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UNITING CITY COLLEGE PLYMOUTH WITH BUSINESS | SPRING 2013When you have finished with this, please recycle it.

City College PlymouthKings Road, Devonport, Plymouth, PL1 5QGT: 01752 305026 E: [email protected]

Learning for Work Learning for LifeLearning for Work Learning for LifeLearning for WorkLearning for LifeLearning for Work Learning for Life

‘A Good College withOutstanding Features’Ofsted 2012

Opportunity Enterprise Employa



Page 2: EmployerLink Spring 2013

The educationallandscape in the Cityis changing to meetthe global demandsand pressures placedupon us all, and CityCollege Plymouth isworking to innovateand embed enterprisein education, in all itsforms, to ensurethese demands aremet.

The College has made a long-standingcommitment to embedding enterprise withour staff and students, enabling us to playan integral role in positively transforming thelocal community and stimulating wealthcreation. To this end, I am pleased to say theCollege has joined The Gazelle CollegesGroup, an alliance of colleges committed totransforming the curriculum to encourage anentrepreneurial mind-set in their studentsand in turn benefit employers by increasingopportunities for all. The current economicand global climate means fostering a new

generation of social and commercialentrepreneurs is essential in adding value tothe local community and in the innovation ofindustry. The College is dedicated topreparing students for an entrepreneuriallife, not only a corporate career, bydeveloping ways of entrepreneurial learningwhich break down barriers betweeneducation and industry.

The College has always been aware of itsneed to establish and maintain strong,positive links between education andindustry, enterprise and employment, inorder to facilitate greater access for ourstudents to the real world of work. This isparticularly pertinent as the local job marketbecomes increasingly competitive andunemployment continues to impact upon theyoung people within the City. To this end, weare working towards embedding workexperience in all full-time study programmesfrom September 2013 for 16 to 18 year olds.This commitment relies on the partnershipswe have with industry, and we have workedhard to forge strong, positive relationshipswith a wide breath of industry professionals

in order to facilitate this. It is vital that we allwork together to provide our young peoplewith the opportunity to develop the skills andcompetencies necessary for them to gainfuture employment.

There are many challenges ahead inensuring the education sector meets theever-changing needs of industry. We arecontinuing to work to further innovate theway people are educated and trained in theCity and we believe we are best placed tosupport the local labour market, ensuringthey have the right skills, attitude andopportunities to not only add value toemployers but to impact positively on thewider community.

Phil DaviesPrincipal and Chief Executive

Message from the Principal

Welcome to thelatest edition ofEmployerLink;City CollegePlymouth’snewsletter foremployers.

This edition ofEmployerLinkfocuses on theopportunities for

adults to continue their professionaldevelopment, and our article on pageone details the work we are doing tosupport Adult Learners’ Week - anationally run initiative.

There are several government changes thatwill come into force in September, which willaffect employers and education. Find outmore information regarding the new 24+Advanced Learning Loans on page one, andour article on page two, which details thecrucial facts that you need to know aboutraising the participation age.

The College is working to support emergingindustries and we have developed significanttraining opportunities around renewableenergy technologies in order to supportthese industries. Find out more on pagethree.

I am pleased to announce Babcock hasjoined the College’s Employer EndorsementScheme, formalising the great workingrelationship we have. Read more on pagefive about how we are working withemployers to benefit industry and the widercommunity.

Our Apprenticeship provision has recentlybeen recognised as outstanding by Ofstedand we are constantly meeting the changingneeds of employers. We have been workingwith communications company, EE, tosupport their business with Apprenticeships.Read more about Apprenticeships on pagesix.

Following the College’s opening of ourPlymouth Advice Centre for Employment(PACE), we have been working withemployers and Jobcentre Plus to createsector-based work academies. Find outabout our work with Plymouth Citybus tohelp the unemployed in the City on pageseven.

Work experience has never been sofundamental in the training we provide foryoung people and we need support frombusiness to ensure our students are work-ready. Find out how you can support ourstudents on page eight.

We are proud to be the headline sponsor ofthe first Plymouth Business Show, which isbeing staged by Plymouth Chamber ofCommerce and Industry. Find out moreabout this great showcase event on pagenine.

The College has a range of commercialservices available, and we have a variety ofbusiness-to-business offers for you to takeadvantage of. Turn to the back cover to findout more.

I hope you enjoy reading your copy ofEmployerLink. We aim to keep you informedwith all the latest education and trainingnews, but if there is a topic you would like tosee covered please contact the editor via e-mail at [email protected].

Sharron RobbieHead of Corporate RelationsEditor

If you require this newsletter in a larger type or differentformat please telephone 01752 305300.

From the Editor

Page 3: EmployerLink Spring 2013 PAGE 01

Adult Learners’ Week is the UK’s largestannual festival of learning and works topromote learning in all forms. This year,Adult Learners’ Week takes place between18 and 24 May and aims to encourageparticipation in different kinds of learning, allof which focuses on improving careerprospects, supporting new career pathwaysand positively impacting on business.

