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  • Inside Degrees Developing Your Soul Biography Using the Chandra Symbols

    Ellias Lonsdale

    ISBN 1-55643-241-0

  • In much the same way in which he characterized planets and asteroids as powerful, gendered

    beings in Inside Planets, Ellias Lonsdale gives new depth and nuance to degree analysis, an area

    often seen as technical or reduced to cliche.

    Lonsdale builds on three main degree interpretations: Dane Rudhyar's concept of the Sabian

    Symbols described in The Astrology of Personality and An Astrological Mandala, Marc Edmund

    Jones's Sabian Symbols in Astrology, and John Sandbach's recent Chandra Symbols. Beginning

    in 1988, Lonsdale worked with his wife Sara in tracking the Sabian symbol, the Charubel

    Symbol (the most useful of the other sets of degree symbology) and the Chandra Symbol. After

    Sara died in 1993 Lonsdale worked with her (as Theanna) and their friend Alita "to pierce

    through the veil," as he says in his Introduction, "to find the angel behind each degree. This

    ultimate version is won from death and fused with rebirth and each word shows this power."

    The degree symbols are most useful in elaborating a personal birth chart. One can learn about

    personal cycles from studying the place of a transiting or progressed planet by degree at a given

    time, revealing collective as well as personal timings. The Zodiac degrees also act as an oracle.

    One can open the collection anywhere for a given day, or in reponse to a question. The degrees

    will reveal what is happening now and if we are attentive and responsive to the cues, what is

    required of us. Comparing charts of friends and famous people who are known for certain

    qualities, one can gradually discriminate among the degrees.

    These beautifully written and fully imagined readings of the Chandra degree symbols speak to a

    deep level of personal change and authenticity.

    Ellias Lonsdale is the author of Star Rhythms, The Book of Theanna, and Inside Planets. He

    lectures widely on astrology and is an astrological counselor in Santa Cruz, California.

    This book is dedicated to Theanna in loving devotion

  • Contents


    Taurus in the Degrees 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

    Virgo in the Degrees 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

    Sagittarius in the Degrees 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

    Pisces in the Degrees 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

    Leo in the Degrees 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

    Aquarius in the Degrees 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

    Aries in the Degrees 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

    Libra in the Degrees 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

    Capricorn in the Degrees 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

    Cancer in the Degrees 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

    Gemini in the Degrees 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

    Scorpio in the Degrees 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

  • Acknowledgments and Special Note

    We are using a sequence of signs discovered as the Atlantean Life Streams, the Star Genesis

    pattern. Instead of Aries into Taurus into Gemini, the seasonal sequence, this is Taurus into

    Virgo into Sagittarius and so on. Through the course of these books, this Star Genesis pattern is

    coming alive and progressively revealing its truth. Each degree of the Zodiac is an energy wave,

    calculated to start right away, e.g., 17 degrees Taurus is from 16 degrees 1 minute to 17 degrees

    0 minutes.

    For each degree, the Chandra symbol is the initial phrase. The following paragraph shows the

    interpretation we are giving.

    Each and every planet in a given chart can be read by its Chandra symbol and depiction. First,

    meditate on the symbol itself, then feel the given planet's energy, and then read the description to

    match that planet in your chart.

    With a grateful heart, I wish to acknowledge all of those who have helped with the degree work

    over the years.

    In completing this book, my co-workers are Theanna Lonsdale and Alita Bonaventura. Those

    most instrumental in other ways are Isaiah Williams, Mark Borax, and John Sandbach.

    A number of friends and clients have, through their interest and involvement over the years,

    sustained me, accompanied me, contributed profoundly. Here I would include Ladybelle

    McFarlin, Pamela Brown, Penelope Youngfeather, Cathy Rose, Diana Lonsdale, Chris

    Neumann, Robert Schiappacasse, Robin Macrae, Susanna Bluestein, Rob Callahan, and Charlyn


    My students have also been here with me in the evolving of this material. All of them are part of

    what we share here.

  • Introduction

    I started out in Astrology with an enthusiasm born of a radical communal experience the

    previous year, which left me so stripped bare that I was ready for my destiny to strike. The year

    was 1970, the collective atmosphere supercharged with significance and power. It was

    appropriate to encounter Astrology in another radical commune and to go into it full force right

    away, as though I had just been waiting for it forever.

    Within months, I was staying at a more conventional commune in California and reading Dane

    Rudhyar's pivotal book The Astrology of Personality. A chapter there takes the Sabian Symbols

    for each degree of the Zodiac and interprets these aphoristically. When I came upon this section,

    I felt it to be the center of the whole star pattern. From that day to this, investigation and research

    into the degrees has been my primary focus throughout a wide-ranging star work.

    Soon after that, I encountered the only good book on the market to take the degrees further into

    depth and detail. This was Marc Edmund Jones's Sabian Symbols In Astrology. Here the project

    began to get really interesting. Jones was attempting to decode the degrees in a highly systematic

    and esoterically guided fashion. He was using the original version of the Sabian Symbols that

    had come through in the 1920s, the brief and bare version, but was interpreting these extensively

    and intensively. That book became my reference point for every reading over years to come.

    I was blessed by destiny soon thereafter to find the original lecture lessons in Symbolical

    Astrology that Jones had done in the early 1930s, from which Rudhyar had drawn his revised

    degree interpretations. These were a gold mine. Not only did each and every degree have a brief

    interpretation by Jones that was far more accurate than either Rudhyars' version or Jones's later

    one, but the whole way he worked in the early days was for a small group of trained souls in the

    Sabian Assembly, and so Jones as esotericist could divulge far more in every word than he was

    to do later on in his public books. My own inward nature was far better served in this fashion, for

    I could begin to read the degrees for myself from an expanded awareness.

    Still within those halcyon days of the early 1970s, I was shown Dane Rudhyars' new book on the

    degrees, An Astrological Mandala, before its publication and even tried to write a book review of

    it. This was an even more curious production than Jones's Sabian Symbol book. In both

    instances, these highly experienced and quite wise and mature souls were baffled by the degrees

    of the Zodiac, unable to get comfortable and to find a flow of inspiration and attunement. After

    reading twenty or thirty books by each man, and looking into their degree interpretation, I was

    surprised to discover that the intellect blocks the imagination. Because I also found this same

    dilemma in subsequent encounters with those trying to interpret the degrees, I was made keenly

    aware, over and over again, that I would have to retain my own imaginative depths of seeing if I

    ever wished to give the degrees their rightful internal sounding.

    Ten years passed before I found anybody writing in a major way about the degrees of the Zodiac.

    During those years, I dove further and deeper all the time into the Sabian Symbols and their

    meanings--in a chart, in a cycle, for divination, or just as themselves. And although I found a

    psychic, Chris Neumann, to reinterpret the Sabian Symbols in an intriguing fashion, I was

  • somewhat baffled by the degrees. Something was blocking free interpretation. I never stopped

    battling, but I could not get in.

    Finally, at the end of my cycle of knocking on a door and being refused entry, Eric Schroeder

    came out with a degree interpretation keyed to the Sabian Symbols, but also encompassing two

    other earlier versions of degree symbology. His book, Zodiac, was extremely stimulating to me.

    Jones had mentioned him prominently in Sabian Symbols, and now here he was, the man who

    had obsessed upon the degrees, trying to interpret them perfectly. Because I was in the early

    1980s at my lowest point of this lifetime, the most asleep I have ever been and therefore the most

    negative, I hardly noticed at the time that Schroeder was darkly discouraging and depressive in

    his entire outlook. So I went down even further with the degrees, seeking the bottom of things

    way down under.

    The Sabian Symbols never would have gotten me there, to the center of the mystery. In

    retrospect, it is clear that their quality is to suggest, to imply, to elusively bring such a slight clue.

    Other versions of interpretation of these symbols have come into my hands since Schroeder's did

    in the early 1980s and they are consistently in that mode of giving a taste, but nothing

    fundamentally nourishing.

    In late 1984, I found the book, Degree Analyses Part II: Chandra Symbols in the Horoscope, by

    John Sandbach (Seek-It Publications). This was my long-anticipated breakthrough. Sandbach

    had been guided the year before to tune into each degree and was shown an image to be called

    the Chandra Symbols. In complete contrast with the Sabian Symbols, these are concrete,

    magically imbued with a quality of imaginative wholeness. Sandbach himself gives a brief

    interpretation of these symbols, but he makes the same mistake as those who searched into the

    Sabian Symbols. He sticks with a rigid intellectual orientation.

