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MEDIA KITGrowth Strategies in ANY Economy

Page 2: Empower Me Media Kit


Founder of Empower Me! Corporation,

behind Views From the Top Radio Show and the creative social media visionary

Certified Diversity Recruiter, trainer and professional career consultant who has been tapped by major publications as a Subject Matter Expert in the areas of recruiting, career management, diversity, entrepreneurship,

She is known as a Networking Power Broker who has mastered

powerful people she can turn to at any time for advice or just to chat.

21st century.

She has been featured in numerous publications, radio shows and blogs as a subject matter expert for recruiting, diversity, networking, social media, entrepreneurship, career management and small business

Tribune’s Moving Your Business Forward Conference. In 2010 her radio show was elected as a Top 100 Heavy Hitter Radio Show for Small Business (one of only 8 shows from BlogTalkRadio) by Small Business Trends and Empower Me! Corporation was selected as a Top 10 Savviest in Social Media by StartUp Nation. She has also been quoted on

Empower Me! Magazine is the

publication is a quarterly print & digital magazine that focuses on issues that

leadership, relationship building, finance,

social branding and entrepreneurship.

Our commitment is to spotlight

valuable learning lessons to those currently defining and exploring their

as a catalyst to not just prepare for

first, while other magazines launched first, then followed up with events and

in recognizing that networking requires

shouldn’t be thought of only at quarterly or annual events. Our established networks allow for the continued growth and expanded dialog amongst

The Digital Edition of the magazine is NOT the same as the website. The Digital Edition is an identical electronic version of our print magazine available to subscribers. This website serves as a community for our readers and viewers to come together to read, watch, listen and discuss topics drawn from our radio


power networking, technology, professional

networking and business development.

the Dylan Ratigan Show and appeared on MSNBC and Fox Small Business.

& entrepreneurial education. She is the voice

Magazine Adrienne

business owner and entrepreneur. The

small business owners experience during

successful men & women and giving Graham is a recruiting veteran and the CEO of The Red Shoe Agency,

turned into an international power brand for men and women.

traditional and social networking. Her smartphone contains some pretty

The author of five self-published books, she wrote THE BOOK on Fearless Networking and set the bar for how all women network in the

Agency, recruitment consulting firm. The firm specializes in helping companies find, attract, retain and develop talented women in STEM careers. Services include recruitment consulting, talent develoment planning, talent acquisition strategies and career management. She is a

and social media. She also provides Career Strategy Programs.

Inc. Magazine, Essence Magazine, Fortune, and Publisher's Weekly. including Black Enterprise, Financial Times, Entrepreneur Magazine,

Enterprise Magazine’s 2010 Entrepreneurs Conference, Alabama State University Center for Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Change, Atlanta

She's spoken on panels including UVA Darden School of Business, Black

She has contributed to Forbes, Examiner, and Business Knowledge Share.

extensions in media, publishing, small business

growth and want to discuss. The behind the creation of Empower Me! Radio magazine covers management strategies, Empower Me Institute, Empower Me! Magazine

Empowered for Growth TV, the Power Broker and the Business Owners' Clubs, and the Next Level Business Strategies Coaching Programs.

negotiating, mentoring, professional & She has taken what started as a small email and professional group for women of color, and

preeminent publication for today’s a growth strategies consultancy with brand

development, small business management,

success journey. The magazine serves

busines success, but also for genuine

magazine originated from networking We differ from others in that the

followed up with networking. They failed

community building and relationships, and

entrepreneurs and small business owners.

show, web TV channel, contributors and magazine. We're very socially connected.

Our mantra is "community first".

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commentary, this publication inspires and empower its readers. We feature well–written and reported commentary on business, technology, career, professional development, finance, networking, entrepreneurship and

success, seek balance and ways to improve themselves and others around them. Confident and smart, our readers define themselves and shape the world around them. Empower Me! Magazine understands their needs and

Empower Me! Magazine readers are savvy.

sophisticated, fearless,intelligent, and discerning.

Empower Me! Magazine is the blueprint for today's person is a natural leader, a mentor and benevolent in all

for insightful, uncensored and thought–provoking own shots & blazes trails. They strive for professional business owner & entrepreneur. Fulfilling the call his or her endeavors. An “empowered” person calls their

and strive for entrepreneurial success. An "empowered"

success strategies. prepares them for the rapidly changing business landscape.

Empower Me! Magazine is a part of the Empower Me! While a sizeable portion of our audience for the magazine is Corporation brand for people who personify, epitomize female, we also have a fast growing male audience too.

