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Religious Wars


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Italian Wars

Italian city-states attractive to invaders: wealthy & small

French Invasions: formed “League of Cambray” w/ Spain, Pope, HRE Pope protests & HRE allows “Sack of Rome” 1530: Charles V (HRE) made peace w/ Pope &

named “King of Italy”

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Empire of Charles V (1519-1556)

inherited huge Hapsburg empire: HRE, Spain, “Low” Countries, & Italian states

Weaknesses: too big, not continuous religious wars w/ N. German Prot. princes

Breakup:Ferdinand I (brother) gets HREPhilip II (son): Spain, Netherlands, Naples, Milan, &

New World colonies

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Hapsburg Empire at Greatest Extent

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Philip II (1556-1598)

great wealth from New World gold & silverexcessive spending:

fighting religious wars luxury items for nobility

The Dutch Revolt: William of Orange united Dutch for independence Philip crushed revolt…Council of Blood Cath. provinces became Belgium Calvinist became Netherlands

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Spanish Armada (1588)

Phillip II invades England:

rivalry over seas & new world English “sea dogs” attack Spanish galleons

England sides w/ Dutchtried to restore Cath. in Eng.wanted to marry his dead wife’s (Mary I)

sister (Elizabeth I); she refused

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Defeat of Spain

English defeat Spanish Armada***forever weakened Spain!

Dutch Republic: 1648 official independence “Golden Age of Dutch”

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Hard questions…logic based & eliminate answer


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30 Years’ War (1618-1648)

Causes:religious tensionsalso struggle b/n Bourbons (Fr.) & Habsburgs (HRE)

1. Bohemian Phase I: Defenestration of Prague (1618)

- Prot. crushed2. Danish Phase II: Wallenstein’s forces helped HRE3. Swedish Phase III: King Gustavus Adolphus

wanted to protect Prot.; invades Ger. Cardinal Richelieu of Fr. supported Gustavus to control power of


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4. Swedish-French Phase IV: Denmark attacked Sweden Cath. France + Prot. Sweden vs.

Cath. HRE, Prot. Denmark, + Cath. Spain

1648: PEACE OF WESTPHALIA (ends 30 yr. War)

Effects:Forever weakened HREbegan Fr. continental supremacy1/3 of pop. died

long-term fragmentation of central Eur.

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Treaty of Westphalia (1648)


Renewed Peace of Augsburg (cuius regio, eius religio)

Calvinism legalized

independence of Switz. & Neth.

more sovereignty for Ger. princes but PERMANENTLY WEAKENED HRE

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90% of Fr. Cath.most French Huguenots (Calvinists) were

wealthy against Valois monarchy

Francis I & Henry II persecuted Calvinists

religious war in 1562 St. Bartholomew’s Day massacre (1572); 1000’s of

Parisian Protestants killed led to “War of the Three Henry’s”

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War of the 3 Henry’s

England helped Fr. Prot….King Henry III (Cath.) & Henry of Navarre

(Prot.) vs. Henry Guise (Cath.) Henry Navarre won: became King Henry IV, starts

Bourbon dynasty

Henry IV: rebuilt Fr. (w/ Duke of Sully): roads, bridges, agriculture strengthened monarchy converted to Cath. (“Paris is worth a mass”) Edict of Nantes: religious freedom for Prot.

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TUDOR ENGLAND (1485-1603)

Henry VII: restored peace & economy taxed nobility Court of the Star Chamber

Henry VIII: 6 wives… Church of Eng. church lands to friends New World exploration

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Henry VIII’s kids:

Edward VI:King at age 10…died at 16

Mary I:oldest daughter; Cath.married Philip II of Sp.tried to change England back to Cath.“Bloody Mary”…persecuted Prot.

