Download - Elephant Exercises & Activities - Annette Earl · Elephant Exercise: What did you want to be when you grew up? Do you remember what you wanted to be when you grew up? Do you remember

Page 1: Elephant Exercises & Activities - Annette Earl · Elephant Exercise: What did you want to be when you grew up? Do you remember what you wanted to be when you grew up? Do you remember

Elephant Exercises & Activities

Annette Earl

Page 2: Elephant Exercises & Activities - Annette Earl · Elephant Exercise: What did you want to be when you grew up? Do you remember what you wanted to be when you grew up? Do you remember



A word before we begin ....................................................................................................................... 4

Chapter 1 Exercises .............................................................................................................................. 5

Elephant Exercise: In Three Words... ............................................................................................... 5

Chapter 2 Exercises .............................................................................................................................. 6

Elephant Exercise: What did you want to be when you grew up? .................................................. 6

Elephant Exercise: Money on your mind ......................................................................................... 7

Elephant Exercise: Small change, big difference ............................................................................. 8

Chapter 3 Exercises .............................................................................................................................. 9

Elephant Exercise: Do you like yourself? ......................................................................................... 9

Elephant Exercise: Do you know what you want? ......................................................................... 10

Elephant Exercise: Take a pause .................................................................................................... 11

Chapter 4 Exercises ............................................................................................................................ 12

Elephant Unleashed: Wheel of Life ................................................................................................ 12

Wheel of Life (Template)................................................................................................................ 13

Chapter 5 Exercises ............................................................................................................................ 14

Elephant Exercise: Analysing Beliefs .............................................................................................. 14

Elephant Exercise: What’s motivating the change in your life? .................................................... 15

Chapter 6 Exercises ............................................................................................................................ 16

Elephant Exercise: Shooting for confidence .................................................................................. 16

Elephant Exercise: Connecting confidence to beliefs .................................................................... 17

Elephant Exercise: Seizing control? ................................................................................................ 18

Chapter 7 Exercises ............................................................................................................................ 19

Elephant Exercise: What are you ‘shoulding’ yourself about? ...................................................... 19

Elephant Exercise: What are your values? ..................................................................................... 20

Chapter 8 Exercises ............................................................................................................................ 21

Elephant Unleashed: Be, Do, Have ................................................................................................ 21

Elephant Exercise: Priorities........................................................................................................... 22

Elephant Exercise: Designing your Wheel...................................................................................... 23

Elephant Exercise: Attention! Attention! ...................................................................................... 25

Chapter 9 Exercises ............................................................................................................................ 26

Elephant Exercise: Relationship buckets ....................................................................................... 26

Elephant Exercise: Who drains you? .............................................................................................. 27

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Chapter 10 Exercises .......................................................................................................................... 28

Elephant Exercise: SWOT yourself! ................................................................................................ 28

Elephant Exercise: Understanding fears and drivers ..................................................................... 29

Elephant Exercise: From experience comes quality ...................................................................... 30

Elephant Exercise: Money messages ............................................................................................. 31

Elephant Exercise: Choose your path, choose your information .................................................. 32

Elephant Exercise: Noticing your environment ............................................................................. 33

Chapter 11 Exercises .......................................................................................................................... 35

Elephant Exercise: Health-check .................................................................................................... 35

Elephant Exercise: Taking your temperature AKA establishing your healthy baseline ................ 36

Elephant Exercise: What additions do you need to include in your life? ...................................... 37

Chapter 12 Exercises .......................................................................................................................... 38

Elephant Exercise: Set some goals ................................................................................................. 38

Next Steps .......................................................................................................................................... 39


Please note that the exercises reproduced in this document were originally published in The

Elephant In The Mirror and are intended only to inform and entertainment. They are not intended as

a substitute for any form of health diagnosis or the medical advice of physicians. The reader should

regularly consult a physician in matters relating to his/her health and particularly with respect to any

symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention.

Copyright 2016 - All Rights Reserved – Annette Earl

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A word before we begin

Hey there!

I’m so pleased you’ve downloaded this exercise booklet – change only happens when we take action

and that’s exactly what you’ve done so congratulations. It takes courage to show up and commit to

doing things differently but as the saying goes, ‘If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what

you’ve always got’.