Learning for WorkMost adults say the best place for them tolearn is in the workplace and City CollegePlymouth can provide a range of training inorder to develop and support your team.Training and development are crucial tobusinesses as they:• increase staff morale and motivation• increase staff retention• reduce staff costs• improve quality standards and customersatisfaction

• improve overall effectiveness of yourbusiness.

The biggest cost to a business is its wagebill. Adult learning is one of the tools thatcan be used to help develop staff andmaintain their effectiveness. Adult learnerstend to be more motivated workers if theyfeel that they are being invested in, withlearning opportunities or skills training.

City College Plymouth can help you andyour staff gain the necessary skills tocontinue professional development andimprove business success.

To find out more, reserve your place at ourAdult Learners' Week Open Evening onThursday 23 May, 4.00pm to 7.00pm. Callus on 01752 305300 or [email protected].

Visit us around the City …We will be promoting adult learning for workaround various locations in the City duringAdult Learners’ Week, so come and see usand find out more about the trainingopportunities available to you and yourbusiness.

To find out more, please contact theCorporate Relations team on 01752 305026or e-mail [email protected].

We would be delighted to see you at any ofour events.

From 1 August 2013 the government willbe introducing a new ‘24+ AdvancedLearning Loan’ system that will enablethose aged 24 and over to apply for aloan to cover up-front course costs(course fees). Loans will be available forthose studying level 3 or 4 courses,including Qualifications & CreditFramework certificates and diplomas(previously known as NVQs), Access toHigher Education, A levels and advancedand higher level Apprenticeships.

To qualify for an Advanced Learning Loanyou must:• be aged 24 and over at the start of yourcourse

• be resident in the UK, and have beenso for the last three years

• have not previously received a loan todo the same course at the same level

• be studying a course at level 3 or 4.

Important facts to note:• loans will only cover the up-front coursecosts - the course fees

• loans will be paid directly to the trainingprovider

• individuals can apply for up to fourloans as long as the criteria statedabove is met

• repayments will only begin after 1 April2016, even if the course ended beforethis date, and if an individual is earningover £21,000

• if an individual takes out a loan to coverthe fees for an Access course and thenprogresses to complete a highereducation course, they won’t have torepay the remaining loan for the Accesscourse

• repayments will take place even if anindividual does not complete thecourse.

For advanced and higher levelApprenticeships, individuals can onlyapply for a loan covering 50% of thecourse fee, as the employer is expectedto share the cost. For any other level 3 orlevel 4 courses, individuals can choose tofund this partly by loan.

To find out more about 24+ AdultLearning Loans and level 3 and 4qualifications at City College Plymouth,please contact the Corporate Relationsteam on 01752 305026 or [email protected].

24+ Advanced Learning Loans New Government Initiative

Visit us in the DrakeCircus Shopping Centre

on Friday 24 May

Page 4: EmployerLink Spring 2013

New government measures are beingintroduced in order to ensure young peoplehave the best opportunity at gaining the rightknowledge and skills to enter the world ofwork. From 2013 a young person isexpected to stay in education or traininguntil they are 17 years old and from 2015this is being raised to 18.

The vast majority of 16 and 17 year oldsalready continue in some form of educationand this has increased over the last fewyears. Plymouth is no exception andresearch shows that nearly 90% of youngpeople in Plymouth will continue with full-time education after year 11, comparedto 79% a decade ago. This drive for changeoriginates from the need to give youngpeople the best chance to develop skills andgain qualifications that open doors to futureemployment, help make the most of theirpotential and earn more over their lifetime.This is what employers and universities havebeen demanding for some time.**Sources:• Department for Education Participation in Education,Training and Employment by 16- to 18-year-olds inEngland, June 2011

• Greenwood, C. Jenkins, A. and Vignoles, A (2007): TheReturns to Qualifications in England: Updating theEvidence Base on Level 2 and Level 3 VocationalQualifications; Institute of Education

• Feinstein, L. Budge, D. Vorhaus, J and Duckworth, K.(2008):The social and personal benefits and oflearning: A summary of key research findings; Centrefor Research on the Wider Benefits of Learning

The raising of the participation age is aimedat ensuring the future, working populationhas higher level skills and knowledge thatwill enable the British economy to competeon a global stage, this is particularly timelygiven the current economic climate and theaccompanying impact on youthunemployment.

Raising the participation age is notraising the school leaving age The new government directive is not aboutyoung people staying at school after the ageof 16, but is about continuing their educationand training, enabling them to continue theirskills and knowledge development. Youngpeople will still be able to choose otheroptions after completing their GCSEqualifications at age 16 and these include:• studying full-time in a school, college orprivate training provider

• full-time work or volunteering - combinedwith part-time study or education

• an Apprenticeship.

