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  • 8/12/2019 Eldar (Wikipedia Article)


    Eldar (Warhammer 40,000)From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    This WFBorWH40K-related article or section describes an aspect of the seriesin a primarilyin-universestyle

    !lease rewritethis articleto e"plain the fiction more clearly and provide non-fictional perspective

    #n the fictional universeof Warhammer 40,000, the Eldarare a race of elf-like humanoids They are one of the most ancient

    and advanced races in the universe$s history, thou%h youn%er than the &ecrons, '$tanand The ld nes Their armies

    usually have the advanta%es of speed and technolo%y

    #n the sense that Warhammer 40,000 races parallel the earlier Warhammer Fantasy Battle%ame, the Eldar parallel the Elven

    race, the Fantasy Eldar bein% the *i%h Elves #n Warhammer 40,000the Eldar are divided into three distinct %roups +ith

    their o+n distinct armies the 'raft+orld Eldar, +ho are similar to the *i%h Elvesand the ark Eldar, +ho are similar to the

    ark Elves The E"odites, +ho e"ist mainly in Warhammer 40,000back%round material, are similar to the Wood Elves Thee.uivalences are only in very %eneral thematic terms ho+ever, as the ma/or details of the races$ back%rounds differ %reatly

    from their Fantasycounterparts *o+ever this only aplies to the rd edition of Warhammer 40k (The 'ode" is different in rd




    3 The Fall

    The Eldar !aths

    3 The !ath of the Warrior

    33 ire 5ven%ers'tan'tan
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    3 ark 6eapers

    3 Fire ra%ons

    34 *o+lin%


    38 9hinin% 9pears

    3: 9trikin%


    3; 9+oopin%


    3< Warp 9piders

    3= 5utarch

    The !ath of the 9eer

    ther !aths

    iver%ent factions

    3 ark Eldar

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    4 &otable 'haracters

    43 Eldrad >lthran

    433 Eldrad$s Fate

    4 !rince ?riel

    43 The 9pear of


    4 !hoeni" @ords

    43 5surmen

    4 7aharroth

    4 Aain Bar

    44 Fue%an

    48 Carandras

    4: @hykosidae

    4; Dau%an 6a

    44 5vatars of Caela Densha
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    48 ther Eldar 'haracters

    8 Eldar %ameplay

    : 9ee also

    ; E"ternal links

    < 6eferences

    1edit2The Fall

    7efore The Fall the Eldar +ere a technolo%ically advanced race, %enerally considered the most po+erful race in the entire

    ala"y Their technolo%y had advanced so far that little or no +ork +as re.uired by individual Eldar, and as a result, at some

    point around the 4th or 8th millennia, %roups of Eldar be%an formin% cults dedicated to the pursuit of e"periencin%

    everythin% that life had to offer These pursuits became more e"treme and depraved as time +ent on Tortureand murder

    came to be seen as artforms every bit as +orthy as poetry, musicand paintin% The Eldar +ere e"tremely lon%-lived, never

    suffered from senility or disease, and their superior intellect allo+ed them to perfect their skills to a de%ree far beyond that of

    even the most talented humans The Eldar +ere able to devise cunnin% ne+ +ays of torturin% and killin% their fello+s at rates

    never ima%ined

    overnment +ithin the Eldar empire soon collapsed and the de%eneration of their home+orlds and colonies continuedunimpeded 5s the pursuit of ever more e"treme e"periences reached its hei%ht, death rei%ned in the streets of Eldar cities,

    hunter and hunted each bein% part of a t+isted ritual of destruction +hich consumed thousands 9ome Eldar +ere able to see

    that their no+-corrupt society +as destroyin% itself, and fled in dis%ust these refu%ees +ould settle in the distant colonies of

    their Empire, and +ould later be kno+n as the E"odites
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    >pon dyin%, the soul of the deceased traverse the bounds of the physical realm and %o to rest +ithin the +arp 5s more and

    more Eldar died, the souls be%an to someho+ coalesce into a lar%er entity, a livin% representation of the corruption that had

    taken their lives This collection of souls %ained sentience sometime in the early 0th millennium, creatin% the bein% kno+n as

    9laanesh Dost of the remainin% Eldar %ods +ere destroyed by 9laanesh Caela Densha Chaineattempted to combat the ne+

    bein%, but Chaine$s form +as shattered and e"iled to the mortal realm in the form of %reat statues called 5vatars, +hich rest

    in the hearts of the various 'raft+orlds The other Eldar %od to survive the Fall +as the trickster %od 'e%orach, also called the

    @au%hin% od+ho hid himself +ithin the Web+ay

    The Fall destroyed the Eldar Empire, leavin% scattered bands of Eldar fi%htin% for survival #n order to prevent the events from

    The Fall ever reoccurrin%, the Eldar devised the !ath system

    1edit2The Eldar !aths

    The Eldar are forever +ary of fallin% into the same traps +hich led them to the Fall #n order to avoid slippin% into such

    debauchery and +anton disre%ard for life and la+, most 'raft+orld Eldar take an e"tremely focused vie+ on life 6ather than

    dabblin% in various skills and occupations, they +ill choose a sin%le skill and dedicate themselves to masterin% it >pon doin%

    so, they are then free to choose a ne+ occupation Their lon% lives mean that a sin%le Eldar +ill often master several skills or

