Download - Elements of Art Line Shape Form Space Value Color Texture.

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of ArtLineShapeFormSpaceValueColorTexture

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Every line starts with a single point. In Math, a point has no dimensions, just

a position in space. In art, even the smallest point has mass

and can be seen. A work of art can be created by only using


Every line starts with a single point. In Math, a point has no dimensions, just

a position in space. In art, even the smallest point has mass

and can be seen. A work of art can be created by only using


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Pointillist painting by Georges Seurat, French, Sunday Afternoon on the Grand Jatte, 1884-1886

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Australian Aboriginal Art

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Line A Line is created by connecting Point A_____B. Line has one dimension, length Line has movement It can be geometric or organic Line can have emphasis and contrast Line can show pattern and rhythm Line can show unity Line can show balance (symmetrical or

asymmetrical) It can create a mood or express emotion and it

can have color or texture (line quality)

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Organic lines are wavy and curvy. Organic means relating to or derived from living things

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Geometric lines are angular and straight

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Lines can express moods or emotion through movement. Movement in art means suggested direction or motion

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Line can express Mood through Movement

Restful Active Tension Flowing HorizontalDiagonal Vertical Diagonal

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Line can show direction (movement) and lead the eye through the composition. Composition refers to the way the parts or elements of a work of art are arranged on the page

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Lines create movement in this composition and direct the eye around the page.

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Line - Emphasis and Contrast. Contrast is where part of a line is different than the rest of the line. Emphasis means there is a focal point or one part that really stands out from the rest.

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Lines can show pattern and rhythm. Pattern is created through repetition of elements. In art visual rhythm refers to the arrangement of a pattern to create movement

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Pattern can be regular or irregular

Regular pattern is created when the elements making up the pattern are repeated at regular intervals.

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Irregular pattern is when the elements

making up the pattern are repeated at irregular intervals

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When lines show pattern or rhythm they are unified. Unity is created through repetition. Unity means some elements within the composition are repeated, look good together and tie the composition together.

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Line - Movement, repetition, unity

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Line can show balance. When we talk about balance in art, we mean visual weight on either side of a line drawn down the middle of a composition. Line 1 shows symmetrical balance. Line 2 shows asymmetrical balance.



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Symmetrical balance means the composition shows an identical mirror image on each side of the line

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Asymmetrical balance means the composition is balanced, but the image is not exactly the same on both sides.

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Line can be combined with other elements of art such as color to create more interest.

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Lines can be textured

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Or Lines can be used together to create Texture

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Lines can Organize space

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Line can be used to Communicate an idea in an advertising campaign

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Line - Communicate an idea

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Draw on your worksheet: Open Photoshop. 1 Do the line worksheet in your

packet using lines to illustrate each of the Principles of Design. Use the pencil, brush, line tool or pen tool to do exercises 1-9 on an 8.5”X11 document. Save as a JPEG or PDF. Put in the drop box in Moodle.

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Meanings of colors

Red anger, passion,blood, war, appetite Blue calm, spiritual, emotional,water, deep Yellow happy, excited, sun, rich, jazz Green calm, nature, peace, money,

sickness Purple royalty, wealth, privilege, passion Orange, bright, unique, happy, sun

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Shape Turn to page 1 in your packet

A shape is created by drawing a line starting at point A and ending at point A.

Definition of a shape: an area enclosed by a boundary line

A shape is two dimensional. It has height and length Shapes can be organic or geometric Shapes can be symmetrical or asymmetrical A shape can be representational or non-

representational Shapes can create a figure-ground relationship

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Shape It can separate and

organize space into

Positive and negative Shape can sustain

interest Creates figure/ground


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Shape The square was

created by drawing a line beginning at point A and ending at point B creating an enclosed area that has height and length


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Two dimensional (flat, planar) Organic shapes come from nature and are rounded Geometric shapes are mathematical and have angles

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Symmetrical shapes are mirror images when divided in half

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Asymmetrical shapes are not mirror images when divided in half

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Representational shapes hold our attention Non-Representational (or non-objective)

shapes are important in design and in the background of compositions.

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Representational shapes represent an actual object or being

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Non-representational shapes do not represent things, they are just shapes

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Shapes can Organize space and create a figure/ground relationship

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Shapes create Interest in a composition

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Line used with Shapein compositions

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Blocks of words can create Shapes

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Shapes can create optical illusions

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Optical illusion

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Shape & Space

Shapes can create Positive & Negative Space

We can talk about the relationship of positive negative space as figure/ground relationships

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Space is either Positive or Negative

Positive white space Positive space is

filled up or occupied Negative red space

around the shark It is unoccupied or


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Figure/GroundThere are three types of Figure/Ground,

positive/negative space Relationships

1. Stable

2. Reversible

3. Ambiguous

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Shape -StableThe two dimensional shape is perceived in an unchanging relationship of positive object against negative background

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Shape -Stable

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Shape -Stable1910 poster by Emile Preetorius

There is a lot of tension between the figure ground relationship-- which makes this image exciting.

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Shape -Reversible

Figure and ground can be focused on equally

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Shape -Reversible

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Shape -Ambiguous

In some puzzle pictures, one figure may turn out to be made up of another, or of several different pictures.

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Simplification from realistic to simplified positive/ negative

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Turn to page 14 in your packet. Choose 3 words or make up your own. Do 4 thumbnail sketches for each Show the thumbnails to your teacher We will choose the best of each of the 4

and you will draw the best in black marker in the larger rectangles

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Worksheet assignment: Find a realistic photograph of a person or an animal . Simplify into a positive/ negative design. Show your teacher and we will crop it and make it into a black and white design. Below is finished “woman”

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Magazine Layout Search Pg. 11 Symmetrical balance Asymmetrical balance Radial balance and movement Horizontal Movement Diagonal Movement Vertical Movement Positive/Negative space Repetition/Pattern/Unity Contrast Emphasis or Focal Point Golden Mean layout