    By 1986, I was ready to enter the realm of degree interpretation in a living way, with full

    imaginative power retained and sought vigorously. My wife Sara read an image to me and I

    interpreted it within a context of attunement to a guiding light, a power of seeing beyond the

    personal intellect altogether. This first serious attempt, which we called the Chandra

    Channelings, was successful in staying close to the images and truly bringing them back alive. In

    that same time frame, I was at last able to tune in with beings of light in order to receive personal

    and universal mediation and assistance. My entire world of inner and outer work was blasting

    free dramatically.

    After teaching classes in these Chandra Symbols and becoming more and more fluent with them,

    an opportunity came to me that was hugely transformative. In early 1988 the beings we had been

    working with suggested that we could tune into them much more fully and attempt a truly

    comprehensive cosmic renewal of the Zodiac through the degrees. We would track with the

    Sabian Symbol, the Charubel Symbol (which we considered to be the most useful of the other

    sets of degree symbology), the Chandra Symbol, and then a summarizing paragraph to bring the

    whole degree together. This time, we would work slowly, thoroughly, with precision and detail.

  • Each week, for a year and a half, we tuned in to a few degrees and lived with the interpretations

    as our life blood. I would hear it and feel it, speak it slowly, and Sara would write it all down.

    This was our labor of love together.

    When, in the summer of 1989, this comprehensive cosmic version of degree interpretation was

    complete, I felt that it was definitive, and that at last I had done what I had set out to do. Each

    degree was right there before us, in an inspiring vista, profound and stirring to the spirit within.

    However, as it has turned out since, this was really only the beginning. We wrote book after

    book the same way in 1990, 1991, and 1992, all on Astrology, all spiritually attuned and

    wondrous to participate in co-creating. And then something happened which I cannot accurately

    reduce to words.

    My wife, Sara, had cancer tumors spreading, and was as well in a spiritual crisis of even greater

    proportions than her health crisis. Our entire effort concentrated on attempting to pull her

    through. By late 1993, the health crisis had become terminal, deadly. And in perfect

    synchronicity, Sara's spiritual crisis came to its peak power. When Sara, under severe pressures,

    worked through her spiritual crisis and came out the other side, her physical body could not go

    with her--it was too ravaged by the tumors. When her body died, her spirit flew free, and started

    a path of work with me and with our perfect companion Alita that will be going on for a very

    long time to come, in an ever-unfolding path of dying and reborning.

    The three of us have gotten together for many kinds of inner work from early 1994 onward. As

    soon as we were ready, we collaborated on tuning in to the Chandra Symbols afresh and writing

    the version you now have in your hands. What was the breakthrough that made this version so

    utterly different from all the previous ones?

    I would tune in to Sara, who is now Theanna, and she and I, in spirit realms, would combine

    forces completely to pierce through the veil to find the angel behind each degree and let her

    show us the essence of what is there, of what needs to be known. I would speak it aloud and

    Alita would responsively write it down so that we could live these degrees fully. This ultimate

    version is won from death and fused with rebirth and each word shows this power.

    Throughout the time I've been so engrossed in investigating, researching, plumbing the core

    meaning of the Zodiac degrees, I have been a full-time Astrological counselor, teacher, and

    explorer. For those unfamiliar with what degree interpretation can do in the many Astrological

    applications, here are a few of the experiences I have had over the years.

    The basic application is in a personal birth chart reading. A mental habit greatly obstructs the

    work of most Astrologers. They think they know already what a given sign of the Zodiac, let us

    say, really means, how far it extends, what its parameters are. Then they apply this preexisting

    idea any time that sign shows up in a chart.

    What I have consistently and persistently found is that a sign is a vast land, full of unknowns, not

    to be mentally tamed. I use the Chandra Symbols and their interpretations to individualize, and

    fine tune the reading, to drop it down out of Astrological abstractions and cliches and into an

  • imaginative journey, a shamanic initiation into which each one of us is called--through the

    position of the Sun in our birth charts, or the Moon, or any planet, or the angles, or whatever we

    need to focus on.

    Each time, I allow the degree to work upon me, to show me how it is working through a given

    lifetime, a certain destiny of a particular individual. And I make sure to be wide open, to be free

    of preconceptions. I tap the direct energies of the degree to assist me in staying very focused and

    grounded and specific in all of my perceptions.

    The more extended applications of these degrees are multiple. You can easily learn a lot about

    cycles by seeing where a transitting or progressed planet is by degree at a given time. They

    reveal collective timings, as well as personal ones. As an oracle, they are unsurpassed. By

    whatever manner of selection, the Zodiac degrees will reveal what is happening now and what is

    required of us, if we are attentive and responsive to the cues.

    My own favorite way to work with the Chandra Symbols, as well as with the Sabian Symbols

    and other sets, is to build up examples from people I have worked with and from famous people

    who mean something to me, and to quite gradually discover the degrees by how they operate in

    many instances. I now have thousands of charts to work with in this way.

    There is definitely one caution I wish to offer in working with the degrees in practical

    application. Nothing can be wiser than you are. You cannot use a wisdom vehicle and hook into

    it to tell you things that you yourself refuse to learn and come to understand. All degree work is

    entirely as valid and accurate as the one who is working with those degrees can allow to happen

    inside of their own soul. This should be obvious, but seldom is.

    Perhaps I might also add a word concerning why the degrees in this version of Inside Degrees

    are so very condensed and visionary in their wording. The guiding force behind our work has

    insisted that we call forth an Earth dimension in everything we do. If we were going to stay high

    and spiritually correct, we could speak in a more mentally straightforward style. But if we wish

    to get under the skin of all the contemporary ways to think about things, we are compelled to say

    it fast, say it strong, and put a great dose of visionary power into the description. In doing so we

    give a kick start to the dormant imagination and help it to get on even terms with the intellect so

    that a qualitative knowing can be attained.

    I feel very comfortable and at ease with the interpretations in this book. I know that it will take a

    while for what is here to sink in and flesh itself out. But all my favorite reading is of books that

    do it this way. We need heart and guts, intuitive flow and awesome possibilities, if the work is to

    serve the living future now stretching ahead of us all.

    My desire is for this Star Genesis, this not-so-Astrological approach to speak for itself, to show

    its own ways, to be self-evident. If the intellect must yield to subtler awareness, each one can

    find their own bearings best if the degree angel speaks in her true inward tongue and is not

    excessively interpreted within limited cultural models.

  • Or to say it bluntly: Our knowingness is far broader, higher, deeper than we have been living in

    recent centuries. It's time to restore the missing levels. The degrees are the perfect starting point

    for such a venture.

  • Taurus

    TAURUS 1

    A red garnet ring. The garnets glow. A passion for bearing ripe fruits. Feeling transported by an ongoing realization that you are in

    your own element, doing what you need to do and subtly fired by an inner purpose that clarifies

    everything. The glow of your central intent warms you through. This quality of soul is simple

    and direct. It makes for a primal, elemental presence. One cannot grasp complex matters in this

    sphere. But you know what you need to know, and you're on the beam so palpably that nothing

    much matters except being there. You distinctly charge the atmosphere with a pranic renewal, a

    source sustenance, and the whole idea is to make way for the universal life-force to stream right

    in and bless with its all-forgiving radiance.

    TAURUS 2

    Wilting flowers form a graceful pattern in a vase. Supreme resignation. A twilight soul mood. You adapt to the limits imposed by time and

    situation. Dreaming ceaselessly. Waiting forever. Not very attached, not very involved; fostering

    illusions, fixed notions, and habitual states. At the mercy of context. Somewhat unable to

    change. Prone to multiple weaknesses. Self-indulgent. Old-fashioned--remembering when.

    Ancestors in the blood. You have a fabulous imaginative capacity but very little active life--

    indwelling the phases of the moon and the recesses of the world. In a suspended soul condition,

    drifting with the tide. Sweet, naive, and wishful. Solitude and ever-afters. A wondrous soul

    underneath a pile of old stuff, wanting the best for all.

    TAURUS 3

    A sleepwalker. Everything begins with an inward cast, and then if you wish to get anywhere you must go there

    on the inside and meet yourself there when you arrive. You feel a desire to memorize the

    territory of all the inner ways--to remember them, to recognize them and to be able to follow

    them when it counts. You feel like you've been taught in the dream state, shown everything in

    dreamless sleep and through dreams. You're subtly and pervasively closely accompanied by a

    protective guiding spirit. Held within the soul's alembic. Entrusted to the angels. Living in

    threshold sensitivity, attuned to the edge. Led by the spirit through darkness into light.

    Subliminal, enchanted, anxious, and at peace. Always searching for something more.

    Remembering in your soul the lost Earth ways and giving over to spirits, you belong to the

    infinite and wander through the finite worlds. You are like a stranger, knowing something else is

    at stake here. Something else is going on here. Something else is completely involved.

