23 (8), 1087-1090.

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Openshaw, S., 1992. Further thoughts on geography and GIS: a reply. Environment and Planning A 24 (4), 463-466.

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Smith, N., 1992. History and philosophy of geography: real wars, theory wars. Progress in Human Geography 16, 257-271.

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Lake, Robert W. 1993. "Planning and applied geography: positivism, ethics, and geographic information systems." Progress in Human Geography no. 17 (3):404-413.

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Sheppard, E., 1993. Automated Geography: What Kind of Geography for What Kind of Society? The Professional Geographer 45 (4), 457-460.

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community-based GIS

participatory GIS and public participation GIS

GIS & Society

critical cartography


Pickles, John, ed. 1995. Ground Truth: The social implications of geographic information systems. New York: Guilford.

Sheppard, Eric. 1995. GIS and Society: Towards a Research Agenda. Cartography and Geographic Information Systems 22 (1):5-16.

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Schuurman, N., 1999. Critical GIS: Theorizing an Emerging Science. Cartographica 36 (4).

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Schuurman, N., 1999. Critical GIS: Theorizing an Emerging Science. Cartographica 36 (4).

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Schuurman, N., 1999. Critical GIS: Theorizing an Emerging Science. Cartographica 36 (4).

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Schuurman, N., 1999. Critical GIS: Theorizing an Emerging Science. Cartographica 36 (4).

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community-based GIS

participatory GIS and public participation GIS

GIS & Society

critical cartography

critical GIS


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feminist GIS

community-based GIS

participatory GIS and public participation GIS

GIS & Society

critical cartography

critical GIS


qualitative GIS

Kwan, Mei-Po. 2002. Introduction: Feminist Geography and GIS. Gender, Place and Culture 9 (3):261-262.

Kwan, Mei-Po, and LaDona Knigge. 2006. Doing qualitative research using GIS: an oxymoronic endeavor? Environment and Planning A 38:1999-2002.

Harvey, Francis, Mei-Po Kwan, and Marianna Pavlovskaya. 2005. Introduction: Critical GIS. Cartographica 40 (4):1-3.

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feminist GIS

community-based GIS

participatory GIS and public participation GIS

GIS & Society

critical cartography

critical GIS


qualitative GIS

volunteered geographic info.

neogeography and the geoweb

spatial humanities

Turner, Andrew J. 2006. Introduction to Neogeography, O'Reilly.

Elwood, Sarah A. 2008. Volunteered geographic information: key questions, concepts and methods to guide emerging research and practice. GeoJournal 72:133-135.

Bodenhamer, David J., John Corrigan, and Trevor M. Harris, eds. 2010. The spatial humanities : GIS and the future of humanities scholarship. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

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an evolving research agenda

Sheppard, E., 2005. Knowledge Production through Critical GIS: Genealogy and Prospects. Cartographica 40 (4), 5-21.

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Sheppard, E., 2005. Knowledge Production through Critical GIS: Genealogy and Prospects. Cartographica 40 (4), 5-21.

GIS society

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Sheppard, E., 2005. Knowledge Production through Critical GIS: Genealogy and Prospects. Cartographica 40 (4), 5-21.

GIS society

method epistemology

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Sheppard, E., 2005. Knowledge Production through Critical GIS: Genealogy and Prospects. Cartographica 40 (4), 5-21.

GIS society

method epistemology

critical GIS

1. theory of GIS that locates GIS as an

object that has disciplinary/societal effects

2. to show how these effects operate

3. to push against the limits of GIS

4. to ask whether it could be different

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POSITION OF SAN MIGUEL TILTEPEC ON MÉXICO INDÍGENAWe, the citizens of the community of San Miguel Tiltepec, through our Municipal Authority and Commissioner of Communal Goods, would like to let you know our position regarding an investigative project called México Indígena, begun in 2006 and finished in July of 2008, which produced a map containing information regarding place names as well as other cultural and geographical information furnished by people in our community. The investigative researchers and students (Derek Smith, John Kelly, Aída Ramos and others), headed by Peter Herlihy, who appeared before the General Assembly in our community, only told us that the aim of the research was to find out about the impacts of the PROCEDE program on indigenous communities. They never told us that the data they collected in our community would be turned over to the Foreign Military Studies Office (FMSO) of the United States Army, and neither did they inform us that that institution was one of the sources of financing for the project. For this reason, we believe that our General Assembly was deceived by the researchers, who intended to gather information for their own interests. For the reasons stated above, we want to made our disagreement perfectly clear with regards to the investigation carried on in our community since we were never duly informed of the true aims of the project, the uses of the information furnished, or the sources of financing.