    !aths in the course of their life, pursuin% each until they feel they have reached their potential and then choosin% a ne+ one

    This vie+ of life is not +ithout its pitfalls, ho+ever ccasionally, an Eldar +ill suffer +hat is considered a %reat curseG the

    inability to leave their current !ath While these Eldar are respected as the foremost practitioners of their !ath, they are also

    vie+ed +ith a %reat deal of pity, as they e"hibit the same failin%s that brou%ht about the Fall

    1edit2The Path of the Warrior
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    5 s.uad of 7iel-Tan Eldar uardian-efenders

    Eldar are kno+n to pursue any task they set out to do +ith an intensity that makes human efforts pale in comparison When an

    Eldar feels called to the path of the Warrior, he or she +ill /oin an Aspect Shrine,a cult of +arriors +ho train themselves to

    embody some aspect of the Eldar War od Chaine or ancient Eldar myths and le%ends 5ll 'raft+orlds have some 5spect

    9hrines, althou%h some, notably 7iel-tan, have more than others and place a %reater emphasis on the !ath of the Warrior

    Each 5spect 9hrine is led by an E"arch(s), an Eldar fallen to the curse of inability to leave the !ath of the Warrior These

    E"archs are po+erful +arriors, doomed to die on the battlefield The first or founder of an 5spect 9hrine is called !hoeni"

    @ord, presumably because of their ability to rise from the dead When an 5spect +arrior becomes an E"arch, they +ill don one

    of the ancient suits of E"arch armour that belon% to that shrine, +hen they do the spiritstones of all the E"arch$s before them

    (already in the armor) +ill mer%e +ith the spirit of the current >ser of the armor(in the same manner as +ith the !hoeni"

    lords)%ivin% them pro+ess and skill beyond their brethren

    Eldar /oinin% the !ath of the Warrior are terrified of losin% themselves to their bloodlust, as such they create ne+ personae

    that take over +hen they %o to +ar, +hich separate their +arrior and civilian lives so that they can freely live as a +arrior

    +ithout fear of losin% themselves to madness The only e"ception is E"arch, +ho are +arriors until death

    nce an Eldar +arrior finishes his time as an 5spect Warrior, they move on to other occupations, as per the convention of the

    Eldar !ath 9ince the population of the Eldar race is lo+, all Eldar are e"pected to serve if called to fi%ht Thus, if the
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    'raft+orld subse.uently %oes to +ar, these former 5spects +ill fre.uently be called upon to serve as Guardians, a type of

    militia servin% to defend the 'raft+orld

    *ere are some of the most common 5spects The list is by no means e"haustive, but these are the most common ones, +hich

    are seen in more than one or t+o 'raft+orlds The !hoeni" @ords are not kno+n for every 5spect ho+ever, since each5spect 9hrine is founded by one, it is not unreasonable to believe that there is (or +as) a !hoeni" @ord for every 5spect

    1edit2Dire Avengers

    The ire 5ven%ers are the oldest and most numerous aspect, and embody a more traditional vie+ of +ar They embody

    Chaine as the noble +arrior They take to the battlefield as +ell-rounded infantry, armed +ith the traditional +eapons of the

    Eldar, 9huriken 'atapults, althou%h they are improved, +ith a %reater ran%e than normal 9huriken 'atapults The ire

    5ven%er E"arch is able to e.uip a ires+ord and 9huriken !istol in e"chan%e for his standard +ar%ear, or a 9himmershield

    and po+er +eapon for additional close combat defence The !hoeni" @ord of the ire 5ven%ers is 5surmen, the *and of

    5sur *e +as the first of the !hoeni" @ords it +as he +ho instructed all the other foundin% !hoeni" @ords in the skills ofcombat ire 5ven%ers are mostly used as the core unit of an Eldar army With shuriken +eapons and the 7lade 9torm ability,

    ire 5ven%ers e"cel at takin% do+n lar%e hordes of li%htly armored infantry, althou%h the sheer number of shots they can fire

    make them effective a%ainst any kind of infantry, they are also an effective counter assault unit +ith the defend ability and a


    1edit2Dark Reapers

    The ark 6eapers represent Chaine in his aspect as a destroyer, callously strikin% do+n foes from afar They specialiHe in

    lon% ran%e fire-po+er #n battle they appear as menacin%, black armoured troops +ieldin% rapid-firin% miniature missile

    launchers called reaper launchers, +hich they use to destroy %reat numbers of enemy infantry ark reapers e"cel at takin%

    do+n lar%e numbers of heavily armoured infantry The ark 6eaper E"arch can also be e.uipped +ith a Dissile @auncher or a

    Tempest @auncher, as +ell The !hoeni" @ord of the ark 6eapers is Dau%an 6a, the *arvester of 9ouls, +ho comes from

    the 5ltansar 'raft+orld, +hich he helped to escape from inside the Eye of Terror
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    1edit2Fire Dragons

    The Fire ra%ons, named after their mystic serpents of lore, embody the fiery +rath of Chaine, and as such, %enerally +ear

    red or oran%e armor, and +ield short-ran%ed, heat-based +eaponry kno+n as $fusion %uns$ (similar to the #mperium$s Delta

    uns, althou%h more refined and stable) Their +eapons and trainin% allo+ them to focus on destroyin% enemy tanksand

    heavily-armored infantry, and the E"arch can be armed +ith a po+erful ra%on$s 7reath flamer, +hich lets them deal +ith

    hordes of li%hter infantry as +ell The !hoeni" @ord of the Fire ra%ons is Fue%an, The 7urnin% @ance

