Download - Embedding Well-being in the Student Experience


1. Academics re-raise expectations In return for relieving you of £60,000 and 3 years of your working life, this academic course builds the habits of a self-directed life that feels worthwhile, satisfying, happy and socially connected, where you experience little uninvited anxiety, and earn a respectable salary doing what you love in an effective, personally authentic style with like-minded like-motivated colleagues. Of course these are exactly the habits you learn in Students Union clubs and societies, and as you transform yourself through your committed, experimental, playful engagement with the student community’s vibrant cashless Core Economy. Coursework: before next week, review

2. Facilitate in-class review Looking back at your recent seminar [etc. etc., see list] on a 0-10 scale, to what extent was the experience

Satisfying? Worthwhile? Happy? Anxious? Socially-connected and collegial?

3. Facilitate in-class solution sharing What one thing can you change to make your next seminar [etc. etc., see list] feel...

More Satisfying? More Worthwhile? Happier? Less unduly Anxious? More socially-connected & collegial?

Activities for Review and Enhancement Background research Business simulations Clinical assessments Communal living Dissertation Final critiques Evening highlights Weekend highlights Exam preparation Exams Extra-curricular life Field work Group presentations Group projects In-class tests Informal discussion Informal peer critiques Lectures Mid-term critiques Peer assessments Portfolio development Professional practice Laboratory work Presentations Project supervision Project work Seminars Studio practice Summer vacations [This] module Tutorials Work-based learning Written assignments

and what else…?! Embedding Well-being in the Student Experience | CE26np11 | Glen Crust | Printed 13 January