  • TAURUS 4

    A man talking in his sleep. A psychic faculty is dreamt into and sustained, leaving everything wide open for passive

    absorption. Going so deep in there, an altered state, that you become karmically thrown into the

    dilemma of translation between the worlds. Being used by astral forces, and learning to adapt.

    Indwelling a place reserved for those who are not ready to activate. But, oh, the dreams, the

    vapors. Remembrance. Recapitulation. Return. Longing for connection between the worlds, you

    may be able to take the underworld route through if disciplined attunement is fostered. Creative

    powers are dammed up and filtered through into naive wistfulness. You wait, hope, and are

    drawn back and back until the inner worlds have been heard and respected and the balance can

    be restored.

    TAURUS 5

    Tiny porcelain figures of people. Wandering along the forgotten places, you feel saturated with memories and reflections.

    Enchanted and left alone to sift through all of it in your own good time. Subtly and pervasively

    removed from what is going on around, you are adrift in your own inward pictures. What comes

    of this is highly variable. It can be a fertile cycle to melt into the moon and come out refreshed

    and rewoven. It can be heavily seductive and habit-forming, in which case you sink into a world

    apart and are really held there in subtle chains. Or it can be a secret doorway into the faery

    kingdoms in order to commune with those who animate the elements and the inner worlds. One

    way or another, it is one of those regions that you can never navigate through unless you belong

    there. And if you do, you may be lost there or you may be found there, with everything

    dependent upon your heart force and your depth of resolve to stay, faithfully, with the subtle


    TAURUS 6

    A pink diamond. The heart feels everything. It burns with a fever. Inside the burning something marvelous is

    forming. Grace permits the realization of the heart's desires. You become a vessel to

    demonstrate, to share the beauty, the love, and the light. Yet all of this is implicit, is inherent, is

    inward. It is not seen by outer eyes. You are warming through slowly, contemplatively, those

    qualities of soul that are best entered upon free from reflection. The inner life is rich beyond

    measure with seeds which will be fertilized and are given forth in the fullness of time, with a

    consummate touch of having been through the fire to attain what is true and lasting.

    TAURUS 7

    A large ruby inscribed with a prayer. A beautiful dream that comes true. Conceiving in your heart that a fresh life current is here to be

    met in the physical. Being magnetized to the spot where the New Earth arises. You feel deeply

  • drawn to give yourself over completely to what the new life-wave asks. Sensing acutely that this

    is all that counts, and suffering for all of those who are shut off from the bounty. Knowing how

    hard it is to feel dejected and forsaken, and never forgetting the ache, the longing, the distances,

    and what it takes to earnestly clasp new life and realize you belong to the heavenly kingdom in

    the Earth and will never again be out in the cold.

    TAURUS 8

    A very complicated hedge maze. Self-confounding. Fascinated, you are engrossed by the fabulous disattunement you seem to be

    stuck with. Suspended, enchanted, held fast by ancient errors, rendered safe or innocuous. Being

    held down by an old curse and not being able to find any way out of it. Nothing comes together.

    Meanwhile, you are entertained by myriad factors as diversions, living out secondary circuits,

    trying to be content. You're good at reality adjustment, practiced in the art of making it work

    somehow, but deeply frustrated, profoundly alienated, and existentially doubting just about

    everything in sight. Waiting as patiently as you can for something to shift somewhere, anywhere.

    And becoming quite witty and bemused, with a biting edge that says "it is not funny."

    TAURUS 9

    A talkative woman with tape over her mouth. The creative force at odds with itself. What you would do, you would not do. Facing the truth--

    that everything personally generated fails to satisfy. Spirit is ached for in its absence. Something

    missing. Massive pride screeching to a halt. A very high vibration. Inward places calling you.

    But the abyss features radical self-overcoming. And there is nothing to say, everything to do,

    with nobody left to do it--except the forgotten one inside who knows the way.

    TAURUS 10

    A man exhaling clouds of iridescent smoke. Having something to say, a lot to show for your efforts. Bringing through archetypal realizations,

    and giving yourself over to all that this involves. The perfect instrument for something new to be

    revealed. Selfless service obedient to the Gods. Played-through by visions, pictures, images,

    impressions that gather to form breathtaking wholes. Someone who has worked upon this faculty

    for a long time and now it is quintessentially ripe. You feel the tremendous surging momentum

    to say it, name it, evoke the spirit, what needs to be seen. When dazzling gifts are in the works,

    the destiny is already written in the book of life. It is simply a matter of getting out of the way,

    paying attention, becoming exceedingly disciplined. And then gathering a fresh synthesis for the

    many to recognize themselves reflected with transparent, evocative accuracy, a perfect

    portraiture, direct from nature's workshop, cooked up for the occasion.

  • TAURUS 11

    A woman with flames for hair. Direct, full on, and unstoppable. Pushing for optimal outcomes, you are self-convinced and hard-

    driving. So passionate about your own desire and impulse that anything off to the side is far out

    of the picture, and all that counts is to have your say, to make an impact. Something long-

    gathering suddenly emerging as rage, self-intent, need, and craving. Personal to the Nth degree.

    Almost solipsistic. "Me" mattering after being counted out. You feel the surge of power of

    someone who recognizes that they are bearing a life-force that can no longer be put down, and

    you follow the brightness wherever it takes you, blindly, insensately, and beautifully.

    TAURUS 12

    A very old elephant. Nostalgia and intimately familiar worlds in that each character is known very well. Living inside

    a hologram which contains every world you have ever known. It is slow, reflective, interior, and

    recedes into lunar caverns. All is moonlit and invokes philosophical reflections. There is time.

    There is room. There is permission to be one who brings back the country, the quiet times, the

    special touches, who quietly, unobtrusively keeps the fiber steady. Resourceful and unique--the

    very best of small town life. A trail left to follow. Nothing is ever lost. The stones do not forget.

    TAURUS 13

    A treatise on imaginary creatures. Pretending to be caught up in the game, playing out the image. Everything becomes contrived

    and spins out ever further. You have an appetite for self-confounding, musing upon what it might

    be like. Stepping back from one thing to think about another thing, leading to irony and reliance

    upon wit. Standing away from the world. Caught in a byway of the personal self and wandering

    aimlessly but purposefully. The ultimate intent is to see this one through, to take it on and play it

    out and be through with it. But meanwhile it is beguiling and ensnaring to live so far inside with

    so little real outlet, and such a load of concepts and memories and desires to carry around

    everywhere you go, as though this were what individuality means.

    TAURUS 14

    An old lady selling bunches of violets on a street corner. Caught inside a strange predicament--you no longer belong to worlds you always dreamed into

    before, and you have only a light connection with worlds calling you forward from here. Caught

    in a time warp, being neither this nor that. It is a stark and merciless dilemma. Your heart is

    divided between memories and visions, sentiment and knowledge. Inside this quandary,

    something else is going on. You are distracted from all solid allegiances in order to overhaul

    your way of being, even while remaining stubbornly adamant and resistant. You get around your

    own paranoid system by subtle and subliminal means, eroding the ego base and bringing yourself

    through a humiliating stage. Make yourself ready for deeper challenges ahead by stripping away

  • your self-importance; you who have leaned back hard on self-importance for your very identity,

    and who now must let go despite not wanting to at all.

    TAURUS 15

    His best friend sings a song at his funeral. Love penetrates all barriers. It arises the greatest wherever it most profoundly needed. And it is

    perpetually astonishing in its fullness, its rich sustaining power. Love is also held in a grieving

    and a mourning for what was and is no longer and sometimes love becomes enrapt in a twilight

    mood, and can no longer see through the sentiments and the attachments to touch the limitless

    source of love--staying attuned to that place. Love can be a rocky ride. It pulls in great lessons. It

    feels too much. And love is wedded to death, which it sometimes wishes to divorce itself from.

    Love is a limitless doorway and discovers how to navigate all the realms it is called into fluently,

    willingly, and gladly, stripping away all the ideas about what it should look like and how

    everything needs to be to gratify and appease and make secure when love needs none of these

    things to endure.

    TAURUS 16

    A young girl and boy explore a perfume counter. Weaving polarities adroitly with alchemical awareness of what can come from the right

    combinations. You are fascinated and awestruck by all the various combinations, facets, and

    ways the life-force distributes itself and plays itself out. The rapt admirer of the wisdom and

    beauty of nature, transfixed by what happens around here. Coming at things always from yet

    another side, yet never feeling it is enough. There is more to be done, infinitely more to partake

    in and enhance. The world is an open book. And it magnetically, almost hypnotically draws your

    attention and interest to what is needed next, to what is emergent and outstanding as life matches

    dreams and dreams encompass fantastic variety and vivid spectrum to lose yourself in and

    discover everything through, from one end of the Earth to the other.

    TAURUS 17

    A pomegranate broken open. The spilling out of blood and guts--arriving at the critical point where it all comes out. Huge

    relief and release. Something held forever, with great tension and pressure, yet destiny brings

    such a reckoning of all the places at once that you will postpone it as long as you can. The

    freeing up of karmas when all else is lost. The glory in defeat. The great turnaround is always in

    you, and waiting for it is the hardest thing you will ever do. It has to be so ripe to bursting--the

    moment that counts. Timing is the great art. Everyone freed as you are freed. Nothing held back

    any longer ever again.

  • TAURUS 18

    A woman with hundreds of breasts. The fruit of the vine. Limitless supply is the rhythmical law of the Divine Mother. There are

    those who are given over to the Divine Mother and her earthly counterpart, She of Earth, and

    who are called upon to give of something beyond them and to do so selflessly. A heavy

    responsibility to take on, because there are no boundaries to it. A certain rapture in being able to

    serve in this fashion, with multiple undertones of realization and fruition. Yet the ritual gesture,

    the signature, is so given over to the Mother that what dominates every breath is the explicit need

    that is here--to live inside that need, to be surrounded by it everywhere, to know only that there is

    somebody, that is everybody here who asks, who must have sustenance and inspiration. The

    growing into the task, the becoming worthy of the investiture and the singular dedication to

    complete to the Mother's satisfaction all that is intended in perfect conscientious endowment.

    TAURUS 19

    A crown turns into goat horns. A remarkable instinct for the next lesson. Finding it, learning it, and drawing everything out of it

    that you can. Specialized in destiny activation and interested in nothing else. Purposively driven

    to take up karmic lessons all the way. Wildly given over to what is taken on. Working the

    territory as hard as you can. Making way for something new by wearing out the old. Assigned to

    tough situations, yet knowing it is appropriate. Super strong, and especially tenacious and

    relentless. In deepest essence, sacrificing yourself so that something can happen here that is

    going to take a lot of doing. And inside it all, you are curiously resigned to whatever arises, not

    very concerned because long range results mean everything here. And a moment's or a lifetime's

    discomfort is a small price to pay when destiny is truly involved.

    TAURUS 20

    A fork in the road with a blank sign post. Getting inside of things. Discovering what they are like, when you have no idea any longer what

    you want out of things or where anything really is going. All the riches of subtle texture can only

    begin to arise now, and to touch your soul. This journey has gone on forever, but now the deep

    Earth calls you once again and you cannot refuse. All roads lead to this same place, where it all

    flips over and you're tumbled to the inside where you meet yourself for the first time. This was

    not who you expected to see. This other self has lost everything, but has found its way to be here

    at last, on the inside of the world, ready for anything, no preferences, nothing to accomplish,

    nowhere really to go--just here, in the fiber of existence, home free.

    TAURUS 21

    A statue of Hermes decked with brightly colored garlands. Hermetic wisdom revived. Two extreme polarities: the far inside and the far outside.

    Expressively playful, tricky, fluent, and engaging. Inwardly contemplative, studious, brooding,

  • and lost to the world. Guided from within to stay entirely secluded and solitary in your inner life,

    yet transmuting your solemnities into accessible bits and pieces in all familiar contexts. A way to

    render unto Caesar and still serve the highest. An arduous track. The ultimate challenge--to

    throw the self off and take the self on as it is appropriate. Strategic incarnation, under special


    TAURUS 22

    A blindfolded woman who sees the future. Witnessing dispassionately the flow of time. Standing outside of all linear progression and

    knowing what is likely to happen here. Supremely disengaged from surface affairs, even lightly

    dismissive of all secondary considerations, but tuned right in to the thread of prophecy and inner

    vision. Granted a certain grace to follow the inner track. And serving a larger function as part

    shaman, part seer, and part commonsensical advisor. Salty wit, earthy and pithy, no nonsense.

    You know where the bones are buried. Penetrating insight. A throwback to simpler worlds. One

    who warns of dangers ahead, and is not amused by factions and fragments and phantoms of

    common assumption.

    TAURUS 23

    A salamander glowing red-orange. Burning up with the inner flame of creative activity in the soul realms. The inner life raging with

    power--an insistent force. A level of attunement to the central flame of your being that will not

    quit. The impassioned desire to manifest perfectly what lives inside. The alchemical intention to

    burn away the dross and return to pristine selfhood at long last. An extremely sharply motivated

    path of development. Difficult to harness, yet the mastery called for is just what you seek to

    embody, and anything more reasonble seems easy and lazy. One-pointed drive to strip away all

    but self and be true to self in a fashion which will burn a hole in the world.

    TAURUS 24

    A man with no mouth. Nothing to say, everything to do. The self cannot be articulated because it is far too busily

    pressed out into emergency mobilization twenty-four hours a day. No personal life, no personal

    world, no personal self. Just fantastic availability to the call, the collective vigil, entered upon

    willingly and selflessly. The demands and rigors of this position and stance are punishing and

    extreme. You are so hardpressed, so rabidly attentive that nothing else exists. The assignment is

    clear, brutally so. Be on the spot at every level, maintain order, keep everything going and stay

    tuned to everything unusual and strange. Follow it out, keep it in your sights and make absolutely

    sure that you stay sober, integrity sworn and minutely diligent to hold the center and uphold the

    law with a steadfastness that is beyond belief, and simply true.

  • TAURUS 25

    Bees returning to their hive. Thematic worlds coming round again just as before, just like always. The highest and the best,

    maintained and sustained beautifully, impeccably, superlatively. Knowing inside that what

    counts, what is essential, is to abide, to be. You are a vast world unto yourself, an extraordinary

    network of intersecting dynamics. But the witness consciousness is blissfully sitting back in a

    restful perch, letting everything go by. And in the very center of this dispassion and wakeful

    scrutinizing, one indwells a Buddha realization attained by hard work in many lives and now

    being your innermost identity in an identityless way.

    TAURUS 26

    Grotesque rocks in a sand garden. The inward image and the outward reflection are worlds apart. Building up inside to a state of

    being that carries immense challenges. You see your own personal nature as an objective

    universal force to be reckoned with, and persist in seeing egocentrically. Preferring massively

    your own company, contained within yourself, imaginatively self-enchanted. Yet also capable of

    radical turnabouts and rebirths. Awakenings false and true, great and small. Knowing yourself to

    be somebody special. Self-consciousness enshrined. A dead-end or a path, oblivious or realizing

    the way of things, getting out of the way or being squarely in the way. Self-importance and its


    TAURUS 27

    A man sculpturing hedges into animal farms. Making a great deal of something out of almost nothing is the mark of fantasy or uninhibited

    imagination. You prefer to be presented with basic, simple, and ordinary things. Inside your soul

    you turn these into what they originally were, releasing their primal power. When alchemy runs

    this close to the bone, it is astounding what it can do. Tackling longstanding knots and obstacles

    of every kind is sensed as nourishment and opportunity. A sacrificial incarnation can best frame

    itself in fantasy and imagination and thereby hug the edge between worlds perfectly. The path

    here is to stay under while peeking over the top, and to play it as straight as can be, while coming

    from an irrepressible source that can come through this peculiar form with flying colors.

    TAURUS 28

    A man making candles out of beeswax. The sweetness is in the returning to those sacred places always known and now being at ease

    there. The natural man strips away false layers and finds somebody underneath who is

    poignantly familiar and resonantly true. The search, the quest, the process. The intricate,

    extended process. For everything depends upon entering the process and giving yourself over to

    the master-craftsman-hands of the Creator Beings. You are simply a seed blown by the wind, and

    to become this completely is blissful fruition inwardly smiled into being.

  • TAURUS 29

    A man amuses himself by drawing strange shapes. Crystallized imagination. The inside of the inside remembered and evoked whimsically. There is

    no form, no pattern, no binding reality. Dreaming the world into being from a greatly bemused

    stance--other. Twinkling observer-witness consciousness. Off on tangents that call, a life, a

    cycle, a realm set aside for inventive play without boundaries. You feel exultant in the freedom.

    Swept away beautifully. Answerable to nobody and nothing except the muse.

    TAURUS 30

    Snakes at rest on a rock in the sun. Remembering everything. Living in retrospect. In touch and in tune with myriad pasts. You view

    these at leisure, lingeringly. Sometimes you go through them again in a very familiar fashion and

    other times all you have to do is see it. But there are so many karmas and everything feels like it

    has been going on forever. A certain soul mood of nostalgia laced with regrets. The backward

    gaze cannot quite be shaken off, for mighty things have happened. And as you ruminate upon all

    of it, you deeply, inwardly decide slowly and gradually your future and much about a larger

    future. With the keynote being whether you can come to a true affirmation of this earth process

    and journey, or whether instead you subtly curse or scorn what you are reviewing, simply

    because it is all too much, and it is so tempting to put it down or in its place, and to feel superior

    in a way that blights the future.