    1edit2Howling Banshees

    The *o+lin% 7anshees are a corps of %enerally female Eldar +arriors +ho embody spirits from Eldar le%end, and are meant

    to brin% s+ift death to their foes They are famous for +earin% +armasks +hich emit piercin% psychically-char%ed shrieks as

    the +arriors attack these shrieks disorient the 7anshees$ victims, makin% them easier to slay 7anshees specialiHe in mobility

    (at the e"pense of durability), and use po+er +eapons, +hich can easily carve throu%h heavy armor, even Terminatorarmor

    The 7anshee E"arch is even more deadly +ith Dirrorblades or the po+erful E"ecutioner The !hoeni" @ord of the *o+lin%7anshees is Aain Bar, the 9torm of 9ilence

    1edit2Shining Spears

    The relatively rare 9hinin% 9pears embody the 9pear of Chaine, an invincible +eapon +ielded by the %od of +ar They are

    uni.ue in that they are the only ma/or 5spect to ride sleek /etbikesG essentially incredibly fast motorcycle-like vehicles +hich

    hover /ust above the %round by usin% technolo%y similar to the rav tanks They also +ield specially desi%ned lances, kno+n

    as @aser @ances, +hich are able to shoot po+erful short-ran%ed lasers #n this +ay, they are meant to operate in a manner

    similar to heavy medieval cavalry, like kni%hts 5t this time, there is no kno+n !hoeni" @ord for the 9hinin% 9pears

    1edit2Striking Scorpions

    The 9trikin% 9corpions are another close combat 5spect, representin% a more hard-hittin%, durable side of hand to hand

    combat They are slo+er than *o+lin% 7anshees, but are stron%er and +ear heavier armor, similar to that of a space marine

    5lso, rather than +earin% the disorientin% masks like the 7anshees, the 9corpions +ear head-mounted %uns called $mandi-
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    blasters$ havin% them head-mounted frees up the +arrior$s hands for other close combat +eapons, most notably a

    chains+ord, althou%h the E"arch often uses a 9corpion$s 'la+, a 7itin% 7lade or dual chainsabres @astly, they specialiHe in

    attritin% more numerous enemy li%ht infantry rather than .uickly slicin% throu%h heavily-armored infantry as 7anshees do

    The !hoeni" @ord of the 9trikin% 9corpions is Carandras, the 9hado+ *unter *o+ever, it should be noted that Carandras isnot the ori%inal !hoeni" @ord The ori%inal +as named 5rhra, Father of 9corpions, and is the only !hoeni" @ord to leave the

    Eldar and his 9hrine completely Dany theories link him +ith the mysterious ark Father of the #ncubi, a ark Eldar+arrior

    cult +ho bear many similarities to the 9trikin% 9corpions 5rhra +as said to have $turned to the 9hado+s a+ay from the li%ht$

    and is kno+n to have fled into the Web+ay (+here the ark Eldar d+ell) after %oin% berserk and destroyin% his first 5spect

    shrine #t$s also heavily implied in 'ode" ark Eldar that the #ncubi are fallen 9trikin% 9corpions, dra+n from E"arch

    Coradhil$s comments +hen he encounters a s.uad of those +arriors

    1edit2Swooping Hawks

    The 9+oopin% *a+ks are a hi%hly mobile aspect, representin% the ha+ks from Eldar le%end, +ho +ould hover abovemurderers as a si%n of %uilt They +ear comple" sets of +in%s made from many hundreds of vibratin% plates +hich allo+ them

    to enter the battlefield at critical points and lend firepo+er support @ike the 7anshees, the *a+ks sacrifice durability for

    %reater mobility Their lasblasters make them e"cellent harassment units a%ainst li%ht infantry (such as #mperial uard or

    rks) 5lso of note, they +ield cleverly desi%ned %renadelaunchers on their le%s, +hich allo+ them to bomb enemy units as

    they fly into the battle The s+oopin% ha+ks are also e.uipped +ith hay+ire %renades +hich are very effective at disablin% any

    vehicle makin% s+oopin% ha+ks a %reat anti-armour choice as +ell The !hoeni" @ord of the 9+oopin% *a+ks is kno+n as

    7aharroth, The 'ry of the Wind

    1edit2Warp Spiders

    The Warp 9piders are modeled after the tiny spiders +hich %uard the #nfinity 'ircuit These spiders have the ability to teleport

    any+here inside the +raithbone structure, and use this ability to hunt do+n and repel any daemonic entities +hich attempt to

    infiltrate the 'ircuit The Warp 9piders operate similarly they +ear suits of heavy armor +hich incorporate a machine that
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    allo+s them to teleport across the battlefield, appearin% +ithout +arnin% to strike and then teleport a+ay before the enemy can

    respond >sin% their +arp-/ump technolo%y is risky as Eldar usin% them can be claimed by the +arp itself, as a precaution for

    this, their armor also have +arp-resistant spells cast on them 7ecause they risk not only their lives, but their souls, Warp

    spiders are considered to be the bravest of aspect +arriors #n battle, they +ield short-ran%ed +eapons called

    eathspinners, +hich are able to easily slay enemy infantry, especially those +ho +ear little or no armor because the

    eathspinners fire clouds of monofilament +ires, +hich compress, and shred flesh but are easily +ithstood by armor 5t this

    time, there is no kno+n !hoeni" @ord for the Warp 9piders #t is rumored that the Fallen !hoeni" is the !hoeni" @ord of the