What does this mean for business?This new initiative will not burden businessesin any way, but will improve the skills of theyoung people they employ. There will be noduty on employers to ensure employeesattend part-time training as raising theparticipation age ensures the legal duty is onthe individual. However, it is recommendedthat allowing a young employee sufficienttime for part-time study will increase theirproductivity.

Government changes will not affectemployers who take on apprentices, as thismeets the stated criteria, allowing for part-time study through day release in themajority of cases. However, the changes willpositively influence employers and theeconomy by providing a future workforce

that is qualified to a higher level and which isable to meet the needs of an ever-changingjob market and the needs of employers.

If you would like to find out more on howraising the participation age could affect youand your business contact the CorporateRelations team on 01752 305026 or [email protected].

Raising the Participation Age in Education


College Supports1000 Club

City College Plymouth is proud to havebecome a member of the 1000 Club,which is dedicated to supportingyoung people into employment. Thiscity-wide initiative brings organisationstogether, allowing a single point ofcontact for advice and guidance onsupporting young people intoemployment.

The College has joined other keybusinesses supporting the initiative,emphasising our commitment tohelping the unemployed in the City.Our engagement in the 1000 Clubfollows the launch of our PlymouthAdvice Centre for Employment (PACE);a dedicated centre that is helping theunemployed back into work. Situatedin the heart of the City Centre, PACEoffers a free programme of activityincluding a wide variety of coursesaimed at improving the employabilityprospects of individuals.

To find out more about the 1000 Cluband how you can get involved inhelping young people into employmentplease contact the Corporate Relationsteam on 01752 305026 or [email protected].

Page 5: EmployerLink Spring 2013

The fastest growing energy sector …Renewable energy has become a hot topicin recent years and follows reports on globalwarming and constant warnings of potentialenergy shortages. The renewable energysector is growing on a world-wide basis butthe impact can be seen much closer tohome. The Renewable Energy Association’s‘Made in Britain’ report reveals that therenewables industry supports 111,000 jobsacross the supply chain in the UK andpredicts it could support over 400,000 jobsby 2020. It is clear the renewables industrywill be crucial in supporting the country’seconomic growth.*

In the South West, the generation ofrenewable energy more than doubled overa two year period and it is estimated that10,000 people are now employed in thesector in the South West - a 40% growth,which bucks the trend for similar industriesin the current economic climate.** Therenewables industry is key to the economicgrowth and wealth creation in the SouthWest and is already having considerableimpact on the City’s business andeducation sectors.

Renewable Energy Training at CityCollege PlymouthThe College is well placed to helpemployers develop their renewabletechnology skills and services. The recentrefurbishment of our construction facilities

has enabled us to look to the future and tothose emerging markets and opportunities,which are coming to the fore in renewableand low carbon technologies.

The College’s ABB Energy Centre offersbusiness the opportunity to fill skills gapswithin their workforce and compete in therenewable technologies market. We offer awide breadth of training including, solarthermal, photovoltaics, heat pumps andbiomass systems. Our first-class facilitiesoffer training that is aligned to therenewable technology industry, and this isendorsed through the collaborative workingwe do with industry professionals.

Intelligent Building Controls (KNX)Training at City College PlymouthCity College Plymouthis working inpartnership with one ofthe world’s leadingengineeringcompanies, ABB, to offer innovativeIntelligent Building Controls KNX training.The KNX standard is the world’s first andonly approved building and homeautomation technology standard. The ABBi-bus KNX® technology provideselectrical installation systems for theefficient running and management ofintelligent building controls in residentialand non-residential buildings.

KNX training offered at the College rangesfrom level 2 to 4 qualifications, and isdesigned for qualified system designers,architects, electricians, and those wishing tobecome integrators who need an in-depthunderstanding of how the system operates,is programmed, designed, installed andcommissioned.

For further information on our renewabletechnology training, please contact us for acopy of our new Efficiency Energy Trainingbooklet on 01752 305026or e-mail [email protected].

* Renewable Energy Association, ade in Britain' 2012** Regen SW, ‘Renewable Energy Progress Report 2012Annual Survey’

A GOOD college with OUTSTANDING featuresOfsted 2012 Opportunity Enterprise Employa




FINALIST - Building Controls Industry Association (BICA) Awards, Contribution to TrainingFINALIST - KNX UK Awards, Contribution to Training

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Priority Growth Sector - Renewable Technology

City CollegePlymouth is proudto be working withMVV Environment

Devonport Ltd to financially supportstudents through an innovative apprenticebursary scheme.

MVV Environment, who are currentlybuilding an ‘Energy from Waste’ plant in theCity, have an on-going commitment toeducation and training, and are keen to playa positive role in supporting young peopleinto trade areas within construction andengineering. Part of this commitment hasseen the introduction of an annualApprenticeship bursary, which MVVEnvironment have offered to smallbusinesses in the city who require financialassistance in order to enable workforcedevelopment and growth.