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Empower Me! Magazine prides itself in exploring the areas and angles that few magazines


economic discord; Adaptability and the art of reinvention; The business of Sports & Entertainment and the women in charge

Education abroad

b Tech round up – showcases technology that makes us work smarter, not

b Talking points – discusses initiatives that help promote success in business.

b Role Call – features announcements, promotions, and achievments.

b High stakes – profiles person in a dilemma or transitional phase in their

support their decision making.

b Finances – discusses managing money, wealth, investing, estate planning, succession planning, etc. Topics focus on real wealth building.

b Sound off – discusses potentially discriminatory or unfair issues in the

mentorship, honest conversation, and networking among professionals and entrepreneurs.

New Entrepreneur– small businesses being created out of necessity and Spring 2013 The

Summer 2013 Power Broker Networking; Mentorship & the power of relationships; Diversity best

Fall 2013 Technology levels the playing field for new business; Spotlight on women who excel in technology; Smart tech for business; Breaking into the business of tech; Venture Capital & Angel Investing

practices; Smart hiring for Small Business; Workplace motivation

to (and preparing for) a global economy and job market; International networking; Winter 2014 Exploring Global Business; Worldwide Work: International Business Markets; Adapting

In every month’s issue:harder. May also feature reviews of up and coming technology designed for small businesses.

b Power Broker –features a high profile person who is making stride in entrepreneurship and the small business community.

career who needs to make a decision (e.g., management, leadership, etc). Guest Experts weigh in on the issue at hand and provide sound advice to

small business community.

b Expat Experience – tips on travel, doing business & working abroad.

want to cover. Devoting content to the exploration of growth, success and challenges, the magazine provides a tangible outlet that support growth, business development,

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Advertising Opportunities

Magazine Frequency 4X

Four Color 1X 2x or more*

Black & White 1X 2x or more*

Inside Covers 1X 2x or more*

Special Insert Contact Us

Market PlaceClassified Ads 250

available as podcast & on iTunes. The show was selected a Top 100 Heavy Hitter for Small Business

listeners (and rising) globally.

Discounts will apply to multiple and

frequent media placements; consult

with publisher or ad sales rep for

more information.

Fridays 9AM EST. 30 minute live show on Blog Talk Radio. Special shows are 60 minutes. The show is also

Video Ads – Video ads and Advertorials

•Issue Date Ad Closing Issue On

Date Sale

Back Cov

Full Page


*2 or more listings receive a discount

• $150/issue – 125 x 125 square banner


• 30 second ad – $475/ each

60 second ad – $575/ each

90 second ad – $675/each

for more details about rates & restrictions.

are available for the magazine, radio showand internet TV websites. Please contact



$200/issue – 60 x 468 skyscraper

Radio Show – Views From the Top- Airs live on

by Small Business Trends and has over 57,000


• Sponsored TweetChat – $250/each

• Sponsored Hangouts & Livecasts – $350/each

• Dedicated Show – $500/each

30 second voice ad- $225/each

$250/issue – 300 x 250 large square

60 second voice ad – $350/each

$500/mo – Featured advertorial video

$300/mo – Featured advertorial article/blog post

1,500 ,125 ea1

Spread 2,500 1,875 ea

1/2 Page 750 575 ea

1/4 Page Vertical 375 285 ea

Rates subject to change. Based 150,000

Page 750 575 ea

1/2 Page 375 285 ea

1/4 Vertical 200 150 ea

1/4 Horizontal 200 150 ea

1/4 Horizontal 375 285 ea

Front Cover 1,500 1,125 ea

er 1,000 750 ea

Winter 2014 10/25/13 1/5/14

Fall 2013 7/25/13 10/5/13

Summer 2013 4/25/13 7/5/13

Spring 201 3/25/13 4/15/13

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partnering with Empower Me! Corporation, there will be opportunities for aligning with a successful

addition to other media outlets offered by Empower Me!, (see Opportunities List) Empower Me! Magazine is cultivating partnerships with top professional corporations and associations.

• View from the Top Radio Show

• Podcasts

• Networking Events & Mixers

• Conferences

• Contest sponsorship

Consult with us to find the right blend of media outlets to address all of your advertising

brand will be consistently displayed across multiple platforms. Contact publisher for pricing.

Empower Me! Sponsor Opportunities

Media Outlets


Adjust your media

blend based on

your needs.

Web Sites the Top Newsletters

Standard X XSilver X X XGold X X X X

Platinum X X X X X

Empower Me! Corporation is a growth strategies firm with brands in media and publishing. In

needs. Media mix presented below are suggested. We can customize to fit your needs. Your

networking organization geared towards professional affluent professionals & entrepreneurs. In

• Power Lunch & Learns • The Business Owners' Club

• Pick My Brain Tour

• Annual Growth Retreat

• Education • Power Broker Club

• Empowered for Growth TV Channel

Radio Show

Views from

Level Magazine for Growth TVPartner Empower Me! Empowered

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Page Sizes Non–Bleed Bleed TrimPage 7.5 X 10.0 8.25 X 10.75 8.0 X 10.5

Spread 15 X 10 16.25 X 10.75 16 X 10.51/2 Page 7,125 x 4.875

1/4 Horizontal 4.625 x 3.6251/4 Vertical 2.25 x 7.375

SPECIFICATIONS:• Binding Method: Perfect bound

• Advertisers with on page coupons are not eligible for covers

PREFERRED FILE FORMAT:• PDF/X–1a– PDF files must contain only 4–color process images (CMYK).