    Warp 9piders, but there is no proof of this


    The 5utarch (the path of command) is a very demandin% path To become an 5utarch, an Eldar needs to travel multiple !aths

    of the Warrior, and still be able to retain themselves from %ettin% lost on the path and becomin% an E"arch The 5utarchs of a

    craft+orld are the commanders of their armies, the military foils to the Farseers$ +isdom They are able to use a +ide varietyof +ar%ear, reflective of his or her e"perience +ith all aspects of +arfare They can use almost any piece of +eaponry that the

    other aspects can, althou%h not artifacts e"clusive to the E"archs

    The 5utarch ori%inally appeared in the 9pecialist ame Epic 5rma%eddon+ith a sli%htly different back%round The Epic

    description of the 5utarch states that the 5utarch follo+ed the !ath of the Warrior and +as lost on it, becomin% an E"arch

    *o+ever, unlike most E"archs +ho stay +ithin their %iven shrine or aspect (ire 5ven%er, 9hinin% 9pear, etc), the 5utarch

    traveled from aspect to aspect, becomin% an E"arch in many different shrines This back%round +as ret-conned+ith the

    release of the 4th Edition 'ode" Eldar in 00:

    1edit2The Path of the Seer5spects are responsible for the defense of the Eldar, in the same +ay the 9eers are responsible for leadin% them 9eers that

    are lost to the path forever become Farseers, similar to the +ay an E"arch attains his status by follo+in% the path of the

    +arrior 5lso, like the E"arch, they are very po+erful, some of the most po+erful psykersin the universe 5 council of the most
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    po+erful 9eers %enerally %overn a 'raft+orld 9eers come in a +ide variety +ith divination bein% the most common skill

    Warlocksand Spirit Seersare t+o other types of 9eers represented in Warhammer 40,000 Warlocks are 9eers +ho follo+

    the path of the 9eer but have not been lost to it, and have previously traveled the path of the +arrior They use their po+ers to

    assist other Eldar in battle, shieldin% them from harm and attackin% their enemies 9pirit 9eers are 9eers +ho specialiHe in

    communication +ith the dead unsurprisin%ly, they are most prevalent +ithin #yanden and sometimes lead s.uads of

    Wraith%uard in combat

    The role of the 9eers is to look into the future and discern the best path for the Eldar to take This is done throu%h the castin%

    of runestones, fra%ments of Wraithbone, and other psychosensitive materials that react to the convoluted, probabilistic skeins

    of space-time 7y readin% the thro+ of these stones, the 9eers can often determine +hat +ill be the most beneficial course of

    action, althou%h it is rare that they can discern true results very far into the future n occasion a po+erful 9eer +ill receive a

    portent of some calamitous event and be able to steer the Eldar a+ay from disaster and doom With so fe+ Eldar remainin%,

    the 9eers attempt to preserve every Eldar life they can

    *o+ever, this ability to see the future and react upon +hat is seen has caused the Eldar to be distrusted by other races

    ccasionally, a 9eer +ill see that by attackin% a certain +orld, fleet, or base, Eldar lives +ill be someho+ saved from a future

    event Eldar forces +ill then suddenly attack unannounced, and .uickly +ithdra+ as soon as their %oal has been

    accomplished This, alon% +ith the Eldar tendency to vie+ all other races as inferior, has led other races to deem them as

    fickle, aloof, and untrust+orthy 5lso, the most po+erful Farseers have even sho+n the ability to steer future events so that

    other races fi%ht each other rather than the EldarG one of the %reatest e"amples bein% +hen the famed Farseer Eldrad

    >lthranof >lth+I(a 'raft+orld +hich places %reater emphasis on the !ath of the 9eer) secretly facilitated the rise of an

    obscure rk+arlord named haH%hkull Da% >ruk Thraka, +ho +ould eventually become a si%nificant enemy of the #mperium

    of Dan

    The Farseers lead in times of +ar as +ell as peace n the battlefield their po+ers of preco%nition allo+ them to foresee the

    enemy$s attacks and movements and +arn their comrades a%ainst imminent chan%es on the field of battle While less capable

    of foreseein% events in such harried conditions, the Warlocks, especially those +ho have already tread the !ath of an 5spect
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    Warrior, +ill often serve as officers in battle, leadin% units of other Eldar, and helpin% to coordinate the overall battle, as +ell

    as to lend support by utiliHin% their considerable psychic po+ers

    5s many Farseers a%e ho+ever, their bodies slo+ly turn to a form of psychically active crystal, a transformation caused by

    their constant e"posure to the chaotic ener%ies of the Warp When the time has come, they +ill %o to the ome of the 'rystal9eers and /oin the crystalline bodies of the Farseers that came before them

    #n times of peace, rare as they may be for the Eldar, Farseers serve as political leaders, usin% their predictive abilities to %uide

    the day-to-day activities of their 'raft+orlds in order to safe%uard their racial survival