So it’s time to do something different and that’s what the exercises were designed for - to help you

reflect on where you are right now and figure out where you’d like to get to. These are all the

exercises from The Elephant In The Mirror but all in one place and ready for you to print out and

work through whenever and wherever you like.

The exercises are identical to those in the book but in one or two cases, I have amended them so

that they read more easily when all bunched together (e.g. taken out references to chapter

references) and therefore are easier to work through.

Remember that there are no prizes for finishing first and this isn’t homework – there’s nobody to

mark your answers or judge or criticise. It may be that some exercises aren’t relevant for you right

now and others which you want to tackle more than once to get clarity on the outcome. That’s

absolutely fine – I strongly encourage you to use them in whatever way works for you.

So grab a pen, get comfy and give yourself the time and space you deserve to work through these

exercises and start to uncover some of the truths and insights about one of the most intriguing and

fascinating subjects there is – you.

Enjoy …

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Chapter 1 Exercises

Elephant Exercise: In Three Words...

If you could sum up your relationship with each of these groups in three words, what would they be?

Parents: [1]



Partner: [1]



Friends: [1]



Colleagues: [1]



Online: [1]



(Other): [1]



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Chapter 2 Exercises Elephant Exercise: What did you want to be when you grew up?

Do you remember what you wanted to be when you grew up? Do you remember why? What was it

that made the idea so appealing?

When I was 5, I wanted to be a:

It appealed because:

When I was 10, I wanted to be a:

It appealed because:

When I was 15, I wanted to be a:

It appealed because:

When I was 20, I wanted to be a:

It appealed because:

If you could give your younger self one piece of work-related advice to follow, what would it be?

I would tell my younger self:

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Elephant Exercise: Money on your mind

How do you feel about money?

What five words come to mind when you think of money?

What are your main sources of information when it comes to learning about money?

If you could change your relationship with money, would you? If so, in what way?

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Elephant Exercise: Small change, big difference

Write the first word that springs to mind that sums up how your environment looks, sounds and feels.

Circle the one that is most important to you in each environment.

Environment Looks Sounds Feels




Leisure Time


What single small change could you make to improve your environment in the way that matters most?

The one change I could make to improve my _______________ environment would be to:

Continue with other environments and locations where you spend time to identify further changes

you could make to improve your surroundings.

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Chapter 3 Exercises

Elephant Exercise: Do you like yourself?

Before we go any further, take a moment to answer the question. Yes, I know it sucks. Nobody likes

answering this one. But look at it this way: if you’re feeling resistant, that means we’re on the right

track because there’s something to uncover. So, deep breath and… Do you like yourself? Write the

first thing that comes into your head and don’t censor yourself. There’s no right or wrong answer and

it’s not a test.

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Elephant Exercise: Do you know what you want?

Answer each of the following questions, noting the emphasis in bold.

WHAT do you want?

What DO you want?

What do YOU want?

What do you WANT?

Do your answers change depending on how the question is asked? If so, in what way?

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Elephant Exercise: Take a pause

Find a place where you can be quiet and won’t be disturbed. Sit with a pen and paper next to you. Set

a timer for 10 minutes and use that time to just be silent. Notice the thoughts that your mind

immediately turns towards, but don’t try to influence them or stop them. At the end of the 10 minutes,

write down your observations. When you have nothing but your internal chatter to listen to, what

does it say?

Repeat this exercise whenever you are getting lost in the noise around you or when you need to

reconnect with your inner voice and hear what it has to say.

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Chapter 4 Exercises

Elephant Unleashed: Wheel of Life

To carry out the Wheel of Life exercise, simply draw a circle and divide it into eight equal sections

through the centre point, like dividing up a cake. Within each segment, mark out small evenly spaced

lines to represent a number from 1 to 10 (with 0 being the centre point, up to 10 at the edge). Of

course, if you’d like a ready-made Wheel of Life, you can just use the one on the next page

Each section of the Wheel represents an area of your life. Decide which eight aspects of your life are

the most important and title each section accordingly. It is common for people to choose topics like

friends, family, health, job, travel and so on but there are absolutely no rules – whatever is important

to you makes it eligible.