  • Virgo

    VIRGO 1

    A volcano erupting at night. Burning through the restrictions of the day. Taking on and transmuting the world of ordinary

    consciousness. Inwardly erupting with all that it leaves out, you become a conduit for the

    suppressed, the repressed, and the denied facets of self and life. Exposing yourself to the

    onslaught of conventional ideas and their consequences. Aching and longing to turn the world

    around, you are given to subtle or obvious ways to channel and express what lives inside, you

    feel intensively committed to bringing it all together within the ordinary compass of everyday

    life. Saturated with deep impressions of what this Earth is moving through, you are being given

    the chance to stand in for that--to bring it, and perhaps even to become it.

    VIRGO 2

    A man hanging upside down from a tree. Out of phase with the personal ego-mind, in phase with the greater laws, you are absolutely

    forced to stay put, to sit tight, to watch and listen and say and do as little as possible. A fair

    witness to what is happening all around, with no personal vantage point. Being a truth vessel--

    perfectly designed to hold the truth and nothing but. Uncomprehending of perversity and

    corruption, and naive to all radical distortion, but you are surpassingly aware of what is good and

    what is true and of the ways in which the greater laws are being played out in this world. Gifted

    in observing and appreciating how the Divine Will prevails, how the light penetrates the

    darkness. Simply there to be with the constructive and the upbuilding energies and forces. The

    pure idealist in the perfect position to be strictly transparent.

    VIRGO 3

    A woman doing delicate embroidery. Painstaking labors in several different planes of existence. The mind being restrung slowly and

    systematically and by erosion of what was assumed or taken as a given. Multiple worlds crying

    out for refinement, repair, repolarization, and release. The most sensitized and self-conscious and

    fine-tuned way of being imaginable. Attending to subtle, underlying echoes and resonances. Lost

    in time. Existing in a void or parallel world or altered state; doorkeeper between the worlds in an

    unlikely form. But inside the spiral, there lives a knowingness and a beingness in tune with Earth

    and Heaven, and it is rhythmicallysynchronized with the ancient and the future, the forgotten and

    the unknown. Just there, to be with the transition, and stay in touch throughout.

    VIRGO 4

    A small piglet dressed in baby's clothes. Trying exceedingly hard to fit perfectly within prescribed standards and the attitudes and values

  • that are traditional or conventional. Intent on memorizing each gesture, every turn of phrase. You

    are almost hysterically straight and narrow outwardly in juxtaposition to how you really see, feel,

    and respond to things. Inside there is quavering, an intensely alive and overwhelmingly primal

    life-force generator. But any way you try to put it forth is troubling. There is no place for utterly

    other, totally maverick spirits in the midst of ordinary life. So you engage in a thousand

    disguises, try absolutely everything, ultimately ending up forced to be transparent, direct,

    throbbingly real, and so ardently sincere that it becomes just the way you are. And you need to

    be part-of-the-mix as the ingredient we all need, so that the Earth comes through and speaks and

    dances and reminds the others that they too are surpassingly strange.

    VIRGO 5

    A skull on a pole at the entrance to a dark wood. The mind of death always knows ahead of time each and every danger, problem, and dilemma.

    The Cassandra complex warning self and world of what will go wrong. Cautioning, tempering,

    and suppressing, you can afford no mistakes. The mind is set upon doing it just right from start to

    finish. When there are hitches and snags, you hit the roof with qualms and doubts. The self

    against itself. The mind standing over the spontaneous one and saying, "No, you can't go that

    way." Forebodings are a self-fulfilling prophecy. The self proves itself right and wrong. Right

    about nothing working, and wrong to be in that position. This is a mind-set to be eroded and

    worn out, supplanted by fresh inquiry with no agenda, no worry, and just the truth that there is

    death in everything and life to follow if you let go into it completely.

    VIRGO 6

    A banyan tree that creates an entire forest. A towering stature. Containing within yourself a vast creative force that can fill the world with

    its diverse and multiplex awareness. You have a graphic ability to evoke, to capture, to epitomize

    a realm, a world, to draw it forth, to highlight it. And this then extends into many others, such

    that the illumination, the fresh angle is sharply relevant and universally resonant. Experiencing

    for yourself the wisdom of the ages, proving it out afresh by experimentation and open

    discovery. Piercing to the core with your fluent presence in this world. Saying in so many

    different ways "Here it is, here it is again. I have found it over here"--the living proof that nature

    is totally alive, that the creative power is everywhere, and that all of it yearns to be given voice,

    to be celebrated, to be acknowledged by one who can reach to the vasts and penetrate to the

    details and make macrocosm and microcosm one.

    VIRGO 7

    A pie thrown in someone's face. Action and reaction. Reflexive mirroring of self by world and world by self. You are forced to

    confront yourself everywhere. Starkly compelled to deal with karmas of the past returned: who

    did what to whom. Conflict, strife, tension, and pressure. Mischief and the unexpected . On

  • guard. Agreeing to meet yourself through others and to find intimate reverberations from every

    side. You have an overwhelming experience of running into the consequences for even what you

    thought--a wrap-around world of breakthroughs, quandaries, alliances and dangers. On red alert

    twenty-five hours a day, knowing that you cannot turn your back on threat or opportunity.

    Everything is obvious and supersubtle, gross and elusive, tightly known and vastly beyond


    VIRGO 8

    A man thinking up names for colors. The mind is a hilarious thing. It populates the world with its many ideas on top of what is there

    and then can no longer see things in themselves in their pristine light. We trade direct experience

    for a culturally rich consciousness. This mental set is marvelously intricate and detailed.

    Becoming conversant with the human sphere takes up all your time and energy, drawing you

    ever further into complexity, multiplicity, and appreciation for the beauty and the brilliance of

    the best in culture and civilization. The refinements and elaborations are infinite in scope. You

    become an expert, a central force, an adept in working the mind's magic. In the largest picture,

    this is a perfecting of human intelligence in its concrete, penetrating power, combined with its

    far-ranging spread into variety and universal brotherhood. It remains narrow-spectrum, rational

    throughout, but does this up the best it can be done and a little bit better.

    VIRGO 9

    A man mixing cement. Jammed tight with concepts. Thinking about what you are doing. Interpretations, evaluations,

    opinions, and surmises. Void of heart-force. Believing in progress, bent upon success. You

    strictly, rigidly carry out what the mind dictates, a form of ignorance that is very clever.

    Something missing in the soul. Compensations on top of compensations. Exceedingly busy,

    hyper, with plans, projects, and enterprises. You are very good at achieving results. Riveted to

    the phenomena. But prone to casting shadows that come back to haunt. Shortsighted and hooked

    into what is convenient and pragmatic, perfect in small outer things--all of existence becomes

    small outer things.

    VIRGO 10

    A pin cushion. Turning yourself into an object of common use, you literally and mentally take on the

    maintenance and the minor and the mediocre to keep the outer mind preoccupied. Meanwhile,

    deeper inside you are far elsewhere. By being efficient, productive, helpful, and exemplary in

    outward behavior you make very sure to throw everyone off track and keep your world at bay.

    The inner one is connecting with worlds that are best spared curious prying. The innocuousness

    and the miscellaneous doing-good are laid on thick. The inner life burns with so many

    possibilities, each one of which is nursed along, keeping the flame alive. Even though the

  • maidenly outer one is so good at pretending that there is nobody here but we good people, doing

    our best to keep everything going neatly and splendidly.

    VIRGO 11

    A four-year-old girl dressed as a nurse. Innocence has its ways to persist. You can grow up, yet retain the stance of the novice, the

    beginner, the wonder-worker. You foster a knack of renewing your original, basic values and

    way of being at every critical juncture--a quality unique and unmistakable. At any age and within

    all situations, coming at things as though we all just got here and we are simply trying things on

    for size. The best of this quality is a sticking to prenatal resolves of a lofty integrity that refuses

    steadfastly to fall under the weight of the critical mind. The worst of this quality is that in its

    zeal, its dedication, and its self- insistency, it invariably puts others to shame and generates in

    others the self-consciousness and self-judgement you are yourself bypassing. Therefore, what is

    good for yourself proves to be bad for others, and results in a quandary, a confusing and puzzling

    situation, eventually impelling you to add one borrowed ingredient: the ability to take yourself


    VIRGO 12

    A dog sniffing a dead animal. Searching for clues, you probe the straight line and the intricate curve, tapping the mind's powers

    for intricate operations. Prone to find the pathological, the destructive, and the inverted, the

    bloodhound sleuth checking everything out everywhere. Curious, fascinated, alive with

    speculations, hunches, notions. Wanting to track something down, to get resolution. Needing to

    know, poking about in the dark. You possess remarkable senses and an almost purely telepathic

    mind, tremendously skilled and adroit. But you can get poisoned by skepticisms and by too

    heavy an exposure to the dark underbelly of things. Desperate to learn how to also accept and

    embrace all that is, unconditionally, to let go into rightfulness and goodness in the very thick of

    things being rotten and pervasively wrong.