    1edit2!ther Paths

    While the 9eer and the Warrior are t+o of the most visible !aths, there are hundreds of others Dany Eldar +ill choose the

    study of an instrument or art form as their !ath, +hile others mi%ht devote themselves to the development of a science or the

    refinement of some technolo%y These !aths, +hile e.ually important to the survival of the Eldar, tend to be far more varied

    and far less consumin% than the 9eer and the Warrior &otable amon% the other !aths is that of the Bonesinger the title %iven

    to those that maintain and repair the psycho-active +raithbone components of the Eldar +orlds 5lso notable is the !ath of the

    Dariner, the !ath follo+ed by those +ho devote themselves to cre+in% spacecraft

    7y far the most common of the paths amon% the eldar, thou%h, is the path of the artisan Whether it be craftin% +orks of art or

    composin% plays or symphonies all eldar love the arts and the path of the artisan is +alked by almost all eldar at some point in

    their lives

    1edit2iver%ent factions

    1edit2Dark Eldar

    Main article: ar! "ldar
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    The ark Eldar are a Cindred of the Eldar that revel in piracy, enslavement and torture, and are sadistic in the e"treme

    They are the remnants of the pleasure cultists that brou%ht about the birth of 9laanesh, and believe that killin% lesser

    races can forestall the effect of 9laanesh on their souls They use the Web+ay to traverse the %ala"y safely and far more

    .uickly than most races are able to +ith their Warp /umps, launchin% raids a%ainst other species


    Main article: "ldar Harle#uins

    The *arle.uins are the keepers of the 7lack @ibraryand serve the @au%hin% od They see themselves as a unifyin%

    force for the Eldar, dedicated to preservin% their race, and often actin% as mediators and coordinators bet+een the

    various Eldar factions The other Eldar vie+ the *arle.uins +ith a mi"ture of a+e, fear and respect


    urin% the Fall, the de%eneration of the Eldar did not occur +holly +ithout resistance 9ome Eldar, the more far-

    si%hted, be%an to openly criticise the la"ity of their fello+ citiHens, and to +arn a%ainst the birth of the hedonistic and

    sava%e pleasure cults These individuals +ere mostly i%nored or else treated as narro+-minded fools and puritanical

    fanatics Eventually the %eneral collapse of Eldar society /ust before the birth of 9laanesh convinced even the most

    resolute amon%st them that there +ould be no end to the rei%n of death and depravity 9ome decided to leave the

    Eldar +orlds, and settle ne+ planets free of the creepin% corruption They +ere the ones still untainted by the

    depravity that had claimed their fello+ citiHens, and by the time /ust before the Fall they +ere very fe+ These Eldar

    are kno+n today as the E"odites because they made an E"odus from the no+ lost home+orlds of the Eldar Empire

    before it +as too late

    The E"odite +orlds are %enerally considered back+ard and rustic compared to the rest of the space-roamin% Eldar,

    althou%h they still possess a %ood deal of the Eldar$s advanced technolo%y ne piece of technolo%y the E"odites

    have maintained is the #nfinity 'ircuit n E"odite planets, #nfinity 'ircuits are kno+n as World 9pirits and e"ist as

    %rids of stone menhirs, obelisks, and stone circlesall crafted from psychoactive Eldritch crystal This World 9pirit
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    performs the same function that the #nfinity 'ircuit does on Eldar 'raft+orlds 9ome utcasts +ill find refu%e amon%

    these %enerally more acceptin% Eldar

    E"odites often find themselves comin% into conflict +ith other races like humans or rks, +ho try to settle their planet

    9ome 'raft+orlds, especially 7iel-Tan, are notorious for fiercely aidin% their E"odite brethren Dany a time the

    #mperium has tried to settle an E"odite-o+ned planet only to find themselves up a%ainst the harsh +rath of the s+ord-

    +ind of 7iel-Tan

    5lthou%h no E"odite models e"ist (the %roup appearin% only in the 40k back%round information), a number of players

    have converted their o+n E"odite armies

    1edit2&otable 'haracters

    This is a list of notable characters and heroes of the Eldarrace in the Warhammer 40,000fictional settin%

    1edit2Eldrad $lthran

    Eldrad >lthran
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    Eldrad $lthran+as the mi%htiest and most ancient of the Farseers of the Eldar'raft+orld of >lth+I 5mon%

    Eldrad$s accomplishments are supposedly i%nitin% the 9econd War for 5rma%eddonso as to spare the lives of ten

    thousand Eldar132, the 9anapan 9courin%, the Dortis 5nnihilation and the Third 'omin% of rian, as +ell as +arnin%

    Ful%rim, !rimarchof the Emperor$s 'hildrenof *orus$s treachery12(thou%h he failed, realisin% only too late that