Where is business…

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“Headphones connected to the iPhone,iPhone connected to the Internet,

connected to the Google,connected to the government.”

(M.I.A., The Message, 2010)

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“Headphones connected to the iPhone,iPhone connected to the Internet,

connected to the Google,connected to the government.”

(M.I.A., The Message, 2010)

• DoD GPS• Representations of global space

– US military hegemony– global capitalism

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“Headphones connected to the iPhone,iPhone connected to the Internet,

connected to the Google,connected to the government.”

(M.I.A., The Message, 2010)

• DoD GPS• Representations of global space

– US military hegemony– global capitalism

• FCC Enhanced 911 LBS

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European LBS: bars, food, taxis SMS FriendFinderUS LBS: AT&T Find Friends

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European LBS: bars, food, taxis SMS FriendFinderUS LBS: AT&T Find Friends

2005…Google Earth

Google Maps

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European LBS: bars, food, taxis SMS FriendFinderUS LBS: AT&T Find Friends

10 applications that make

the most of location(from Biba 2009)

1 Drive fast, avoid the cops (locations of known speed traps): Trapster

2 Sleep easy, we’ll wake you (missing your stop on public transit): iNap

3 Play tag, with strangers: JOYity

4 Call a cab, the easy way (location-aware cab services): Cab4Me

5 Scan a barcode, find a deal (local deals): ShopSavy

6 See the world, through Google’s eyes: Google Earth

7 Train your phone to know its place (location-aware phone ringer settings): Locale

8 Look Up! Be a stellar student (what stars are above): GoSkyWatch

9 Dark Alley? Call for help (location-aware alarm system): SafetyNet

10 Go here when you gotta go (location-aware facility finding): SitOrSquat

2005…Google Earth

Google Maps

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March 2009 SXSW foursquare Launch

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March 2009 SXSW foursquare Launch

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March 2009 SXSW foursquare Launch

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March 2009 SXSW foursquare Launch

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conspicuous mobility

check ins conspicuous consumption

check ins 40 million users (Sept. 2013) check ins

4.5 billion check-ins

EMR21 #digimap 52Dennis Crowley 2009 by Dave Pinter, Flickr

“use software to change behavior”

EMR21 #digimap 53Dennis Crowley 2009 by Dave Pinter, Flickr

“use software to change behavior”

“by using game mechanics,people feel that they are more interesting, that they are leading more interesting lives”

EMR21 #digimap 54Dennis Crowley 2009 by Dave Pinter, Flickr

“use software to change behavior”

“by using game mechanics,people feel that they are more interesting, that they are leading more interesting lives”

“kind of crazy, but crazy in a good and interesting way.”

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the location-aware future?

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the location-aware future?

LBS narrowing of spatial interaction

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the location-aware future?

LBS narrowing of spatial interactionLBS allow/enable/demand/reward consumptive mobilities

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the location-aware future?

LBS narrowing of spatial interactionLBS allow/enable/demand/reward consumptive mobilities

LBS incursion into everyday life (for some)

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the location-aware future?

LBS narrowing of spatial interactionLBS allow/enable/demand/reward consumptive mobilities

LBS incursion into everyday life (for some)LBS privatization of mobility

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the location-aware future?

LBS narrowing of spatial interactionLBS allow/enable/demand/reward consumptive mobilities

LBS incursion into everyday life (for some)LBS privatization of mobilityLBS refiguring of urban interaction

EMR21 #digimap 61Movement 2010 by Gwen Vanhee, Flickr

“Mobile is local. ... The entire context for everything that I do is me, my person, my location.” (Agüera y Arcas 2010)

EMR21 #digimap 62Movement 2010 by Gwen Vanhee, Flickr

“Mobile is local. ... The entire context for everything that I do is me, my person, my location.” (Agüera y Arcas 2010)

transactional imagination <> relational spatiality

EMR21 #digimap 63Movement 2010 by Gwen Vanhee, Flickr

“Mobile is local. ... The entire context for everything that I do is me, my person, my location.” (Agüera y Arcas 2010)

transactional imagination <> relational spatiality

“You can’t hold places still. …We do not feel the disruptions of space, the coming upon difference. On the road map you won’t drive off the edge of your known world. In space as I want to imagine it, you just might.” (Massey 2005, pages 225, 111)