    VIRGO 13

    A man with hair on his back. Peppery, fiery, contentious, and spoiling for a fight. Born ready, shot from a cannon, one of a

    kind--volatile in the far extreme. Convinced of things. Taking sides, even inventing them, you

    are impelled by the polarized consciousness to be so fiercely partisan that the destructive

    overwhelms the constructive. Incited to riot by what is wrong with the world--not reconciled, not

    accepting, not at peace. Self-righteous and headstrong. In perfect moments, ebullient and

    magnificent and the most charming a being can be, much of the time you are feuding and

    bickering and blindly consumed by the lower mind. Keenly good at self-deception, the world's

    best at blind self-fidelity. The perfect promoter of the unpopular cause. But you feel tormented

    by the way in which all of this perpetuates itself and cannot find freedom. You search for a way

  • through, hungry for self-overcoming, and needing so badly to emerge from the thicket of the

    mind, to be affirmative of existence with no doubts making the world intolerable to sit in one

    more moment.

    VIRGO 14

    A long steel screw. Set in place, the die is cast--the past determines the future. Held within patterns and syndromes

    of the habitual and the pragmatic--literalistically identified within strictly severe frameworks.

    You are at the mercy of conditionings and programmings, and chronically mentally obstructive,

    up against the grind of the outer mind droning onward. Radically non-creative, noninnovative,

    you follow the party line. Waiting until the loss of real direction has played itself out endlessly,

    and hoping that a different phase altogether will knock you over the head and pull you onward

    from this dead end.

    VIRGO 15

    A man inherits a vast fortune. Aristocracy takes many forms. Whether by karmic predisposition or by bloodline or both, being

    granted the ultimate pedigree for serving effectively. Those who have ruled can serve. Those

    who have mastered can give themselves over. Those who have attained can extract the essence of

    what they have come to before and utterly discard the rest. Showered with blessings. Filled to

    overflowing with the streams of your background, you are yet definitely motivated to use all this

    as a springboard and not to lean back on it. You feel the impulse to renew gifts, treasures and

    mysteries--to revitalize the old streams, to make relevant and essential what has previously

    proven to be steady and enduring. And most of all, endowed with a fluency in drawing from the

    well something fresh and new, and being so at home in bringing it all through that you become

    an individual here in the midst of things, who just happens to know and be familiar with just

    about anything you need to access from the well that never runs dry.

    VIRGO 16

    A jar of camphor crystals. The mind profoundly divided between the supremely constructive and upbuilding, and the

    radically destructive and fragmenting. The intention is to gather the best, to do the right thing, to

    be exemplary. But somewhere along the line this energy runs out, and there slips in its shadow

    which runs wild. Creating your own troubles, cleaning up after yourself. Being at the mercy of a

    fatal dualism that splits you terribly, the plight and dilemma of one who has wandered into the

    territory of tempting forces. Consciously blameless and innocuous; subconsciously charged with

    mischief and mayhem. And the hardest part is that it feels too late to turn this around. As you

    experience the fatalistic notion that this is just the way it is, you have arrived at the center of the

    temptation, and must learn the art of radical letting go.

  • VIRGO 17

    An old bald woman talking to her dog. Internal dialogue in which self and world are constantly discovering where they stand with each

    other. Having no pretense or guile. Speaking to each one in the way you speak to yourself, in the

    way you speak to everything. No rituals, no ceremony, no special cases. Unvarnished honesty

    and truth. Intent on getting at what is underneath, what is inside. You penetrate right through the

    personality, the ego-mind, without thinking about it. Knowing that life needs a voice and that

    being that voice is natural and inevitable. You feel close to the ground, basic, and foundational.

    Not very nice, not very easy-going. The pure straight-shooter, as real as can be, and almost too

    much so. You are the reminder of how it would be if we stayed with integrity and conviction and

    threw out the rest.

    VIRGO 18

    Eyeglasses which cause one to see rainbows. Seeing through the eyes of anybody, everybody, all worlds together, all worlds differentiated

    sharply, you are able to switch perspective from the personal vantage point to any conceivable

    other. Drawn to extend the range of perception and the worldview to encompass what it looks

    like from the inside of each and every one. Clairvoyant, telepathic, and mythically potent with

    the power of story. Keenly guided to unfold consciousness into its evolutionary potential. You

    are thoroughly convinced that if all sides can be respected, honored, and lived into, interpersonal

    dynamics will naturally work out optimally. And you feel ultimately transported by an

    affirmative life-giving perspective to open doors and make this world a brighter place, with

    simple, straightforward brush strokes of cosmic common sense.

    VIRGO 19

    A fire breathing dragon the size of a mouse. Big things and little things trade places. Big things become off screen, too demanding and

    formidable, oppressive. Little things become unquenchably full of life and there to be entered

    upon with passionate conviction. Little things proliferate wildly. Soon they are everywhere,

    clamoring, yearning, asking for attention and energy. Each little thing grows very big--

    incarnation, embodiment. Coming to the brink of immense commitment into the earth, you have

    a craft, a fine touch of beholding, witnessing, and responding to each facet of life unto itself. The

    most rigorous of paths--to be there into the details. Will and mind become one, a discipline, a

    harnessing that is magnificent and very hard to accomplish. Yet you recognize that this is what

    remains to be done, to light up the jewels of life and let them arise everywhere.

    VIRGO 20

    The expanse of the Himalayas in the distance.

  • When you place a spiritual/cosmic perspective upon every single little thing that happens, you

    will either overshoot the mark or discover perfect meaning. The overshooting of the mark

    happens when the little mind and the greater mind become warped in their relativities. Proportion

    tumbles before pregnant magnitude. Everything is sprinkled with archetypal overtones. Perfect

    meaning arises here when the truth is the yardstick and you simply align yourself with the truth

    in a nondogmatic fashion. The spirit of discovery becomes the spur. The unknown makes the

    known precious and poignant. You finally get it right that every microcosmic situation is a jewel

    in the making, and only needs to be appreciated and boosted by faithful beholding. The passage

    is from thinking about it to becoming at home within the path of bringing all worlds together,

    just as the occasion makes possible, with a light touch and an easy grasp of the reins.

    VIRGO 21

    Dark river and distant bell. So much to be done. So many fragments to move with. Such a confounding. The one inside is

    calm and quiet, poised and accepting, knows what shall be. The one outside is frantic with events

    and experiences which do not add up. Severe conditions to test the soul and give the mind quite a

    scare. The process is to keep going into it a little further, despite yourself, and to keep losing who

    you thought you were in the bargain. But there is somebody to be when there is nobody left to

    be, and only then.

    VIRGO 22

    A woman writing with the tip of her fingernail. Sharply attuned. Self-consistent. Always telling the same story in variations--autobiography. So

    much to say, such a lineage to articulate and reveal. Being brilliantly tuned in to every nuance of

    your own superfine sensibility and not missing a stitch. Eerily intent upon staying on course and

    witnessing how it is done, why it is done, with dispassionate gaze. Selected by destiny to be the

    one to exemplify the way it should be done. Willing and able to do this forever and do nothing

    else. So straight and narrow that it becomes idiosyncratic and Self-referential. The name of the

    game is to call the shots, to stay on top of the situation and to tap every level of intelligence to

    make your way purely and precisely where you were intended to be, in the master plan being

    followed utterly.

    VIRGO 23

    Giant cacti blooming in the desert. Knowing beyond knowing what is real and what counts. Commonsensical, good, and true.

    Containing so much knowledge and wisdom that you bear the record of all that is worthwhile in

    human evolution. Fascinating and extraordinary insights, realizations, and observations--an

    independent way of seeing. Integrity and conviction, sterling and impressing--a perfect grasp of

    essentials. Dedication to holding faithful to the earth and her ways. You have an almost abrasive

    style of sticking to your guns and making it clear what is correct and furthering and what is not.

  • Tremendous mentality demanding self-command to harness and make effective and helpful.

    willing to do the work. Always prepared.