    Ful%rim had already been corrupted by 9laanesh) and +arnin% #yandenof the comin% of the Tyranids132 The veracity

    of these accomplishments are often debated, as they are usually derived from +ork by #n.uisitor 'Hevak (+hich he

    himself admits strays into the realm of paranoia) and the rantin%s of a tortured Eldar 6an%er #t should also be noted

    that, of these battles, only the 9econd War for 5rma%eddon is ever described in detail #t is also noted, that he is one

    of the fe+ individuals, perhaps the only, to fi%ht in hand-to-hand combat +ith 5baddon the espoilerhimself and live

    to tell the tale *e also enacted the 'oven of #sha, +hich re.uired the #mperium to help the Eldar in some +ay in

    return for information on the 'haos le%ions

    Eldrad perished durin% the Eye of Terrorcampai%n12, +hen he +as cau%ht upon a 7lackstone Fortress, or Talisman

    of Jaul, that he +as tryin% to stop from destroyin% the #mperial +orld of 'adia 5s he attempted to commune +ith the

    spirit of the Fortress, the Farseer learned it had been corrupted, and not by any random po+er The machine had

    been corrupted by 9laanesh Eldrad desperately tried to disen%a%e, but his efforts came too late his soul +as

    dra%%ed screamin% into the Talisman$s corrupted core for all eternity The Talisman$s current +hereabouts are

    unkno+n 142

    1edit2Eldrad%s Fate

    !rior to the 3th 7lack 'rusade, Eldrad had fra%mented his consciousness into hundreds of +aystones, for the use of

    battlefield leaders #n the closin% sta%e of the +ar, he led an assault on the survivin% Talisman of Jaul in a desperateattempt to rescue its soul, savin% the planet of 'adia in the process *e spirit-linked +ith the Talisman$s core, only to

    realise that all Eldar traces +ithin the fortress had been devoured, replaced by the vile po+er of 9laanesh's_Children's_Children
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    The ne+ $ode%: "ldar(&ovember 00:) features Eldrad as a historical special character *is back%round material,

    ho+ever, ends +ith a flicker of hope #t states that after Eldrad$s soul +as lost most but not all of the +aystones, into

    +hich he had divided his consciousness before handin% to his commanders, became lifeless and dull 9o lon% as one

    stone retains its spark, Eldrad$s soul endures182

    1edit2Prince &riel

    !rince ?riel

    Prince &riel, 5utarch of #yanden, +as a brilliant if reckless commander in #yanden$s fleet *e is not of pure #yanden

    blood but is honored as one of the %reatest defenders of #yanden *e +as ori%inally e"iled +hen he led a successful

    and pre-emptive attack on a 'haos fleet that left the 'raft+orld open to attack *e and his cre+ formed a corsair

    fleet, the Eldritch 6aiders, and had become infamous throu%hout the %ala"y in only a fe+ decades, a testament to

    ?riel$s skill182

    *e and his fleet saved #yanden at its time of %reatest need, at the hei%ht of the Tyranidinvasion by the *ive Fleet

    Craken 5s the 'raft+orld +as about to fall, ?riel and his Eldritch 6aiders ble+ a siHeable hole in the Tyranid$s fleet

    and reinforced #yanden$s forces ?riel himself sle+ the leader of the hordes, a supposedly invincible creature, +ith the
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    9pear of T+ili%ht, a cursed artifact that contains the po+er of a 9upernova ?riel +as then instated as an 5utarch of

    #yanden, and is currently searchin% for a +ay to rid himself of the 9pear, +hich is slo+ly killin% him

    ?riel first appeared in early first edition as the self-styled $@ord !rince ?riel,$ +here it is mentioned that #mperium

    fostered rivalries bet+een ?riel and other pirate companies resulted in factional fi%htin% his con.uest and absorption

    of t+o of these rival %roups (Kian$s 7lack 6aiders and the 9carlet 'ommand) makin% him the sin%le most po+erful

    Eldar pirate operatin% in the %ala"y

    1edit2The Spear of Twilight

    The 9pear of T+ili%ht +as a le%endary artifact of kept in the 9hrine of >lthanash in the 'raft+orld #yaden The

    +eapon +as so po+erful it +ould burn the bearer$s soul 182 The spear, unlike other +eapons, could not be removed

    by the o+ner and thus ?riel, +hen he used the po+erful spear to kill the leader of the *ive Fleet Craken, +as bound

    by its curse

    The spear$s curse operates by drainin% ?riel$s ener%y, +hich is represented by him takin% a +ound at the end of each

    battle he fi%hts in The spear is a sin%in% spear, the psychic +eapons used by Eldar Warlocks, and each +ound is

    able to i%nore the armour and invulnerable saves of its enemies 182

    1edit2Phoeni# 'ords

    !hoeni" @ords are the %reatest +arriors of the Eldar in the universe of Warhammer 40,000 Each of them founded

    one of the aspect shrines of the Eldar, and are the embodiment of that aspect They have transcended the bounds of

    normal mortality, in a fashion The spirit of the ori%inal !hoeni" @ords +as infused into their armour, and mer%es +ith

    the current +earer of the armour When the !hoeni" @ord falls in combat, another +ill don the armour and assumethe memories and abilities of the !hoeni" @ord 182132132

    The !hoeni" @ordsare effectively immortal, +hen the occupant of the battlesuit dies their place is taken by another

    but their personality forms part of the developed personality of the armour +hich includes all the previous occupants
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    !hoeni" @ord 5surmen

    Asr(en+as the first !hoeni" @ord *is name means $the hand of 5suryan$, and his children +ere the 5surya $5sur$

    means $li%ht$ in the Eldar lan%ua%e 132 Follo+in% the fall of the Eldar, 5surmen founded the first of the aspect shrines,

    the ire 5ven%ers *e travelled the craft+orlds, teachin% those Eldar +ho +anted to learn The %reatest of his

    students +ent on to found their o+n aspect shrines and became !hoeni" @ords themselves *is ancient armourhas

    vambraces+ith inte%rated shuriken catapults *e carries the first ires+ord, called the 9+ord of 5sur, +hich

    contains the soul of his lon%-dead brother, Tethesis, +ho +as killed by a daemon 182


