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ElEgant ladiEs

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Additional Titles in

Cedar Creek CountyA Christian Cozy Mystery Series

Book One: Rachael’s Dilemma

Book Two: The Embezzlement

Book Three: The Picnic Table Heist

Book Four: The Year 2035 - The D. C. Mandate & The Counterfeit CasketReleasing 2nd Quarter 2021

Visit our website for more information on these books, and our Bible & Gift Store.

“Leading the unsaved to Jesus Christ.”

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Rachael’s PRayeRA Heart-Warming Short Story

Adapted from Book One, Rachael’s Dilemma

BRandon J. RosenBeRg

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Copyright © 2021 Brandon J Rosenberg All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and specific other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the address below. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, historical events, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Book design by Brent Spears

Editing by Sherri Davis Light Morning LLC. P O Box 9206 Greenville, TX [email protected]

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Rachael’s background starts out as a childhood sexual survivor struggling with her addiction, alcoholism as an adult.

She meets Jesus at the picnic table in Chapter Thirty-Six.

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Rachael’s Prayer

The Angel of the Lord says, “Anyone who believes in Jesus will never be put to shame.”

Rachael and her fashion team finished the photoshoot on time, albeit it took Saturday to complete. Abby was fabulous as a fashion photographer, taking over 300 poses throughout the

mansion. Rachael was sad, though; she couldn’t help but notice how close Abby and Darrell worked together. She had heard that he got Abby the Chicago assignment next week. Rachael was thinking, what a coinci-dence, the two will be working together next week. If there was any flicker of Darrell and Rachael getting back together, it just died.

Rachael decides to call Helen at the clinic, “Helen, how would you like to join me for lunch this afternoon at the picnic table next to the clinic?”

“Sure, girl, what’s happening? I haven’t heard from or seen you for quite a while. Is everything okay?” Helen gently asks.

“No, not really, everything is not okay,” Rachael begins to tear over the phone.

“Listen, friend; I have an idea. Last year during my lunch, I took a

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walk toward the end of the seven-acre property adjacent to the clinic. To my surprise, nestled behind a grove of trees, in an alcove, is a lone picnic table. Let’s have lunch there; it’ll be more private. Say it’s almost eleven. Why not come over right now? We’ll have some girl talk and prayer time. Okay?”

“Yeah, that would be good. See you in a bit, Helen.”Rachael drives over to Cedar Creek Clinic sobbing while driving,

dabbing her tears gently, hoping not to rub any makeup off. She’s also not in any mood to stop at the deli for lunch, so she calls Helen again. “Would you mind picking up our lunch?” not explaining why.

Helen can hear the sobbing over the phone and assures her, “Of course, my dear, you just focus on your driving and get here soon, okay?”

“I should be there in about twenty minutes,” Rachael sputters out in between tears.

Arriving at the clinic, Rachael grabs a box of tissue from the car and walks directly to the lone picnic table, not bothering to step inside to see Helen, but calls her instead. “I’m here. Can’t wait to see you,” continuing to dab her tears.

Helen grabs her jacket and their picnic box lunch and heads out the back door. After a short walk, she sees Rachael crying and softly walks up to her praying, “In the name of Jesus, we ask that you give this child of God peace and calmness. In your name, we ask this to be so.”

Rachael murmurs, “Thank you, Helen, but I’m not a child of God. How can He give me anything?”

“We are all a child of God, made in his image. Didn’t He give you breath and life even though you’re a sinner like we all are? But when we accept Jesus in our heart, He makes life more bearable, and when we die, a guarantee that our soul will be with Him everlasting in heaven.”

“I don’t know, Helen. I’ve been a very terrible person. There isn’t any way Jesus could accept me.”

“As a sinner, we are like fish. He catches us first, then cleans us up,” Helen shares a profound truth, and Rachael does emit a small chuckle.

“Well, when you say it like that, I guess there could be hope for me.” Rachael stops sobbing momentarily.

Helen continues, “As Christians, we don’t have to hope anymore. We

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know as truth that we’ll be in heaven with Him, and not in hell, the everlasting lake of fire.”

Rachael makes a statement, “If I understand you correctly, once we accept Jesus, our life will be easier, and we’ll be in heaven with Him when we die. Is that right?”

Helen sees the possible misunderstanding and rephrases her words. “As a Christian, our life will be easier, but we will still have problems. Temptations and storms will constantly cross our paths. Jesus in our heart and life makes those battles bearable and winnable.”

“Helen, I’m shaking inside, I’m so afraid to come to Jesus, but I know I should. I’ve been the most terrible person in the world, chasing men, money, and luxury to grab everything this world has to offer.” Rachael begins to cry non-stop, howling, gasping for breath as tears run down her face.