    VIRGO 24

    A silver trident. Psychically in tune with the collective and assigned the task of maintaining a vigil of collective

    awareness, you are sent to outposts to stay tuned and partake in the universal communications

    network. Singularly devoid of self-drive. Sacrificial incarnation. Immensely far removed from

    the usual territory of the mind, you have been granted the opportunity to serve and to suffer.

    Exquisitely sensitized. Brilliantly astute. And seeking and searching for ways for everybody to

    reconnect. Solitude, seclusion, stillness. Wishing and yearning for the world to be at peace and

    for people to understand each other, you contribute constructively. Consecrated, mystical, and

    right there on the inside of life, you wait timelessly for all good things to come in their season.

    VIRGO 25

    A gold ring in the form of a snake swallowing its tail. Knowing who you are, with your own greater self right there standing above you, showing you

    the way. Impressing the mark of advanced selfhood upon everything in sight, you are clear as a

    bell that you must hold true to your nature. This life's journey is sensed as a true biography, a

    story for the ages which completes itself and comes back to the beginning at the next octave.

    Knowing beyond knowing the nature of the quest, and being especially aware of the how of each

    little step to pass this on. It is a delicate matter to know this much. Many who attain this point

    will employ their conscious mind to cover all this up and generate a busy outer facade. However,

    the substantive attunement to the mysteries cannot be missed by any angel, and suggests that this

    is a culminating and a consummate way of being which speaks from the vital center and is there

    beyond all attempts to throw it off.

    VIRGO 26

    An old man counting gold coins. Getting your bearings, determining your limits, finding a reality fix. Making sure that everything

    is there; checking out the manifest details over and again. Coming down to earth and becoming

    sober and straight and clear. You are overwhelmingly convinced that there must come this

    cleaning-up and clearing-up. Sick and tired of pretense and hype, hungry to get down to basics,

    and somewhat hooked on the quantitative intelligence. Blurring distinctions. Intent upon being

    viable, correct, and self-sufficient. If all these things are taken up with a twinkle of humor, they

    are digestible. But if they become self-serious and a little too proper, they are deadly and

    sickening. You learn to throw off the attitude and to cleave to the substance of getting things

    right, unapologetically and steadfastly.

  • VIRGO 27

    The magician disrobes. He has no sex organs. We bear a dream within us. In that dream, we can magically disperse every partisan

    consideration and make the truth a commonsensically shareable thing. We endow that dream

    with more of ourselves than any outwardly existing realities. Slowly we foster its seeds. There

    just must be a way to find the common point, to no longer be jerked around by gender politics

    and all the other antibrotherhood, antisisterhood currents. So we endow the dream with our

    heart's aspirations, and when we give our all to it, the dream comes true. but until that point, we

    are worlds apart from others in harboring the dream of our coming reunion with everybody.

    VIRGO 28

    Autumn leaves pressed into a book. The mind is a funny thing. It pours over experience with a fine tooth comb, yet only sees what it

    expected to see. The mind programs itself, indoctrinates itself thoroughly and intensively in the

    fine art of imposing the familiar and the assumed upon all of life. This is a maddening way to

    operate, yet it does not register as being so. Instead you like it this way, prefer it, advocate it,

    simply because it is self-reinforcing and self-perpetuating. You are after elaborate confirmations

    and validations that the little self is perfectly splendid just as it is. And you will be sure to get

    these. The transaction is guaranteed. But there is an unknown self who cannot breathe in this

    atmosphere, and who knocks at the door seeking entry and is not very pleased to be tuned out

    and pushed away and told that we are fine as we are and do not need to be stirred up by the voice

    of the rest of existence.

    VIRGO 29

    A witch preparing magic mushrooms. Within the delicate, formative stages of major departures into the unknown, there is encountered

    an extraordinary task and lesson that detains you a long while. It becomes self-evident that it is

    everything that comes before that makes the difference. There must be a fully attuned, magical

    sensibility to make the future possible. Coming to this requires arduous discipline and elaborate

    ritual, internal initiation. This becomes such a labyrinth of discipleship and apprenticeship that

    you wander through the maze discovering everything you ever needed to know. All is played out

    within. There is no need to make anything happen on the outer. You are assigned to empty

    yourself out, to strip everything away, to become invisible. And if you excel at your craft, so

    many ventures and initiatives will be seeded, that this inner planes total mobilization will prove

    to be more fruitful and productive than any premature thrusts of outer mind, no matter how

    impressive or seemingly necessary. The entire path lies well within, and needs no surface success

    to substantiate itself.

    VIRGO 30

    Supersensible beings manifesting through geometric forms.*

  • Sacred geometry inscribes the pattern of the world going through its great shifts, its quantum

    leaps. If you learn to stand back and be within the greater archetypal motions, you find yourself

    being placed in perfect strategic positions, in exquisitely rightful initiations and assignments. The

    transparency of things is superlative to behold. You are called to serve the highest, to respect and

    honor all manifestations, to be there for everybody. Interior steadfastness and implacability;

    knowing the law, the code, the way. Magnificent in applying vaster awareness to life's particular,

    detailed variations on the theme of how everything fits together perfectly and is woven by divine

    design. The fine tuned sensibility of the master craftsman, particularly adept in staying modest,

    unadorned and straight on. It is the exemplar of the way it is done when you know who you are

    and how things are around here, and when you see it coming through in every jewelled detail

    with little lost in the translation.

    *Please note that the original Chandra symbol was worded, "Supernatural beings appearing as geometric forms."

    John Sandbach agrees that this current wording is a clearer rendition of what was intended.

  • Sagittarius


    A woman, manacled in solid gold chains. Vividly attached to your own personal limitations, idiosyncrasies, and karmic backlog, you are

    identified within the strict circle of familiar difficulties, dilemmas, issues, and problems.

    Habituated to a thick atmosphere of being surrounded and enveloped by all the places you have

    hung out forever. Immobilized in your will and truly feeling incapable of overthrowing the past.

    You feel chaotically fascinated by and deeply saturated in patterns, syndromes, and subconscious

    escapes. Yet in the fiery midst of this very enchantment, you can go free if you inwardly come to

    a place where all the old spells no longer work and your resurgent spirit simply refuses to

    confound itself any further.


    Many iris blooming in a wide variety of colors. A vast multiplicity of vantage points, ways of being, complete identities. Fabulously suggestible

    and impressionable. Fanning out in all directions, becoming one with everything. Desiring and

    needing to bring forth each self you have ever been, every fancy you are filled with, you are

    impetuous, outrageous, and irrepressible. Freedom at all costs. The moment prevails. Ferment

    and flux. A great difficulty in holding steady, perpetual adolescent rebellion, and the magnificent

    ability to become absolutely anything. Experience is all. Your deepest need is to embrace your

    astounding nature and let it be free, despite all signs to the contrary.


    Clouds overhead seen in a reflecting pool. Enlightenment rarely comes by pursuing straight lines, by following predictable tracks. If you

    wish to find the secrets to the mysteries, you must give yourself over completely to the flux and

    to the ferment, and allow the winds of destiny to prevail entirely. This immediate sense world

    casts a very different glow than the heavens ever could. By identifying yourself with each

    shifting nuance, every flicker of instantaneous movement, you find the inner worlds way to

    waking up here in this Earth. But this journey is a perilous one, for you become awash in so

    many far-flung spheres, and there is no map and there are no shortcuts. You must somehow see

    right through your own most addictive and compulsive impulses, and ride the wild waves

    homeward through sheer presence of mind and gut conviction that everywhere leads to the same

    place. And that if you find yourself cast into any corner of fate it is the one perfect place to get

    home free within, if you can hang on and let go and never lose your sense of humor.


    A young prince undresses to bathe in a pool.

  • Seeking your own reflection. Willing to go to any lengths to divest yourself of that which stands

    between yourself and your world. Seeking a path, a practice, a journey from an insulated way of

    life to a vitally engaged way of life, but hung up at the point of giving yourself completely over.

    Stalling for time, reaching for excuses, pulling in escapes and perpetuations of the status quo,

    you linger on the brink between one world and another. Propelled forward, but equally jerked

    backward. Destiny shall assert itself in a forward direction at the right time. And before that

    happens the drama of "will he, won't he?" dominates consciousness and energy, keeping

    everything tense, fascinating, and hopeful.


    Three women materializing out of a fog. Being mesmerized by your own triple reflection. Casting a huge chunk of your own soul back

    into the dim past, casting another chunk of your soul into the remote future, and enshrouding the

    present time chunk of your soul in layer after layer of obscurity and evasiveness. Living

    simultaneously in past, present, and future, but with all three time frequencies held away.