Paul Carey, Managing Director with MVVEnvironment, said: “Working with CityCollege Plymouth on the bursary scheme issomething we are passionate about. It isvital to us, as employers, that young peoplegain the right skills in order to add value to

businesses when they enter the world ofwork. Apprentices are highly valuable, andprovide real benefits to business, which iswhy MVV Environment are so committed tosupporting this initiative.”

Working with City College Plymouth, MVVEnvironment has identified local employer,Papillion Installations, who offer domesticrefurbishment work across the city. SteveGammon, Managing Director with PapillionInstallations, currently employs oneapprentice, Michael Congdon, who is in hissecond year of a level 2 carpentryApprenticeship at the College. Michael is anexcellent apprentice and is a real benefit toSteve and his business.

Steve Gammon, said: “This is a great helpto me and my company. Being able to retainthe services of my apprentice will enable meto meet the demands of my clients, growmy business and ensure that vital skills andknowledge are passed on and retainedwithin the company.”

Sharron Robbie, Head of CorporateRelations at the College, said: “The College

has a strong focus on supporting thosewithin our community, and the MVVEnvironment Apprenticeship Bursaryachieves this by helping both employersand young people. This long-term financialcommitment from MVV Environment,alongside their membership of the College’sEmployer Endorsement Scheme, facilitatescollaborative working and supportsworkforce development via Apprenticeshipsand other training.”

To find out more about how you can workwith the College to support your workforce,please contact the Corporate Relationsteam on 01752 305026 or [email protected].

City College Plymouth Works with LocalCompany to Financially Support Apprentices

Page 6: EmployerLink Spring 2013

City College Plymouth has welcomedseveral local employers as new members toits Employer Endorsement Scheme.Babcock, Serco Group plc, Burts Chips,MVV Environment Ltd, Plymouth CommunityHomes, Kier Western, Plymouth Chamber ofCommerce and Industry, and T2 Dentalhave all signed up to the scheme, whichformalises partnership working between theCollege and industry.

The Employer Endorsement Scheme,launched in 2009, is a unique scheme setup by the College to foster closer linksbetween the College and the businesscommunity. Employers can access a rangeof benefits that include the opportunity to beinvolved in future curriculum developmentand sponsorship opportunities. This positiveapproach to employer engagement benefitsstudents as they have access to a range ofwork placement and employmentopportunities. Plymouth-based Burts Chipsare a crucial player in the localmanufacturing industry, and have recentlyjoined the scheme. Leane Bramhall,Marketing Director at Burts Chips, said:“Burts Chips is abusiness that caresabout its communityand working with CityCollege Plymouthplays a key role inwidening the impactwe have. Workingclosely with theCollege we will bedeveloping apartnership thatbenefits the businessas well as youngpeople in the region.”

The Employer Endorsement Scheme isdelighted to welcome organisations that areat the heart of the local community.Plymouth Community Homes (PCH) is thelargest locally-based social housingprovider in Plymouth.

Bob Wilkey, HR Manager at PCH, said:“Working with City College Plymouth allowsour employees and residents to benefit fromthe services the College can provide. Thisincludes the vast training opportunitiesavailable, and the financial and socialsupport it makes available to our residents.We look forward to developing this closepartnership in the future and increasing thebenefits available to all our residents.”

Plymouth Chamber of Commerce andIndustry is the City’s premier independentbusiness organisation, playing afundamental role in Plymouth business life.The Chamber and the College have enjoyeda great working partnership via theCollege’s patronage of the Chamber andnow through the Employer EndorsementScheme this partnership will continue togrow.

David Parlby, Chief Executive of theChamber, said: “The link between educationand business is vital to sustain the localeconomy and to ensure Plymouth remainscompetitive in an ever-changing businesslandscape. This is a crucial time for the Cityas a whole and working closely together willensure further opportunities for the businesscommunity.”

The Employer Endorsement Scheme isopen to all areas of business and industry,and this is reflected in the wide range ofbusinesses that join the scheme. TheCollege offers a diverse range of trainingopportunities, from business to engineering,to construction and basic numeracy andliteracy, meeting the needs of every industrysector. The College’s enterprising outlook topartnership working ensures it continues toinnovate and change with the business andeconomic changes that occur.

If you would like to find out more about theEmployer Endorsement Scheme, pleasecontact us on 01752 305026or e-mail [email protected].


Employer Endorsement Scheme

The Business Benefits:• free to join

• access to a pool of work-readylabour

• develop the skills of youngpeople - have a positive effecton the community

• inform and support futurecurriculum development

• invitations to attend corporateevents and networkingseminars

• increase in business profile

• sponsorship opportunities

• consultative work-basedprojects

• and much more!