    Baharrothis the creator of the aspect shrine of the 9+oopin% *a+ks *e participated in many raids into 'haos

    stron%holds, as a s+orn enemy of 'haos since his family and much of his craft+orld, 5naen, +as destroyed in a

    massive 'haos assault led by Trarkh, a kno+n Chorne 7erHeker leader 132 *e +as also the fastest of the Eldar +ho
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    had ever lived *e is a brother of Dau%an 6a *is +in%s are made of small vibratin% plates, +hich, as they vibrate,

    %ive the +earer fli%ht 182

    1edit2)ain *ar

    )ain *aris the !hoeni" @ord of the *o+lin% 7anshees, the first chosen of 5surmen, the first E"arch132

    5n acrobat atheart, Aain Bar (+hich translates as The 9torm of 9ilence) is the fastest of all the !hoeni" @ords e"cept for

    7aharroth *er +eapons of choice are the Bhai Dorenn (+hich translates as 7lade of estruction) and the Aainas

    Dor (9ilent eath), a specially crafted three bladed thro+in% +eapon, able to strike multiple tar%ets +ith a sin%le

    cast 9he traveled the +eb+ay, spreadin% her kno+led%e to all but the remotest of craft+orlds Aain Bar is kno+n to

    have disappeared for centuries at a time, keepin% her follo+ers ever +atchin% 182


    Feganis the !hoeni" @ord of the Fire ra%ons 132 Thou%ht lost +hen the 9hrine of 5sur +as destroyed by the Fallen

    !hoeni",he +as seen on Dedusa J +ith a retinue of fire dra%on E"arches in an imperial fuel distribution centre #t is

    said he +ill reappear to fi%ht alon%side the Eldar at *aranshemash (+hich translates as The World of 7lood and

    Tears) #t is said in the last stanHa of the 5suryata, the le%end of the !hoeni" @ords, kno+n in full only to the 7ards of

    T+ili%ht This passa%e says that Fue%an +ill call all of the !hoeni" @ords for the 6hana andra and he +ill be the last

    to die in that conflict that +ill result in the final death of the Eldar and their %ods alike 182


    +arandrasis the !hoeni" @ord of the 9trikin% 9corpions 132 *e is not the first of the 9trikin% 9corpions for that is 5hra,

    the Father of the 9corpions 5hra turned to darkness and +a%ed +ar on his o+n kin When the other !hoeni" @ords

    banded to%ether to stop him destroyin% the 9hrine of 5sur, 5hra fled into the +eb+ay and is no+ referred to as the

    Fallen !hoeni" +ho burns +ith the dark li%ht of 'haos &o one kno+ +here Carandras$ shrine ori%inally lay, but

    perhaps it +as on one of the craft+orlds that survived the Fall but +as destroyed soon after182
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    'h,kosidaeis an e"arch of the Warp 9piders 132 9ome believe it may be the !hoeni" @ord of the aspect, thou%h this

    is uncertain ther+ise kno+n as The Wraith 9pider, @hykosidae is associated +ith the isolated 'raft+orld of Caelor,

    and is a key fi%ure in that 'raft+orld$s history #ronically, they use neither the si%nature Warp !ack nor the trademark

    +eapons of the Warp 9pider aspect *e is not in the ames Workshopminiatures ran%e182

    1edit2-agan Ra

    -agan Rais a !hoeni" @ord from the lost 'raft+orld 5ltansar, +hich +as sucked into the Eye of Terrorafter bein%

    /ust on the ed%e of it for centuries132 5fter it succumbed to the massive +arp storm, Dau%an 6a +as the only one to

    emer%e from the Eye of Terror, +ieldin% the Dau%etar *is armour and +eapon +ere a tortured black color *e

    played si%nificant roles in the defence of 'raft+orld #yanden from the Tyranid invasion and durin% the Eye of Terror

    campai%n #n the 3th 'rusade of 5bbadon, Dau%an 6a, alon% +ith several ark 6eaper E"archs, returned to aid the

    >lth+e 9trikeforce a%ainst the forces of 'haos #t has been learned that durin% this time, Dau%an 6a +as successfulin findin% his lon%-lost 'raft+orld and helpin% it and its inhabitants escape the Eye of Terror >nfortunately, many

    Eldarfrom other 'raft+orlds vie+ the survivors of 5ltansar +ith suspicion after bein% immersed for millennia +ithin

    the Eye

    Dau%an 6a +ields the Dau%etar (lit *arvester), a shuriken cannon+ith a scythe-like attachment, and +ears a suit of

    armour of his no+ destroyed temple, morbidly decorated +ith skulls and bone shapes *is aspect, the ark 6eapers,

    use lon% ran%e, rapid-fire missile launchers to attack those +ho oppose the Eldar

    The immortal Dau%an 6a has fou%ht countless battles throu%hout the centuries, and died and been reborn many

    times *e no lon%er re.uires a physical body +ithin his armour *e came to the aid of the craft+orld #yanden, alon%

    +ith a body%uard of one hundred ark 6eapers, +ho played a lar%e role in the defense of the craft+orld durin% the

    Tyranid invasion Dore recently Dau%an 6a contributed %reatly to the Eye of Terror campai%n, /oinin% +ith the

    craft+orld >lth+Iand creatin% the infamous 9trike forces to stem the tide of chaos #t +as Dau%an 6a$s
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    determination to save the craft+orld 5ltansar from the Eye of Terror that enabled the Eldar to rediscover the lon% lost

    craft+orld and its people12 9till more recently, Dau%an 6a successfully battled to defend his species from +hat the

    #mperium named the Cith 'ampai%n *o+ever, his valiant efforts +ere not mirrored else+here, and the Eldar suffered

    %reatly at the imperium$s hands

    1edit2Avatars of +aela -ensha +haine

    Main article: Kaela Mensha Khaine

    @e%end has it that 9laanesh and The 7loody-handed od fou%ht a titanic battle in the +arp espite Chaine$s

    divine mi%ht and mastery of +ar, 9laanesh, %lutted on the po+er of the %ods, eventually proved the stron%er132182

    E"hausted from the battle, 9laanesh +as unable to destroy Chaine completely #nstead, Chaine +as rent into

    many pieces and driven from the +arp forever Each fra%ment eventually came to rest inside the +raithbone core

    of each craft+orld, +here they took root and %re+ into an 5vatar, +hich under a sacrifice can be summoned to

    serve its craft+orld in +ar The 5vatar carries the +ailin% doom, a mi%hty s+ord that is said to be one of the ==

    s+ords of Jaul

    1edit2!ther Eldar Characters

    Elari"e Swift.lade 5utarch of 5laitoc (character recently created for the Dedusa Jcampai%n)

    Farseer Taldeer of $lthw/0 an Eldar Farseer +ho commanded the Eldar forces on @orn J in the !' ame

    a+n of War Winter 5ssault, subtly aidin% the #mperial uard but +ith the ultimate %oal of defeatin% the

    &ecrons on the planet 5lso featured in the !' %ame a+n of War ark 'rusadeas the leader of Eldar

    forces on the planet Cronus

    Farseer -acha of Biel1Tan Farseer in the !' %ame Warhammer 40,000 a+n of War 9he is featured in

    the a+n of War novel series fi%htin% +ith and alon%side 7lood 6aven 'aptain abriel 5n%elosmainly as a

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    2,anna Arienal 9piritseer of #yanden, she carries the 9pear of Teuthlas into battle and +ears the 5rmour of


    3adh 4Fireheart4 Wild 6ider of 9aim *ann, &uadhu is a le%endary Jyper rider that rides standin% up to

    aid in his attacks132

    Warp Spider 3aois 5 Warp 9pider from the novel Eldar !rophecy, +ho later becomes @hykosidae, the

    supposedly most po+erful Warp 9pider

    Farseer Caer,s of $lthw/ 5n Eldar Farseer hailin% from the craft+orld of >lth+I +ho commanded the

    forces of this craft+orld in the campai%n in the Caurava 9ystem brou%ht about by the +arp storm These

    events are taken from the !' %ame Warhammer 40,000 a+n of War 9oulstorm


    Eldar %ameplayThe Eldar usually rely on speed and firepo+er to +in their battles Eldar tactics mainly focus on speedy assault

    and movement across the battlefield, at the cost of tou%hness

    f all the armies in Warhammer 40,000 the Eldar stands apart as capable of fieldin% incredibly lar%e numbers of

    specialists Dost Eldar +arriors are spectacular +hen performin% in one particular area of e"pertise but lar%ely

    ineffective +hen used in another role For e"ample, ark 6eapers easily destroy heavy infantry, like 9pace

    Darines, but are mostly ineffectual a%ainst numerous li%ht infantry, like uardsmen *o+ever, those self same

    %uardsman could be torn apart by a s.uad of 9trikin% 9corpions #f there is a battlefield niche, the Eldar have a

    unit that fills it Effective play, then, re.uires above all else proper deployment and tar%et selection for the various

    forces, as +ell as concerted efforts from all forces used to%ether effectively 5 %ood e"ample is that of an assault

    on a transport vehicle 5n effective method of doin% this +ould be to use Fire ra%ons (short-ran%e tank hunters)

    to destroy it easily, then attack the survivors +ith another s.uad (or in some cases, such as a unit of very heavily-
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    armoured 9pace Darine Terminators in a @and 6aider, the same Fire ra%on s.uad), dependin% on the traits of

    the infantry emer%in% 5 successful Eldar player must make sure it all evens out To %et the most out of an Eldar

    force every unit has to be used to their full ability 5n interestin% note is that the Eldar don$t use a sin%le rapid-fire

    or %ets-hot +eapon

    With the advent of the ne+est update the *arle.uins, an offshoot of the Eldar main army that hasn$t been

    tournament-le%al for t+o editions, make a return They can no+ be fielded as a part of normal Eldar armies

    5dditionally, /et bikes, +hich are a si%nature Eldar unit, are moved to troops allo+in% a .uicker playin% style for

    Eldar Dany units such as ire 5ven%ers, Fire !risms and War Walkers have had their rules refurbished makin%

    them more combat effective

    The old rdedition rules for different Eldar factions ('ode" 'raft+orld Eldar) are no lon%er tournament-le%al

    *o+ever, some vesti%es of the older rules can be seen in the ne+ fourth edition Eldar code" (ie full s.uads of

    Wraith%uard may be fielded as Troops in a nod to #yanden players, and Aetbikes becomin% Troop choices like theold 9aim-*ann list)