Download - Embodied Family Therapy Somatic Experiencing

  • 1.Somatic Experiencing Based Embodied Family Therapy Principals of SE Family Therapy 1. The family has a natural drive to health. Working with the health within the family leads to the family regaining its own health. 2. SE Family Therapy is solution focused, short-term and practical. 3. SE Family therapy alternates between individual work and family work to support the family to develop increased emotion regulation capacity. 4. Through completing defensive responses to social threats and increasing felt-experiance of attachment the family regains its innate health By re-establishing innate resilience in a family and its members the family becomes a central agent of healing after a traumatic event. Working with both implicit (body/somatic) and explicit (cognitive/narrative) systems the family increases emotional regulation capacity and reduces the amount of time spent in states vulnerable to behaviors destructive to the family and individual health. Goals of SE Family Therapy 1. Change in family structure 2. Change in family and individual stress set point. 3. Change in regulatory capacity. 4. Change in attachment behaviors and increased play. 5. Increased quality of life, vitality and life-space for family members. Stages of Treatment Joining (BSFT): Entering with the family into a problem solving state. Assessment (diagnosis BSFT): Identifies areas of resiliency and challenge. Resource and Regulate (Embodied): Start all change with regulation and resourcing focusing on positive emotions, relaxation response and mastery experiences. Restructure (BSFT): When restructuring the family system or a pattern of interactions sandwich challenging family work between resourcing and orienting to family health. Reassess: For stability of change and one change leading to other positive changes in the family. Reenforce small changes through deepening the felt-experience of the change.

2. Embodied Family Therapy Tools 1. Resourcing: Resourcing is shifting attention to any experience that makes an individual feel good, relaxed, strong, effective or gives a mastery experience. 2. Orienting: Focusing in the here and now through - Touch, Sight, Sound, Smell, Taste, 3. Family Pause: In session if one individual becomes overwhelmed and are past their ability to tolerate emotion, take a pause in the conversation. The therapist then supports that family member to 1. take a break, 2. use a skill to regulate, 3. work with the defensive response. 4. Repatterning: Using multiple techneques to enact a family pattern while adding in more resources, emotion regulation, support or completing defensive responses. 5. Completion of Defensive Response: Identify thwarted defensive response during trauma through SIBAM - R. Support the impulse of the defensive response to complete mobilized self-protection strategy. 6.Reinforcing felt attachment: Teaching family to recognize the impact they are having on each other through attending to non-verbal signs of emotional connections. Work with the individuals to deepen the experience of attachment through attending to the sensations of they feel in response to seeing emotional impact on family member. 7. Modeling Skills: Clinician models effective interactions with the family as well as through verbal expression of self-monitoring of sensations and emotional reactions. 8. Self-Tracking: Teaching the family to recognize signs of fight, flight and freeze in themselves and other family members. Help the family understand how to attend to body sensations. 9. Uncoupling elements of SIBAM-R from interaction pattern: Often a family interaction becomes over-coupled with an activation state or an element of SIBAM-R. The therapist can use pendulation and orienting response to work with uncoupling the fight or flight response from pattern of interaction. 10. Pendulation: Supporting the natural movement between activation and deactivation (stress and rest).