• Alternative File Formats Accepted: Native Application Files (MAC ONLY) Adobe CS (Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop) PC USERS MUST PROVIDE HI RES PDF–X 1/a or a PRESS READY PDF.

The PDF/X–1a files must have:

• All fonts MUST be embedded (True Type fonts can not be used for Printing).

• All PMS colors MUST be converted to CMYK. No files with PMS colors will be accepted without prior notification.

• Resolution: 300 dpi

• All partial size ads must have position marks indicating bleed and trim.

• All full page ads should be centered on a Trim Size Document and have marks indicating trim and bleed. All marks must be outside the trim size document.

• Maximum ink density: 300 dpi total min, 400 dpi preferred

• 150–line screen is preferred, 133–line screen is acceptable

FILE STORAGE:The original proof and an archived copy of the digital ad file will be kept for 13 month after printing. Preferred Media

Format: CD or DVD Along with the disk please provide two acceptable proofs, a disk content map and contact

information. This includes the issue date, advertiser, agency name, contact person, phone number and ad name/#. Disks

will not be returned unless requested.

GENERAL MATERIAL AND TIMELINE:Materials are due at ad close.

For extensions, please contact Empower Me! Magazine production manager.

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The following are certain terms and conditions governing advertising published in Empower Me! Magazine (the “Magazine”). Submission of insertion order for placement of advertising in the Magazine constitutes acceptance of the following terms and conditions. No terms or conditions in any insertion orders, instructions or documents other than this Rate Card will be binding on Empower Me! Corporation (“Publisher”) unless Publisher agrees to such terms and conditions in writing.

1. Submission of insertion order advertiser constitutes agreement to pay all invoices for placement of advertising in the Magazine pursuant to such insertion order. Advertiser is liable for the payment of all invoices arising from placement of advertising in the Magazine.

2. Invoices are rendered on or about the on–sale date of the Magazine. Payments are due net 15 days, unless otherwise noted by the Publisher. Publisher reserves the right to charge 1.5% interest or the maximum rate of interest allowable by law for any payments received after the above specified due date. Publisher also reserves the right and is entitled to recover any costs and expenses associated with the collection of said late payment.

3. Any discounts received by advertiser on advertising space charges may not be applied to production charges.

4. Publisher expressly reserves the right to reject or cancel for any reason at any time any insertion order or advertisement without liability, even if previously acknowledged or accepted.

5. Advertisers may not cancel orders for, or make changes in, advertising after the closing dates of the Magazine.

6. The rates and conditions of advertising in the Magazine are subject to change without notice.

7. Publisher is not liable for any failure or delay in printing, publishing, or circulating any copies of the issue of the Magazine in which advertising is placed pursuant to an insertion order that is caused by, or arising from, an act of God, accident, fire, strike, terrorism or other occurrence beyond Publisher’s control.

8. Publisher is not liable for any failure or delay in publishing in the Magazine any advertisement submitted to it. Publisher does not guarantee positioning of advertisements in the Magazine is not liable for failure to meet positioning requirements and is not liable for any error in key numbers.

9. The liability of Publisher for any act, error or omission for which it may be held legally responsible shall not exceed the cost of the advertising space affected by the error. In no event shall Publisher be liable for any indirect, consequential, special or incidental damages, including, but not limited to, lost income or profits.

10. Advertiser represent and warrant that each advertisement submitted by it for publication in the Magazine contains no copy, illustrations, photographs, text or other content that may result in any claim against Publisher. Advertiser shall indemnify and hold harmless Publisher from and against any damages and related expenses (including attorneys’ fees) arising from the content of advertisements, including, but not limited to, claims of invasion of privacy, unauthorized use of names or pictures of living persons, trademark infringement, copyright infringement, libel and misrepresentation.

11. Publisher’s acceptance of an advertisement for publication in the Magazine does not constitute an endorsement of the product or service advertised.

12. No advertiser may use the Magazine’s name or logo without Publisher’s prior written permission for each such use.

13. The word “advertisement” will be placed above all advertisements that, in Publisher’s opinion, resembles editorial matter.

14. This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Georgia without regard to its conflicts of laws provisions. Any civil action or proceeding arising out of or related to this agreement shall be brought in the courts of record of the state of Georgia in Fulton County.

Advertiser consent to the jurisdiction of such courts and waives any objection to the laying of venue of any such civil action or proceeding in such courts.



Mailing address: P.O. Box 863, Alpharetta, GA 30009–0863Email: [email protected]

Phone: (866) 810–2525 (toll free) (253) 559-4028 (fax)