Once you’ve labelled each section, the next step is to give it a mark out of 10 (10 being the highest)

based on how satisfied you are right now with that area of your life. Draw a line across that section to

show the mark you give it. Do this for all eight sections. Once you’ve finished, look at where the lines

are. Do they still form a perfect circle?

Spend a few minutes analysing what the shape is telling you; which areas you’re doing well in; which

areas you’d like to do some work on. Notice the correlations and interdependencies; for example, if

you were to focus on improving one area, how might this affect the other areas? It’s important not to

aim for perfect 10s across the board but instead ask yourself what you need to do to increase your

satisfaction one point at a time and go from there. (For instance, if you’ve rated something a 6, what

needs to happen to make it a 7?)

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Wheel of Life (Template)

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Chapter 5 Exercises

Elephant Exercise: Analysing Beliefs

Choose a belief that you have found sometimes makes you uncomfortable or doesn’t seem to serve

you very well and answer the following questions. Don’t worry if you can’t answer them immediately

or all at once – take as much time as you need.

Where did this belief come from? Who or what gave it to me?

When exactly did I decide this belief was true?

What evidence do I have that this belief is true?

What evidence is there to suggest this belief is untrue?

Do I want to continue to believe this? Does this belief help me to achieve what I want in life?

If I were to change this belief and replace it with another, what would I choose to believe instead?

Repeat this exercise for any belief you hold and would like to understand better or potentially

change for one that would serve you.

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Elephant Exercise: What’s motivating the change in your life?

Identify three examples of things you would like to change in your world. What’s the reason for

wanting the change? Is this a towards or an away-from motivation?

Change I’d like to make:

Reason I want this change:

Towards or away-from motivation?

Change I’d like to make:

Reason I want this change:

Towards or away-from motivation?

Change I’d like to make:

Reason I want this change:

Towards or away-from motivation?

Change I’d like to make:

Reason I want this change:

Towards or away-from motivation?

Change I’d like to make:

Reason I want this change:

Towards or away-from motivation?

Reflecting on the examples above, what appears to be your primary motivation? Does knowing this

change how you approach decisions in the future? If so, how?

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Chapter 6 Exercises

Elephant Exercise: Shooting for confidence

One of the best ways to give a desire context is to turn it into a goal. Therefore, the first C of confidence

is to do just that – creating context so that confidence becomes a goal.

Imagine one of the segments in the Wheel of Life was about confidence. How satisfied are you with

this area of your life right now? What number would you give yourself? Is this a number you’re

comfortable with or is confidence an area of priority for you to work on?

An alternative exercise is to rename the wheel and use it as a Wheel of Confidence. Title each segment

with an area of your life you need/would like confidence in and rate accordingly. This will give you a

clear indication of which areas to focus on.

Want a hint? Don’t try to gain confidence in every area at once. Pick the area most important to you

and start there.

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Elephant Exercise: Connecting confidence to beliefs

If you believe you have little or no confidence, then it’s worth repeating the Analysing Beliefs Exercise

with this specific focus in mind:

Where did the belief that I am not confident come from? Who or what gave it to me?

When exactly did I decide that I am not confident?

What evidence do I have that I am not confident?

What evidence is there to suggest that I am confident?

Do I want to continue to believe that I am not confident? Does this belief help me to achieve the

things I want in life?

If I were to change the belief that I am not confident and replace it with another, what would I

choose to believe instead?

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Elephant Exercise: Seizing control?

If there’s a situation where you currently feel you have little or no control, this can be a helpful

exercise. Try answering this powerful question with as much or as little detail as necessary:

Who or what am I giving my control away to?

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Chapter 7 Exercises

Elephant Exercise: What are you ‘shoulding’ yourself about?

We all do it, all of the time. It’s so integral to our self-talk we don’t even notice. Until now. Identify

three ‘shoulds’ you tell yourself on a regular basis and ask why they need to happen and what would

happen if they didn’t. There are no right or wrong answers. Just write down the first answers that

come to you.

1. I should…

Why should you? What would happen if you didn’t do this?

2. I should…

Why should you? What would happen if you didn’t do this?

3. I should…

Why should you? What would happen if you didn’t do this?

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Elephant Exercise: What are your values?