Page 7: EmployerLink Spring 2013

The College has recently introduced anumber of Employer Advisory Boards,which aim to strengthen our existingrelationships with industry and ensure wecontinue to meet the needs of those priority

sectors identified as areas of growth forskills development and training. EmployerAdvisory Boards offer the opportunity forindustry professionals to join curriculumteams in order to share information andbest practice. Board members have a realopportunity to input change into ourcurriculum and also gain valuable updateson curriculum development and changes tothe funding available for training.

The College has Employer Advisory Boardsin the following industry sectors:• business and professional services• construction• creative, cultural and digital industries • engineering• hair and beauty

• healthcare and life sciences (includingchild care and early years)

• hospitality, catering and tourism• sport and leisure.

Our Employer Advisory Boards seek toaddress local and regional issues that arepertinent to specific sectors, includinglabour market information, employmentskills trends and training and developmentissues, ensuring that the Collegeundertakes the appropriate action tosupport the sector.

If you would like to find out more aboutbecoming a member of our EmployerAdvisory Boards, please contact the editorby calling 01752 305896 or [email protected].

Babcock International Group plc has furthercemented its working relationship with CityCollege Plymouth by becoming the latestmember of the College’s EmployerEndorsement Scheme. Joining the schemeformalises the partnership between theCollege and one of the City’s largestemployers.

Babcock is the UK’s leading engineeringsupport services organisation, with itsoperations at Devonport Royal Dockyard(part of the Marine and Technology Division)employing around 4,500 Designers,Engineers, Technicians and Support Staffwho carry out a comprehensive range ofservices that maintain, update and provideoperational support to Royal Naval SurfaceShips and Nuclear powered Submarines.

Phil Jones, Managing Director of Babcock,said: “We have worked with the College fora number of years to help develop ourfuture workforce in the form of apprentices.We also work with City College Plymouth todevelop the skills of existing staff in order toensure that they are able to develop andgrow both professionally and personally, allof which adds value to us as a business.We have a major role to play within the localeconomy and it is important that we workcollaboratively with other organisations inorder to build an effective pool of labour tosupport a workforce which enables theCity’s and wider region’s employers toremain competitive in today’s globalmarkets.

“Becoming an Employer Endorserreinforces our strong working relationshipwith the College. As a major employer in theCity we seek to engage with the local

community as well as develop ouremployees across the board. The Collegeworks with us to achieve this, sharing ourvalues to have a positive impact on industryand the wider community and we arepleased to formalise this partnershipthrough the Employer EndorsementScheme.”

Phil Davies, Principal and Chief Executive atCity College Plymouth, said: “We aredelighted to welcome Babcock as anEmployer Endorser, which builds on ourexisting, positive working relationship.

“As the largest training provider in the City,we train almost 10% of its population in asingle year; this indicates how pivotal ourrole is for the economic and socialregeneration of Plymouth, in raising

aspirations and enabling wealth creation.Working with industry is crucial in realisingthis, and in meeting the needs of employersand providing opportunities for ourstudents, we are working towards fosteringa community of excellence, innovation andcreativity, which allows for a greater andmore positive impact across the City.

“Babcock’s presence in the City has amajor influence on local and regionaleconomies. It is vital that Babcock are ableto receive the support they require in orderto enjoy sustained growth anddevelopment, which in turn will impactpositively on the whole community - therelationship we enjoy with Babcock enablesCity College Plymouth to do just that.”

Babcock International Group plc Joins Employer Endorsement Scheme

Employer Advisory Boards - Listening to Business


Page 8: EmployerLink Spring 2013

EngineeringRefurbishment In the spring of last year, the Collegeannounced the next phase of its propertystrategy, which focuses on a £4.5 millionrefurbishment project of its engineeringfacilities. A state-of-the-art and inspiringlearning environment will be created forSeptember of this year, and will meet theexacting BREEAM (Building ResearchEstablishment Environmental AssessmentMethod) standards for sustainable buildingdesign.

Building work started on site in January bycontractors, Balfour Beatty ConstructionServices UK, and demolition works havenow been completed. The refurbishedengineering facilities, which will becompleted in the summer, will be modern,bright and clean, with open planworkspaces. Barry Doidge, Project Managerfor Balfour Beatty Construction Services UK,said: “We are delighted to be working withCity College Plymouth on the refurbishmentof their engineering facilities. The work willsee a full internal refurbishment and willenhance the engineering facilitiesimmensely, benefiting not only the studentswho study there, but employers also.”

The refurbishment of the engineeringfacilities will ensure that the training at theCollege is aligned to industry standards andexpectations, allowing students to work inspaces that truly represent the engineeringindustry.

There are a number of opportunities forindustry to get involved in the refurbishmentand sponsorship opportunities which existfor workshop areas, equipment andmachinery. If you would like to hear moreabout our plans or you would like to getinvolved in some way, please contact theEditor on 01752 305896 or [email protected].