    Therefore, to a fantastic extent, you live inside the subconscious mind with virtually no

    conscious outlet. Down inside there something extraordinary is happening. Free from the glare of

    any form of overt reflection you are gestating, healing, and making yourself ready for the infinite

    unknown to pop or hatch. Intensive seething forces of dreaming into the void, the great abyss.

    And while knocked out of outer commission, liberated to conceive the inconceivable and to

    renew your tangled and damaged roots in the old wise woman way that never ages and always



    A pair of shoes with live wings on each. To delight in pursuit is never to get there, but to enjoy the ride all the way. To identify with flight

    is to run from what is dense and heavy and to deny the pain of Earth. And to dream of a personal

    limitlessness is to stay out of realities that bind. The longing and the craving, the fantasy and the

    vision are everything here. And as you perpetuate illusions you feel no pain. Somewhere you are

    convinced that the very best thing is to be free, and that to fall for linear progression is to be a

    fool. Everything you know and follow is true in worlds beyond, and false in the dense

    immediacy of Earth experience.


    Rats with ruby eyes. Uncanny mentality. Knows what's going on. Virtually psychic ability to follow inner subtle

    tracks. You are accustomed to the dark. At home in the margins, living upon scraps and notions,

    following a hunch--you are full of superstitions, idiosyncratic and cranky. Given over to an on-

    the-edge world that hugs twilight. Essentially neither this nor that. Independent, anarchic, and

  • full of surprises. Resilient, tough, strong, and enduring, but self-obstructive, and prone to a form

    of trance which attracts astral entities and may lose the path in the mists.


    The harsh landscape of the moon with a black sky. The Earth is not visible. When chaos joins forces with hard and heavy dense frequencies, we are in for an exceedingly

    difficult journey. The feeling level is depressive and anguish-susceptible. The energies are

    chaotic and almost random. The result is an undercurrent, an undertow that is vicious. All seems

    hopeless--the situation contains no relief in sight. In the thick of this dilemma, a momentum

    toward the future is being seeded in one of two directions. Either you are condemning yourself to

    grim and forbidding territory as a form of self-punishment for being so far off, or you are

    preparing the way for a change of heart toward compassion and forgiveness, even for your own

    greatest weaknesses. It all depends upon whether you can allow in a spiritual light of redemption

    for the worst. Or whether instead your mind is made up, and another round of no nourishment at

    all is in order for the one who is lost and now has no way back. That is, until you let the light in

    to this terrible darkness and radically relent from your judgmental stance.


    A man with green skin. He is dressed in leaves. Playful, exuberant, spontaneous, and elusive, you are restless under constraint, with all of

    civilization representing constraint. Desperate to be free. When not held down, you have

    spectacular abilities and affinities. But when bound by time, you become abrasive and

    provoking. Temperamental in extreme ways. Aching for free movement in a vast territory.

    Drawn to every extreme that exists. The body and soul of one who can never be identified,

    tamed, narrowed. You are the one who knows how the deep Earth is surging with volatile

    currents, and these bear all hope and promise if they are followed with open arms. The one who

    shows everybody what life is like when it lets itself go and contagiously ripples with permission

    and encouragement for each and all to come out and play and explore the far edges, and even

    perhaps over those edges into the greater wilderness. Claiming the allegiance of those whose

    wildness is no passing whim, but the only viable way.


    A star turning many different colors. Bedazzled by the lights, intoxicated with the display, amazed and stunned by the spectacle. You

    are your own audience, your own accompanist, your own shadow-catcher. Prone to excess in all

    things, in a release of spirits unending. Becoming roles, worlds, ways of presenting self. Taking

    karmic episodes of the past and replaying them in another variation. Given over to the senses,

    body-charged, chaotic, and commanding. Taking life through all its shifts and nuances with easy

    and spectacular capacity, you feel somewhat at the mercy of the shadow that comes back to

    haunt. Effortless grace and subtle burnout. For there is more than this, and it will not come unless

  • this does consume itself, and makes way for the unknown as the only place to go when the

    excitement wears off.


    A string of pearls. Everything seems equal to everything else. Life coming in at such an angle of perception that it

    always leads to the same places. What goes around comes around. Characteristic observations,

    pet phrases, cliches, truisms. Becoming aware that everything makes perfect sense, that it all fits

    together as naturally as can be and that all you have to do is pay attention. There is a second,

    deeper lesson--elusive and baffling--that may ultimately prove to be centered around "Who is the

    observer, and what is that special ingredient they put in there that makes everything so self-

    evident?" If the world is right there for the asking, the self remains an enigma, an unknown, the

    territory yet to be mapped out or rendered commonsensical.


    Icicles melting. Soul timing. Slow and formative. Waiting for fullness and ripeness. Outliving old stuck patterns

    by slowly wearing them out. Deep process. You experience lessons in humility and simplicity.

    An extravagant streak which relents only after relentless pressure. Cross-purposes. You have an

    attachment to personal inclination of the most stubborn kind, and yet a desperate drive to get

    beyond the shadows. Interior dialogue and dispute. The slow burning way. And allowing pride to

    surrender without being made wrong. Elaborate maneuvers toward significant breakthrough.


    An embalmer at work on a mummy. Death manifests among the living in myriad forms and guises. It is unforgettable in its imprint.

    Those who are drawn to get close to death and to get involved with it have their own set of

    challenges accordingly. Will they get wrapped up in the lesser levels of death and turn into

    habitual trapped creatures, or will they extend the range of their affinity and their allegiance to

    encompass the redemptive and the regenerative aspects of death? Being magnetized to relive

    previous deaths, to learn the ways of death and to fathom its mysteries, and being able to move

    among many sides of this equation. But ultimately drawn either to indulge the regressive loop of

    being in circles of recurrence, swept away, or to open up the space tremendously--to collaborate

    with the lively ones among the dead, and to discover that in their world, which is scooped out in

    that exquisite sensibility through which the lively dead see this world, they celebrate its free

    becoming more fully than anybody else would be able to approach in that sparkling way.


    A terrarium filled with carnivorous plants. Deposited in the jungle, the pit, the open sewer; exposed mercilessly to the worst chaos,

    multiplicity, and darkness the world has to offer. Toughened, seasoned, tempered under duress.

    Forced to get it. Magnetizing the collective crises and subcurrents can give you a crash course in

    what has happened to the world and what must be done about it. You feel especially keenly

    pulled to participate in situations where anything goes and you must live by your wits or else.

    This is the fast, hard way to get a refresher course in the tortures and the plagues, in order to

    come up with solutions and alternatives of the most avid, incisive, and irresistible kind.


    A tidal wave approaching. The momentum of collective events runs toward floodtide when there is a major transition from

    one whole cycle to another. The personal lifestream runs in similar patterns. When you're getting

    ready to take off in a whole different direction, there is first a transition that is both immensely

    exciting and fantastically disturbing. You feel just about swept away by the oncoming changes

    and just before they really get going, the tension, the pressure, and the strain can tear you apart.

    You want to go with it, yet you yearn for sanctuary. This keen ambivalence gets loaded with

    desire, anticipation, memory pictures, and utopian visions. The mix is volatile. Learning how to

    ride this wave is such a great endeavor that it, in itself, becomes what it is all about. The

    consummate opportunity to open wide, but stay substantively firm and concentrated. Mastery or

    bust. The infinite future or wipe-out. A spine-tingler all the way.


    A man shearing sheep. Practical fortitude. Resiliency to keep finding a way to do it, to keep discovering how to get

    through the deepest quandaries, the greatest karmic traps. Ingenious and resourceful. Paying

    attention to the cues, going to get it right. You're involved within a path which requires

    discipleship or apprenticeship, learning the ropes. Building up fresh capacity in this lifetime to

    scale the heights. But you remain preoccupied and absorbed within honest tasks. A pervasive

    conviction grows and forms, of how it really is. You're willing to take every step to reach a far

    goal, and attentive to what is really there. A throwback to the old ways of a rural past. Oddly

    comfortable in adopting forms and moving through phases and taking on the worlds. The

    journeyman learns the ways of the journey and gathers Earth wisdom in small bundles. Knowing

    how to be there when it counts.


    A monkey dressed in a brocade coat. Playing with roles, masks, and the tricky side of life, you simulate whichever facet will optimize

    the situation. You're permitted great latitude in improvising and going off on tangents. Becoming

  • constructively chaotic, harnessing the forces of the collective madness. Ingenious and witty and

    bright. Devoid of substance, virtually pure image. Having fun, and trying things on for size.

    Slipping in and slipping out. Playing games. You are also empowered from within to throw off

    all solemnities, and to free up situations whichever way it will work, without moral standards to

    inhibit the free flow of inventive enthus