Below is a list of commonly held values. Circle the 10 that most resonate with you. If a value seems

like it ‘almost’ fits but not quite, substitute it for one that does.




Being the best





Continuous improvement











Hard work






Making a difference

















Of the ten you have selected, which five values are top of the list. We can call these your core values.

My Core Values:






This is only a small selection of possibilities. Search the internet for any one of the numerous lists out

there and come up with the 10 words that represent your values best.

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Chapter 8 Exercises

Elephant Unleashed: Be, Do, Have

Complete the following table as honestly and openly as you can. It’s important that you don’t let

‘common sense’ hold you back. (Remember, you don’t have to know how you will do it at this stage).

What do you want to be? What do you want to do? What do you want to have?

Things I want to... BE






Things I want to... DO






Things I want to... HAVE






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Elephant Exercise: Priorities

Consider each of the statements you made in the previous exercise.

How important is this to you? Give it a rating out of 5 (where 5 is of the most importance).

When do you need/want this to happen?

Which area of the Wheel of Life does this statement relate to?


Importance When Wheel of Life Area







Importance When Wheel of Life Area







Importance When Wheel of Life Area






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Elephant Exercise: Designing your Wheel

Plot each statement on your Wheel of Life within the section it relates to (as identified in the

previous exercise).

The Wheel below shows a timeline of up to a year (12 months) but if this doesn’t work for

you, then grab a clean sheet of paper and draw it again making it your own.

Colour code each number to show its importance (e.g. red for 5, green for 1).


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Elephant Exercise: Attention! Attention!

Spend some time analysing your Wheel. Is one area more crowded than the others? Are your timelines

realistic to do all the things you want? Which statement is the most important? And which one

deserves your time most urgently?

If your Wheel is your mirror, what is the single most important action you need to take to get

the reflection you want?

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Chapter 9 Exercises

Elephant Exercise: Relationship buckets

Which bucket does each of your relationships fall into most often? (There may well be more than one.)

Complete the table below.

1 – Energising 4 - Unsupportive

2 – Constructive Critic 5 – Negative Critic

3 – Supportive 6 - Draining

1 2 3 4 5 6




Wider family




Are there any surprises?

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Elephant Exercise: Who drains you?

Do these descriptions remind you of anyone in your life? If so, are you comfortable with these

relationships as they are? Pick a relationship to focus on and work through the following questions.

Remember, there are no right or wrong answers. This is just a way of clarifying your own thoughts and

feelings on a difficult subject.


How do I feel when I’m with this person?

What is it that makes me feel this way?

How would I like to feel when I’m with them?

How would I likely feel if I spent more time with them?

How would I likely feel if I spent less time with them?

Overall, are there any changes for me to make in this relationship?

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Chapter 10 Exercises

Elephant Exercise: SWOT yourself!

Have a go at completing the grid below, using the following questions as a guide:

What strengths do I or could I bring to my job?

What weaknesses do I need to address to do the work I want?

In changing my job, what opportunities present themselves?

In changing jobs, what threats may appear?

Go back and add to the list several times until you have captured as many answers as possible. Review

each area. How do you feel about what you see? Do your strengths inspire you? Do your weaknesses

motivate you to take action? Do the opportunities excite you?





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Elephant Exercise: Understanding fears and drivers

Based on your SWOT analysis, consider your biggest fear around work when you look into the future.

What’s your biggest driver? Otherwise put: what single thing motivates you to make a change more

than anything else?

Biggest fear:

Biggest driver:

Looking at the benefits of making a change in your work, if you were working in your dream job, how

would this affect your life overall?


Be as clear and specific as you can and refer back to this exercise regularly. Change it, add to it and

amend it any way you want until it is just right.

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Elephant Exercise: From experience comes quality

Identify the qualities you’ve shown in your professional life to date. Combine these with your SWOT

analysis – you’re now building a strong foundation on which to build your new career.

Achievement: e.g. Worked for the same company for 5 years

Underlying Quality: e.g. Loyalty


Underlying Quality:


Underlying Quality:


Underlying Quality:


Underlying Quality:


Underlying Quality:


Underlying Quality:

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Elephant Exercise: Money messages

There are plenty of views about money around. Looking back, what were the messages you were told

most often about money as you were growing up...?