Helen wraps her arms around her and places Rachel’s head on her shoulder, praying, “Dear heavenly Jesus, we come to you asking you’d hear the cries of your child and comfort her in this time of need, desperate need. We ask you, Holy Spirit, that you would lead this child of God to the place where she can have the courage and faith to ask Jesus into her heart and life.”

Rachael stops bawling for a second to ask Helen, “How do I ask Jesus,” and begins to pour out more tears before finishing the sentence.

Helen slowly asks, “If you would like to invite Jesus into your heart, pray after me as I pray. Think you can do that?”

“Yeah, I think so,” as Rachael continues to dab her tears.Helen prays the sinner’s prayer ever so slowly, allowing Rachael to

keep up in between tears. After finishing, Helen declares, “Rachael, you’re now a new- born-again Christian. You have a new life here on earth, and everlasting life in heaven,” she gives Rachael a big hug.

“Thank you, Helen, for that prayer. I’m so happy, I think, but still shaking inside.” Rachael isn’t sure of what just took place.

“This is all new to you and will be for some time. You need a solid biblical foundation for the rest of your journey here on this earth. I would like you to join me in church every Sunday for the adult Bible class and morning worship service,” Helen states with soft firmness.

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“The last time I attended church was with Terri and Cindy; I thought the walls would crumble when I walked in,” Rachael states.

Helen responds, “Now, you’ll be walking in with a purpose. Not as a visitor, but as a member of the family of God. The angels rejoiced when you accepted Jesus!” Helen shouts with joy.

“My 25th birthday is soon; I might as well start over and begin living for God instead of just me. Other than attending church, Helen, what else should I do?”

With wisdom, Helen suggests, “Well, some of the obvious things you’ve been doing that aren’t pleasing to God. By yourself, you’ll never be able to eradicate those bad habits. In private prayer, ask God to give you the strength in Jesus to overcome whatsoever sins may have been in your life. As a new- born-again Christian, He will give you the strength to overcome.”

“I don’t know where to begin; there are so many.” Rachael meekly confesses.

“Let’s take one step at a time, Rachael, but first, let’s eat our lunch. I’m starving. How about you?” Helen tries to lighten the conversation for a little while.

“Good idea. I’ve cried so hard I forgot all about eating.”“Those tears are a sign that you’ve been cleansed of your old self and

have become new in Jesus,” Helen reassures her that it was all right to cry, nothing to be ashamed of.

As Rachael is enjoying her lunch, an awful thought crosses her mind, “Helen, what if I stumble and commit an old sin again? Am I damned to hell?”

“No, no, my child. Once saved, you’re always saved. When we sin again, we ask Jesus for forgiveness in prayer. He is faithful to forgive us our sins as we confess them. We have the assurance that we will be with Him in glory,” Helen holds Rachael’s hands as she speaks to her.

“That is good to know, and yes, I will go to church with you starting this Sunday,” Rachael confirms Helen’s invite.

As they finish their lunch, Helen brings up a critical thing in the Christian walk. “Rachael, we’re all human, weak and frail and prone to sin. Almost every new Christian stumbles from time to time and easily

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falls prey to their old sins. To please God, one doesn’t want to continue sinning, even though by grace, He forgives us. As Christians, we don’t have a license to sin, but a license to walk in His glory and share the Good News with others.”

“Wow, I have so much to learn. Maybe I should go to Bible College and become a lady preacher?” Rachael states half-seriously.

“Maybe you should! Let’s see what God’s desire is for you in your new walk with Him.”

They finish their lunch, hug each other, and Helen goes back to work at the clinic while Rachael drives to the office to meet with Phillip and Terri.

It was a long ninety-minute drive to their office, giving Rachael time to ponder what just occurred with Helen. Glancing in the rear-view mirror, she notices her eyes are red from crying a river. She thought for a moment to stop somewhere and freshen up, but what Helen said spoke loudly to Rachael.

“Some of the apparent things you’re doing aren’t pleasing to God.”Rachael shouts out loud happily while driving, “I can do that. I’ll stop

wearing gaudy makeup and dressing like a sexy fashion model.”As she pulls into the office parking lot, she takes a second peak in the

rear-view mirror, and sure enough, her eyes are still red, but she softly walks into the office as-is with no makeup.

Terri sees her first, “Rachael, you look, you look, you look terrible.” Terri can barely get the words to flow without stuttering. “Have you been crying?”

Rachael couldn’t hold back and wanted to share the good news imme-diately, “I’ve accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior about two-hours ago,” and starts to cry all over again.

Terri jumps up from behind her desk, walks over briskly to Rachael, and gives her a big hug, and whispers, “Welcome to the family of God. I’m so happy for you.”

“Thank you,” Rachael quietly replies as she dabs her tears once again.“I want to share this Good News with Phillip; he’s in the back office.”

She rings his extension, “Can you come to the front? I have something exciting to share with you!”

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As Phillip walks up and notices Rachael, he shouts, “You look terrible. What happened to you?”

Terri politely shares with Phillip that Rachael just accepted Jesus in her heart, and he should be happy for her.

“Well, yes, I’m happy for you, Rachael, but if accepting Jesus makes one cry, I don’t want any part of it. Men don’t cry. I’m canceling my appointment with the pastor,” Phillip states with bravado.

If only Phillip knew that real men do cry.Terri is shocked at Phillip’s behavior, and all she can muster is, “Are

you sure you want to cancel that appointment? A few days ago, you were extremely interested in meeting with him. What happened?”

“I guess I’m not ready yet and seeing Rachael all teary-eyed shows me a sign of weakness. As a man, I’m not weak. I need to give it some more time,” Phillip states firmly.

“Okay, Phillip, you know I’m not going to push you into anything you don’t want to do, but I’ll be praying for you that the Holy Spirit touches your heart and one day soon, you’ll invite Jesus into your heart just like Rachael did,” Terri states lovingly.

Rachael cuts into the conversation before Phillip can reply. “Besides telling you about me inviting Jesus into my heart, I came in today to ask for my contract to be renegotiated,” Rachael states softly.

Phillip speaks first, “There’s no way we are giving you more money, Rachael,” he states sternly.

“Let her finish, Phillip. My goodness, you’re in a cranky mood today,” Terri chides.

“Thank you, Terri. What I would like are my contract earnings to be cut in half. I will continue to be your spokesperson and manage the fashion team and shows, but I no longer want to model our lingerie line personally.” Rachael speaks softly with sincerity.

“I understand, Rachael. As a new- born-again Christian, you want to please God in all you do. I don’t have a problem with your request. How about you, Phillip?”

Phillip sees an opportunity to take advantage of Rachael’s apparent weakness now that she’s a teary-eyed Christian.

“We’ll need to hire another model to replace you and will be forced

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to redo all your poses with her, a costly undertaking. I could redo your contract for $50,000, but not $75,000.”

Terri asks, “Is that necessary, Phillip?”“Yes, it is, as we’re just getting started with a lot of expenses; orders

are coming in, but not enough to offset the initial expense of rolling out a new product line.”

“Rachael, we’ve been so busy, I haven’t had a chance to look at our current numbers as much as Phillip has. Listen, both of you, can we compromise on $60,000 and move on?”

Rachael is so exhausted and wanting to start a new life with Jesus, says, “Yes, of course.” Phillip gives way to Terri’s suggestion, and they re-sign a new contract.

Rachael, barely having enough energy to walk out to her car, tells Phillip and Terri, “I’m exhausted and taking a 3-day weekend off. I will see you guys on Monday morning.”

After Rachael leaves, Phillip excuses himself from Terri and smugly goes into his office and pats himself on the back for virtually stealing $90,000 from Rachael’s original contract that had a non-renegotiable clause in it, regardless of what Rachael did or didn’t do.

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The story you read has fictitious characters in it. However, you may be able to relate to one or more of these people as they become real to you.

If your life has hit rock bottom and you desire to make right with God and give your heart to Jesus, then simply say the Sinner’s Prayer out loud to


You may also pray this with someone else; either way, it’s this simple to become a New- Born-Again Christian.

“Dear Jesus, I need you. I am humbly calling out to you.

I’m tired of doing things my way. Help me to start doing things your way. I invite you into my heart and life to be my Lord and Savior.

Fill the emptiness in me with your Holy Spirit and make me whole. Lord, help me to trust you. Help me to live for you. Help me to understand your grace. Help me

to grasp your mercy and your peace. Thank you, Lord Jesus, Amen.”

If you have prayed this from your heart, sincerely, write your name by it along with today’s date as a reminder that this was the day you became “A New- Born-Again


Now that you’re a Christian, and to those who have been for a long while. I’m asking that you partner with me in sharing Jesus with the world. Especially in your neighborhood. I’m asking you to buy two of my books. One for yourself

and one for a friend that you know needs Jesus in their life. Make this your ministry in leading someone to Jesus. I don’t know who you know that needs

Jesus, but you do! May God richly bless you as you help save another soul.


Brandon J Rosenberg