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Elizabeth I:raised Prot.a “politique” she compromised w/ Cath. &

Prot. defeated Spanish Armada (1588)“balance of powers”Eng. Ren.exploration & colonialism“Virgin Queen”had Mary Stuart (Queen of Scots) executed

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Spanish Exploration

early on: largest overseas empireColumbus: 1492Treaty of Tordesillas (1494): Spain all

of New World (except Brazil) Columbus: colonization to Caribbean Pizzaro: Inca of Peru Magellan: circumnavigates globe Bartholomew de Las Casas: protested Indians

abuses Cortes: Aztecs

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English Exploration

Cabot: “NW passage” (Canada)Drake: circumnavigated & raided Sp.

galleonsRaleigh: VirginiaCook: Australia & New Zealand

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French Exploration

Verrazano: claimed Canada for FranceChamplain: St. Lawrence ValleyLaSalle: Mississippi ValleyMarquette & Joliet: Great Lakes regionFrance moved into Canada, W. Indies, &


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Dutch & Swedish Exploration

Dutch: explored NY, Delaware, Hudson River Valley. Tasman: discovered Australia & New Zealand

(worked for Dutch E. India Co.) 1600’s Dutch took many Portuguese colonies in far


Sweden: claimed Delaware Bay Region

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French Politics

Louis XIII (1610-1643):

advisor Cardinal Richelieu, effectively ruled France return power back to “absolute” king provinces ran by intendants destroyed noble castles & armies royal spies mass executions crushed power of Huguenots

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“Sun King”

Louis XIV (1643 - 1715): king at 5 chief advisor, Cardinal Mazarin

crushed “Frondes” revolts by nobility use of intendants

“Divine Right” (Bishop Bosseut) Treaty of Pyrenees (1659): Fr. out of 30 Yrs. War;

Louis marries Maria Therese of Sp. built Versailles; patron of arts (Golden Age of

France) territorial expansion: 4 costly warsReligious disputes: ended Edict of Nantes

(Huguenots fled); appointed Bishops

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The Sun King:

Louis XIV (r. 1643-1715)

“l ’etat cest moi”

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Wars of Louis XIV

***France permanently weakened

1.War of Devolution: claimed Sp. Netherlands from wife

2.Dutch War: claimed Dutch commercial interests against Dutch, HRE, Sp., & Prussia

3.War of the League of Augsburg: invaded Ger. border4.War of Spanish Succession: Louis’ grandson Philip

claims Sp. throne…Hapsburgs say no Sp. & Fr. against Eng., HRE, & Dutch Treaty of Utrecht: Philip stays as King in Sp.; Sp. loses

land to HRE

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Fr. Mercantilism

finance minister, Colbert: architect of mercantilism

encouraged trade & commerce wealth of gold & silver (“bullion”) favorable “balance of trade” 5 great farms industrial production

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Stuart England

James I: divine right rule repeatedly dismissed Parliament to raise taxes Puritan & Cath. minorities upset

Charles I: forced to accept Petition of Right (1628)

jury trial no quartering no taxes without parliament

War w/ Scots: forced to ask Parl. for money…said no (“Short

Parl.”) “Long Parl.”: gave money…split in Parl. led to civil


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English Civil War (1649-1660)

Cavaliers: land-holding royalistsRoundheads: Puritans & middle class

against king; “New Model Army” led by Oliver Cromwell (Puritan)

Phase 1: w/ aid of Scots, Cromwell & Parl. Wins limited monarchy or Puritan theocracy???

Phase 2: Cromwell controls Parliament “Rump Parliament” controlled by army

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Charles I

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Cromwell’s Rule:

names himself “Lord Protector”: executed Charles I

military dictatorship: trade increased controlled Irish & Scottish rebellions

Parl. overthrew his son: invited Charles II back as King (“Merry Monarch”) the “Restoration” limited king’s power Parl. bans Catholics from public office brother James II takes over…his son baptized


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The Glorious Revolution

Parl. invited James’ Protestant daughter Mary and husband William of Orange to rule England… William & Mary accepted Bill of Rights (1689):

permanently limited power of monarchy (“squirearchy”)

Bill of Rights: no taxes w/out consent of Parl. regular sessions & freedom of speech trial by jury

Toleration Act: freedom for all Prot. sects

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