Download - Elevate 2020 Fast



Do you believe God has more for your life in the next 12 months? As individuals, a faith

family and community I believe that 2020 is a year of ELEVATION. As we begin this new

year of great possibilities, prospects, opportunities and challenges, our minds, hearts and

efforts should be on higher and greater things! The Bible says that “… eight days later

Jesus took Peter, John, and James up on a mountain to pray and as he was praying…they

saw Jesus’ glory…” (Luke9:28-32)

In the year 2020, 20 Days of Prayer & Fasting is a great place to start believing God for

all that our sovereign Lord has for you. It will be a great year to see the glory of God! As

you practice seeking God first, I believe the Holy Spirit will move on your behalf like never

before. You will begin to witness the power of God impact and elevate your relationships,

family, work and every area of your life. When we deny ourselves of natural cravings and

worldly distractions, we become more sensitive to God’s voice. Then we are better able to

focus on God and submit to His will.

Join me on Thursday, January 9 as we spend the balance of January in prayers and

fasting for the ELEVATION that only God can give. Excluding Sundays we will begin each

morning at 6:30 AM in a period of scripture reading, meditation and corporate prayer.

You can pray along with me each morning on Facebook Live, Periscope or our Corporate

Prayer Telephone line. Then I am asking you to join me in fasting from all breads, meats,

sweets and drinks other than water from 6 AM to 6 PM each day.

Each day as you read God’s Word, pray, meditate and fast write down the area or situa-

tion in your life you believe God is doing an ELEVATING work. As we move through

2020 watch as God accomplishes His will and takes you Higher! 2020 is our year of


Peace & Blessings,

Pastor Thurm ond

**Please remember that fasting requires reasonable precautions. If you have any health concerns,

please consult your physician prior to beginning this or any fast! For those that have medical reasons

for being unable to fast from food there are such options as a digital fast (removing all television,

social media and radio) that can serve the same purpose. **




I am believing God is

doing an ELEVATING

work in ...

January 9 Luke 6:12-13 Prayer

January 10 Mark 9:28-29 Prayer

January 11 2 Corinthians 5:7 Faith

January 13 Luke 17:19 Faith

January 14 John 4:24 Worship

January 15 Romans 12:1 Worship

January 16 Philippians 2:5 Attitude

January 17 1 Corinthians 9:27 Discipline

January 18 Acts 2:42 Fellowship

January 20 Proverbs 27:17 Fellowship

January 21 Matthew 5:13 Impact

January 22 Acts 17:6 Impact

January 23 Genesis 1:26-27 Relationship

January 24 Ecclesiastes 4:12 Relationship

January 25 Proverbs 21:20 Finances

January 27 Luke 16:10-13 Finances

January 28 1 Peter 4:7-10 Outreach

January 29 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Health

January 30 Proverbs 14:30 Health

January 31 Psalm 24:3 Excellence

Periscope:  Facebook: 

Prayer Line: