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Page 1: Emerging energy generation and storage technology by John MacRitchie

Emerging energy generation and storage technology

Page 2: Emerging energy generation and storage technology by John MacRitchie

What was Ontario’s ranking for solar PV installations in North America in 2010?

1. 1st

2. 2nd

3. 3rd

4. 4th

Page 3: Emerging energy generation and storage technology by John MacRitchie

How much did Canada invest in energy-related research in 2009?

1. $350M2. $505M3. $708M4. $1,430M

Page 4: Emerging energy generation and storage technology by John MacRitchie

Between 2006 and 2011, how many energy-related academic research centres, laboratories and initiatives have been launched in Ontario?

1. 112. 233. 494. 75

Page 5: Emerging energy generation and storage technology by John MacRitchie

Ontario Energy Asset Map


The Ontario Centres of Excellence is made possible through the financial support of the Province of Ontario.

Page 6: Emerging energy generation and storage technology by John MacRitchie

Ontario Energy Asset Map


Page 7: Emerging energy generation and storage technology by John MacRitchie

Ontario Energy Asset Map


Page 8: Emerging energy generation and storage technology by John MacRitchie

Ontario Energy Asset Map


A potential “sandbox” for innovation

Need to move to lock in and build on changes

Energy sectors are large and growing global opportunities


Range of companies, spread across sectors• “Sandbox” can attract some interesting new players

Companies need Capital + Customers + Capacity

Page 9: Emerging energy generation and storage technology by John MacRitchie

Ontario Energy Asset Map


Sector Justification and Observations“Smart Grid” Related Sectors

Leverage investments and combine with ICT experience to improve system performance

Grid Interconnection Leverage investment in renewables, research base, extend life and performance of local grid

PHEV / PEV Existing significant automotive industry in Ontario makes it important to establish a position in what may develop as an important segment of the global automotive sector

Energy Efficiency / Green Buildings

ROI Opportunity to innovate business models and energy source combinations

Nuclear Adaptation of CANDU experience to life extension, decommissioning

Page 10: Emerging energy generation and storage technology by John MacRitchie

Ontario Energy Asset Map


Sector Observations Ontario OpportunitySolar Photovoltaics (modules)

• Several researchers with internationally recognized capabilities and next generation technologies in development.

• New technologies have the potential to be disruptive to current generation of technologies.

• Although a number of competing technologies are in development globally, it remains unclear which may prove to deliver the best performance and necessary production scalability.

• Development of significant receptor capacity within Ontario that can commercialize research results and retain benefits within Ontario

Storage (including Hydrogen as storage medium)

• Storage technology, cost competitive to alternative generation will be an enabler for distributed, intermittent generation (such as wind, solar, tidal) and transportation systems.

• Investments in distributed renewables provides platform and demand for solutions

• Potential for a variety of technologies to exist, each with differentiated strengths.

• Fit to Ontario needs – incorporating more distributed, renewable generation and optimizing nuclear base load generation.

• Start with high value, niche applications – microgrids, off-grid, capacity constrained areas.