City College Plymouth was recentlyrecognised by Ofsted as a ‘good’ Collegewith ‘outstanding’ features and ourApprenticeship provision was recognised as‘outstanding’. Part of our work to ensure ourApprenticeship provision adds value to boththe apprentices and the employer rests onour ability to develop new programmes fornew sectors.

Contact Centre Apprenticeships - EECity College Plymouthhas been working withEE, the UK’s largestcommunications

company, to recruit 39 apprentices to theircontact centre in the City. The 15-monthcontact centre frameworks teach newapprentices the vital skills they need to havea positive impact on the business from dayone, including customer service skills,communication skills, the ability to solveproblems, and operating communicationtechnology and navigation software.

Jane Yeates, Head of Site for the OrangeContact Centre in Plymouth, said: “CityCollege Plymouth understood thecompany’s needs and were able toimplement an Apprenticeship programmethat is tailored to our needs. Theprogramme ensures that all of our youngstaff are being trained to a nationallyrecognised standard and have the sameopportunities to succeed.

“EE is committed to having a positiveimpact on the local community’s youth inline with key government skills policies andthis Apprenticeship programme is helpingover 30 young people gain the skills tosucceed in this industry.”

The Apprenticeship programme carried outby EE will ensure their skills gap isaddressed whilst benefiting the communityas a whole by providing a future workforcewith transferable skills to carry forward intheir careers.

What EE apprentices say …“I have enjoyed my time at EE by beinggiven a lot of support in training and feelwelcomed into the EE community.”

“The Apprenticeship means everything tome. I feel I have been given a position thatcan give me a lot of experience andopportunity. EE has helped me onto thetrack to success and I know it will play a bigpart in my life.”

Apprenticeship grants for employers havenow been made available until 31December 2013 in order to supportemployers who are looking to take onapprentices. The grants have beendesigned for organisations with up to 1,000employees who wish to recruit anapprentice between the ages of 16 and 24.

Grants, which are worth up to £1,500 perapprentice, are available for up to ten

apprentices. Employers must meet thescheme criteria and have not employed anapprentice before, or have not recruited anapprentice in the last 12 months.

If you would like to discuss taking on anapprentice, please contact the CorporateRelations team on 01752 305026 or [email protected].


“Apprentices consistently makeoutstanding progress and this is

reflected in the outstandingsuccess rates for many


“All staff have high expectationsof their apprentices and they

develop apprentices’ skills andknowledge to very high


* Ofsted 2012

Apprenticeship Grants Extended to December 2013

Page 9: EmployerLink Spring 2013

PlymouthCitybus isthe biggestpublictransportprovider in

Plymouth, serving over 14 millionpassengers a year. The companycurrently employs over 400 people andruns a fleet of 151 buses to all corners ofthe City. City College Plymouth has beenworking with Plymouth Citybus andJobcentre Plus to create a sector-basedwork academy designed to fill vacanciesat Plymouth Citybus and to help the local,unemployed population gain full-timeemployment.

The sector-based work academy enablesthe development of employability skills ofpeople who are out of work in order forthem to have a greater chance of gainingemployment, as well as specific skillssought by an employer with vacancies.Participants undertaking the programmewill be guaranteed an interview withPlymouth Citybus.

Debbie Hicks, Recruitment and TrainingManager at Plymouth Citybus, said: "Weare always delighted to work with theCollege and the sector-based workacademy is a great way to provide uswith high quality candidates whilst havinga positive impact on some of those who

find themselves unemployed in the City.We are highly committed to training anddeveloping our workforce, and theCollege has been able to create aprogramme that is tailored to the needsof our business but which also allowsthose taking part to come away withreally useful transferable skills."

The programme of training has beendeveloped between College staff andPlymouth Citybus and combinesclassroom learning with practical, hands-on work experience and allows thosetaking part to gain a real understandingof the business and the industry as awhole. Participants will be able to developtheir communication, customer serviceand presentation skills as well as trainingdirectly relevant to working with PlymouthCitybus. Participants will also enjoy aseries of workshops on behaviourmanagement, the complaints processand vehicle safety.

Sharron Robbie, Head of CorporateRelations at City College Plymouth, said:“The College is dedicated to providingopportunities to those out of work and tohaving a positive impact on local industry.Sector-based work academies canbenefit businesses by filling skills gapswhilst training those who are unemployedto meet specific business needs.”

The College has recently showed itssupport for local employers seeking to fillskills gaps by offering sector-based workacademies, which are specifically designedaround the needs of individual businesses.

Organisations that are facing skills gaps orare looking to diversify or relocate canaccess a pool of labour that has theknowledge and expertise needed to make apositive impact on the business. Through

sector-based work academies,employers have the opportunityto access individuals with thesector-specific knowledge andskills that meet the needs of thebusiness, includingemployability skills, from dayone.

