Download - Emory Clinic Department of Neurological Surgery Second ... · Please list ALL prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, and vitamins/supplements that you are taking:

Page 1: Emory Clinic Department of Neurological Surgery Second ... · Please list ALL prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, and vitamins/supplements that you are taking:

Emory Clinic Department of Neurological Surgery

Second Opinion Questionnaire

First Name: ___________________ M.I. ______ Last Name: _______________________________

Date of Birth: ________________ Phone: _____________________________

Marital Status: Married Work Status: Employed Divorced Worker’s CompensationSeparated RetiredWidowed DisabledSingle Unemployed

Please list below any treating or referring physicians you would like to have a copy of your written second opinion report forwarded to after completion:

General Health Status Dominant Hand

Excellent Right Good LeftFair Ambidextrous Poor

Treating/Referring Physician

Name: __________________________________________ Fax #: __________________________

Address: ________________________________________ Phone #: ________________________

City: ___________________________________________ State: ______ Zip: _______________

Treating/Referring Physician

Name: __________________________________________ Fax #: __________________________

Address: ________________________________________ Phone #: ________________________

City: ___________________________________________ State: ______ Zip: _______________

Page 2: Emory Clinic Department of Neurological Surgery Second ... · Please list ALL prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, and vitamins/supplements that you are taking:

What medical problems or symptoms are you requesting a second opinion for?

Medical Problem/Symptom Onset Date

What explicit questions do you want answered within your second opinion?






Do you now or have you ever had the following:

Heart problems

Lung problems





Diabetes or problems with blood sugarGI problems (i.e. ulcers, hiatal hernia,gastritis)




NoKidney problems

High blood pressure





Liver disease (such as hepatitis)Problems with blood (i.e. clotting problems)




NoAny type of cancer Yes No

Please list any other medical problems:

Page 3: Emory Clinic Department of Neurological Surgery Second ... · Please list ALL prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, and vitamins/supplements that you are taking:

Please list any surgical procedures that you have had:

Surgical Procedure Date Facility/Hospital

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Yes No

How much per day?

Tobacco Use: Yes No

How much per day?

Illicit Drug Use: Yes No

How much per day?

Physical Activity:

Yes No

Type: Days/Week: Mins/Day:

How many times have you fallen in the last year?

Were you injured? Yes No


Please list ALL prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, and vitamins/supplements that you are taking:

Medication Dosage# of Pills/TimesTaken Per Day

Method/Route(Ex. By Mouth)



Alcohol Use:

Date of Birth:

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Please list any allergies you have (drugs and other substances):

Drug/Substance Reaction

Have you ever had a reaction to any dye given for a special test? Yes No

If so, what was the test and what kind of reaction did you have?

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Date of Birth:



Are you on a special diet? Yes

If so, please specify the type of diet:


Has anyone in your immediate family had:

High blood pressure Yes No If so, who?

Heart disease Yes No If so, who?

Cancer Yes No If so, who?

Diabetes Yes No If so, who?

Asthma Yes No If so, who?

Stroke Yes No If so, who?

Seizures Yes No If so, who?

Migraine Yes No If so, who?

Please list other illnesses/diseases that your immediate family members have had:

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Alive (Current Age)

Deceased (Age) Health Status Cause of Death






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Name: Date of Birth:


Please check any of the symptoms you are currently experiencing:

No Yes Neurological/Psychiatric No Yes GeneralSeizures WeaknessHeadaches TirednessBlackouts Lack of AppetiteDizziness Excess AppetiteDouble Vision Weight LossParalysis or Weakness of Limb(s) Weight GainLoss of Sensation ChillsLoss of Balance FeverLoss of Coordination Night SweatsDifficulty in Speaking Difficulty SleepingNervousnessDepression No Yes Vision/ENTDifficulty in Going to Sleep Decreased Ability to SeeEarly Morning Awakening Blurred VisionDifficulty Remembering Past Events Spots Before Your EyesDifficulty Remembering Recent Events Pain in the EyesDifficulty with Thinking/Problem Solving Difficulty in Hearing

Ringing in the EarsNo Yes Musculoskeletal Discharge from the Ears

Muscle Pain Nasal Discharge (Frequent)Neck PainShoulder or Arm Pain No Yes GastrointestinalBack Pain NauseaPain Down Right Leg VomitingPain Down Left Leg DiarrheaPainful Joints ConstipationSwelling of any joints HeartburnRedness of any joints Abdominal PainStiffness of any joints Bright Red Blood in StoolsDeformities of the joints or extremities Black Stools

Change in Bowel HabitsNo Yes Cardiovascular Need for Antacids

Chest Pain, Tightness, or SqueezingShortness of Breath when Lying Down No Yes UrinaryNeed to Sit Up to Breathe Urinary tract infectionsHeart Racing Pain or burning on urinationIrregular Heart Beat (Palpitations) Frequent urination – dayHeart Murmur Frequent urination – night

Swelling of the LegsUnusually large volumes of urine

Varicose Veins Extreme urge to urinate

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Leg Pain at RestDifficulty starting urinary stream

Leg Pain with ExertionDifficulty stopping urinary stream

Blue/Purple Discoloration of Hands/Feet Kidney stones

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Name: Date of Birth:

No Yes Respiratory No Yes SkinCough Dryness of SkinWheezing ItchingAsthma RashShortness of Breath Change in Skin ColorShortness of Breath with Exertion Change in Texture of the HairPain in Chest During Cough/Sneeze, Moving Change in Skin Temperature

Falling Out of the HairNo Yes Genito-Reproductive (Male) Nail Changes

History of Sexually Transmitted Disease Skin UlcersDischarge from PenisTesticular Pain No Yes EndocrineLumps in Testicles or Scrotum GoiterDecrease in Testicular Size Heat IntoleranceDecreased Sexual Desire Cold IntoleranceDecreased Ability to Achieve Erection Tremulousness of the Hands

Change in Pitch of the VoiceNo Yes Genito-Reproductive (Female) Increased Body Hair

History of Sexually Transmitted Disease Decreased Body HairDecreased Sexual Drive Decrease in Breast Size

Vaginal Bleeding Since MenopauseLoss of Periods (Not Due to Menopause)

Hot FlashesAre You Taking Any Female Hormones?Do You Ever Bleed Between Periods?What is the Date of Your Last Normal Period?What is the Date of Your Period Before That?How Far Apart Are Your Periods?How many days do they last?Is Flow Heavy, Scanty, or Normal?Age at Onset of Menstrual PeriodsAge at Which Periods Stopped (Menopause)

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Page 1

Name: Date of Birth:

Are you experiencing pain, numbness, or tingling at the present time?

Yes No

If yes, please indicate with an ‘X’ on the following diagram the location of your symptoms:

Severity: Constant Occasional Wakes You Up Difficulty Walking

Description: Aches Tingles Throbs Stabbing BurnsNumbness

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Indicate your current pain level on the following scale:

What makes your condition worse?

What helps your condition?

Other body parts affected:

Symptoms affected by:

What kind of effect do the following situations have on your symptoms?

Sitting: Increase Decrease Standing: Increase Decrease

Exercise: Increase Decrease Resting: Increase Decrease

No Hurt HurtsLittle Bit

HurtsLittle More

HurtsEven More

HurtsWhole Lot



