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Every 500 years the Phoenix grows old and dies by bursting into

flames. Then out of the ashes springs a new baby bird. Thus the

phoenix lives, dies, and is reborn in a constant

and eternal cycle. Find the nest of the

Phoenix. Q: What colors are the



The Cyclopes are as tall as giants, and have only one eye on their faces. They work as blacksmiths for the Greek god Zeus, forging his master thunderbolts. It is said that the force of their

hammering shakes the entire earth. The

character Percy Jackson has a half brother that is a

Cyclops. Find that series and the

Cyclops. Q: What is the width of the

eye of the Cyclops in inches?

In some stories the Basilisk is a giant snake; in others it is a creature that is a cross between a rooster and a worm. But most stories mention that the Basilisk’s teeth ooze with deadly venom. Even Harry Potter

was almost killed by a Basilisk. Find the series and the Basilisk skin.

Q: Does the Basilisk you find have

feathers or scales?

Basilisk Centaur Centaurs have the

torso of a human and the body of a horse. Most are not friendly

to humans. The exception is Chiron, a watcher of the stars.

The Greek hero Hercules saved him

from a poisoned weapon. Find Chiron and you will be able to answer this question:

Q: What weapon did Hercules pull

from Chiron’s flank?


In Greek mythology Cerberus is the

name of the three headed hound that

guards the entrance to the

underworld. Deadly venom drips

from each of his three jaws, and his tail whips around

with the power of a dragon.

Question: What is the length of his

paw? Medusa

Medusa is a monster in Greek mythology that has the body of

a woman and live snakes for hair.

Any creature that looks at her is

turned into stone.

Q: Where in the library is Medusa


The Minotaur is half man, half bull. He

wanders the Labyrinth, an enormous

underground maze looking for his victims.

Q: What evidence of the Minotaur did you



Werewolf When the full moon rises, a werewolf changes from his human form into his

vicious wolf form.

Q: How many werewolf teeth did you find?



In Eastern culture dragons are usually portrayed in stories as

wise and good. In Western culture dragons are generally

portrayed as greedy for treasure and evil.

Q: Is the dragon you found from

the East or the West?

The Greek hero Oedipus found his way blocked by a Sphinx on

the road to Thebes. The sphinx was a monster with a

lion’s body and a human’s head.

Q: What riddle did the Sphinx give Oedipus?