Money Message 1:

Money Message 2:

Money Message 3:

Money Message 4:

Money Message 5:

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Elephant Exercise: Choose your path, choose your information

Pick the path most relevant to you in your financial life right now and think about where you get your

information. Resolve to find at least three new credible sources to help you understand money better

and improve your relationship with it.

Debt Resources:

Saving Resources:

Investing Resources:

Use this as an opportunity to either start or further your financial education. Review your list regularly

to ensure you’re getting accurate, relevant information that’s right for you.

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Elephant Exercise: Noticing your environment

Identify the elements that are most positive from your environment. Then write down what the

negatives are.


(e.g. work, home)

Positive Elements Negative Elements

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How often are you exposed to each of these elements on a weekly basis? Plot each one you identified

in the grid below.

Looking at the grid above, is there anything you can do to alter your environment so more things

appear in the top right square (or at the very least so that fewer things appear in the top left)? It may

involve some work to make it happen but wouldn’t it be worth it?

Things I can do to improve my environment:

Positive Negative



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Chapter 11 Exercises

Elephant Exercise: Health-check

Identify a quality, characteristic or feature of yourself. What are the first three words that you

associate with it? On reflection, are these your words or were they given to you by someone else?


Words I associate: [1]



Others’ words or mine?


Words I associate: [1]



Others’ words or mine?


Words I associate: [1]



Others’ words or mine?

Take a moment to reflect on your answers. Note down any patterns or insights that occur to you.

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Elephant Exercise: Taking your temperature AKA establishing your healthy baseline

Take a clean sheet of paper and carry out the following exercise. Be as honest as you can – the greater

your honesty, the more accurate your baseline will be.

1. List all the things that are currently compromising your health, no matter how big or small,

frequently or infrequently, noting whether they are affecting your mental, physical or emotional well-


2. Review each item, noting how significantly it impacts your daily life.

3. Have you recently taken steps to help improve it?

4. Reflect on your responses, what do you notice? Are there any patterns?

5. How would you describe your overall health baseline?

Set yourself a reminder to ‘take your temperature’ on a regular basis so that you can monitor any

changes and review your progress.

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Elephant Exercise: What additions do you need to include in your life?

What could you start to include in your routine to help ‘crowd out’ what you’d like to change or


Thing I want to change Add-ins - what I could add to my routine to help

Is there one overall action you could start to include that would make a positive impact in your world

almost immediately?

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Chapter 12 Exercises

Elephant Exercise: Set some goals

Spend some time creating and refining your goals. You can set as many as you like – vary them to

include some that are small and easily achievable as well as those that may be challenging but life-


You don’t have to actually do any or all of them unless you want to - this exercise is designed purely

to practise writing goals so that you’re setting yourself up for success.

It is the [today’s date] and I am/I have…

Using this format, write down as many goals as you can on a sheet of paper. Keep it somewhere visible

so you frequently remind yourself what your future looks like!

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Next Steps

Hey, you made it to the end! I hope you have found this exercise booklet useful and helpful in

figuring out the steps you need to take to get from where you are now to where you want to be.

But what now? Is that it? What’s next?

I think it’s really important to remember that the exercises aren’t time-limited; they are there for

you to use and re-use again and again. Lives change, new challenges crop up, new elephants appear

– that’s just life. If that happens for you, go back and read the relevant chapters in the book and re-

take the exercises that offer some insight into the best way forward.

But I understand that sometimes we all need a little extra help and the task ahead is just a bit too big

to tackle alone. So if you’ve read the book, completed all the exercises and are still unsure what to

do next then get in touch with me and let’s figure it out together.

Whether it’s not knowing where to start to coming up with a personalised action plan for making

change happen in a particular area of your life, I’m excited to help you figure out the steps you need

to take to love your elephant, love your mirror and love your life.

Email me at [email protected] and let’s talk!

Look forward to speaking with you soon,

P.S. If you haven’t already, make sure you sign-up on the website (

to get your bonus book chapter, ‘Adjusting the lens on … the pitfalls of procrastination’. Full

disclosure; yes, there are another two exercises in it. But at least you can procrastinate over them! ;)