Sector-based work academiesoffer a cohesive approach todeveloping a future workforceas they involve the collaborativeworking of governmentagencies, including JobcentrePlus, alongside local industry

and training providers. Academies draw ona pool of unemployed labour from themarketplace and give them an opportunityto gain sector-specific skills and knowledgein an environment that supports them.Participants are able to hone and refreshexisting skills and gain new competencies,all of which support them to gainemployment. This is all underpinned withworkshops focusing on English, maths andICT skills.

Academies benefit both business and thewider community who have access totraining and work experience, as well as theopportunity to gain employment.

If you would like to find out more aboutsector-based work academies, pleasecontact the Corporate Relations team on01752 305026 or [email protected].


Sector-based Work AcademiesRaising Skills Levels Within the Community

Plymouth Citybus Case Study Sector-based Work Academies in Action

Page 10: EmployerLink Spring 2013

From September, Apprenticeships in dentalnursing will be available at City CollegePlymouth. The College is meeting the steadyincrease in demand for dental nurses in theUK and can offer dental practices theopportunity to fill skills gaps and decreaselabour shortages.

An Apprenticeship is the perfect way forpractices to expand their teams and gainchair-side staff, skilled in both dental nursing

but also able to provide excellent customerservice to practice clients. The Apprenticeshipis an 18-month programme that allowsapprentices to gain on-the-job training at adental practice. It is underpinned byclassroom-based learning at the Collegefrom our highly experienced dental nursetutors. Classroom learning will take place onMonday evenings, outside of surgeryopening hours.

The programme can be used for existingmembers of staff or alternatively, you can hirea new apprentice from our pool of availablecandidates.

Plymouth-based, T2 Dental, offers a fullrange of dental treatments to the City andbeyond and specialises in cosmetictreatments. T2 Dental is a recent member ofthe College’s Employer EndorsementScheme and will be taking on two DentalNurse apprentices. Dr Alun Jones BDS(U.Lond.), Principal Dental Surgeon at T2Dental, said: “Dentistry requires a specialistskill set, and education and continualprofessional development is key. Workingwith City College Plymouth is allowing T2Dental to develop and design newprogrammes of training that are relevant tothe specialist sector in which we operate.The College understands our businessneeds and can provide ways to enablepeople to gain the right skill set, knowledgeand attitude to become dental nurses andmore.”

If you would like to find out more aboutApprenticeships in dental nursing, pleasecontact us on 01752 305026or e-mail [email protected].

The job market is becoming increasinglycompetitive in an age of high youthunemployment and a struggling economy,and this has brought a new focus for thosein education, business and policy making toensure young people leave education withthe skills, knowledge and aptitudes to gainemployment.

The development of employability skillsrelies on the College’s partnership working

with employers through the College'sEmployer Endorsement Scheme, whichallows for students to develop employabilityskills through traditional work experienceplacements, industrial visits, job shadowingand real-life work projects.

From September 2013 onwards, workexperience is to be embedded into full-timestudy programmes for 16 to 18 year olds,ensuring that all students undertakemeaningful and beneficial work experience.Businesses will also benefit from thisincrease in work experience, which is thefirst step in engaging young people into theworld of work. Benefits include:• access to a talent pool to fill short-termlabour shortages

• development of the supervisory skills ofyour workforce

• enhancing your public profile• meeting your corporate and socialresponsibility targets

• promoting workforce diversity.

City College Plymouth is committed tohaving a positive impact on the local jobmarket and developing the skills of ourstudents to meet the needs of industryeffectively, but this cannot be achievedwithout working together with employers.

To find out more about work experience andhow you can get involved, please contact theCorporate Relations team on 01752 305026or e-mail [email protected].

In the period October to December 2012,

974,000 young peopleaged 16 to 24

were unemployed.** House of Commons,

Youth Unemployment Statistics, October - December 2012


Work Experience - The Business Benefits

Dental Nursing Apprenticeships Available from September

Page 11: EmployerLink Spring 2013

Places can be reserved by calling 01752 305026 or e-mail [email protected].


City College Plymouth has been announced as theheadline sponsor of the 2013 Plymouth Business Show,which is being held on Wednesday 26 June.

The Plymouth Business Show is being run by Plymouth Chamber ofCommerce and Industry and will be held at Plymouth Pavilions.

The Show, which will be open to all and free to attend, will aim to promote theSouth West as a great place to do business. It will provide a high-profile forumin which companies of all sizes and from all sectors can promote the productsand services they have to offer whilst networking with potential customers andsuppliers. David Parlby, Chief Executive at Plymouth Chamber, said: “Thisyear’s Plymouth Business Show will showcase the South West as a region withexceptional economic diversity and a real proactive approach to encouragingtrade and employment, and embracing entrepreneurship.”

Sharron Robbie, Head of Corporate Relations at City College Plymouth, said:“The Plymouth Business Show is an exciting opportunity to showcase thevibrant and innovative business community that exists here in the South West.The College plays a major role within that community and part of our role is toensure we are supporting wealth creation and job outcomes for the localpopulation, whilst supporting industry to access a pool of work-ready labour.”

Free registration for the event and information on booking an exhibition stand isavailable online at

Plymouth Business Show

Dates for your diaries ...One-day Workshops 9.00am to 4.30pm£175 per personCreative Thinking and Innovation Thursday 9 MayGain the tools and techniques required togenerate, evolve and implement good ideasin a purposeful and resourceful way. You willexplore the principles of creative and lateralthinking and how to apply an innovative,creative thinking process in the workplace.

Social Media for Business Thursday 23 MayThis workshop will provide you with methodsand techniques to employ when using socialmedia tools such as Twitter, Facebook,LinkedIn and YouTube, the problems thatcan occur and how to deal with them.

Project Planning Tuesday 4 JuneThis workshop will provide you with a strongunderstanding of the principles behind goodmanagement, along with logical and highlypractical tools to take back to yourworkplace.

Effective Presentation Skills Wednesday 12 JuneProviding simple yet effective ways in whichto plan, prepare and present effectively, thisworkshop will look at the structure, purposeand content of presentations and coverseffective use of body language and dealingwith nerves.

Effective Goal Setting and PerformanceAppraisal Thursday 13 JuneThis workshop will allow you to gain anunderstanding of the ‘dos and don’ts’ ofperformance appraisals, including how toset SMART targets and provide constructivefeedback to your team.

Negotiation Skills Thursday 20 JuneThrough this workshop you will learn thepractical techniques needed to negotiatewith skill and confidence with both internaland external stakeholders.

Employer Seminars 6.00pm to 9.00pm £15 per personMarketing Essentials Tuesday 11 JuneMarketing is all about being visible. Comealong to this seminar and learn how to usemarketing in all its forms to enable effectivepromotion of your business and maximisebusiness development opportunities.

Events: A ‘How-to’ Guide Thursday 4 JulyRunning a successful event takes extensiveplanning and this seminar looks at how toplan and promote an event effectively aswell as what to do when things go wrong.

Special Offer! Book two members of

staff onto the sameworkshop, and get an

additional place free ofcharge!

Page 12: EmployerLink Spring 2013

SKILLS FOR LIFEIf you or your staff are feeling a bit rustyor need help updating your skills inEnglish and maths then City CollegePlymouth can help you.

• All courses are FREE.• No entry qualifications are needed.• Students are given a personalprogramme of work, tailored to theirneeds.

• Students are encouraged to takenationally recognised qualifications.

• The courses run subject to numbersand can be delivered within yourworkplace if there is enough interest.

To find out more call 01752 305300.

Mailing List If you have received a copy of this newsletter from a colleague and would like to be added to our mailing list, or you wouldlike to be removed from our mailing list, please telephone 01752 305026 or e-mail your name, job title, company nameand full address to [email protected].

When you have finished with this, please recycle it.

Commercial OfferCity College Plymouth is able to offer a range of commercial services to otherbusinesses and organisations located in the City and beyond. To find out moreabout any of the following options, simply telephone 01752 305026 or [email protected].

City College Plymouth’s print team can offer avariety of services at competitive prices. Offering afast and professional service, no job is too small.Services include:• design • printing and copying: colour and black and white• binding• laminating.

Call us today on 01752 305316 or [email protected] for a quote or to

discuss your requirements.

Lunch: Monday to FridayService time: 12.00 noon to 2.00pmThree courses for £10.00 per person(tea and filter coffee £1.00 per personsupplement).Dinner: Wednesdays and Thursdays Service time: 6.45pm for 7.00pm Four-course meals from £17.50 perperson (tea and filter coffee £1.00 perperson supplement).

For reservations please call 01752 305777 or [email protected].

CommercialPrint Services


Stars Hair and Day Spa

College GiftVouchers

Buy someone the perfect gift thisyear and treat them to a City CollegePlymouth gift voucher!

You can purchase vouchers for £10,£25, £50 and £100, which can beredeemed against the following Collegeproducts or services:• College hair and beauty salons• PL1 Training Restaurant and Deli Café• College course fees.

To purchase a gift voucher call theFinance Office on 01752 305701.

Gift Voucher

Gift Voucher

Our Hair and Day Spa offers a full range of services from luxury day spapackages, to regular essential hair and beauty needs such as a cut and blowdry, nail treatments and waxing. Treatments are competitively priced to takeinto account that they are carried out by level 3 students. Clients wishing tobook with a member of staff can do so, and should indicate their preferencewhen booking.

Our exclusive day spa packages make excellent rewards for your staffor corporate hospitality packages.

Revive Package

• Back massage, mini facial and a shampoo and blow dry for £25

Energize Package

• Back massage, mini facial and nail tidy for £25

For more information or to book please call 01752 856900 or e-mail [email protected].